How do you define QBOTF?

  • QBOTF is a moniker reserved for only draft choices

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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2011
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I’ve been thinking about this for awhile now and I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t have any clue what quarterback of the future even means. I see lots of posts about how this team needs to get their QBOTF. Been hearing it since probably around 2016/17 and it’s just gaining steam. Any backup QB is potentially a QBOTF.

From 2019-2021, Geno Smith was the Seahawks QBOTF and we didn’t know it. It seems to me that those clamoring for a QBOTF really just want a QBOTP(present). If a player is picked, traded for or just a street free agent, that guy becomes a potential QBOTF, not an absolute QBOTF.

In fact, I’m not sure such a thing even exists. How about all the guys drafted high in the first round that were expected to be The Guy only to show they can’t play at an acceptable level in the NFL? At some point their fan bases were excited to have a QBOTF only to find that they had a wasted draft pick in the past. Guys that were drafted and took over immediately are not QB’sOTF, only success stories that become quality starters.

QBOTF is nothing but a pipe dream. If you feel or think that your team has its QBOTF, and he’s not starting, then the actual QBOTF is the one taking all the snaps while the perceived QBOTF is just another guy who isn’t ready or is just biding his time. No one can know the reality of the situation until he actually gets playing time and proves himself. If he does prove himself as a bona fide starter, then he isn’t a QBOTF. He is just a starting QB in the NFL.

Sam Howell is currently the Seahawks QBOTF. Until he’s not. One way or another.


Well-known member
Mar 20, 2022
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Bournemouth, UK
To me QBOTF means a QB with a realistic chance of becoming a top 16 QB. I saw that in Howell before last season. I don't have that expectation of him right now. It's still possible but he's at least a top 48 QB that a team could compete with during a short-term injury for the starter.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2013
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It's just the term people use for a QB they want the team to draft but we don't want to name a real QB and actually stake a bet on an actual guy.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2014
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San Diego, CA
QBOTF is a term filled with hope, but that's about it. You hear people clamoring for a QBOTF when the incumbent is a) over 30, b) didn't bring us to the playoffs/Superbowl, or c) there is a prospect in the draft somewhere that they want to garner enthusiasm for by proclaiming him the future of the franchise.

What a QBOTF is not, is someone who is going to play now, someone who is going to win you games now, and will rather need "time to develop" or "another chance" to prove how great they are and -- by proxy -- how great the prognosticator is.

In a perfect world, our home team would get all the quarterbacks coming out of college every year, so we could try them out for a year or two or three, and then cut the ones that didn't star immediately or stay healthy. Then we could keep ALL the "QBOTF" quarterbacks ever and never have to worry about our QBOTF again.

But even that would not guarantee a championship.

Peyton Manning brought a Lombardi to Denver, and was also at the helm for the 3rd worst SB defeat in history two years prior.

So what is a QBOTF? A myth. A fantasy that one player is going to make such an impact that a team will become unbeatable. It's never happened, but the fantasy remains.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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Sammamish, WA
I doubt the Patriots were thinking Tom Brady was their QBOTF when they drafted him in the 6th round, same for Green Bay Packers when Hasselbeck was drafted, and when the Seahawks picked Russell, Matt Flynn was penciled in as the starter so no thought of QBOTF there either. This list is pretty long. But I bet the list of ones who were drafted early and didn't pan out is longer...JaMarcus Russell, Tim Couch, Akili Smith, Ryan Leaf, David Carr, Matt Leinart, Johnny Manziel, Josh Rosen, et al.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2013
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Looks like the Cowboys cannot afford Dak anymore after this season so
their QBOTF is going to be some teams QBOTF soon,I wonder who can
afford him?
There is Me3 playing for his next overpaying contract as well after this season
he will try to be some teams QBOTF.. Who wants to pay?
It looks to me like teams are just going to rotate QBs around the NFL by cut,trade
or the FA route rather than keep overpaying.
The young ones like Fields get ditched before the 5th year option to avoid paying more
for a bust or like in Howells case they don't see him being much.
The moniker QBOTF can be any age and any amount of year(s) if were being honest,
the QB who starts after Geno is gone is our QBOTF.


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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I’ve been thinking about this for awhile now and I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t have any clue what quarterback of the future even means. I see lots of posts about how this team needs to get their QBOTF. Been hearing it since probably around 2016/17 and it’s just gaining steam. Any backup QB is potentially a QBOTF.

From 2019-2021, Geno Smith was the Seahawks QBOTF and we didn’t know it. It seems to me that those clamoring for a QBOTF really just want a QBOTP(present). If a player is picked, traded for or just a street free agent, that guy becomes a potential QBOTF, not an absolute QBOTF.

In fact, I’m not sure such a thing even exists. How about all the guys drafted high in the first round that were expected to be The Guy only to show they can’t play at an acceptable level in the NFL? At some point their fan bases were excited to have a QBOTF only to find that they had a wasted draft pick in the past. Guys that were drafted and took over immediately are not QB’sOTF, only success stories that become quality starters.

QBOTF is nothing but a pipe dream. If you feel or think that your team has its QBOTF, and he’s not starting, then the actual QBOTF is the one taking all the snaps while the perceived QBOTF is just another guy who isn’t ready or is just biding his time. No one can know the reality of the situation until he actually gets playing time and proves himself. If he does prove himself as a bona fide starter, then he isn’t a QBOTF. He is just a starting QB in the NFL.

Sam Howell is currently the Seahawks QBOTF. Until he’s not. One way or another.
"Pie in The Sky" is always better than the Quarterbacks that aren't 1'st round Draft picks.
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Well-known member
Sep 20, 2009
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Port Townsend, WA
Four basically meaningless letters representing words with little more meaning in most cases where that term is thrown about. Just a fan/pundit term to describe NFL hopefuls, so many of which fail to pan out.

For now it's Geno, until we see this next season even take shape, I don't really see any other way to look at it as a fan, at least in relation to the 2024 Seahawks.

Sure we may draft Penix or Nix and get all hopeful, but until we see something play out, seems kinda ridiculous to speculate at this point, at leas in relation to our team. I suppose Howell may end up "the guy" but there's no reason to call him that as of yet. I think to really apply the term there has to be a contractual commitment to the player, more than a year or two.

I mean I guess as the Falcons are concerned, it's the short term, but Cousins is their QBOTF< regardless of whose "next" in line or who they may draft.

For fans or pundits the term may have meaning, but not so much in the NFL itself I suspect. I suppose it does apply in cases where a team plans things like this. Jordan Love was one such actual planned "QBOTF". Other than in such cases, I don't think the term has much meaning other than fantasizing about what might be.


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2012
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To me QBOTF means a QB with a realistic chance of becoming a top 16 QB. I saw that in Howell before last season. I don't have that expectation of him right now. It's still possible but he's at least a top 48 QB that a team could compete with during a short-term injury for the starter.
This, except I would set the bar much higher and say a young qb with serious juice who has a realistic shot at eventually winning a sb. That should be the goal every year. If you aim high, you might miss. If you aim low, you'll hit. And that's what we've been doing for years, with commensurate [ and predictable] results.


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2015
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In my opinion, QBOTF, is a QB that the front office believes, will be the starting QB, at least, 5 consecutive seasons.

It doesn’t matter how the player is acquired.

Geno, if you include this upcoming season, will be the 3 year he has started, and possibly, his last year is year 3 starting, technically, Geno, does not fulfill my stating 5 consecutive years criteria, so Geno, is definitely not considered a QBOTF.

QBOFT, usually, requires the same front office. A lot of times, a new regime, makes a switch at QB and their process restarts…

But this is just my take…


Well-known member
Mar 20, 2022
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It’s hereby declared that QBotF must now be referred to as one of the following:

Future QB
Next QB
QB that comes after the current QB
Year xxxx QB
QB that may or may not be on the roster but should be
QB that may or may not be on the roster but could be
QB that is better than ours but requires a trade to obtain

There may be more…

The moniker “…of the future” can apply to more than just QBs.

But I definitely agree. I doubt you’ll ever hear a coach use the term. It almost gives the “..backup/potential draftee is better than our starter but, we’re not playing him yet” vibe.

With that said, Howell is our QB that comes after the current QB 😅😃😂.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2011
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It’s hereby declared that QBotF must now be referred to as one of the following:

Future QB
Next QB
QB that comes after the current QB
Year xxxx QB
QB that may or may not be on the roster but should be
QB that may or may not be on the roster but could be
QB that is better than ours but requires a trade to obtain

There may be more…

The moniker “…of the future” can apply to more than just QBs.

But I definitely agree. I doubt you’ll ever hear a coach use the term. It almost gives the “..backup/potential draftee is better than our starter but, we’re not playing him yet” vibe.

With that said, Howell is our QB that comes after the current QB 😅😃😂.
Or…Howell is the QB that MIGHT come after the current QB.

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