A few thoughts and observations on Wilson


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
I was a Wilson homer, and still am to some extend, although I did advocated to trade him in 2020 and 2021. I did not foresee Wilson's performance will drop off so drastically, which was ably predicted by @keasley45, he's da man. Here are a few observation:

  1. Weight:
    Wilson was 206lbs at combine, look at this recent pic, would you said he is more like 230? Muffin top and beer gut, and he's only 33, I have less of those at double his age. OK less muscle also lol, but I am a golf playing retiree, not a professional athlete.
    1668470455728 1668470471939
    For someone whose game rely on speed and athleticism, and someone who has his own full time chef, nutritionist, and trainer, how did this weight gain happen?
  2. Pimples:
    Ciara was photo squeezing pimples for Wilson, he is not 16, he is 33 years old. Was this an one off or regular problem? A 33 yo athlete with constant pimple problem could led to all kinds of speculations, Barry Bonds was known for his pimple problems, just saying.
  3. Finger
    Wilson's throws lost a lot of accuracies, especially in second half of ball games, it's impossible that he suddenly forgot how to throw a football, so something is bothering him. Could it be that he rushed back too early last season and did some lasting damage to his finger? Whatever it's, his throws are different.
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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2013
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What kind of weirdo puts those pictures out there? Smart people have better things to do. That's some sad stuff. I'm referring to the pimple poppers. He chubbed out five years or so ago.


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
I dont think the issues with Wilson are at all complex.
He's a little bit of a narcissist (maybe a bit more than a little).
He's always been in a mode where he's had to prove his detractors wrong.
He's never been effective at reading defenses.
He's never been able to effectively see the entire field.
To the above point, if he could read defenses and better anticipate where defenders might be, like Brees, his stature would be less an issue. That's not the case.

Folks point to Ciara as being the fly in the chaste ointment that was Russ. I say BS. Russ was always who he is. He just gradually became more empowered to be that dude when all of the checks that would keep his ego at bay were removed. Namely, any player who would openly criticize him. Pete clipped away all of the questioning voices that then allowed Russ to explode into an unchecked, worse version of himself who was emboldened by a coach that backed him and allowed him to play his version of football, often at the expense of the team. Ciara just happened to come along while he was going to the Darkside.
But when Russ pulled out wins playing Russ ball, rather than being gifted with humility at the awareness that we were winning, but not in a sustainable way and having to 'come back' in games often BECAUSE of him, he went 'full wilson',, drunk off the accolades of the media who only looked as deep as the highlights, and doubled down on who and what he was. And there was NO ONE to question him. And in that, he warped his own sense of himself into thinking he actually was capable of being this Uber pocket passer when he wasn't and will never be.
The Wilson you see now is 33 years in the making. It's a reaction to being told you can't succeed, by opponents, by critics, and even by your teammates. The thing that made Russ great is the same thing that's bringing him down. He had to believe in himself and dedicate himself to what he COULD do on the field. He mastered that and was in a system that allowed him to maximize what he was in Seattle. But that same ability so shut out detractors, look inside and win with what got you there has also blinded him to positive criticism that years ago might have helped him to develop as a passer. Now at 33... its not going to happen. Instead of ever really humbling himself to listen to those who could help him improve, it's obvious he shut them out in favor of being able to prove he could do it his way and succeed. That's why you started hearing all the ' I KNOW I'm great ' talk from him. What person who's truly great at anything ever says 'I know I'm great'. He was saying that in the moment his greatness was questioned by those around him who knew better. You were seeing him express outwardly the battle he was fighting himself, internally. But rather than commit himself to improving, he just wove a mirage around himself of being the uber professional... hardest working, best prepared, most chaste...

CLASSIC Narcissist.

BUT I have to think that maybe now, he's seeing the error. Everytime he drops back and there's a wr open that he's too slow to hit... everytime he drops back and gets pummeled because there was an adjustment at the line that he should have made... everytime he scrambles around and realizes Tyler and ADB aren't there to break off their routes (routes that actually worked) so that they could be in a spot he might find them... and instead, sees wrs looking at him with a 'wtf' expression on their faces, he HAS to feel it.

Then again, the hallmark of the narcissist is that it's ALWAYS someone else's fault.

So maybe not.

Hopefully Ciara can talk some sense into him, because none of his 'Yes Men' will.
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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2021
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I have watched many QBs that play sandlot football and those that adapted as they became older still had some in the tank. The problem is Wilson's ego is preventing him from adapting to his current reality.

Wilson is capable of being a positive contributor for the Broncos but like I have said many times before it is up to him to make the changes necessary. Physically Wilson may not be what he was as rookie coming into the league. But mentally he is simply checked out based on his mental errors I am seeing this year.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
I was a Wilson homer, and still am to some extend, although I did advocated to trade him in 2020 and 2021. I did not foresee Wilson's performance will drop off so drastically, which was ably predicted by @keasley45, he's da man. Here are a few observation:

  1. Weight:
    Wilson was 206lbs at combine, look at this recent pic, would you said he is more like 230? Muffin top and beer gut, and he's only 33, I have less of those at double his age. OK less muscle also lol, but I am a golf playing retiree, not a professional athlete.
    View attachment 55732 View attachment 55733
    For someone whose game rely on speed and athleticism, and someone who has his own full time chef, nutritionist, and trainer, how did this weight gain happen?
  2. Pimples:
    Ciara was photo squeezing pimples for Wilson, he is not 16, he is 33 years old. Was this an one off or regular problem? A 33 yo athlete with constant pimple problem could led to all kinds of speculations, Barry Bonds was known for his pimple problems, just saying.
    View attachment 55734View attachment 55735
  3. Finger
    Wilson's throws lost a lot of accuracies, especially in second half of ball games, it's impossible that he suddenly forgot how to throw a football, so something is bothering him. Could it be that he rushed back too early last season and did some lasting damage to his finger? Whatever it's, his throws are different.
Russ will be an old 34 this month..
As for his arm don't forget he played a lot of baseball in past.
Your arm just like legs only has so much mileage in it,some more
than others but it goes at some point.You saw Brees and Peyton
at the end right?You can't throw high velocity and deep passes
forever.As I've been saying some age faster than others and that is
for any position.All that running caught up with him and if your legs
are shot then how is your arm supposed to stay the same?
He has DL catching him easily,it's a problem I saw coming years back.
Add in the lack of being able to see,read and adjust in the pocket as a
QB this is what you get.
He might have a couple average seasons left if he changes but he never
has to this point.
All that BS about being great and out working others-Yeah sure OK..


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2012
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Riverside, California
I dont think the issues with Wilson are at all complex.
He's a little bit of a narcissist (maybe a bit more than a little).
He's always been in a mode where he's had to prove his detractors wrong.
He's never been effective at reading defenses.
He's never been able to effectively see the entire field.
To the above point, if he could read defenses and better anticipate where defenders might be, like Brees, his stature would be less an issue. That's not the case.

Folks point to Ciara as being the fly in the chaste ointment that was Russ. I say BS. Russ was always who he is. He just gradually became more empowered to be that dude when all of the checks that would keep his ego at bay were removed. Namely, any player who would openly criticize him. Pete clipped away all of the questioning voices that then allowed Russ to explode into an unchecked, worse version of himself who was emboldened by a coach that backed him and allowed him to play his version of football, often at the expense of the team. Ciara just happened to come along while he was going to the Darkside.
But when Russ pulled out wins playing Russ ball, rather than being gifted with humility at the awareness that we were winning, but not in a sustainable way and having to 'come back' in games often BECAUSE of him, he went 'full wilson',, drunk off the accolades of the media who only looked as deep as the highlights, and doubled down on who and what he was. And there was NO ONE to question him. And in that, he warped his own sense of himself into thinking he actually was capable of being this Uber pocket passer when he wasn't and will never be.
The Wilson you see now is 33 years in the making. It's a reaction to being told you can't succeed, by opponents, by critics, and even by your teammates. The thing that made Russ great is the same thing that's bringing him down. He had to believe in himself and dedicate himself to what he COULD do on the field. He mastered that and was in a system that allowed him to maximize what he was in Seattle. But that same ability so shut out detractors, look inside and win with what got you there has also blinded him to positive criticism that years ago might have helped him to develop as a passer. Now at 33... its not going to happen. Instead of ever really humbling himself to listen to those who could help him improve, it's obvious he shut them out in favor of being able to prove he could do it his way and succeed. That's why you started hearing all the ' I KNOW I'm great ' talk from him. What person who's truly great at anything ever says 'I know I'm great'. He was saying that in the moment his greatness was questioned by those around him who knew better. You were seeing him express outwardly the battle he was fighting himself, internally. But rather than commit himself to improving, he just wove a mirage around himself of being the uber professional... hardest working, best prepared, most chaste...

CLASSIC Narcissist.

BUT I have to think that maybe now, he's seeing the error. Everytime he drops back and there's a wr open that he's too slow to hit... everytime he drops back and gets pummeled because there was an adjustment at the line that he should have made... everytime he scrambles around and realizes Tyler and ADB aren't there to break off their routes (routes that actually worked) so that they could be in a spot he might find them... and instead, sees wrs looking at him with a 'wtf' expression on their faces, he HAS to feel it.

Then again, the hallmark of the narcissist is that it's ALWAYS someone else's fault.

So maybe not.

Hopefully Ciara can talk some sense into him, because none of his 'Yes Men' will.
You just saved Russ a lot of his hard earned money, he no longer needs a stretch on the couch with an analyst.. Now he just needs to read it and learn from it..!
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Well-known member
May 9, 2009
Reaction score
I dont think the issues with Wilson are at all complex.
He's a little bit of a narcissist (maybe a bit more than a little).
He's always been in a mode where he's had to prove his detractors wrong.
He's never been effective at reading defenses.
He's never been able to effectively see the entire field.
To the above point, if he could read defenses and better anticipate where defenders might be, like Brees, his stature would be less an issue. That's not the case.

Folks point to Ciara as being the fly in the chaste ointment that was Russ. I say BS. Russ was always who he is. He just gradually became more empowered to be that dude when all of the checks that would keep his ego at bay were removed. Namely, any player who would openly criticize him. Pete clipped away all of the questioning voices that then allowed Russ to explode into an unchecked, worse version of himself who was emboldened by a coach that backed him and allowed him to play his version of football, often at the expense of the team. Ciara just happened to come along while he was going to the Darkside.
But when Russ pulled out wins playing Russ ball, rather than being gifted with humility at the awareness that we were winning, but not in a sustainable way and having to 'come back' in games often BECAUSE of him, he went 'full wilson',, drunk off the accolades of the media who only looked as deep as the highlights, and doubled down on who and what he was. And there was NO ONE to question him. And in that, he warped his own sense of himself into thinking he actually was capable of being this Uber pocket passer when he wasn't and will never be.
The Wilson you see now is 33 years in the making. It's a reaction to being told you can't succeed, by opponents, by critics, and even by your teammates. The thing that made Russ great is the same thing that's bringing him down. He had to believe in himself and dedicate himself to what he COULD do on the field. He mastered that and was in a system that allowed him to maximize what he was in Seattle. But that same ability so shut out detractors, look inside and win with what got you there has also blinded him to positive criticism that years ago might have helped him to develop as a passer. Now at 33... its not going to happen. Instead of ever really humbling himself to listen to those who could help him improve, it's obvious he shut them out in favor of being able to prove he could do it his way and succeed. That's why you started hearing all the ' I KNOW I'm great ' talk from him. What person who's truly great at anything ever says 'I know I'm great'. He was saying that in the moment his greatness was questioned by those around him who knew better. You were seeing him express outwardly the battle he was fighting himself, internally. But rather than commit himself to improving, he just wove a mirage around himself of being the uber professional... hardest working, best prepared, most chaste...

CLASSIC Narcissist.

BUT I have to think that maybe now, he's seeing the error. Everytime he drops back and there's a wr open that he's too slow to hit... everytime he drops back and gets pummeled because there was an adjustment at the line that he should have made... everytime he scrambles around and realizes Tyler and ADB aren't there to break off their routes (routes that actually worked) so that they could be in a spot he might find them... and instead, sees wrs looking at him with a 'wtf' expression on their faces, he HAS to feel it.

Then again, the hallmark of the narcissist is that it's ALWAYS someone else's fault.

So maybe not.

Hopefully Ciara can talk some sense into him, because none of his 'Yes Men' will.

Great post. Russell greatly overestimated his abilities. Although I have seen great players say that they are the best (Richard Sherman, Darrell Revis for example).


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2016
Reaction score
SoCal Desert
Russ will be an old 34 this month..
As for his arm don't forget he played a lot of baseball in past.
Your arm just like legs only has so much mileage in it,some more
than others but it goes at some point.You saw Brees and Peyton
at the end right?You can't throw high velocity and deep passes
forever.As I've been saying some age faster than others and that is
for any position.All that running caught up with him and if your legs
are shot then how is your arm supposed to stay the same?
He has DL catching him easily,it's a problem I saw coming years back.
Add in the lack of being able to see,read and adjust in the pocket as a
QB this is what you get.
He might have a couple average seasons left if he changes but he never
has to this point.
All that BS about being great and out working others-Yeah sure OK..
But Russ is only 33 and he didn't throw 40 passes per game?


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2021
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I would argue it is not a decline but more so defenses caught on what they needed to do. When teams started to play cover 2 high shell it correlates with declining RW stats. Mentally RW should know that if it is a cover 2 high shell you check in at the line. And you auidible to go for quick slants, run up the gut or a quick pass up the seem with a TE. Basically it becomes pitch and catch until the defense decides to come out of the cover 2 shell. Brett Favre used to do this all the time against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers when they went to cover 2 or tampa 2 coverage.
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Well-known member
Sep 18, 2015
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Id Cite 2019 and 2020. We did go to the playoffs. But we weee soon usually done.