No random thoughts this week


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Mar 6, 2007
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This was the worst weekend of my life as a football fan (the UW game, plus I lost to my brother in fantasy in a matchup of #1 vs. #2 in a 10 man league). But really, my not doing a thread has nothing to do with that. I just don't have much free time any more, and these threads end up taking most of my Sunday afternoon/evenings to write, and it ends up being a source of stress. It also comes with other unwanted side-effects, like tricking people into believing I'm some kind of expert.

So, I'm not going to say I've written my last random thoughts thread, but I won't write one this week and I'm not sure when the next one will be. If I post one, then I post one.

As far as this game, I echo J's thoughts. I take nothing away from Luck and the Colts. Luck made plays. But in all stone cold seriousness, if the league ever investigates officials for gambling or corruption, this might be a good game to look at. The officials called the game like they had money on the Colts. Particularly in the realm of both offensive and defensive pass interference. Seemingly every time Seattle earned momentum with a great play, the officials gave that momentum to the Colts with a horrendous call instead. Frankly I'm amazed that Seattle outgained Indy by 100+ the way the officials impacted momentum.

Anyway, we have a great team, so does Indy. We got screwed over. We can't win them all. I love our team. Go Seahawks.

Edit: I'm proud of .net for taking this game like champs. You guys are handling this loss better than I am.


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Feb 23, 2007
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I understand, except for the "side-effect" part. That's nonsense.


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Oct 28, 2012
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lmao, everyone is taking the game really bad.

I personally expected Seattle to lose.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Seattle has covered 8 consecutive spreads (including preseason). If you go back to last year it gets even crazier.

That was in the back of my mind today in regards to those calls .


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
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Its all good mann. We love your writings but it is not the end of the world much like this loss was not. Yea, the refs really took it to us this game but that is no excuse. We just have to play well enough to not make ourselves susceptible to bad calls. We missed plenty of plays; DangeRuss made some mistakes, our WR's missed some, and our great D had plenty of gaffs.

This game just gives our guys a lot to study and improve upon. I still feel great about this team and where we are heading this year. Nothing like a good eye opener to refocus the men. I kind of felt like this would have been a bonus win anyway (def would have been nice) after beating panthers and texans in 10am away games.

Luck is good QB (almost as good as RW at this point, hehe) and the whole colts team played much better than I seen in other games (kudos to them for getting up for us). Don't get me wrong, they are a good team but I think we are still much better on any given day.

Sooo, I am over it, moving on to next week. Don't let it ruin your day or anything. We all good.

Go Hawks.


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Jan 17, 2011
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Middle of Nowhere, Washington
kearly":3e8dgpe0 said:
This was the worst weekend of my life as a football fan (the UW game, plus I lost to my brother in fantasy in a matchup of #1 vs. #2 in a 10 man league). But really, my not doing a thread has nothing to do with that. I just don't have much free time any more, and these threads end up taking most of my Sunday afternoon/evenings to write, and it ends up being a source of stress. It also comes with other unwanted side-effects, like tricking people into believing I'm some kind of expert.

So, I'm not going to say I've written my last random thoughts thread, but I won't write one this week and I'm not sure when the next one will be. If I post one, then I post one.

As far as this game, I echo J's thoughts. I take nothing away from Luck and the Colts. Luck made plays. But in all stone cold seriousness, if the league ever investigates officials for gambling or corruption, this might be a good game to look at. The officials called the game like they had money on the Colts. Particularly in the realm of both offensive and defensive pass interference. Seemingly every time Seattle earned momentum with a great play, the officials gave that momentum to the Colts with a horrendous call instead. Frankly I'm amazed that Seattle outgained Indy by 100+ the way the officials impacted momentum.

Anyway, we have a great team, so does Indy. We got screwed over. We can't win them all. I love our team. Go Seahawks.

Edit: I'm proud of .net for taking this game like champs. You guys are handling this loss better than I am.

Oh I SO understand what you're saying. The research and writing of the Preview Threads I do take up a good chunk of the free time I have throughout the week. If I were to total up the time, they probably take a good 8-10 hours or so of research and writing. And that stings all the more when much of that analysis and prediction turns out to be wrong. Ugh!

I didn't get a chance to see much of this one live, so I'm going to have to go back and view the tape later tonight -- Yipee. I will say that the little that I did see of the 4th Quarter, I was amazed at some of the calls and non-calls. Seriously, on Seattle's last drive on that sideline throw in the 4th Quarter to Rice (on 3rd Down) -- how is that NOT pass interference? OMG, the DB was draped all over him. He had his hand on his back BEFORE Rice ever got the ball. How is that NOT PI and a 1st Down?

I'm still trying to figure out how we rack up over 400 yards of offense (including 200 on the ground) and LOSE to these guys. I guess I'll find out tonight.


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Aug 5, 2011
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Brisbane OZ Down Under Hawk
I agree with Kearlys sentiment regarding the refs I was saying the same thing during the game. Every year the scheduling thegame ref calling etc etc makes me less confident that all is totally on the up and up on the NFL.

I truly think the league and the networks want certain teams to win. I know I am going to get dumped on by some one for this statement but it sure looks like it each year and I don't just mean the Hawks I see it with lots of games not just ours.


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Mar 3, 2007
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North Pole, Alaska
Axx":3mor3pfh said:
lmao, everyone is taking the game really bad.

I personally expected Seattle to lose.

Translation: lmao = I am better than any of you. I saw the future.


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Apr 29, 2011
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Orting, WA

I'm bummed you're hanging up the towel on the random thoughts for some indeterminate period of time. They are always one of those things that I look forward to and I'll miss them.
Do enjoy the extra free time and do something that makes you happy. I've only written a few long things and I can reasonably guess how much time and effort goes into it.

Go hawks.

The Radish

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Feb 27, 2007
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Spokane, Wa.
Thanks for all your previous yarnings and we will take you might get to in the future.

You're the best.



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Sep 25, 2012
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Will miss the dose of sanity, but kudos for all the thoughts you gave.

Hawk n Load

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Aug 24, 2012
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The calls really blew in this game, but I sure did notice the missed opportunities the Hawks had a lot more. I remember during XL the calls were so horrendous, and so directly connected to swing plays, that the missed plays paled in comparison. Here, our boys could've still won, with only a few corrections here and there. Something to build from for next week.

Thanks for all your work, Kearly.


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Apr 11, 2010
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kearly":2vh8r9dr said:
Edit: I'm proud of .net for taking this game like champs. You guys are handling this loss better than I am.

Yeah, I only kicked the cat six times, yelled at the neighbors crippled 5 Year old girl, :17: and threatened to knock her out of her wheel chair if she didn't quit crying, so I think I did a pretty good job of maintaining my composure eh? :34853_tinfoil: .
There was definitely a wreaking odor about the debacle of so called officiating in this game.
They called it fair and square?, yep, fairly awful, and squarely knifing the Seahawks in the back every time they started showing the tendencies of dominating in this game.


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Feb 28, 2007
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No sense in being stressed about it. If anyone feels entitled to your time tell them to pay you.


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Apr 11, 2010
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oregonhawkfan":2vmo6305 said:
Its all good mann. We love your writings but it is not the end of the world much like this loss was not. Yea, the refs really took it to us this game but that is no excuse. We just have to play well enough to not make ourselves susceptible to bad calls. We missed plenty of plays; DangeRuss made some mistakes, our WR's missed some, and our great D had plenty of gaffs.

This game just gives our guys a lot to study and improve upon. I still feel great about this team and where we are heading this year. Nothing like a good eye opener to refocus the men. I kind of felt like this would have been a bonus win anyway (def would have been nice) after beating panthers and texans in 10am away games.

Luck is good QB (almost as good as RW at this point, hehe) and the whole colts team played much better than I seen in other games (kudos to them for getting up for us). Don't get me wrong, they are a good team but I think we are still much better on any given day.

Sooo, I am over it, moving on to next week. Don't let it ruin your day or anything. We all good.

Go Hawks.
Point is, you can play the games FLAWLESSLY, but if the Refs have a pre game winner in their books, you CAN'T overcome that.
Now you might be thinking that I'm being paranoid, and silly about this, but until they train unbiased robots to officiate the games, there's always going to be Referees that are imperfect.
And don't tell me that there's no such thing as corruption in the NFL.
Kind of makes ya wonder about the Las Vegas betting world, and where they might fit in, when it comes to paying off bets eh?. Super Bowl XL?

Lady Talon

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Feb 17, 2013
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Will miss the random thoughts much this week. Hope there are more editions later.


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Sep 13, 2009
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I feel like my composure in losses has been drastically better. I didn't think we'd go 2-0 on this trip and I kinda expected to lose today. That said it sucked to lose the way we did but i was mad for maybe 5 minutes max and got all my ranting out in the game day thread. I look at this game as more things we need to work on still before we really can say were ready to go to the super bowl.


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May 1, 2009
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God's cycling country (Miami, FL)
It blows my mind that we can force three straight 3-and-outs against Luck, then have a botched field goal attempt returned for a TD and momentum shifts and stays with the Colts the rest of the game with the help of the officials.

We didn't play to win today, but damnit, we played enough to win over the Colts with unbiased officiating.

Also, what the hell was with all the busted coverage today? Ugh...