Refs helped Seahawks win the game


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Apr 30, 2009
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Tijuana/San Diego
I think that call was a result of Ramsey being out of bounds and lowering his head to initiate a hit. That's different than when both players are heading out of bounds and bang/bang was the hit first? Ramsey was clearly standing on the paint (having been blocked out by DK) so it's illegal for him to make a tackle or take part in the play. The announcers didn't make the point of him being clearly out nor did the cameraman show it very clearly. It would have been easy to miss, but I'm pretty sure he was out and it was a foul.

Once he's established out, it doesn't matter if Geno is coming at him. Ramsey would need to re-establish himself in bounds to legally take part in the play. The fact he leaned into Geno made it an easy call.
Finally someone who was paying attention and knows what they are talking about.

Hockey Guy

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Aug 26, 2017
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What are you talking about. I said IF they were steering it would be to help the packers not us. Our win is just a byproduct

Steering it for us to win does directly HELP the Packers.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2011
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I think the officiating is just really bad. Irregardless of who someone roots for or against. They just aren't very good at their jobs. Which is a shame.
This. I don't think there was a conspiracy at all, just inconsistency.

Hockey Guy

Well-known member
Aug 26, 2017
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This game was not steered to help Hawks win! Regardless of the calls
You can post 100 more times if you want but it's not going to change an opinion that we got some beneficial calls today.


Well-known member
Aug 5, 2011
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Brisbane OZ Down Under Hawk
JFC dude!
I'm probably the one guy here that complains the least about reffing either way so go bug someone else with your BS.
The reffing was just fine.
What the heck am I living in an alternate universe?? I have been defending the refereeing in this game in multiple thread.

I have said there were no blatant bad calls and they went both ways. Have another scotch


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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What the heck am I living in an alternate universe?? I have been defending the refereeing in this game in multiple thread.

I have said there were no blatant bad calls and they went both ways. Have another scotch
This right here ^^ I don't really give a sh*t either, so long as the ref's are swallowing their whistles FOR BOTH SIDES, and LETTING THEM PLAY?? I DON'T CARE.


Well-known member
May 2, 2021
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Running into the kicker(Abrams pushed Rams into Kicker)

DK pointing finger in face of Ramsey and not getting called for it

DK running onto the field to trash talk Ramsey

Intentional Grounding not called on Seahawks

Taunting not called on Seahawks.

you won’t hear the ref complainers bitch about this.
You are missing the big picture! It doesn't matter if the refs/NFL are fixing the games for the Seahawks or the oppenent...the problem is they are fixing games in general.

Its not "Let the best team win", its "The team the NFL wants to win, will win".

Its not a fair game.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2014
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I seem to remember a 4th and one play where the entire right half of the Rams OL should have had a false start - the announcers even noted it. The non-call PI when Lockett got hit was another obvious one.

Yes, Geno got away with an intentional grounding, although I kind of wonder if he got hit while throwing and that affected the throw. He was flat on his back after the play and they didn't replay that part. It would be hard to call grounding if the defender hit his arm or something. I'm not saying that DID happen, just that I'd like to see the whole play again.

The running into the kicker call was correct - the defender wasn't blocked and he did indeed run into the kicker.

Taunting? Please. Diggs held the ball up in front of the Rams sideline. I don't see how we can watch the whole defense in some games run into the end zone and pose after an interception, and not call that taunting, but holding up the ball during the play would be.

On the Ramsey late hit, I agree with other posters that the lowering of the shoulder (while he was standing out of bounds) is probably what drew the flag. If he'd just stood there or tried to move out of the way he would have been fine.

Bottom line, there were some questionable calls, but they impacted both teams.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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OK, I'll admit that running into the punter thing was bad and we all would have been furious had that happened to us, but Lions fans are way overreacting. Particularly to that late hit on Ramsey. I could see the argument that the refs should call that differently; but it doesn't change the fact that it's ALWAYS called that way. You can't hit a QB that far out of bounds. Ramsey needs to be smarter than that.

Taunting calls are BS anyway, unless they're overly blatant and none of those were. Diggs pointed the ball at an old teammate, who freakin' cares? Maybe Baker should have made a throw a middle schooler could make, considering he had plenty of time to set his feet and Jefferson was wide open.
Watch it again, Rat. Geno wasn't out of bounds. He was clearly in bounds. And he's a runner in that instance, there are no QB protections.


Jul 12, 2013
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On the lake, Livingston Texas
Fans are gunna Fan.

All this crap boils down to, how you gunna Fan.

I bitch about officiating almost every game, I call Pete a dumbass, I call DK a lazy Phuc. etc etc. I know that Pete is smart AF, and DK didn’t get where he is being lazy.

At the end of the day, when the game is over, I come down to earth and see things for what they are, and I believe almost everyone does.

Bottom line is:
What ever happened to tolerance/live and let live. If I’m on the opposite side of the coin from you, does my opinion really effect you one way or the other?

Bitching about the refs is part of the fun, least it is for me. Sure maybe I’m a bit irrational at times but isn’t a bunch of grown ass adults being as fanatical as we are “irrational” in itself?


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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Grand Rapids, MI
This thread is a great study in confirmation bias. I've really enjoyed it. Pretty amazing stuff.
Since you want to play all high and mighty, what's your opinion? Or does it make you feel better just to rip on everyone else?