Unpopular opinion alert: Marshawn Lynch is being immature


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Apr 30, 2009
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Grand Rapids, MI
He probably is immature, but he's really good, so it doesn't bother me any.


Mar 4, 2007
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North Vancouver
Couple points:

1) Just cause he was able to speak to media in the past does not mean he can now. Social disorders can develop early and late in life as they are usually symptoms of greater problems.

2) While his scrums with media are uncomfortable and hard for some of us to watch, they are adding to his and the team's identity. This team is different and is more likely to break the rules than follow them. Lynch is just one example. It adds to the mystique that ten years from now we may look back at as the good old days when we were different. Raiders fans still look back to the 70s and 80s for exactly that reason. So enjoy it while you can.


Sep 5, 2014
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therealjohncarlson":2e01btgm said:
Ok now before you jump all over me hear me out. We aren't talking about a doctor or a teacher here or some other "important" job here so let's have a little perspective. Marshawn is paid a crap ton of money for playing a sport. Now I love marshawn, he's probably my favorite offensive player on the team right now, but in this case I believe he is acting entitled and immature.

Now if lynch actually has a social disorder that's one thing, but all the evidence points to this being fake, since he was nice and loud (comparitively) in buffalo, and has suddenly turned silent here. So common sense and rumblings from inside the locker room has told us he had bad experiences with the media prior, so the vast majority folks on here believe this gives him the right to blow off the media here, and be disrespectful to them? People across all jobs have duties that make them uncomfortable, that is part of being an adult and growing up! You shut up and do it because your boss told you to. Would you blow off your boss and tell him you don't want to do something because it makes you "uncomfortable"? I sure as hell hope not.

I believe people on here are letting their love of lynch and the Seahawks cloud their judgment on this situation. I think most on here would be call anyone doing a similar thing in their own industry an "entitled brat" or something similar. So why not hold marshawn to similar standards?

Ok now I'm ready

Paul Allen and Pete Carroll are Lynch's bosses. They have no problem with Lynch not talking to the media. Carroll encourages players be themselves. That's why Lynch continues this way. I don't think the NFL even really cares but since the media demands punishment they enforce the rule. Think about it....if the NFL was really going to enforce it they would fine him for EACH instance of non-compliance. Not just once or twice per year. And so the game goes on.

I understand any organization restricting someone's speech as to how it pertains to the company. But I find it very difficult to punish someone for NOT speaking. I thInk if Lynch really wanted to make waves he could litigate this and win pretty easily.


Jan 23, 2014
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Funny how some say the nfl could object to how he responds but they have not. Why? Because they can't as ML has beat them at their own game. If the nfl could, they would have after the yeh....interview.


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Apr 11, 2010
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therealjohncarlson":1hqkvqee said:
Scottemojo":1hqkvqee said:
Lynch says nothing.
Russell talks for 15 minutes, says nothing.

Who cares?

Marshawns boss does, that's the whole bloody point. I don't get why people don't see this. Marshawns job isn't to decide whether he should be answering questions or not, his job is to answer them because it's in his contract and his boss told him to
Yeah, so...You know for a fact, that "His Boss" wants him to be forced to talk to assholes?
Man, I would think that "His Boss" would want him to do what he is best at doing, FOR THE TEAM, and that is....Pound The Rock, and help his Team Mates to WIN games.
Sometimes it doesn't matter what you say to the Media, there is always going to be someone who will twist shit around, just so's to get hits.
Some of these "Media" porkers are no better than the star chasers around the world, who will stop at nothing to get a juicy story, or take something ordinary, and spin it around until it develops into something that get's tongues wagging.
The fact that all this negativity is being printed about Marshawn Lynch for not saying anything, is proof of the negative shit that they would do with whatever he did say.
It's like the assholes that gave out Richard Sherman's Address, that led to people gathering outside his gate, in hopes of getting him to give them all an autographs, eh?


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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I'll be the apologist. :)

His availability while with Buffalo doesn't preclude social anxiety. These things can develop over time. Mine developed in my late twenties. It's not a secret that Marshawn has felt betrayed by the media over his career. It's not outlandish to suspect his did, too.

From his perspective, most of these people get paid to be piranhas and vomit buzz-worthy news. He's not going to give something meaningful to people that largely get paid to spread either bad news or rumors. The media continuing to go to him when he's not really talking only validates his point: these people aren't going to get anything meaningful, but dozens still jump at the chance to make him look like an asshole.

I get your perspective. I get how you think he's childish. In his mind, by his code, he's doing what's best for him. And his happiness. Obligations be-damned.

My job description is impossible to live up to. How many people really excel at everything they're supposed to do?


Well-known member
Jul 18, 2010
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Vancouver, Wa
I'd love to see Lynch give interviews and speak to the media. In the small amount of times he has the last few years he's come across intelligent and thoughtful in his responses. Hearing his thoughts and stories on the sideline would add to the moments that he's created for all the fans.

That said, in no way do I think he's immature because he does not speak to the media. It's his choice to speak or pay the fine. Really simple actually. It doesn't matter if the NFL wants him too, AKA his "boss", because they aren't the true boss to Lynch. That would be Pete and Paul. And those two want him to be a badass running back. The NFL doesn't care about his performance on the field. They just want him to follow the rules which include speaking to the media. IMO, that makes them more a regulatory committee than bosses. And since the enforcement of going against the NFL Media Policy is a fine which Lynch is willing to accept, than we as fans need to accept that, too.


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Sep 18, 2011
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I just don't care about it. I only want from him what he gives on the field.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Hurricane, Utah
therealjohncarlson":20g15ukf said:
ZorntoLargent":20g15ukf said:
And then purposely trying to get a story out of him when you KNOW he doesn't want to talk?
I think THAT is why he's being immature. He made his case, yet they STILL come over and bother him knowing he won't give them any REAL answer.
The local radio guys know not to even try.
It's like, "hey lets go see if we can make him react".

The point is that the media is allowed to interview him, according to marshawns boss. Marshawn is not allowed to just blow them off, according to marshawns boss. That's all that matters

That is way off the mark. Why is it that the media types gets to pick who and what they talk to but the players do not? Until the NFL makes it mandatory for the media to interview each and every player after every game then Lynch, in my opinion, can talk about anything or talk about nothing. The media in Buffalo went after Lynch for his off the field incident before they had all the facts, they literally tried to lynch Lynch. Would you trust a group that did that to you? It's really easy to criticize someone when their situation has no bearing on you.

Talk about immaturity what about harping on people that really rather not talk to you? But the a-holes just keep lining up to badger the guy.

Politicians, the media and used car salesmen same o, same o.

The NFL has a record of not talking to the media about it's policies. Case in point why does the NFL keep Officiating personnel discipline a secret. When is the last time they openly talked about errors that were made that affects the careers of players and coaches as well as the lives of their families? Why do coaches and players get find for calling out officiating of games? No one else has it both ways why do you give a pass to the NFL?


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Jul 23, 2014
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Location, Location
tom sawyer":uqo8ui2o said:

This AGAIN?!!

What they are askings Pete, Russ, Sherm and .... Lynch is stupid sh**!!

"What did you think of that play where...?"
"Are you glad you won?"
"Do you play harder than you used too?"

...okay.. you get the point?

So stupid responses are quite appropriate. The others don't do it, Lynch does.

A lot of the time they don't even ask questions - they just introduce cliche' subjects.

"Marshawn, talk about today's game."
"...talk about Russell Wilson."
"...talk about playing in front of the home crowd."

It really is inanely stupid. The one time a reporter asked a stupid question ("Richard, take us through that final play") and got an honest, passionate and candid answer about how that player was feeling at that very moment, the internet and TV both broke. It was so shocking even the president commented on it.

Marshawn's "I'm thankful" is no less illuminating than any other canned response.


Mar 3, 2007
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C'mon people , The player's union negotiates the rules with the league- Whatever they are...All player's know this- When the Hawks were crappy nobody cared about interviewing our players..Now our players are in demand...Good God, this man is a star, playing a game he loves, and getting to drive Lambos and live like a king - And as a part of earning that fabulous lifestyle he needs to do some interviews..He IS immature, and he definitely IS selfish...You big talkers would all probably be willing to give interviews for 8-9 million a year..I know I'd gladly give interviews on the TOILET for that much green and so would you-
This reminds me of these idiots who say stuff like- "I'm not doing that , it's not in my job description" Let me tell you- Your job description is whatever your BOSS tells you it is...I love Marshawn on the field, but quite honestly I think he is a constant embarrassment off the field..He refused the ceremony in the White House with his team.... After the season was over he just wanted a little TOKEN for winning SB !! Why just HIM ?? I would call the ring quite a token, and ALL the team helped win it.. Not just him..I can't forget seeing him wandering around in his sweats with the hood up, sunglasses on, and headphones on full- Appearing at award shows where his teammates are all dressed up , wearing sweats and sunglasses. He stole focus from the team during SB week with his crazy behavior...
It's clear to me that Pete has cut him all sorts of slack as a concession to his individuality, and Marshawn has never been a great, (unselfish) teammate...If you can't, or won't play by Big Dog rules, then get off the porch- The End :stirthepot:


Sep 23, 2009
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Tacoma, WA
I absolutely love it. The way he is interviewing is waaaaay better than anything he would say if he was trying to interview "The Correct" way.

The cookie cutter questions deserve responses Be it "Yeah" or "Im Thankful"

He's trolling so hard, and it is beautiful.


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Oct 13, 2009
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New Joisey
TVHAWK":1xea5txi said:
C'mon people , The player's union negotiates the rules with the league- Whatever they are...All player's know this- When the Hawks were crappy nobody cared about interviewing our players..Now our players are in demand...Good God, this man is a star, playing a game he loves, and getting to drive Lambos and live like a king - And as a part of earning that fabulous lifestyle he needs to do some interviews..He IS immature, and he definitely IS selfish...You big talkers would all probably be willing to give interviews for 8-9 million a year..I know I'd gladly give interviews on the TOILET for that much green and so would you-
This reminds me of these idiots who say stuff like- "I'm not doing that , it's not in my job description" Let me tell you- Your job description is whatever your BOSS tells you it is...I love Marshawn on the field, but quite honestly I think he is a constant embarrassment off the field..He refused the ceremony in the White House with his team.... After the season was over he just wanted a little TOKEN for winning SB !! Why just HIM ?? I would call the ring quite a token, and ALL the team helped win it.. Not just him..I can't forget seeing him wandering around in his sweats with the hood up, sunglasses on, and headphones on full- Appearing at award shows where his teammates are all dressed up , wearing sweats and sunglasses. He stole focus from the team during SB week with his crazy behavior...
It's clear to me that Pete has cut him all sorts of slack as a concession to his individuality, and Marshawn has never been a great, (unselfish) teammate...If you can't, or won't play by Big Dog rules, then get off the porch- The End :stirthepot:

This post is fascinating.

I'm thankful for this post too.



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Apr 30, 2009
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Smoke":1tbs24ek said:
I absolutely love it. The way he is interviewing is waaaaay better than anything he would say if he was trying to interview "The Correct" way.

The cookie cutter questions deserve responses Be it "Yeah" or "Im Thankful"

He's trolling so hard, and it is beautiful.


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Jul 1, 2012
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The Rain Forest
TwistedHusky":1zv6yfm6 said:
Not being a doctor I can't diagnose social anxiety syndrome.

I can tell that someone is visibly bothered, anxious and upset.

I really doubt this is Marshawn just acting out, holding a grudge or being immature. The benefit vs cost in that vanished a long time ago.
BINGO !!! The dude has issues. I believe it has to do with both with media history and with crowds. MANY people don't do well speaking to crowds and the metric changes. Anxiety in given situations also changes over time.

Clearly at lease ONE fan doesn't approve of Lynch's solution, or we wouldn't be typing now would we? I believe the fans that are upset is tiny minority.


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Jul 1, 2012
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The Rain Forest
v1rotv2":2m7fqch4 said:
The NFL has a record of not talking to the media about it's policies. Case in point why does the NFL keep Officiating personnel discipline a secret. When is the last time they openly talked about errors that were made that affects the careers of players and coaches as well as the lives of their families? Why do coaches and players get find for calling out officiating of games? No one else has it both ways why do you give a pass to the NFL?

Yes they make the rules, but it doesn't seem fair now does it.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Right outside Richard Sherman's house
SnoCoHawk":1efce0bi said:
tom sawyer":1efce0bi said:

This AGAIN?!!

What they are askings Pete, Russ, Sherm and .... Lynch is stupid sh**!!

"What did you think of that play where...?"
"Are you glad you won?"
"Do you play harder than you used too?"

...okay.. you get the point?

So stupid responses are quite appropriate. The others don't do it, Lynch does.

A lot of the time they don't even ask questions - they just introduce cliche' subjects.

"Marshawn, talk about today's game."
"...talk about Russell Wilson."
"...talk about playing in front of the home crowd."

It really is inanely stupid. The one time a reporter asked a stupid question ("Richard, take us through that final play") and got an honest, passionate and candid answer about how that player was feeling at that very moment, the internet and TV both broke. It was so shocking even the president commented on it.

Marshawn's "I'm thankful" is no less illuminating than any other canned response.

Thank you. I can't begin to explain how much I hate "journalists" saying "Talk about..."

Such a goddamn cop-out. Ask a damned question; don't expect the person you have on the spot to do your job for you.


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Nov 20, 2012
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Nothing of insight is ever given by these interviews. Ever. After one week, you forget everything you heard from them because of their constant cliche questions and answers.

In fact, the only interviews that anyone EVER remembers are the ones that go off script, IE, "Playoffs" "They are who we thought they were" ect.

At least Lynch's interviews spur converstation more then any other interview going on. They are not going to discuss X's and O's ever. They are only ever going to give boxed answers that have zero substance. You can get mad at him or call him immature, but who cares. What are you gaining if he changed his tune? Nothing.

In fact, I would argue that we all lose if he started going on the up and up. How boring that would be. At least this creates amusing memes.


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Mar 6, 2007
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It isn't uncommon to see brain chemistry change or be altered by life experiences. The classic example of this is PTSD, but there are less extreme cases too.

By appearances, Lynch was an extrovert in High School, at Cal, and at Buffalo. Today he is arguably the most intense introvert in the NFL, and he genuinely appears to have anxiety issues when confronted* by dudes holding microphones these days. *(to Lynch, these interviews have the feel of confrontations).

I see signs of physiological brain changes, though I can only speculate the degree to which they impact him or the origins. As Herman Cain would say, I have no evidence to back this up. But just from a gut feel level, I don't think Lynch is the same guy he used to be in terms of how he experiences the world. His personality evolution kind of reminds me of the changes Joaquin Phoenix has gone through over the past decade.

I think it's kind of sad that the NFL forces players with clear signs of social anxiety to do things they are not comfortable with.