Pick #64, 2nd Round: OT Justin Britt, Missouri


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Seattle, WA
I really don't know what to think of this pick. All I know is that Mayock seemed pretty surprised that we took him in the 2nd and he is usually on the few people that always has liked our picks.


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Ich tu dir weh
I would prefer a "technician" to James carpenter.....he has superior size is somewhat mobile and can think. Whats not to like about that. I red flag his injury history though. A simple analysis for a simple game.

Does remind me of our center from Oregon. Versatile, intelligent, mobile.......as we have seen these guys can be eaten alive in the NFL for there first year or two but pan out really well when the curve is caught up.

-The Glove-

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Blitzer88":3h11fu64 said:
I really don't know what to think of this pick. All I know is that Mayock seemed pretty surprised that we took him in the 2nd and he is usually on the few people that always has liked our picks.
Blitzer, bro, you're trying too hard.


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Tacoma, WA
I'm not listening to blitzer no more, he insulted my nickname for Richardson, I advise everyone to do the same til he takes it back.


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Hawkfan77":s2h63z2l said:
Blitzer88":s2h63z2l said:
sc85sis":s2h63z2l said:
Holmgren just said on KJR that if your o-line coach likes the guy, forget about what all the projections are as to where he will/should go in the draft. He thinks this is a Cable pick.

Normally I would be okay with that, but Moffitt and Carp were considered Cable picks as well.............so uh yeah.
No one is saying he's a Cable pick
Ummm actually yea! Cable say's it in The Seahawks Website.it was his pick.


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plyka":3me4umcd said:
You can tell that the Hawks themselves were not excited with either player drafted today --hence why they moved back in the draft and probably would have moved back again if able. They were forced into a selection, and these players felt like "the least bad" to PC/JS.

You can think what you want about the player, I don't really care, I just had to comment on this HORRIBLE logic.

I guess the Hawks weren't excited about Bobby Wagner and Russell Wilson. I mean they traded back in the 2nd and were later forced into selecting him. They picked Russell Wilson in the 3rd after technically passing on him 4 times (traded back in the 1st and 2nd) and were forced into selecting him at 75. Oh wait, Russell Wilson was actually a top 5 player to Schneider? Maybe, just MAYBE they used their knowledge of the players perception around the league to get other players who had a better perception first or even get extra picks and the players they wanted....but thats just not logical at all.

You have to be smart to do that...like the Steelers did in the greatest draft of all time when Noll was in love with John Stallworth and he wanted to select him in the 1st, but they talked him into selecting Lynn Swann and Jack Lambert first because they knew he would last, then selected him in the 4th.


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plyka":1xgonwfc said:
Just not a good player from what i've seen. Then we get to Richardson...eehhmmm, meh...basically hear sounds coming out of my mouth that make you think this guy is underwhelmed. The Hawks had one GLARING weakness at a position where talent is so obvious that it's hard to draft high value players deep ---that's a red zone threat (weakness) at the WR position. They needed that Josh Gordon ---the guy with size and athletic ability to put the fear of death into defenders. They did not get that guy, even though at least 5 WRs that fit the bill were available. Why not Brandon Colman (my fav), or Martavius Bryant (2nd best) or Moncrief or Robinson, or i can name many more. Instead a 5'2 midget that may get tackled if its a stormy day at the CLINK and a strong breeze works its way through the stadium. Just a horrible draft so far, but i'm not surprised.


Brandon Coleman is one of the most overrated players in .NET history. Between ENGLISH comparing him to Megatron 2.0 and a few other posters making it sound like he's going to be Randy Moss reincarnated.. he's simply not that good. I'm sorry. Martavius Bryant is Stephen Hill all over again.. and while I liked Moncrief and Robinson a lot, this FO clearly wanted another option that can take the top off the defense. That is Paul Richardson. Desean Jackson and Mike Wallace are thinking of suing Richardson for copyright infringement because he's damn near identical to both of those guys.

And forgive me for this.. but I tend to trust John Schneider and Pete Carroll over plyka the Seahawks.net poster that reads a couple of mock drafts from Rob Rang and thinks he's a college scouting guru.


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Blitzer88":332giaox said:
I really don't know what to think of this pick. All I know is that Mayock seemed pretty surprised that we took him in the 2nd and he is usually on the few people that always has liked our picks.

Mayock said he had him graded in the 5th but if JS drafted him 64th he might have been wrong on him.

In other words, Mayock knows how foolish this FO has made people look that try to grade a draft pick minutes and hours after it happens.


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May 14, 2012
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How can anyone actually question a Seahawks draft pick with any confidence ... I trust Pete and John. Always and forever.


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Aug 27, 2012
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How can anyone pass judgment without seeing any of the picks in a Seahawk uniform for a year or so?

It is all speculation including mine:

The staff wanted this guy. They wanted a guy that could play right away. Britt has been described as a "technician". Let me interpret that for you.......technician = "not a project". His upside probably isn't huge like, for example, Moses, but he will add immediate depth if not immediately start at right tackle. He will carry them over while Cable converts a new undrafted, athletic DT with huge upside (in other words, a project).

Sports Hernia

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The pit
Sarlacc83":37hxa87m said:
Hawkfan77":37hxa87m said:
HawkWow":37hxa87m said:
DavidSeven":37hxa87m said:
For those that call it a reach: You honestly can't call it a reach unless you have watched his tape and put a grade on him. Do you know where other teams graded him? No. All you know is what you see on some media produced mocks that become increasingly inaccurate as we go deeper into the draft.

What do you hate about this pick besides your knee jerk reaction based on some half-baked Kiper/McShay mock?

Jokes aside, Kiper and McShay know much more than any of us. Believe it. So does Mayock, who had Britt slated for the 5th rd. Aside from our FO, who do you suggest we listen to? I am not being sarcastic.
So they can't be wrong? Got it

Mayock immediately after his comment said: "They clearly know more than I do" - giving due deference to the Super Bowl champions.

To the people here who seem unable to grasp this one simple fact: the Seahawks DO NOT draft players they think will be good on any team. They draft players who will be good on ours. In the meantime, the talking heads don't understand what makes Seattle tick.

Furthermore if you complain about this 5th round crap, you forget one major thing: This FO is crazy like a fox. Remember when they waited to draft Russell Wilson in the 3rd round, even though Schneider would've done it in the first and second? They know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em. If the grabbed this guy at 64, it's because they knew he'd be gone. End of.


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Las Vegas, Nevada
BlueThunder":2xrw12pf said:
Ya know, with Pete and John, I just assume that they see something in a player that other people don't see. They look at some skill or other intangible that their draft picks have and then "Coach 'em up". I think that's the main advantage that our organization has... Look for this or that that Pete and John see, and then hit 'em hard with targeted coaching, targeting their perceived weakness, then concentrate on strengthening that weakness and turning them into a very good or elite player. At least that's the way it has seemed to have gone with our other passed-over draft picks and ignored free agents so far. Anyone else agree with that assessment?



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Irvine, California


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Seattle, WA
Throwdown":1vtewm96 said:
I'm not listening to blitzer no more, he insulted my nickname for Richardson, I advise everyone to do the same til he takes it back.

Never! I mean you didn't even consult with me on the nickname.

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