Are NFL outcomes fixed?


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Aug 4, 2011
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I was looking at some videos on YouTube and ran across a couple very interesting ones which detail how the NFL is fixed. The basic premise is that the NFL is categorized legally as part of the entertainment industry as opposed to a sport. That even those there are 32 teams they aren't necessarily 32 separate franchises they all fall under the bigger NFL . It also pointed out in the past 10 years how the Super Bowl winners all had something to them that we feel good stories, boosted rating, were very close games...etc. Basically, it's a billion dollar industry and rating drive revenue. Just type in NFL fixed on tube and see for yourself. Not sure i buy it but made me go huh for sure.


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With a White Girl
As a whole? No way. There's no way so many people could be involved without it having gotten out by now.

Certain games? Sure.


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SacHawk2.0":1v31jwe8 said:
As a whole? No way. There's no way so many people could be involved without it having gotten out by now.

Certain games? Sure.

I could see it to this level.

I saw some videos on YouTube after SB47 and one really made me say "hmmmm" as well. It featured your SB appearance in'05 as well as others including our own recent SB appearance against Baltimore.

I definitely can see the feel good story thing playing out. Especially with Ray Lewis crying on the sidelines and crying on his knees after the AFCCG that had 100 cameras all huddled around him begging for one more ring. What a greedy bastard LOL!


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Jan 23, 2013
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This one

All in all the idea sounds rediculous. But sometimes I can see how people come to this conclusion.

Didn't "The Last Boyscout" with Bruce Willis and Damon Wayans touch on this Concept of games being fixed? Or maybe it was "Any Given Sunday".


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Schadie001":3dp3lcg9 said:
I was looking at some videos on YouTube and ran across a couple very interesting ones which detail how the NFL is fixed. The basic premise is that the NFL is categorized legally as part of the entertainment industry as opposed to a sport. That even those there are 32 teams they aren't necessarily 32 separate franchises they all fall under the bigger NFL . It also pointed out in the past 10 years how the Super Bowl winners all had something to them that we feel good stories, boosted rating, were very close games...etc. Basically, it's a billion dollar industry and rating drive revenue. Just type in NFL fixed on tube and see for yourself. Not sure i buy it but made me go huh for sure.
I think it was a much bigger problem in the past.

Today, the ever present camera has had an unprecedented impact on how the game must be called.

Officials still have their midweek meeting to discuss how they are going to call the game. But colleagues have been called out by the public for calling an outcome altering and biased game. The ability of video recording to unmask bias has placed unprecedented emphasis on the integrity of game officials and the need to protect the NFL shield. The sudden availability of all 22 NFL video to the public punctuates the determination to level the playing field for all teams and their fans.

Just as the ball and strike camera and software in Major League Baseball brought an end to an egregious unfairness among teams in that league, I suspect the same thing is happening in the National Football League. Upgrading officiating was certainly over due for both leagues.


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Jville":clva1roy said:
Schadie001":clva1roy said:
I was looking at some videos on YouTube and ran across a couple very interesting ones which detail how the NFL is fixed. The basic premise is that the NFL is categorized legally as part of the entertainment industry as opposed to a sport. That even those there are 32 teams they aren't necessarily 32 separate franchises they all fall under the bigger NFL . It also pointed out in the past 10 years how the Super Bowl winners all had something to them that we feel good stories, boosted rating, were very close games...etc. Basically, it's a billion dollar industry and rating drive revenue. Just type in NFL fixed on tube and see for yourself. Not sure i buy it but made me go huh for sure.
I think it was a much bigger problem in the past.

Today, the ever present camera has had an unprecedented impact on how the game must be called.

Officials still have their midweek meeting to discuss how they are going to call the game. But colleagues have been called out by the public for calling an outcome altering and biased game. The ability of video recording to unmask bias has placed unprecedented emphasis on the integrity of game officials and the need to protect the NFL shield. The sudden availability of all 22 NFL video to the public punctuates the determination to level the playing field for all teams and their fans.

Just as the ball and strike camera and software in Major League Baseball brought an end to an egregious unfairness among teams in that league, I suspect the same thing is happening in the National Football League. Upgrading officiating was certainly over due for both leagues.

Still not sure why we need an umpire to call strikes and balls in baseball games with the addition of the strike zone camera.


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Mar 3, 2007
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NinerLifer":2j5nyn98 said:
Jville":2j5nyn98 said:
Schadie001":2j5nyn98 said:
I was looking at some videos on YouTube and ran across a couple very interesting ones which detail how the NFL is fixed. The basic premise is that the NFL is categorized legally as part of the entertainment industry as opposed to a sport. That even those there are 32 teams they aren't necessarily 32 separate franchises they all fall under the bigger NFL . It also pointed out in the past 10 years how the Super Bowl winners all had something to them that we feel good stories, boosted rating, were very close games...etc. Basically, it's a billion dollar industry and rating drive revenue. Just type in NFL fixed on tube and see for yourself. Not sure i buy it but made me go huh for sure.
I think it was a much bigger problem in the past.

Today, the ever present camera has had an unprecedented impact on how the game must be called.

Officials still have their midweek meeting to discuss how they are going to call the game. But colleagues have been called out by the public for calling an outcome altering and biased game. The ability of video recording to unmask bias has placed unprecedented emphasis on the integrity of game officials and the need to protect the NFL shield. The sudden availability of all 22 NFL video to the public punctuates the determination to level the playing field for all teams and their fans.

Just as the ball and strike camera and software in Major League Baseball brought an end to an egregious unfairness among teams in that league, I suspect the same thing is happening in the National Football League. Upgrading officiating was certainly over due for both leagues.

Still not sure why we need an umpire to call strikes and balls in baseball games with the addition of the strike zone camera.
Quality and reliability assurance thru redundant systems. The value of umpires and officials to the games will continue.

The Radish

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Feb 27, 2007
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Spokane, Wa.
If your team is winning there is no fix your team is "superior in every phase of the game".

If your team is losing "Those bastards stole that game from us"!

And thus its always been.



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Aug 4, 2011
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I think the one thing that caught my attention the most was in one of the longer and better laid out video they talked about the referees. I haven't verified what was being put forward but this commentator eluded to how refs are graded and selected for the Super Bowl. He the went on to say that there were always 2refs that he had never heard of that seemed to get chosen for the big game. All those refs have to do is make a couple well timed holding calls or illegal contact and It could either stop a drive or keep one going. Of course they showed the 2005 SB where we had TDs taken away, drives stalled due to holding calls...we all know the story.

NO wins after Katrina, steelers win with Bettis and cower retiring, manning wins first SB, and brothers face each other but ray Lewis is retiring and the lights go out to bring the game back from a blow out to competitive.

Last thing that was interesting and again I haven't verified, but this guy say that there is a clause in NFL commercial contracts that say if viewers drop to under certain levels that the NFL must refund large amounts of cash to advertisers who paid millions for spots. Such as if there is a blow out and people change the channel. Baltimore is killing SF....NFL is getting worried that they may have to she'll out millions in refunds to advertisers...lights go out...SF comes back millions saved. Idk...teams still have to play but makes you wonder never the less.


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God's cycling country (Miami, FL)
The Radish":2igqq6f0 said:
If your team is winning there is no fix your team is "superior in every phase of the game".

If your team is losing "Those bastards stole that game from us"!

And thus its always been.

Well, the problem with your statement is that it implies there has never been a crooked game or "forced loser", ever. We know for a fact that is not true, since there are some famous ones where the truth came out after the fact in the past century.


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The Radish":11q1gs2q said:
If your team is winning there is no fix your team is "superior in every phase of the game".

If your team is losing "Those bastards stole that game from us"!

And thus its always been.


Werent you alive in 1919?


Dec 12, 2012
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KitsapHawk":37yuejnn said:
The Radish":37yuejnn said:
If your team is winning there is no fix your team is "superior in every phase of the game".

If your team is losing "Those bastards stole that game from us"!

And thus its always been.


Werent you alive in 1919?

If you read carefully. This trend has been over the last ten years. How can you 100% trust any business?

Seattle Pitt? Come on. Refs decided the game. If you agree. There might be a problem. Disagree. Head in sand "Those bastards stole that game from us"!

It's already been proven in every other sport. Why not our beloved NFL?

The Radish

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Feb 27, 2007
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Spokane, Wa.
RolandDeschain":1qbbg5dx said:
The Radish":1qbbg5dx said:
If your team is winning there is no fix your team is "superior in every phase of the game".

If your team is losing "Those bastards stole that game from us"!

And thus its always been.

Well, the problem with your statement is that it implies there has never been a crooked game or "forced loser", ever. We know for a fact that is not true, since there are some famous ones where the truth came out after the fact in the past century.

I think new versions of "facts" that come out many years later are frequently questionable. Its a matter of what you will let yourself believe. I've always been a bit suspicious of people telling me the moon that came up 30 years ago was actually pink in color rather than its normal off white. They insist on that having happened because without that "new" reality their current opinion is just bullshit.

I'm sure there have been problems in all things sports and life related that someone now attempts to explain. This is the wrong forum for this example but take the case of Moses and the "Red Sea" as opposed to the "Reed Sea". When it really doesn't matter because at the end of the day Civilians beat Army.



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May 1, 2009
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God's cycling country (Miami, FL)
The Radish":ztro2nbj said:
I think new versions of "facts" that come out many years later are frequently questionable.
I agree with this in a big way; memory is very subjective, and we tend to remember things we want to remember and forget things we don't, regardless of what's true or accurate. This has been proven with science time and again. However, I still believe there have been plenty of fixed sporting events.


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Jan 23, 2013
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Jville":12najfjm said:
NinerLifer":12najfjm said:
Jville":12najfjm said:
I was looking at some videos on YouTube and ran across a couple very interesting ones which detail how the NFL is fixed. The basic premise is that the NFL is categorized legally as part of the entertainment industry as opposed to a sport. That even those there are 32 teams they aren't necessarily 32 separate franchises they all fall under the bigger NFL . It also pointed out in the past 10 years how the Super Bowl winners all had something to them that we feel good stories, boosted rating, were very close games...etc. Basically, it's a billion dollar industry and rating drive revenue. Just type in NFL fixed on tube and see for yourself. Not sure i buy it but made me go huh for sure.
I think it was a much bigger problem in the past.

Today, the ever present camera has had an unprecedented impact on how the game must be called.

Officials still have their midweek meeting to discuss how they are going to call the game. But colleagues have been called out by the public for calling an outcome altering and biased game. The ability of video recording to unmask bias has placed unprecedented emphasis on the integrity of game officials and the need to protect the NFL shield. The sudden availability of all 22 NFL video to the public punctuates the determination to level the playing field for all teams and their fans.

Just as the ball and strike camera and software in Major League Baseball brought an end to an egregious unfairness among teams in that league, I suspect the same thing is happening in the National Football League. Upgrading officiating was certainly over due for both leagues.

Still not sure why we need an umpire to call strikes and balls in baseball games with the addition of the strike zone camera.
Quality and reliability assurance thru redundant systems. The value of umpires and officials to the games will continue.[/quote]

Then why not have the umpire be the first to call the pitch, and then if the camera verifies something else it is overruled? Thereby providing that quality assurance you bring up.


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
I think the only way you could consistently fix games is to have the referees in your pocket in football. Owners are already filthy rich, NFL is filthy rich, most players that could impact the game on a consistent level are filthy rich. The ones that are not could be paid off to injure impact players I guess.

Referees are the lowest paid and have the biggest ability to sway a game outcome. Doubt you will see a Chicago Black Sox type situation again. We saw where referees swayed games in the NBA recently with the dirty Ref. Boxing is notorius for it. You could say Coaches could sway a game as well by pulling players or purposly making bad play calls etc. But the incentive for money really isn't there for them also since they are really well paid as well. Blackmail maybe. Besides any players seeing what was happening would be going ape shit about that stuff. They would audible or change the call on defense based on what they saw on the field anyway.


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Aug 4, 2011
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Who do the refs work for? They are league employees. I would say that it would've nearly impossible to"fix" a game, but it wouldn't be impossible to help alter the outcome. I for one don't want to believe that the nfl is alterable but I have to admit that the notion is not that far fetched. Just look at the Green Bay vs Seattle game... Now I argued until I blue in the face that Tate made the catch...but one ref over ruled the other and we win. Sf v Ravens last play of the game...the refs could have altered the game in favor of either team but with the somewhat questionable no call ravens are the champs. Call PI and it could have been a different story.


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May 25, 2011
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Schadie001":20albxmv said:
Who do the refs work for? They are league employees. I would say that it would've nearly impossible to"fix" a game, but it wouldn't be impossible to help alter the outcome. I for one don't want to believe that the nfl is alterable but I have to admit that the notion is not that far fetched. Just look at the Green Bay vs Seattle game... Now I argued until I blue in the face that Tate made the catch...but one ref over ruled the other and we win. Sf v Ravens last play of the game...the refs could have altered the game in favor of either team but with the somewhat questionable no call ravens are the champs. Call PI and it could have been a different story.

I think the implication is that the officials tilt the field so to say. The cannot outright determine the victor without going to far overboard it would be ridiculous but they can steer the momentum without it being to blatantly obvious.

The exception to that rule is super bowl XL. The NFL seemed determined at any cost to decided the outcome of that game. There were way to many questionable calls and actions attached to that game and to the point of the entire football world (except Pittsburgh of course) took notice. We still hear about it today.

I don't think you can include the no call in the last super bowl as a reason because to make the call at the end of a game would have been an exception to the rule and you would give the doubters as much reason to question why to make that call when in history it has been the industry standard to not make it in that scenario.

The GB Seattle game end was controlled by sub refs that obviously thought they were supposed to call the game based on the rule book and not the popularity contest. They aren't a regular part of the NFL so it is not surprising.

Sorry I agree with your premise but your examples are flawed. However it does show you can input a seed of doubt either way.


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Behind you
shawnsim":jdnisj3d said:
KitsapHawk":jdnisj3d said:
The Radish":jdnisj3d said:
If your team is winning there is no fix your team is "superior in every phase of the game".

If your team is losing "Those bastards stole that game from us"!

And thus its always been.


Werent you alive in 1919?

If you read carefully. This trend has been over the last ten years. How can you 100% trust any business?

Seattle Pitt? Come on. Refs decided the game. If you agree. There might be a problem. Disagree. Head in sand "Those bastards stole that game from us"!

i dont think you follow my train of thought whatsoever.
It's already been proven in every other sport. Why not our beloved NFL?