Pete Carroll, realizing he just beat Russell Wilson with Geno Smith:


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2011
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Heh. Good thread so far.

It's premature to talk of comeuppance for those who literally insulted people for thinking the team may be able to win 8 at their ceiling this year, but that one game did show some possible cracks in that methodology.

It's football. Any given Sunday. League of parity. Etc etc etc.

Anything can happen. People here used to know that. We're all gonna learn that again.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2013
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Phoenix az
This thread is a prime example of what it looks like when a fan cant/wont eat crow, be humble, etc

The arrogance is sad to see up close and personal

Good lesson for the rest of know what NOT to do on a message board ;)


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2020
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Taboão da Serra, SP, Brazil
I don't even think Smith will be average this year. I think there's reason to believe he might not be terrible, though.
But either way, the Seahawks are positioned for success in coming years.

I saw an interesting comment from Smith recently, but I can't for the life of me find it. I could have sworn it was on, but I've been unable to find it. In any case, it surprised me greatly that there hasn't been more discussion of it around here. It fits nicely with what @Maelstrom787 just said:

It's football. Any given Sunday. League of parity. Etc etc etc.

Anything can happen. People here used to know that. We're all gonna learn that again.

What Smith said was basically that in the NFL, games are lost more than they're won.
That is (going to my interpretation now, not what Smith actually said), every NFL team has a lot of really talented players.
There are just under 1700 players on NFL rosters, out of a world population of nearly eight billion (8,000,000,000) people. That makes even the worst NFL player, the guy we say "sucks" and "has no talent," among the top 0.00002% in the world at football. Break it down by position, and it's even more impressive. That guy who "sucks" is in the top 0.2% of the top 1% of the top 1% in the world at football.
Even the worst NFL team would utterly destroy even the best college team in a game.
So games often come down to a few key moments, even when it's a really good team playing a really bad team.
And my interpretation of what Smith was saying is that a lot of games are won when a player on one team makes a mistake that gives the other team the advantage. That is, the game is lost, not won.
The fact that Smith said that makes me believe he has understood what Pete Carroll has been preaching for decades. It's why Carroll puts such an emphasis on protecting the ball. People (sometimes willfully) misinterpret Carroll and say he just wants to run and isn't interested in "modern" offense, but that's not quite what he says. Carroll loves explosive plays, as long as the team is paying enough attention to protecting the ball and avoiding giving away the game.

I want to be clear that I don't expect the Seahawks to have a very good record this season. Wilson demanding top-of-the-market QB money from the team but failing to provide top-of-the-market QB performance, plus having a $#!+-fit if the team even considered looking at young and potentially good QBs, had already weakened the roster, and then Wilson forcing his way out to try to "pull a Brady" and go to an otherwise-loaded team just missing a QB to win one or more titles and gain universal acclaim for it put a giant dead-money hole on the Seahawks' cap this year, basically guaranteeing the Seahawks a bad record this season. But Seahawks management has responded surprisingly well and has already started putting the pieces in place for a team that can have sustained success despite Wilson's sabotage. That's why I personally celebrated the crap out of Monday night. Not only did the Seahawks beat an old division rival I've disliked for a long time, they did it as a team, and despite all the problems Wilson had caused, and they did it against Wilson himself. That was about as sweet a victory as a Seahawks fan could want, and I think it's pathetic to see supposed Seahawks fans grumbling about it, writing it off as luck, or even lamenting it.
I want to be clear: I don't expect to be celebrating wins very frequently this season, but I am excited about the promise I see in this team, and I am beyond thrilled with the victory in what Wilson wanted to be his "revenge game" in front of a huge Monday-night audience. And I can't tell you how happy I am that it was the still-disliked Broncos that had their coach thrown under the bus for Wilson's failings, instead of my Seahawks. It's a great time to be a Seahawks fan! I'm looking forward to the Seahawks being a strong team, one that doesn't depend on a single player's performance and that isn't built to cater to a single player's needs.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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Newberg, Oregon
More annoying is the posters crying about posters not sharing the same opinion is them.

The Seahawks are once again huge underdogs this week. Which isn't an accident, they are not a good team.

While you are correct they are not a good team,

You thinking a Carroll coached team is only winning 5 games, should make everyone question your football knowledge.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Should be a fun season. And a lot of up and downs. Going in, it's a little different having low expectations. Wins are a huge bonus. And these young players are getting valuable lessons on the field. I still think 7-10 is more realistic, but we'll see how it plays out.

Mike D in 332

Active member
Aug 11, 2015
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man .net has some serious f'n eeyores. I thought this place would be bearable after a WIN, but nah bunch a little bitches got to try and piss in everyone's cheerios. Go back to the shithole cesspool political subforums.
If we give less attention to the negative posts, then there will be less negativity in the long run. IMO it’s better to focus on what we want to see here.


Oct 6, 2021
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"Wilson was in the same position, he had Denver over a barrel, but chose to not reset the market, and setup the deal in a way that allows them to be major players in Free Agency."

This seems to be a major talking point for you. Yes - it might allow the broncos to have some additional FA money. But what else could it do? Possibly make someone look good? Get the media and avid Wilson supporters to talk about how selfless and team oriented he is? Looks like it could also be some damage control to combat the selfish narrative and some image and brand polishing.

Sorry - I just have a difficult time believing that RW's motivations are now entirely on what's best for the team and everyone else but himself. People don't just flip a switch and change like that overnight.
Strictly my opinion - but if Russell Wilson TRULY was trying to have additional money for free agents - why not sign for $10-$15M below his market value per year? That would really improve your player personnel (your choice is money or wins). It really seems like he got as much as he could from the Broncos and then chose to spin it as - look at me and how altruistic I am - I'm all about winning long as it's credited to ME - I truly don't believe the Broncos were willing to make him the highest paid QB or even top 3.

"The game isn't about an individual player here or there. It's about team." - Pete Carroll

Somewhere along the line of Pete Carroll trying to take a lower round QB draft pick and build up his confidence (Russell had the tools and moxie) - he ended up creating the monster known as Russell Wilson.
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Well-known member
Sep 19, 2013
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THIS! Stop feeding the trolls. The ignore function works just fine.
this thread was bait 🤪

and Fade was somebody that took the bait. i made a couple of other threads post-victory, but this is the one he felt compelled to respond to. instead of eating crow, he exposed himself in this thread. he's not a seahawk fan, and that should be obvious by now. he wanted the seahawks to lose on monday. he hedged on it. he only came to these threads to minimilize the victory over his beloved wilson. he's calling anybody that doesnt like wilson or doesnt agree with him "insane". i had him figured out immediately after i came back to these boards. he's entrenched in hate for some reason. blinded by it. unable to move on.

relax fade, us seahawk fans are a jovial bunch. we celebrate wins. go back to webzone if you want to stir the pot.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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Grand Rapids, MI
"Bailed out" is a bit much, but I don't have a problem admitting that Hackett was outcoached. That doesn't mean we didn't deserve the win though. The best part is that Russ won't get a chance to avenge that loss for three years, barring the unlikely scenario that we meet in the Super Bowl before then.