Sherman and Baldwin Can be Crazy Sometimes


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May 9, 2009
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Not sure if it's been mentioned yet but one thing I'm liking is that it's clearly shining through now that this team is a tight unit. I saw this clown Woody something on ESPN saying how this is a distraction before possibly the biggest game of the season and it will have a negative effect on the game. Does this moron remember the weeks leading up to the superbowl? All the sherman distraction really had a negative effect didn't it? Lol...that whole around the horn crew seemed to be a bunch of idiots.


New member
Jun 2, 2012
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I get what they were trying to do here, but IMO, this shows me Sherman's age. I get what he (they) were trying to say about the NFL being hypocritical and they were trying to be funny, but this came across to me just awkward.

The NFL doesn't pay you 100K to give an interview
No, you get paid millions to play football and give interviews....
The NFL says they care about player safety but makes you play 2 games in 5 days
Your right about Thursday night games, but Thanksgiving....Its been around a while and honestly they should be pretty stoked and honored to play it.
NFL doesn't want players to get DUI's but a beer company is one of the biggest sponsors
Seriously...this sounds pretty stupid. Yes the NFL is sponsored by alcohol companies, but lets be a grown up, drinking and driving is something you shouldn't do regardless.

I honestly expect more from Stanford graduates. Again, this showed me that Sherman is still a kid in his mid twenties.


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
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This was just what the Dr ordered for us . Showed me they are getting back to us against the world . And they are very loose before the game . If you actually read between the lines here you will get it . IMHO perfect!

-The Glove-

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Jan 20, 2011
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dracolich81":27c7y3js said:
I get what they were trying to do here, but IMO, this shows me Sherman's age. I get what he (they) were trying to say about the NFL being hypocritical and they were trying to be funny, but this came across to me just awkward.

The NFL doesn't pay you 100K to give an interview
No, you get paid millions to play football and give interviews....
The NFL says they care about player safety but makes you play 2 games in 5 days
Your right about Thursday night games, but Thanksgiving....Its been around a while and honestly they should be pretty stoked and honored to play it.
NFL doesn't want players to get DUI's but a beer company is one of the biggest sponsors
Seriously...this sounds pretty stupid. Yes the NFL is sponsored by alcohol companies, but lets be a grown up, drinking and driving is something you shouldn't do regardless.

I honestly expect more from Stanford graduates. Again, this showed me that Sherman is still a kid in his mid twenties.
None of this made any sense


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May 5, 2009
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Northern CA
As I said in another thread Rodger giving out fines for someone being uncomfortable with the media is a joke. When the Ray Rice video broke he ducked the same media. What Rodger were the questions uncomfortable and made you squirm? I think that is Lynch twice a week. Rodger is paid to be the face of the NFL and be out front when it has a crisis he disappeared.


Dec 3, 2009
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Well, since their first championship runs in the late 90’s the Denver OL has had various media silence codes. Perhaps they too have been fined in the last decade and half, but I’m sure if it had been 100k collectively or (most certainly) individually it would have been national sport news. Yet I haven’t heard a whisper till recently and more importantly since Marshawn’s fine.

In fact until Roger Goodell insistence on mandatory media access it was considered by most a fun, quirky, team building aspect of this particular group. To be honest other than an occasional blurb on a slow sporting news day nobody gave it much thought, much less press time.

While some may find Baldwin and Sherman’s tongue in cheek satire on the hypocrisy of the NFL’s rules of conduct hypocritical in itself, it does shine a bright light on Goodell’s insistence to tweak the NFL rules to his own image, either by fines or suspension, for better or worst.

The real devil in this is Roger’s continuing attempt to homogenize the NFL into a media friendly money machine instead of allowing the entertainment factors of the game speak for themselves.

Even if he has the best of intentions, it seems to me, every time the commissioner tries to improve his trillion dollar product it ends up more like New Coke, liked by some, but a shadow of a product compared to the original…


Active member
Sep 27, 2009
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Awkward, unfunny, unfocused,and ineffective. I've seen drunken fraternity skits during Greek week that were more coherent.
I guess there was a message about hypocrisy there somewhere but I lost it in the hypocrisy of players who benefit directly from the league's success complaining about obligations to that league they signed up for as adults.
I mean stop the presses an organization is trying to balance profit and PR. Someone must take a stand!