Russell Wilson 09/06/18 transcript w/embedded audio


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Russell Wilson 09/06/18 transcript w/embedded audio >>> [urltargetblank][/urltargetblank]
(On what type of feedback did Drew Brees give him about Brian Schottenheimer) “I’ll never forget, I was actually riding on a bus, I think our first or second (Pro Bowl) practice. I think we either had just hired him or were about to hire him, I don’t know exactly. But, I remember sitting on the bus with Drew (Brees) and I asked him, ‘You know Schotty (Brian Schottenheimer) pretty well right?’ and he said, ‘yeah, yeah man’. One of his best friends, they’re super close. I think that what Drew really loved about him was the details of all the work. He really helped progress his career, even at a young age in San Diego, and they’ve been close ever since. That’s not normal for the most part. I think with Schottenheimer and Drew, they’ve had a tremendous relationship because of Coach Marty Schottenheimer and then also just because they love ball. They’re both very similar personalities, but both very detail-oriented. That’s why I think I get along with those guys as well. It’s been great so far.”