Is it safe to say Cary Williams will not have his job back?

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Mar 6, 2010
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If you are not buying into the program completely, your gone. It does not letter how big of a contract you have, if it means the FO has to admit a mistake or what your draft position is, either you are in or you are gone. This philosophy has got us 3 back to back double digit win seasons heading for a fourth and back to back Super Bowl appearances


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Jan 21, 2014
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Central New Jersey
Ironically, somewhat lost on this move of Cary Williams, was the move to IR Paul Richardson last week, because of the hammy injury.

Richardson is now 2 years into his career, with a handful of big catches downfield, mixed with leg/knee injuries and not being like Tyler Lockett. He's extremely thin, is not a player that can cover kicks or punts like Ricardo Lockette or Kevin Smith or even Jermaine Kearse, whose missed tackle on Patterson yesterday sprung the TD....if Lockette is healthy and on kick coverage, that return doesn't happen.

There is an identity that Schneider and Carroll are weeding out and it's players that have big reputations or egos based on where they are or were drafted and cutting losses when it's clear they are not ballers.

To be a baller isn't necessarily talent related, but with an attitude to do as much as you possibly can, on each and every day or play......Richardson is limited, Cary Williams didn't grind, Chris Matthews didn't grind.....all now on IR or gone....

In comes hungry Kevin Smith from UDub....

In comes Shead playing out of position at CB.....

Back from horrific injuries comes Jeremy Lane....and also still grinding despite injuries and playing tough has been Marcus Burley....

In comes another grinder in Thomas Rawls, out the door goes Christian Michael......Turbin tried and just could not stay healthy.

This is not talent related, it's a mentality of grinding and fighting through adversity.....The last "step" was calling out Russell Wilson after the Arizona debacle.....he is the last of the pieces holding the team back, now, he's stepping up and playing like he can.

Next step is to figure out a way to get Marshawn back with the hunger and drive that has been missing for most of the's not that he's better than Rawls, he's no longer that player that he was and frankly, doesn't get through the smaller holes that the line has always provided......BUT, he adds that extra dimension of mindset that Seattle is again unified and not worrying about whose getting paid and who isn't.

Getting rid of Michael, Cary Williams, letting Richardson go to IR, when they probably could have waited, is part of that change. I'd like to see Jermaine Kearse back to that hungry mindset of 2 years ago, he didn't go for a pass yesterday and could've helped Russell out and looked out for the hit first.

I think the methods are to electrify the youth on this team......We also see Frank Clark now motivated again

The last key is whether Marshawn recognizes these changes as a final calling out, while not directly doing so. He has a chance to be a hall of fame player and will always be an all time Seahawk. At the same time, getting him healthy and motivated is the final piece of taking down anyone we play in the playoffs, home or away. Any creativity by Bevell with Lynch lining up as a fullback or in motion, with Rawls in the backfield, has to strike fear in defenses, even without Jimmy Graham.

I cannot wait to see the next free agent corner or whether Tye Smith is seeing and recognizing that he is being called up next to step up....he's an injury away from playing a LOT of football very soon. I'm very happy to see the depth of this team being challenged, with real games on the docket.


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Jul 10, 2009
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I really don't see what Richardson has to do with your rant about the direction of the team. It seems you are letting your biases influence your opinions.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
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Very safe to say that he will not be returning for us for the next few weeks.......He was cut.
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