Jumping off the wagon?


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Apr 27, 2012
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To me, there is a difference between "jumping off the band wagon" and being critical of the team. I would not boo them. However I do reserve the right to "call em like I see em" and right now I see a lot of things that are not right. I will root for the 'Hawks through thick and thin. All I ask in return, is that they ALL, from the owner right on down to the lowest guy (or gal) on the totem pole, give 110%, 100% of the time. I don't see that happening right now.


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Jan 2, 2011
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We need more of these types of threads. The reactions to them are pretty funny.


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Aug 29, 2013
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Man even during the golden era of Montana, there were more years where it just didn't work out for my team than there were deep playoff runs. Either missing the playoffs or bounced out early. You don't get to go 12-4, 13-3 every year in the NFL I don't see any reason that the Hawks couldn't also win a SB during a 9-7 or 10-6 down year, your team is loaded all over the place.
Some solid O line picks and some good free agent replacements will extend the window pretty nicely IMO.


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Mar 16, 2012
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Let me clarify one thing...I am in no way against booing. I boo at just about every Mariner game I go to at some point. I'm sure I've booed the Hawks before. They say the 12's know when to get loud. Well, they damn sure don't know when to boo, or rather, when not to boo. Lynch, Sherman, Earl, Pete, Russell. Those guys got booed, at home, after a tough loss, a handful of months after almost winning back to back Super Bowls.

You boo when you see bad effort. You boo when your front office has given you such a terrible product that you need to let them know that you're offended. You boo when you can no longer cheer, when you have given up, and you don't care who knows it. You don't boo your heroes when they need you the most. We need to be an uplifting force for this team right now, not a negative energy.

We know it isn't most here that I'm talking about. But watching that game end and hearing the boos as our team jogged off the field made me embarrassed to own a 12 jersey. What could those guys possibly have to do to earn unrelenting support? This wouldn't even happen in Philly. Maybe not even Oakland. Absolutely unbelievable.

Sports Hernia

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The pit
Weadoption":3tw0yq4g said:
Man even during the golden era of Montana, there were more years where it just didn't work out for my team than there were deep playoff runs. Either missing the playoffs or bounced out early. You don't get to go 12-4, 13-3 every year in the NFL I don't see any reason that the Hawks couldn't also win a SB during a 9-7 or 10-6 down year, your team is loaded all over the place.
Some solid O line picks and some good free agent replacements will extend the window pretty nicely IMO.
This guy gets it and he's a Niner fan saying this about a rival. Great post sir! :th2thumbs:


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Aug 22, 2013
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Dayton, WA
DavidSeven":1y1vppz1 said:
Personally, I find booing your own team to be pretty distasteful in any circumstance. I know the players put on for the 12s in public, but I'm not sure how genuine that could really be. These guys get harassed incessantly on social media by Seattle fans and are booed in their own stadium. The "happy go-lucky" fanbase that took losses in stride and showed up gratefully to show support after tough losses really doesn't exist anymore. There is a bit of entitlement these days, and I'm guilty of it too. And maybe that's part of the current disconnect we see on the field. Who knows?

It's all human nature, though. There are external factors that might make one fanbase more passionate than the other, but at the end of the day, we are all human beings with the same flaws and vulnerable to the same bad tendencies.

Good post.

The booing made me cringe a bit. This team is in a rough place, and needs our support like never before. It's easy to be rabid when things are going well. But show you love the team just the same when the wheels seem to be falling off.


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Tical21":11vvypzs said:
I'm a little disgusted with the Seahawks fanbase right now. All these thousands call themselves "the twelves", and yet go headfirst off the wagon at the first sign of trouble. That isn't a fanbase. That is a bunch of whining, entitled, Johnny Come Latelys. Was that booing that we heard? Booing? BOOING!!?!? The are the same guys that 20 months ago brought the decades-eluded Lombardi trophy to Seattle. Eight months ago were three feet from winning another. They've worked their tales off and we've enjoyed their fruit. And now we think we have the right to boo these guys? After four losses in one season?

Are we rallying around our team? Or are we booing? Unreal.

Name a fanbase that you admire. Who is a good fanbase? They wouldn't have been booing, and they wouldn't be jumping ship four losses after a Super Bowl appearance.
I agree with you, the "twelves" seem to be the people who went to Wal Mart and bought there fake jersey or bought there counterfeit flag somewhere. I refuse to talk football at work right now unless I know they are a real fan. Most of my conversations are with fans from other teams now because the so called 12's piss me off. That being said, I know why other fan bases find us obnoxious because that " SEA......HAWKS" chant is very irritating. Especially when you are at something like a concert or a Mariners game!


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
2-14 or 14-2, no way in hell do you ever jump off the wagon. That's beyond lame. Thru thick and thin. Being critical of the team and having high expectations is one thing. Unfortunately, it does seem like there are a lot of fans who started liking the team in 2012. The booing drives me nuts at the game. In fact, I'll always make sure to yell very loud that people need to shut the hell up. Because, you know, booing your team is really gonna' motivate them to play better. :roll: Ugh


Oct 22, 2009
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Oh good, more analysis of the fan base. Because, you know, that's what's causing the Seahawks to under-perform.

Some of you must not have been sports fans very long if you somehow missed the reactionary nature of fandom. Fans jumping on and off the bandwagon happens to all teams at all times everywhere.

These sorts of posts are really saying one thing: "I'm the bestest most loyalest fan in the whole wide world and, gosh darn it, I'm simply better than the rest of you at life!"


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
True, it happens. Everyone deals with losses their own way. Nobody needs to justify what type of a fan they are. Let alone telling others how to be a fan. We all love the Hawks, I think we can agree on that.
I don't like the booing at all, but I do understand it. Because the way they are giving up leads, it's hard to argue with the frustration. I don't agree with it, but I certainly understand it.


Dec 17, 2012
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Athens, Georgia
I'm not upset at anyone of those "fake fans or 12s", whichever you prefer, jumping off the "bandwagon" so to speak. I prefer it better this way. It gives us our edge back when we were fighting for respect. Now we're on every headline and always playing on prime-time television. Let the fake fans disappear so the real fans can continue to hold the team down during these trying times.


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Apr 30, 2009
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I don't know which wagon we're jumping off of.

Personally, I've drank more alcohol this year than the last 2 combined at this point, so yeah, maybe I jumped off THAT wagon.

Realistically, we MIGHT make the playoffs, but we're not going to beat good teams on the road. Not with the way we're playing.

As for booing, I'd like it to be a bit intelligent, but if you paid money for the ticket, you can boo them. You're supporting them with your hard earned money, you can let them know your disapproval as well.


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Nov 21, 2011
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If we are so quick to make judgments on players or playcalls with limited knowledge of the situation, why is it so wrong for 12s to judge each other by their actions when you can see the complete picture?

Fans booed the only men who ever brought this level of football to this city. A city that would rank in near the bottom of all major sports cities before this team.The only team in any sport that gave us any reason to feel like NO 1 in decades.

We do have the right to boo anyone or say what we want.But just because we have the right doesnt make it right.

Some people think its cool to boo I think the fans that booed this team are garbage in this instance.


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Sep 9, 2012
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People jumping on and off the bandwagon is what drives the league to be competitive.


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Roy Wa.
Booing is a form of diputing the product before you at events, fans are not stupid here, they see and know a inferior performance and or product. The other option is quit attending games and buying merchandise, that will also happen if things are not turned around as well.


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Dec 30, 2010
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I think a team without bandwagon fans isnt really doing enough on the field.

I don't want to lose the magic of the whole city being electric with anticipation (this speaks to performance) but I also don't want to be in the situation where every one in the city is equally miserable and overly invested in the team (this speaks to the intensity of fandom).


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Jan 2, 2011
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chris98251":q94dhokf said:
Booing is a form of diputing the product before you at events, fans are not stupid here, they see and know a inferior performance and or product. The other option is quit attending games and buying merchandise, that will also happen if things are not turned around as well.

Booing means nothing from a sales standpoint. It's not a effective indicator to how a product is selling. Robert Kraft knows this, and I'm sure Paul Allen does too.

Only sales affect sales.


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Roy Wa.
bmorepunk":39w2nrjb said:
chris98251":39w2nrjb said:
Booing is a form of diputing the product before you at events, fans are not stupid here, they see and know a inferior performance and or product. The other option is quit attending games and buying merchandise, that will also happen if things are not turned around as well.

Booing means nothing from a sales standpoint. It's not a effective indicator to how a product is selling. Robert Kraft knows this, and I'm sure Paul Allen does too.

Only sales affect sales.

So teams that get booed and continue to decline are great with attendence, merchandise sales, being marketed churning out sales with a bad product. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.....k


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May 16, 2014
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Morenci, AZ
Somewhat Agree to disagree. I've been a fan my entire life and always will be.

It IS possible to be a fan and support your team while still being pissed at the way they're playing/ being coached.

I'll agree with you on the booing tho. I'd never go to that level. I must of missed that. That happened this last Sunday? Yeesch..

Cmon Hawks pull your shiz together and play like we know you can!!