"Russell is losing his mind out there" per Polumbus


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Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
When wl Bevell and Schotty chim in on Wilson's learning disabilities? Bevell deserve some credit for making Wilson into a star.


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Sep 18, 2015
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httpx: /bleacherreport.com/articles/10055950-former-broncos-ot-russell-wilson-is-using-seahawks-audibles-that-guys-dont-know

good article but there’s some code preventing it from being displayed. Replace the x with an s


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2013
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North of the Wall
Come to think of it, he never does go to the Children's Hospital without multiple cameras in tow...

I'm having trouble believing any of his philanthropy comes from any place other than self-promotion. He's even getting product placement in his children's hospital visits in Denver.

Not for nothing. It's still cool to visit those kids. But there's even rumors that he avoids visiting more physically disfigured children because they're not as photogenic...
Wow..ya thats terrible!


Jan 3, 2013
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Come to think of it, he never does go to the Children's Hospital without multiple cameras in tow...

I'm having trouble believing any of his philanthropy comes from any place other than self-promotion. He's even getting product placement in his children's hospital visits in Denver.

Not for nothing. It's still cool to visit those kids. But there's even rumors that he avoids visiting more physically disfigured children because they're not as photogenic...
This is where I have a problem. I know multiple people around him or who have been around him and a lot of what he does he did on his own and without anyone knowing. We can shit on his play since leaving, his last year here, him forcing his way out or whatever but some of the character trashing considering all he did and continues to do I'll never understand.

That last accusation is trash in my opinion. Where did you see the rumor that he only visits certain kids because he doesn't want to ruin the photo op?

Again people who have worked in these areas, who have kids who have been benefited because of his visits all see it differently.


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2013
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North of the Wall
This is where I have a problem. I know multiple people around him or who have been around him and a lot of what he does he did on his own and without anyone knowing. We can shit on his play since leaving, his last year here, him forcing his way out or whatever but some of the character trashing considering all he did and continues to do I'll never understand.

That last accusation is trash in my opinion. Where did you see the rumor that he only visits certain kids because he doesn't want to ruin the photo op?

Again people who have worked in these areas, who have kids who have been benefited because of his visits all see it differently.
I believe Maelstrom787 had a negative encounter with Wilson which may validate some of this.


Jan 3, 2013
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I believe Maelstrom787 had a negative encounter with Wilson which may validate some of this.
That's fair and I can't judge someone's interaction with him. I just know people who have interacted with him and they all have given the opposite opinion. Again I'm fine with people trashing the football side but the other stuff for a guy who was a monster in our community for a decade and still apparently is when a lot of players do absolutely nothing seems odd to me but who am I to tell how to be a fan, that's just how I see it.

I would love to here the encounter though Maelstrom, that stuff is always interesting.

Glasgow Seahawk

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Feb 5, 2013
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I personally don't see it. They'll be favorites for the Raiders and Panthers games which is 5 wins. Would even be ecstatic with a top 7-10 pick.


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Jan 28, 2011
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This is where I have a problem. I know multiple people around him or who have been around him and a lot of what he does he did on his own and without anyone knowing. We can shit on his play since leaving, his last year here, him forcing his way out or whatever but some of the character trashing considering all he did and continues to do I'll never understand.

That last accusation is trash in my opinion. Where did you see the rumor that he only visits certain kids because he doesn't want to ruin the photo op?

Again people who have worked in these areas, who have kids who have been benefited because of his visits all see it differently.

1. This is not the only part you have a problem with, judging by your other replies to Russ threads on other Russ topics.

2. The rumor was on Twitter, which is why I called it a rumor.

3. The photos are riddled with product placement for his brand. Not a fact for debate.

It's like those YouTube videos where people film themselves giving homeless people money. It's cool and all, but it's obviously primarily for self promotion. As I said, still a cool thing to do.


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2011
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I believe Maelstrom787 had a negative encounter with Wilson which may validate some of this.

Oh, that was a copypasta from Reddit, not a real encounter.

I have a story like this too.

I had seen Russ at a grocery store some time back. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face.

I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

It was a sight to behold.

Hockey Guy

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Aug 26, 2017
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Well Russ is smarter that the billionaire who started Walmart..!
Seriously, could this be more than meets the eye, could he have already taken to many whacks to the melon, or perhaps a mental condition unrelated to football? Could he be suffering a serious mental condition?
Hard to believe he could have attained all of his football success throughout the years if he was this incapacitated ?
Perhaps he needs to be examined for a neurological condition? If he is suffering a serious medical condition he may need sympathy rather than ridicule?? Just a thought...
You need to remember a few weeks back when Marshawn stated that he wanted to get in touch to make sure he was mentally OK. He seemed very sincere & worried like he knew something was wrong because he'd seen it & Sherm didn't push back on it.

I think it goes all the way back to the breakup of his first marriage or maybe even his father's death.
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Hockey Guy

Well-known member
Aug 26, 2017
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This is where I have a problem. I know multiple people around him or who have been around him and a lot of what he does he did on his own and without anyone knowing. We can shit on his play since leaving, his last year here, him forcing his way out or whatever but some of the character trashing considering all he did and continues to do I'll never understand.

That last accusation is trash in my opinion. Where did you see the rumor that he only visits certain kids because he doesn't want to ruin the photo op?

Again people who have worked in these areas, who have kids who have been benefited because of his visits all see it differently.
100% agree.
This kind of trashing has to stop.


Jan 3, 2013
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1. This is not the only part you have a problem with, judging by your other replies to Russ threads on other Russ topics.

2. The rumor was on Twitter, which is why I called it a rumor.

3. The photos are riddled with product placement for his brand. Not a fact for debate.

It's like those YouTube videos where people film themselves giving homeless people money. It's cool and all, but it's obviously primarily for self promotion. As I said, still a cool thing to do.
1. No it is the one thing I have a problem with. I can debate the football stuff and have fun with it and it be a separate thing than the character assassination stuff. Us having a different opinion as two nobodies on a football forum is a part of being fans and having fun. I've also been super critical of his corniness, goofy commercials, the lets ride bullshit etc. I just think he was one of the best players in football for almost a decade while here and I don't think that's unreasonable

2. The Rumor is utterly ridiculous. I would argue the self promotion angle is somewhat understandable as an outsider and more reasonable than the Russ tells the staff he want's to avoid mangled kids because of optics but that's my opinion. I'm basing that off of reports from people who were around him doing all of that stuff. That's not debatable either.


Jan 3, 2013
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You need to remember a few weeks back when Marshawn stated that he wanted to get in touch to make sure he was mentally OK. He seemed very sincere & worried like he knew something was wrong because he'd seen it & Sherm didn't push back on it.

I think it goes all the way back to the breakup of his first marriage or maybe even his father's death.
I think the dude has been through a lot, has a ton of pressure in his new situation which to be fair is his own doing, losing his best friend and coach etc.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
I don't see a problem is self-promoting while doing good deeds, I would prefer someone doing it silently or even anonymously, but a good deed is a good deed.


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Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
This is where I have a problem. I know multiple people around him or who have been around him and a lot of what he does he did on his own and without anyone knowing. We can shit on his play since leaving, his last year here, him forcing his way out or whatever but some of the character trashing considering all he did and continues to do I'll never understand.

That last accusation is trash in my opinion. Where did you see the rumor that he only visits certain kids because he doesn't want to ruin the photo op?

Again people who have worked in these areas, who have kids who have been benefited because of his visits all see it differently.

And here's the issue with taking issue with someone who begins to maybe believe more of the negative press. Nobody told Russ to get in DKs ear and twist him to be anti Pete. Nobody told him to do the same with Olson. His attempts to steer a narrative are one thing. But then character trashing someone else to shine a spotlight on yourself? What genuinely 'good' person you know does that? He did it apparently as far back as NC State... making others out to be the villain in his personal 'hero' story. So it's not just about 'how he left'..
It's about a person who will make others look bad to suit a false narrative that sees him as holier than holy, all the while giving praise to God. It's twisted.

And to touch on his leaving,...to flat lie repeatedly and claim he had no idea he was being traded, but then come to find from Bobby that he knew it and was talking up the Broncos, hoping Bobby would come... that's just two faced and sh!ty. And what makes it worse is that he did it to Pete, a guy who for all of his faults, is known to support his guys 1000%, beyond even the field. And it is now beyond obvious that Pete benefited the guy as a player in ways that are just now coming to light. And he paints THAT guy as the one who's holding him back... the guy that MADE him. And that's to say nothing about the fact that Brian Schottenheimer lost his job over Russ's obvious nonsense. Did Russ feel bad? Nope. He gave bs ' Brian is great and I learned a lot from him...' response when asked about his departure. Russ basically put him out to be axed... because he himself couldn't run the offense that was called.

So no, I can't myself give Russ a pass and assume that even though he's been two faced as far back as college and has manipulated stories about people around him in a way that suits him and makes them look bad... that the guy is beyond questioning when it comes to anything that he might do for another's benefit.

Maybe he is being 100% genuine in his care for those kids. But like I said, its hard to imagine both sides of Russ living in his body equally and separately. And the only persons fault that it is that folks question that is Russ's.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2015
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I think the dude has been through a lot, has a ton of pressure in his new situation which to be fair is his own doing, losing his best friend and coach etc.

For 165m guaranteed and up to a quarter bil, he should be astute.