Long suffering fans, and what a Super bowl victory .....


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Dec 27, 2012
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Down South in The CLT
PateratoWilson said:
Used to live in Richland, WA from 1979-80ish when I was 5 years old and just out of poo'in on myself and my parents got my a Rawlings Seahawks Two-bar helmet and that was the beginning of it all. (Although I now have all 28 of those two-bar helmets that Rawlings no longer makes as a collector set). People ask me how I became a Hawks fan (I live an hour from Cleveland, Ohio now) and I tell the story of my past...

I can remember my brother (5 years older than me and a F***ING RAIDERS FAN of all people) getting to go to a Hawks game and actually WAVING in a taunting to me out of the back window because my mother wouldn't let me go to the Kingdome because I was "too little". Cold-hearted prick...

Those same people also ask, "Yeah, but who else do you root for?"..... NO ONE. I have admitted I PULL for other teams, but I do NOT root as I couldn't careless if they are victorious or drilled. There is a HUGE difference I try to explain between ROOTING and PULLING for a team:

Pulling for a team example: "Well...I hope he gets there..."
Rooting for a team example: "Go, Go, GO!...."

Super Bowl 40 made me sick to my stomach. I tried not to believe in "the fix is in" but after the OFF PI on DJack I knew we were screwed. I'm getting pissed just thinking about it....

I hope that one day my beloveds pull this damn thing off if only to flip my brother off for that wave... or because I am loyal to a fault with this organization and I, selfishly, want it to pay off.
....I have ONE allegiance to a college and professional sports team.... The Seattle Seahawks. I cannot understand how people don't feel the same.[/quote

I totally understand your point. There is the Hawks.....then everything or everyone else in sports. I don't get how there are so few that look at it this way. Anything else does not feel right to me.

I told the wife, regardless of how many Lombardies the Seahawks will get before I die, my headstone will read,"Jobbed in XL". Some pain like that never goes away. I think the only thing worse would have been to have played in that game...



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Mar 1, 2007
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Kent, Washington
I'll be dead when it happens. Life hates me ... ha ha!

It will have been earned. It is getting close to 40 years and the team has paid its dues. Whenever it happens, it will not be easy and it will be a wild ride. But I would give anything to finally feel the satisfaction of being able to say my team won it all. Since I have followed Seattle sports starting in 1978, I've only seen one professional championship, though the Sonics should have beaten the Bullets the year before, but I was only pulling for them from afar then (stationed in Biloxi, MS Keesler AFB).

I know folks are starving for a championship and can almost taste it. I just know it isn't something you can talk up on. Until then just trying to enjoy the change in good fortune from the dark days of a few years ago. That is something I hope can be sustained for the long run, championships or not.

Sports Hernia

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Apr 30, 2009
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The pit
I'll cry tears of joy like a little beotch, play Queens "we are the champions" non-stop for way too long and then go on a week long drunken stupor/coma (I already got the week following the Super Bowl off), and yell "F*** YES""!!!!!" more than anyone should..... And then spend way too much $$$$ on "Super Bowl champions" merchandise and subscribe to Sports illustrated so I get all of their Seattle Seahawks Super Bowl champions swag!

Yes, I have a plan! :)

Edit: FWIW fan since I was 7 in 1976......


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Sep 21, 2009
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Yeah I love day dreaming about how it would be to watch the hawks win go to/ play in and then win the superbowl (my fandom started the season after XL, i did see XL but i wasnt that heavily invested yet.)

I Imagine the 2 weeks after the NFC championship to be amazing and yet pure torture. Its easy to imagine yourself in a situation where the hawks play a close game, and win in the end on some perhaps miraculous big play. It would be the "holy shit the hawks made a huge game winning play" eruption .. times 10.

But I also like to imagine how it would be if we were blowing the other team out. I think i would be in a totally pumped up omg what is happening mode is this really true? And when so little time was left and our leads was big enough that pete got a gatorade shower i would probably start crying.

I guess that is all I know for sure. If we made the super bowl and lost, there is a chance i would just feel spent/ numb/ disgusted and not read anything football related for a few days. But if we win I know I will cry


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Sep 17, 2013
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400WattHPSHawk":40g04lfj said:
Hey, All I got going on my resume is the Sonics in 79,' And that one Championship was phenominal. I remember the horns honkin' all over town and people, well, just getting down with being the best, taking our share in pride. What a night.

At least you have the sonics! As a Salt Lake City resident... I had to endure Michael Jordan crushing our only hopes when we lost the finals back to back years.. Still waiting for one of my professional teams to win it all. :evil:


Mar 17, 2013
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I was at the Blazer game when they won the championship. I was a huge fan/season ticket holder at the time but I don't follow basketball at all anymore. I quit the year after the Blazers moved out of the coliseum. I didn't like the Rose Garden (or whatever it was called back then) at all and it just wasn't the same after they moved from the Coliseum. It was exciting when they won but I know winning the Super Bowl will be a million times more exciting. I have been a Seahawks fan from the beginning, a football fan as long as I can remember. I will be 61 tomorrow so that is a long time!