Kearly's Random Thoughts



SacHawk2.0":2qdxphpq said:
...Although I'd have gone with "digital truth confetti" over "digital confetti of truth".

"digital truth confetti", huh...



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HoustonHawk82":2627lduj said:
Here it is:

Kearly's Random Thoughts are simply his observations of the completed action, spoken from the sole angle of providing detailed afterthoughts. His observations are a summary of past events for those of us who may not have seen or registered them ourselves. A gift, if you will, from someone who not only has a keen eye for detail, but a tremendous amount of football recall.

We are not talking about a belching drunk spouting sideways opinions, we are talking about a human DVR, simply bullet-pointing what actually occurred on the football field, wrapping it in the perfect amount detail required to understand it, and sprinkling it over us like a handful of the digital confetti of truth. Free of charge.

It is the blue pill. It is that which serves only to remove that splinter from your mind.
What a great post.

Well done m'man.

Sports Hernia

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The pit
Scottemojo":mw1r3flc said:
We have a few too many people who think they can establish their chops by taking Kearly down. Which is weird, because I have known the guy long enough to know he didn't do his RT threads to feed his ego.
Sad, but very true. While I agree with a lot of Kip's points most of the time, even when I didn't he'd put up a solid argument for his point. I miss his RT's but COMPLETELY understand why he stopped.


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May 1, 2009
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This is all easily solved if Kip would just post his thoughts and then stay out of the thread. Let those who agree with his points defend them from the trolls.


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Mar 5, 2007
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It was a real shame when Kearly stopped his "random thoughts" posts. They were one of the more enjoyable reads for me on this board.

I would hope at some point he would start again, but this time make it so no one can posts comments. That way he can get his opinion out and the trolls won't have a chance to respond. This should be easy enough for the mods or board staff members to arrange IMO.


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Kip may no longer do Random Thoughts with a dedicated thread the way he used to, but if you followed this forum closely last year you know that he still actively posts in the various post-game discussion threads that inevitably pop up. I've found that it's basically the same thing. Obviously the Random Thoughts threads were nice because everything was in one place, and it provided an intelligent starting point for subsequent discussion, but unfortunately they also made him a target to the more boorish members of this board.

If you really like Kip's or anyone else's contributions to this board, you can always search for that user's recent posts. Admittedly it's a bit stalker-ish, but it gets the job done, and it doesn't require anyone to unnecessarily expose him or herself to abusive trolls.


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Nov 5, 2011
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I would like this myself. I am not all perfect. and my knowledge is not all there. I am looking for more intelligent football wisdom...and he put it out there. Help me Obi Wan, You are my only hope.......

I would agree that we could lock it too. Create a separate string of info to bash if it is that important for idiots to bash the concept.

Please make this happen.



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Kansas City, MO
Rocket":30qo36yq said:
What say we lock 'em...

hey, I just saw that a wise Rose City dude had the same suggestion !!!
I'm pretty sure it was suggested before but maybe I'm imagining things. IIRC Kip didn't want that and giving him his own forum isn't a good solution either given a blog would be far more appropriate.


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Random thoughts is retired for good. It's very cool to see so many people "get it" with regards to my decision.

Doing it by email just sounds really weird. Like spending hours and hours to write an article and then emailing to people. Just doesn't feel right.

I have said before that if there is ever an 'elevated discourse' sub-forum on this site (not just for me, obviously) - basically an anti-shack type of place - then there is a chance that some day I might reconsider because it is fun doing them, just not worth the constant, unceasing abuse. Which actually isn't that bad in small doses, it just really takes it's toll over years and years, like a bad job.

But even under ideal circumstances, the resentment and jealousy among select few would probably still exist. I think that particular aspect of it was the shittiest part of it. I've really enjoyed life in the shadows the last two years (while mercilessly stalking Scottemojo).

And though it's fun doing them, it's a lot of time and energy and I am much busier now than I was before. I'm glad people like reading it, but it's always been more about scratching an itch through expression. Basically, it's fun to express something you saw, especially if it's something no one else is saying or talking about.

No promises, but I do still plan to post observations after preseason games. Maybe not right away, but preseason posts I think are more important for analysis and generally tend to be far less heated.


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I'm happy Kearly stopped doing them if he wasn't having fun with it, and can now enjoy the games without the extra task of taking special note of his thoughts during game action.

I'm just really thankful for all the years he was having fun with it, it was such a contribution to this forum. I looked forward to his thoughts more than any pundit, more than coaches diplomatic utterings, more than anything.

He always projected a persona of being just a fan, a really knowledgeable and thoughtful fan, not looking for a blog opportunity, just enriching my day after gameday experience.

I have a feeling that at random times in years to come we'll always see a "hey remember Kearly's Random Thoughts" post.

A fitting tribute to the guy IMO. Zero pressure from this grateful fan to resurrect all that hard work, just appreciation and fond memories.


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Alexander":3476s6ix said:
Kip may no longer do Random Thoughts with a dedicated thread the way he used to, but if you followed this forum closely last year you know that he still actively posts in the various post-game discussion threads that inevitably pop up. I've found that it's basically the same thing. Obviously the Random Thoughts threads were nice because everything was in one place, and it provided an intelligent starting point for subsequent discussion, but unfortunately they also made him a target to the more boorish members of this board.

If you really like Kip's or anyone else's contributions to this board, you can always search for that user's recent posts. Admittedly it's a bit stalker-ish, but it gets the job done, and it doesn't require anyone to unnecessarily expose him or herself to abusive trolls.

Yup. Every single time I log into .net the first page I visit is Scottemojo's. It would probably creep him out to know how many times a day I check his posts.


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May 1, 2009
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Kip...I entreat you to launch up the RT thoughts again. Seriously.

Quick story. When I was in the Air Force, I worked for one of the greatest collection of NCO's that Luke AFB probably ever saw. Bunch of genuinely good men, about a dozen of them, who could balance real concern for their airmen with a drive for getting the job done. They mentored the younger guys, affirmed them, and won their loyalty. These were guys who were trying to make the workplace a great spot for everyone, and morale was high because of it. Didn't hurt that they were also good at their own jobs.

So what did I do? I let the two NCO's who weren't good leaders to sour me to the whole office. Every unit has its insecure clowns whose stripes mean everything to them, and they let the airmen know it, playing mind games and such. They were assholes, and they hid it behind the pretense of "getting the job done". My performance suffered because of my perspective.

Don't let a small handful of chuckleheads (whom everyone else dislikes) outweigh the vast majority here, Kip. For every moron, you have fifty people appreciating your thoughts even when they disagree with them. This very forum is far closer to that intellectual "anti-shack" philosophy than almost every message board on the internet. You'll never find a home like this ever again. I still hold that it is the best environment for your Random Thoughts thread.

You seem resolute, so I'll respect your decision. This will be my one and only pestering. But you have nothing but support if you change your mind.


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corner of 30th & plum
I read here alot and post rarely, being a Seahawks fan I'd think that this would be the last place you'd get chewed out for "YELLING" on game day. But I was wrong! I'm very careful about it now. No matter what I do or say it rubs somebody the wrong way
. cheers


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Vancouver, WA
I used to write general musings and post game write ups of individual players.

It's cool for a while, but eventually the norm replies like, "But it's got electrolytes." is really wearing after putting in the time. You really have to do it for yourself to sustain it, which defeats the purpose. Such is life.

I saw pretty much the same thing with Kearly's stuff in here. Not saying that's why he quit, but for me it got old pretty trying to help people who can't help themselves. And yeah, I'm sure I'm an arsehole.....


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Vancouver, WA
ImTheScientist":u5vcmj1b said:
Doesn't everyone post their random thoughts?

Yes, such as, "Bring me a taco."


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Without a doubt I love Kip for his really thoughtful analysis and Scottmojo for his lovely wife. And analysis, too, I guess.

I think it's brilliant for anyone to disagree and discuss his points, but the very principle our community is based on is also what ruined things for everyone. If I ran this joint I can name at least two tossers I'd have banned yesterday, and both just happened to participate in turning an awesome column with original content into a quagmire. Thanks, jerks! You know who you are!


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Feb 18, 2012
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Kearly for the're one a a few guys that I will actually stop to read their posts.

Don't bring it back if it's not fun for you anymore, but know that it will be missed.