Dk says he still wants to race Tyreke Hill


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Mar 17, 2016
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DK needs to focus on non-straight line running this year.

You know, like not rounding off his routes.

Dude needs to get his extra curriculars under control IMO.

Love him, but FOCUS dude.


Well-known member
Sep 23, 2011
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DK needs to focus on non-straight line running this year.

You know, like not rounding off his routes.

Dude needs to get his extra curriculars under control IMO.

Love him, but FOCUS dude.
This, DB's have learned you can absolutely take him out of his game by trash talking him. Sherman would have owned this guy.


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Mar 14, 2012
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To be fair he was asked in the interview about why they haven't ran and he just explained the reason and that he still wants to. The reason they haven't? Tyreke wants to do it in July, DK doesn't wanna do it anywhere near close to the season. Sounds like a guy who has his head on to me.

But talk that smack.

Year of The Hawk

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Dec 30, 2012
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DK needs to focus on non-straight line running this year.

You know, like not rounding off his routes.

Dude needs to get his extra curriculars under control IMO.

Love him, but FOCUS dude.
I have never understood why people think athletes can’t do anything but athlete. Do people really think they should only think and breathe football 24/7? Not every minute of their life should be consumed by their job. I really don’t think that would make a better athlete anyways. It would really suck for their family. Of course having a family should be off limits because it is not football. :rolleyes: Of course this is even weirder since it is an athletic challenge. As BigMeach said he obviously has a higher priority on football.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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It seems like a weird choice.

The upside is ? (bragging rights?)

The downside is potential injury, maybe worse.

Too much risk for too little reward.


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Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
I dont get all the drama about him wanting to race. Its a race. Its not a knife fight. And theyre athletes playing a game for a living. They should enjoy their time and whatever else they want to do that isnt damaging to their careers, health or reputation.
Shoot, races used to be a thing that were televised at one time.



Well-known member
Mar 20, 2022
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Love DK but, Hill is pretty damn fast lol.

I watched Miami vs Cincy (yah…that Tua game). It was my first time seeing Hill in person. Even from the stands, dude was visibly much quicker and faster than anyone else.

Maybe DK could take him???


Jul 12, 2013
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On the lake, Livingston Texas
And for the record:

I could be mistaken but…..
I’m pretty sure that Hill initiated this issue not DK, and if you listen to what DK actually said on “undisputed” it really doesn’t seem to be a big deal to him.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2013
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I dont get all the drama about him wanting to race. Its a race. Its not a knife fight. And theyre athletes playing a game for a living. They should enjoy their time and whatever else they want to do that isnt damaging to their careers, health or reputation.
Shoot, races used to be a thing that were televised at one time.

Green was super fast,I can't believe he lost to Walker..Maybe he slipped or something.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2013
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Love DK but, Hill is pretty damn fast lol.

I watched Miami vs Cincy (yah…that Tua game). It was my first time seeing Hill in person. Even from the stands, dude was visibly much quicker and faster than anyone else.

Maybe DK could take him???
Hill is older right?Shouldn't DK have the advantage?


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2016
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I have never understood why people think athletes can’t do anything but athlete. Do people really think they should only think and breathe football 24/7? Not every minute of their life should be consumed by their job. I really don’t think that would make a better athlete anyways. It would really suck for their family. Of course having a family should be off limits because it is not football. :rolleyes: Of course this is even weirder since it is an athletic challenge. As BigMeach said he obviously has a higher priority on football.
I don't think that athletes shouldn't do anything but 'athlete'.

When I stop seeing videos made (top billin being one) of how he's not routes running properly - rounding off his routes, and other lazy shit - then I'll stop saying 'hmmmm'. He can sure grab cameras and bitch at QB's.

When I stop seeing everything ELSE that he's interested in - like running in the olympics, other bragging race challenges, 4 ways on onlyfans, how he's 'grown up' in the business world', and pretty much everything else BUT Football - then I'll stop saying 'hmmmmm'.

Until then..... 'hmmmmm'..... might be nice if he focused on the fundamentals and his job. He's certainly remunerated highly for it!

Kinda same ballpark as Brady cliffdiving. Was it illegal? No. Is it a huge distraction, unnecessary and risky? Yup. But let's take our shirts off some more - that'll fix it ;)

All i'm sayin' ;)

Year of The Hawk

Well-known member
Dec 30, 2012
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I don't think that athletes shouldn't do anything but 'athlete'.

When I stop seeing videos made (top billin being one) of how he's not routes running properly - rounding off his routes, and other lazy shit - then I'll stop saying 'hmmmm'. He can sure grab cameras and bitch at QB's.

When I stop seeing everything ELSE that he's interested in - like running in the olympics, other bragging race challenges, 4 ways on onlyfans, how he's 'grown up' in the business world', and pretty much everything else BUT Football - then I'll stop saying 'hmmmmm'.

Until then..... 'hmmmmm'..... might be nice if he focused on the fundamentals and his job. He's certainly remunerated highly for it!

Kinda same ballpark as Brady cliffdiving. Was it illegal? No. Is it a huge distraction, unnecessary and risky? Yup. But let's take our shirts off some more - that'll fix it ;)

All i'm sayin' ;)
The sense of entitlement of fans is blowing my mind. Athlete are not slaves. They have families, lives, and other interest other than sports. Is your job the only thing in your life? How would you like it if a customer saw you out and about then complained that you were not dedicated to your job enough because you were not focused on your job. Just ridiculous. And this is coming from someone who is not a coworker, or his boss, or someone even paying his salary. Yet you still feel he should only “athlete” because you're a fan.

DK being lazy??? That is right up there with the flat earth society. Just because someone points out a flaw in his game does not make him lazy. Sheesh. Not sure how your correlated the two. IMHO a huge guy running like he does will not be able to turn super tight corners because of simple physics. Sharp corners will probably not be something he excels in because of his size. He does plenty of other things well to offset such critiques.

I would also like to know how he doesn’t focus on fundamentals? Are you his trainer? Do you see his training routine and practices every day? I have never heard one comment from anyone with insider knowledge of DK refer to him as lazy.

While definitely not perfect in his game (He is to easily riled up by defenders) he is still a huge asset for this team. Why so harsh?


Jul 12, 2013
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On the lake, Livingston Texas
The sense of entitlement of fans is blowing my mind. Athlete are not slaves. They have families, lives, and other interest other than sports. Is your job the only thing in your life? How would you like it if a customer saw you out and about then complained that you were not dedicated to your job enough because you were not focused on your job. Just ridiculous. And this is coming from someone who is not a coworker, or his boss, or someone even paying his salary. Yet you still feel he should only “athlete” because you're a fan.

DK being lazy??? That is right up there with the flat earth society. Just because someone points out a flaw in his game does not make him lazy. Sheesh. Not sure how your correlated the two. IMHO a huge guy running like he does will not be able to turn super tight corners because of simple physics. Sharp corners will probably not be something he excels in because of his size. He does plenty of other things well to offset such critiques.

I would also like to know how he doesn’t focus on fundamentals? Are you his trainer? Do you see his training routine and practices every day? I have never heard one comment from anyone with insider knowledge of DK refer to him as lazy.

While definitely not perfect in his game (He is to easily riled up by defenders) he is still a huge asset for this team. Why so harsh?
I think we’d be very hard pressed to find anyone with the physique that DK has that we could label as “lazy”.

Possibly “unfocused” but not lazy.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2016
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Why so harsh?
'cause he got lazy and entitled.

Screaming at the refs until they tuned him out last year (his words, not mine) - didn't help.

Neither does the constant changing hair colour, the carted trips to the bathroom - and the myraid of other distractions that come along with him lately, including the 'atta boys' he gives lockett for bitching about contact and YAC.

He's not Full T.O. - but he has moments when he's awfully damn close.

That's why. And the other 8 reasons and examples I've already given. Hey - if you think he walks on water - good for you.

He's a good receiver when he puts his mind to it. He was asked to grow up and accept more responsibility and leadership last year - and he did for about 10 minutes - then back to the usual.

Hey - if you don't see this shit - no problem - I'm not trying to change your (or anyone else's mind). That's what I see. Don't matter - he's got a bit of competition up his ass this year. He's not slave. He's a 20 something with 100 million dollars in the bank.

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