Some good news regarding the Flash


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Apr 30, 2009
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Grand Rapids, MI
Bobblehead":2gbp0fmw said:
Rat":2gbp0fmw said:
SoulfishHawk":2gbp0fmw said:
Look at his talent alone. He RARELY drops the ball, and makes it look very easy. I still think people forget how good this guy is. Especially his ceiling as a WR.

I like him, but I don't know how much of a "ceiling" he has left. 2012 was a long, long time ago. The flashes of eliteness havn't been especially frequent since, even when he does play.

Steve Largent never flashed eliteness..short, slow, yet somehow at one point in the history of NFL, he led the league in all the stats that mattered. Gordon may have lost a step or so, but, I'm betting he can still run routes and catch the ball, plus that added receiver with benefits everyone covets.... he's tall and big.and that won't go away.

The difference is that Gordon DID flash eliteness, but we havn't seen it in a long, long time. Could it come back? Maybe, as he is a physical freak and doesn't have much tread on his tires. It'd be unprecedented if he did recapture that Browns All-Pro form after this much time though, or at the very least, I can't think of any precedence. I'm not a machine, but I feel like if it wasn't extremely uncommon, I'd at least be able to come up with a few.

I don't disagree with your comment. I'm not saying Gordon is awful; he's certainly talented, and appears to mesh well with his teammates here. My comment was a response to Soulfish's raving about Gordon's "ceiling".


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2012
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Rat":3sr6tj2m said:
Bobblehead":3sr6tj2m said:
Rat":3sr6tj2m said:
SoulfishHawk":3sr6tj2m said:
Look at his talent alone. He RARELY drops the ball, and makes it look very easy. I still think people forget how good this guy is. Especially his ceiling as a WR.

I like him, but I don't know how much of a "ceiling" he has left. 2012 was a long, long time ago. The flashes of eliteness havn't been especially frequent since, even when he does play.

Steve Largent never flashed eliteness..short, slow, yet somehow at one point in the history of NFL, he led the league in all the stats that mattered. Gordon may have lost a step or so, but, I'm betting he can still run routes and catch the ball, plus that added receiver with benefits everyone covets.... he's tall and big.and that won't go away.

The difference is that Gordon DID flash eliteness, but we havn't seen it in a long, long time. Could it come back? Maybe, as he is a physical freak and doesn't have much tread on his tires. It'd be unprecedented if he did recapture that Browns All-Pro form after this much time though, or at the very least, I can't think of any precedence. I'm not a machine, but I feel like if it wasn't extremely uncommon, I'd at least be able to come up with a few.

I don't disagree with your comment. I'm not saying Gordon is awful; he's certainly talented, and appears to mesh well with his teammates here. My comment was a response to Soulfish's raving about Gordon's "ceiling".

I understand, I'm just saying, with his ability as it is now, he could very well be to us, what Largent was to us back then, a clutch, route running receiver. By no means am I saying he's a Largent, but, a kin to Largent in what skill set he brought us.


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Sep 18, 2015
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XxXdragonXxX":3dft5nep said:
Just speculation but the PED portion of his last suspension may well have been due to a masking agent he was using to hide the pot. That would automatically be a PED failure.

I just don't think I would consider anything he has done to be "childish" and since pot is basically a non issue now, his chances of being suspended again would drop significantly.

But even if he does end up getting suspended again, the guy will come cheap, low risk, high reward.

I'll have to search again for the link, but I read that he got popped for PED because his pee was too dilute. It could be dilute because he drank a lot of water and/or took OTC or prescription diuretics, none of which are themselves controlled substances and none of which, in themselves, affect football. There is no weight category in football.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Yeah, that's what I was doing. I was raving about it :?
He's all of 29 and we have seen what he can do when the ball comes his way. God forbid someone has an opinion on a message board.
It never ends on here, and another example of why I barely post anything these days.