It's officially a lost season


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May 1, 2009
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I don't think the season is lost at all. The issue is not with the personnel, the front office has done pretty well with that. Even with injuries, "next man up", is a reality here. The issue is with offensive coaching.


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Mar 7, 2010
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Aiken , SC
johnnyfever":2owicyr8 said:
I like the trades we made.

The problem is, our issues aren't with our roster, but rather with the inability to use the talent we have.

It has been this way for a while now, but our team was so young and incredibly talented we we're able to hide the gross negligence of our offensive coaching. Injuries happen, to every team every year. You have to account for them with depthl and being able to win all the games you should/can early in the season.

We have regressed every year since our Superbowl loss. It is because our young hungry players are getting older, and it is exposing what the real issue is and has been. We will continue to get worse until Pete and John actually address the problem.

I am not a pessimist or a sky is falling type guy, but I am someone who pays attention to details and analyzes cause and effect at a base level. Until we change Bev and cable, we will continue our coast into mediocrity. As out team continues to age, they can no longer mask the coaching ineptitude.

I'll still watch every game, feel like trash the day after if we lose or ride high after a win. I will still proudly wear my Hawks attire, and will never be a fan of any other team. But I have no problem identifying a serious issue we need to solve. The goal is winning every game and then winning the Superbowl. If your goal for this team is any less than that then you have never played or excelled in competitive sports.

Let's get this garbage cleaned up Pete and John. Enough is enough, no more excuses. Injuries aren't the exception in this game, they are the norm.

I will be using this line sir, in my everyday life, unless it is licensed. :D


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May 1, 2009
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God's cycling country (Miami, FL)
Seymour":2up2j4p5 said:
hawker84":2up2j4p5 said:
We'll have to win shootouts now. That does not bode well for us.

What's bologna is thinking yards per game is a worthwhile statistic to judge an offense by. Example: Look at how many more points per game the Saints have over us, while having considerably fewer yards per game.

uncle fester

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Apr 9, 2010
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Seymour":2ih9iiq9 said:
uncle fester":2ih9iiq9 said:
One or more potential events have obviously taken place. These seem to be the two most obvious contenders.

Potential event 1

The League has shortened the season to Ten Weeks, plus the extra game between Pittsburgh and Tennessee. This gives credence to the suspicion that Pittsburgh get preferential treatment from the League. It does, however present some issues. The playoffs and Super Bowl have been abandoned. Expect lawyers to submit groups of sports writers to bicker endlessly about who was best, on a team-by-team basis. This is generally agreed the best way to settle sports discrepancies. Jerry Jones will sue the end result regardless, claiming they don't have all the facts.

Potential Event 2

The League hasn't shortened the season. It was a nasty rumor by those dagger-twisters on ProFootballTalk. However, Paul Allen has folded the team, with the remaining games forfeited. Celebrations to be planned immediately in Santa Clara (who need the single point awarded) and Boston (who seem to have forgotten that celebrating indicates a special occasion, rather than something that will always happen). And Green Bay. Because they seem to get more joy from laughing at other teams than acknowledgement of more immediate concerns. Early front-runners for the newly-available franchise are believed to be St Louis and Oklahoma City.

Ummm Fester....did Pugsly get on your computer again here??


Forgive me. Based on the Original Post, I thought this was the alternate realities thread, so I thought I'd suggest some possibilities to go with the facts as presented in the title.


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Jul 10, 2013
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TheLegendOfBoom":2g4oyxkc said:
This goes to show you unless you're the Patriots, your time at the top in the NFL may be short lived.

So when you are at the top, you maximize every opportunity to win as much as you can.

Pete Carroll, is now seeing what happens when you try and resign "every one." They get older, injuries mount, they get less hungry, and stop playing as well.

Got to continually stay young in order to win in this league.

This! And this is also why the Pats only keep Brady and Gronk year after year.


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Nov 16, 2015
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RolandDeschain":33jy34n9 said:
Seymour":33jy34n9 said:
hawker84":33jy34n9 said:
We'll have to win shootouts now. That does not bode well for us.

What's bologna is thinking yards per game is a worthwhile statistic to judge an offense by. Example: Look at how many more points per game the Saints have over us, while having considerably fewer yards per game.

Ya, it is one of many and yes it's not as telling as scoring or YPA but point is, we are not as bad as some believe. No I'm not saying we are 2nd best passing offense, I'm saying there is production, and with some effort and head pulling out of blind spots, we could be.
Also, Aint's have a running game, we don't.


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Sep 13, 2009
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Dumb post, season isn't over until the Seahawks lose in the playoffs.


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Oct 12, 2011
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Lecce, Italy
Depends on what you define as success. If you think the Seahawks have the talent to win the SB, then yes, this season feels lost.

If instead you are happy with making the playoffs and likely getting bounced early, than it is far from over.


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Nov 19, 2013
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Kent, wa
Seymour":3232hzhu said:
RolandDeschain":3232hzhu said:
Seymour":3232hzhu said:
hawker84":3232hzhu said:
We'll have to win shootouts now. That does not bode well for us.

What's bologna is thinking yards per game is a worthwhile statistic to judge an offense by. Example: Look at how many more points per game the Saints have over us, while having considerably fewer yards per game.

Ya, it is one of many and yes it's not as telling as scoring or YPA but point is, we are not as bad as some believe. No I'm not saying we are 2nd best passing offense, I'm saying there is production, and with some effort and head pulling out of blind spots, we could be.
Also, Aint's have a running game, we don't.

We are # 9 bu total yards per game
11th in points per game
#3 in passing yards per game
#3 in passing tds per game
#8 in passing yards per attempts

So we can win a shoot out and have this year already. If our coaches allow us to that is.


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Sep 13, 2009
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falcongoggles":3qtuxoq2 said:
Depends on what you define as success. If you think the Seahawks have the talent to win the SB, then yes, this season feels lost.

If instead you are happy with making the playoffs and likely getting bounced early, than it is far from over.

Wrong, the Seahawks can still win the super bowl, way too early to count them out. We're halfway through the season.


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Oct 12, 2014
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seahawkfreak":3ovyli7u said:
johnnyfever":3ovyli7u said:
I like the trades we made.

The problem is, our issues aren't with our roster, but rather with the inability to use the talent we have.

It has been this way for a while now, but our team was so young and incredibly talented we we're able to hide the gross negligence of our offensive coaching. Injuries happen, to every team every year. You have to account for them with depthl and being able to win all the games you should/can early in the season.

We have regressed every year since our Superbowl loss. It is because our young hungry players are getting older, and it is exposing what the real issue is and has been. We will continue to get worse until Pete and John actually address the problem.

I am not a pessimist or a sky is falling type guy, but I am someone who pays attention to details and analyzes cause and effect at a base level. Until we change Bev and cable, we will continue our coast into mediocrity. As out team continues to age, they can no longer mask the coaching ineptitude.

I'll still watch every game, feel like trash the day after if we lose or ride high after a win. I will still proudly wear my Hawks attire, and will never be a fan of any other team. But I have no problem identifying a serious issue we need to solve. The goal is winning every game and then winning the Superbowl. If your goal for this team is any less than that then you have never played or excelled in competitive sports.

Let's get this garbage cleaned up Pete and John. Enough is enough, no more excuses. Injuries aren't the exception in this game, they are the norm.

I will be using this line sir, in my everyday life, unless it is licensed. :D

Came straight from my feeble mind, no license necessary.


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May 1, 2009
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Crizilla":1mvihfxb said:
Gives the other team the ball more since we can't limit their possessions by milking the clock. It's not rocket science.

The flipside of this, is that it gives us more points.

Brady has been winning with this strategy for years. The Pats' defense stopped being consistently good twelve years ago.


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May 1, 2009
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Rat":272pz66m said:
I wish we could have those trades for Sackless Sheldon and Decrepit Duane back. We need those draft picks.

We need Sheldon more than Brown. Lack of interior pass rush has been more responsible for our playoff exits than any other factor. If you guys want to talk about "playoff ceilings" under Pete, THAT is where to look. And Pete has addressed it.

As far as Brown...well, I've still got a betting pool with myself (sad, I know, but at least I don't lose anything) over how long it will take people to realize that Wilson has remained a mostly outstanding QB without a good offensive line. We didn't need Brown as much. It was a steep price - two rebuilding picks for a guy who, if injured (and now he is), has a slower-to-heal body and far fewer years ahead of him to justify the trade than, say, a tackle in the draft.

What mostly validates the Brown trade is that there ARE no good tackles in the draft anymore.


Aug 7, 2012
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Does anyone remember when Sherman was third string? Trufant went down; then Thurmond, and Sherman got his chance. Maybe lightning will strike again


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Sep 14, 2014
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Hawksfan78":o2kn4kxy said:
Does anyone remember when Sherman was third string? Trufant went down; then Thurmond, and Sherman got his chance. Maybe lightning will strike again

That is what I hope to see, the birth of LOB 2.0. They certainly have the talent, just not the experience.


Nov 2, 2015
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How do u say the season is over. We win tomorrow we are back in first place. We have the 49ers next week and rams have the saints. We can be in sole possession of first place with two wins. We also have the rams and cardinals at home.

Just make the playoffs that’s all I’m asking for Xmas.


Aug 10, 2015
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On de beach, mon...
SPIRITOF12":38umsqf0 said:
Hawksfan78":38umsqf0 said:
Does anyone remember when Sherman was third string? Trufant went down; then Thurmond, and Sherman got his chance. Maybe lightning will strike again

That is what I hope to see, the birth of LOB 2.0. They certainly have the talent, just not the experience.

EXACTLY what I've been thinking.

That, and don't they actually have to play football before deciding the season is over? Last i looked, we're 6-3 and have 7 games left to play. We're 3-0 in our division with the 2 tougher wins on the road.


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Jan 8, 2013
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It was about halfway through the year after that first wildcard game, the one our current kicker won for us by losing, when I realized this team wasn't going to be a serious contender again.

I think we have the horses for it, but we are content to try to keep games close and let the defense win it for us.

We have shown in games along the way, notably vs the Steelers, that we have the ability to win with offense. But, while we have the players for it - we don't have the coaching staff.

It is going to take a few years for Seattle fans to realize the window shut a while ago. I figured that a while ago.

But the thing is, you don't have to go to the SB every year to enjoy watching your team.

The problem for me, this is crappy football. Even when the defense was great, the other half of the team didn't even look like it cared about doing anything but moving up/down the field and milking clock.

Earlier this year, the start of the football season was the Green Bay game. Normally I would move heaven and earth to make sure I was there for a home game and at the TV from start to finish in an away game. But the GF wanted to go to Friday Harbor that weekend and, if didn't want to get up early the ferry back was going to make sure I was not home until halftime.

Normally? I am going to get up at the crack of dawn to beeline back. But, I've learned we don't really do anything for a full half anyway unless the other team manages to take a lead. I figured I would come back to a halftime score of a few FGs back and forth and that was about it. Sure enough, very little happened in that game the first half.

And so it goes, I would rather watch a good game and lose occasionally than a boring, punt and move, move & punt game with some FGs wedged in there.

I still post on here, so I obviously care. But I don't get upset when we lose anymore. I pretty much expect it because we only play football for 1/4 to 1/2 a game. The first half is usually meaningless jockeying for field position with some FGs sprinkled in.

It's worse than playing not to lose. It's playing just to take space until the 4th quarter rolls around. And I figure, if they don't bother to care about the first 3 quarters...why should I?

This season was lost before our defense went down. A potential bright spot might be that the offense will be forced to actually to try score because they know the defense won't just constantly be able to keep us in games anymore. Maybe we will get real football back again.


Apr 14, 2013
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Fairbanks Alaska
TwistedHusky":2dtc75sk said:
It was about halfway through the year after that first wildcard game, the one our current kicker won for us by losing, when I realized this team wasn't going to be a serious contender again.

I think we have the horses for it, but we are content to try to keep games close and let the defense win it for us.

We have shown in games along the way, notably vs the Steelers, that we have the ability to win with offense. But, while we have the players for it - we don't have the coaching staff.

It is going to take a few years for Seattle fans to realize the window shut a while ago. I figured that a while ago.

But the thing is, you don't have to go to the SB every year to enjoy watching your team.

The problem for me, this is crappy football. Even when the defense was great, the other half of the team didn't even look like it cared about doing anything but moving up/down the field and milking clock.

Earlier this year, the start of the football season was the Green Bay game. Normally I would move heaven and earth to make sure I was there for a home game and at the TV from start to finish in an away game. But the GF wanted to go to Friday Harbor that weekend and, if didn't want to get up early the ferry back was going to make sure I was not home until halftime.

Normally? I am going to get up at the crack of dawn to beeline back. But, I've learned we don't really do anything for a full half anyway unless the other team manages to take a lead. I figured I would come back to a halftime score of a few FGs back and forth and that was about it. Sure enough, very little happened in that game the first half.

And so it goes, I would rather watch a good game and lose occasionally than a boring, punt and move, move & punt game with some FGs wedged in there.

I still post on here, so I obviously care. But I don't get upset when we lose anymore. I pretty much expect it because we only play football for 1/4 to 1/2 a game. The first half is usually meaningless jockeying for field position with some FGs sprinkled in.

It's worse than playing not to lose. It's playing just to take space until the 4th quarter rolls around. And I figure, if they don't bother to care about the first 3 quarters...why should I?

This season was lost before our defense went down. A potential bright spot might be that the offense will be forced to actually to try score because they know the defense won't just constantly be able to keep us in games anymore. Maybe we will get real football back again.

Well said, maybe you could use a towel to cry into as you reflect fondly on the Holmgren era. :irishdrinkers: