Should Dave Krieg be in the HOF?


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
Love mudbone. He was top 5 to 10 in multiple categories when he hung them up ( including fumbles and impossible plays) but just wasn't consistently outstanding enough to warrant HOF consideration. If they ever were to create a NFL Hall of 'Great', he would be first ballot.

Well put.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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North Pole, Alaska
Yes! He should! Considering how hard it was for him to just make it to the NFL. Then he ends up on the Seahawks, not a world beater, but a pretty good team with damn good coaching. And he did have Steve Largent. But he made Paul Skansi a household name while taking a beating.

You can NOT compare 1970s/80s QB Stats with today's stats. TOday's NFL doesn't have Steve Harden, Lester Hayes, or Steve Atwater, who were allowed to take a receiver's head off. Kam Chancellor would have LOVED playing in those decades! You could grab a receiver, knock him down, pull on him, and no flags. Which makes it an amazing stat that Steve Largent caught 100 TDs! And with all that, Dave Krieg completed just under 60% of his passes!

Dave Krieg took a beating against Kansas City and Derrick Thomas, and still managed to throw the game winning touchdown!

Then he carried them through playoff victory, after playoff victory, while on the road and being an underdog.

He should be in the Hall of Fame based on the odds that he overcame to be our QB, and the odds he overcame to be a winning QB. He took 494 SACKS for crying out loud, and still threw for over 38,000 yards, in an era when the QB was at a distinct disadvantage.


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Mar 20, 2022
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Bournemouth, UK
If the HoF added 12-15 players every year then he might get in. You could probably make a case for his being in the top 120-150 NFL players of the 80's. He's certainly not a top 60-70 player of the 80's.


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2018
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No HOF , but the fans favorite QB after Wilson . imo


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2013
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Zorn was my first childhood sports hero.
I got a guy here in Brazil with a special printer who could make coffee mugs to make me two Zorn mugs (I couldn't decide between two pics of Zorn). I still have the autographed picture Zorn sent me back in the '70s, in the same frame I bought for it back then. I had a numberless royal-blue Seahawks jersey when I was a kid, and when it was given to me, a kit for putting numbers on the jersey was also given to me. I never had any doubt that it would get the number 10, and I was pretty sure I was going to put "ZORN" across the top of the back. It never bothered me that Zorn was left-handed and I was right-handed. All that mattered was that I was the QB on offense in neighborhood football games, I was a Seahawks fan, and Zorn was the Seahawks' QB.
I have a Zorn throwback jersey, and I wore it when I finally got to a Seahawks home game in 2019 after more than 43 years of being a Seahawks fan.
I love Zorn.

But I never resented Krieg for taking over as the Seahawks' starting QB. It was clear to me that he was better, so I just rolled with it. But I never stopped liking Zorn, as what I wrote above shows.

One of the highlights of my sports-fan life happened when my dad took me down to Foxborough to see a Seahawks game in 1984 (he took me in '86 too). 1984 was the season Hotchy mentioned. Curt Warner was featured in the game program, but he didn't play because he was already out for the season with his big knee injury (and I guess there hadn't been enough time to change the content of the game program).
So yes, I "got to" see Franco Harris playing badly for the Seahawks, and that was unpleasant. The Seahawks lost that game too.
The big highlight for me was after the game, when my dad and I waited near the team buses so I could ask players for autographs. Zorn was still with the team as Krieg's backup, and I got to tell him to his face that I had had his autographed picture hanging on the wall of my room in Kennebunk, Maine since the 1970s. I can't for the life of me remember exactly what he said, but it was something to the effect of "all right" or "right on" or something. What I do remember is how sincerely enthusiastic his response seemed, and the expression on his face as he replied. I got to tell my first childhood sports hero to his face that he was important to me, and his response told me that it made him feel good to hear it. Honestly, I think that moment slightly beats XLVIII as the greatest moment for me in over 45 years of being a Seahawks fan.

ObKrieg: I have Krieg as the Seahawks' second-best QB ever (Wilson waaaaay ahead of the pack in first place), and he was involved in a bad way in both the play featured in my avatar image here and the play 14 weeks earlier that set the stage for it. Krieg didn't "look off" Harden in the play in which that dirty cheater knocked out Largent, and 14 weeks later, Krieg threw the interception that led to Largent getting his revenge [that's a link - click it!] in a totally clean and within-the-rules, yet still spectacular, way.
I can't believe this old post came back but it's cool to see some
more opinions/stories.
I'm like the anti Zorn (sorry)I can't tell you how many times I saw
Zorn piss away games with stupid TO's and yes he fumbled a lot
also..The years we'd come one game short of playoffs and I as a kid
was blaming Zorn..Had he not had one of the greatest WR's ever our
records would have been horrible without a doubt..
I got to meet Largent and Zorn together with a group of us kids.They
were nice but Zorn is or was religious and was talking about the bible
and signed with a bible verse..I'm not against that but giving an insight
to how he was then.
When Krieg got the job my nerves were a lot better and you could see
right away he was the better QB.
I know exactly what Hotchy meant by he'd look like the greatest QB then
look like a turd..I recall him looking great for 3 games then imploding in
the fourth one lol.
if Krieg had a SB win I think he'd be in..He played in a very tough era where
QB's got killed every week.


Active member
Mar 22, 2012
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I say yes, but if others disagree, so be it.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2009
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Loved watching him, but no HOF. Made for some entertaining games.


Active member
Jan 15, 2010
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Covington, WA
No - he's not a HOF'er. Same with Hasselbeck. Good QB's in their prime but not Canton worthy.