It's like we thought (Lynch's Signing Bonus)


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Apr 30, 2009
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According to NFL network, The Seattle Seahawks aren't going to ask for any of Marshawn Lynch's signing bonus back.

It seems both sides are amicable to how things went down. It's also great PR for the Hawks with their own players, as this is truly taking care of a guy that carried the team and earned it.

This might be on as well by now.


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Aug 20, 2013
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^^^ This is totally standard when players retire due to injury, age, etc..

The only recent exception I can think of is that Chris Borland gave his bonus money back to the 9ers after retiring after one season, but overall that was a really atypical situation. (I'm guessing the 9ers would have rather had the third round pick back than the 400K of bonus money :lol: )


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I'm not sure grabbing the cash back gets us much anyway. :229031_shrug:


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Orlando, FL
Popeyejones":1apmkd5r said:
^^^ This is totally standard when players retire due to injury, age, etc..

The only recent exception I can think of is that Chris Borland gave his bonus money back to the 9ers after retiring after one season, but overall that was a really atypical situation. (I'm guessing the 9ers would have rather had the third round pick back than the 400K of bonus money :lol: )

Sure can't be because of how John Schneider and the Seahawks treat their players, huh? They're no better than the standard, is what Popeye is saying. Nothing special about the treatment the Hawks are giving Marshawn?

Does everyone here agree with that? Just curious.


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Orlando, FL
sutz":n9v4ghjr said:
I'm not sure grabbing the cash back gets us much anyway. :229031_shrug:
Under the table... keep the cash as long as you don't "unretire" elsewhere and come back to haunt us?


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Mar 5, 2007
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This is no surprise, and represents a golden handshake of a sort.


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Kent, WA
TeamoftheCentury":1i2vjq7h said:
sutz":1i2vjq7h said:
I'm not sure grabbing the cash back gets us much anyway. :229031_shrug:
Under the table... keep the cash as long as you don't "unretire" elsewhere and come back to haunt us?
Well, under a normal retirement, the Seahawks retain his rights until the end of the contract. He can't go somewhere else unless the Seahawks allow it, and I think that would involve some compensation. ;)


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Anchorage, AK
sutz":2oliiyl6 said:
TeamoftheCentury":2oliiyl6 said:
sutz":2oliiyl6 said:
I'm not sure grabbing the cash back gets us much anyway. :229031_shrug:
Under the table... keep the cash as long as you don't "unretire" elsewhere and come back to haunt us?
Well, under a normal retirement, the Seahawks retain his rights until the end of the contract. He can't go somewhere else unless the Seahawks allow it, and I think that would involve some compensation. ;)

This is true. We haven't given up his rights, so he remains under contract to us, so as a retired player, he can't talk to any teams or representatives of other teams about playing anywhere else without us giving that team permission.

I'm sure the Seahawks knew this was a possibility when they wrote the bonus check for the contract in the first place, so this doesn't surprise me.


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Orlando, FL
kidhawk":e2eytggz said:
sutz":e2eytggz said:
TeamoftheCentury":e2eytggz said:
sutz":e2eytggz said:
I'm not sure grabbing the cash back gets us much anyway. :229031_shrug:
Under the table... keep the cash as long as you don't "unretire" elsewhere and come back to haunt us?
Well, under a normal retirement, the Seahawks retain his rights until the end of the contract. He can't go somewhere else unless the Seahawks allow it, and I think that would involve some compensation. ;)

This is true. We haven't given up his rights, so he remains under contract to us, so as a retired player, he can't talk to any teams or representatives of other teams about playing anywhere else without us giving that team permission.

I'm sure the Seahawks knew this was a possibility when they wrote the bonus check for the contract in the first place, so this doesn't surprise me.
Right. Understood fellas. Just with how the Hawks roll, I'm just thinking they are moving on and wouldn't clamor for compensation and permission already granted. That's what I meant by the "keep the dough." I don't know what Marshawn is thinking other than seeing a pair of cleats hung up in a photo. But, the Hawks probably just said keep the dough without any stipulation and fine moving on.

As a fan, I'd like them to get something in return if Marshawn wants to unretire elsewhere (like with Oakland), but somehow I think things are just settled between the two parties and the Beastmode era is officially over in Seattle no matter what Marshawn might want to do.


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Kent, WA
TeamoftheCentury":2karwjcn said:
Right. Understood fellas. Just with how the Hawks roll, I'm just thinking they are moving on and wouldn't clamor for compensation and permission already granted. That's what I meant by the "keep the dough." I don't know what Marshawn is thinking other than seeing a pair of cleats hung up in a photo. But, the Hawks probably just said keep the dough without any stipulation and fine moving on.

As a fan, I'd like them to get something in return if Marshawn wants to unretire elsewhere (like with Oakland), but somehow I think things are just settled between the two parties and the Beastmode era is officially over in Seattle no matter what Marshawn might want to do.
The Seahawks are good to their players, but they're not bad businessmen. They would have to actually release him, and I haven't heard that yet. I don't expect they will. ;)


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Aug 20, 2013
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TeamoftheCentury":1wv0j890 said:
Popeyejones":1wv0j890 said:
^^^ This is totally standard when players retire due to injury, age, etc..

The only recent exception I can think of is that Chris Borland gave his bonus money back to the 9ers after retiring after one season, but overall that was a really atypical situation. (I'm guessing the 9ers would have rather had the third round pick back than the 400K of bonus money :lol: )

Sure can't be because of how John Schneider and the Seahawks treat their players, huh? They're no better than the standard, is what Popeye is saying. Nothing special about the treatment the Hawks are giving Marshawn?

Does everyone here agree with that? Just curious.

Uh, I compliment John Schneider on this board all the time, dude. A couple weeks ago I was even arguing with Seahawks fans about how he deserves more credit than he gets. :lol:

If you want sit around and compliment John Scneider let's do it, but we don't need to pretend that something that's really normal is actually exceptional in order to do it.


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North Pole, Alaska
sutz":yoanilcq said:
I'm not sure grabbing the cash back gets us much anyway. :229031_shrug:

It would get us back 5 million against the cap, that we could then give to Michael Bennet. Kam Chancellor, and Doug Baldwin.

Attyla the Hawk

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Mar 11, 2013
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TeamoftheCentury":1ifhblw2 said:
Popeyejones":1ifhblw2 said:
^^^ This is totally standard when players retire due to injury, age, etc..

The only recent exception I can think of is that Chris Borland gave his bonus money back to the 9ers after retiring after one season, but overall that was a really atypical situation. (I'm guessing the 9ers would have rather had the third round pick back than the 400K of bonus money :lol: )

Sure can't be because of how John Schneider and the Seahawks treat their players, huh? They're no better than the standard, is what Popeye is saying. Nothing special about the treatment the Hawks are giving Marshawn?

Does everyone here agree with that? Just curious.

Generally, Popeyejones is spot on.

Most players, especially ones with history of service -- aren't typically asked to repay the prorated signing bonus.

In general, the cases where the bonus has been repaid (willingly or not), has been in cases where a player retires soon after signing a multi year deal when the team thinks the player can still play and misrepresented his intention when negotiating the deal.

For recent examples, see Kyle Orton (Cowboys) and Jake Plummer (Tampa Bay). One could also look at the case of Andre Johnson in 2014. Johnson restructured a massive deal in 2011, 2012 and 2013 to convert base salary to signing bonus. This was at the request of the team and for their benefit to get under the cap.

When the situation between him and the team turned acrimonious in 2014 -- leading to threats of retirement from Johnson -- the team held the repayment of his signing bonus over him to force him to play. And that bonus was exceptionally high because of the massive amounts of base salary converted to bonus at the behest of the team.

The most comparable recent instance was Kurt Warner's retirement in 2010 from Arizona. He signed a two year deal in 2009 with an 11.5m signing bonus. It was a deal similar to Lynch's. A sweet deal to reward a SB appearance to a guy who was the heartbeat of the team.

Arizona forced repayment of the remaining 7.5m in 2010. Even though there wasn't much in the way of acrimony. The situations were very similar and the money outstanding was very similar. The Cards went after the money. Seattle -- it remains to be seen.

And then there is the case of Barry Sanders. One of the most beloved players in Lions history. But this is the Lions we're talking about. When he retired in '99 and offered to repay half of the remaining signing bonus if Detroit would release his rights so he could play elsewhere -- the Lions did what we would expect. Forced him to repay the entire amount and held on to his rights until they expired. Scorched earth policy at it's finest. Cheating NFL fans of a couple years of Barry's talents.

So there aren't set rules. But in general teams rarely recoup bonuses unless they feel like players negotiated in bad faith or if they deemed the retirement as a holdout/ruse or attempt to force a trade.

Also worth noting that Brett Favre had language added to his deal with the NY Jets whereby the team conceded the right to go after signing bonus money should he retire (which he did). The Jets knew going in that the multi year deal they agreed to was going to be a 1 year rent a QB deal. So there is the ability for players to bargain that.

Players that retire due to injury very rarely are asked to forfeit their signing bonus.

It was surmised even at the time Lynch signed his deal last year, that this three year deal was really a one year deal. The bonus not being prohibitive enough that Seattle couldn't simply release him. I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that this outcome was already agreed to behind closed doors.


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Jan 18, 2013
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This is a unique situation in that Seattle probably wouldn't keep Lynch at his $11.5M cap hit even if he wanted to play.

Thus, if the team made even the slightest hint of going after the signing bonus, Lynch could just hold off on filing his retirement papers. Ultimately, the team would have to release him and let him keep the bonus anyway. Where a team would otherwise keep the player on his current deal, it makes more sense to go after the bonus if he retires early. Not the case here. An amicable split with the bonus of good PR is really the only sensible option.


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Los Angeles
ivotuk":3byc063h said:
sutz":3byc063h said:
I'm not sure grabbing the cash back gets us much anyway. :229031_shrug:

It would get us back 5 million against the cap, that we could then give to Michael Bennet. Kam Chancellor, and Doug Baldwin.

Specifically I believe 2.5 for two years, not 5 all at once.

As far as the whole Seahawks treating their players well, I wholly believe that. However, this being an example of that? I would say something like this is more the norm as cited by many posters above. I think just about any other team in the same situation would have acted the same.


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Mar 4, 2014
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TeamoftheCentury":mbv0844v said:
Popeyejones":mbv0844v said:
^^^ This is totally standard when players retire due to injury, age, etc..

The only recent exception I can think of is that Chris Borland gave his bonus money back to the 9ers after retiring after one season, but overall that was a really atypical situation. (I'm guessing the 9ers would have rather had the third round pick back than the 400K of bonus money :lol: )

Sure can't be because of how John Schneider and the Seahawks treat their players, huh? They're no better than the standard, is what Popeye is saying. Nothing special about the treatment the Hawks are giving Marshawn?

Does everyone here agree with that? Just curious.

It IS standard in the NFL. Unless a team gave a big signing bonus for a long contract and the player calls it quits early on. It is different if a player has off-field legal issues and has worn out his welcome. THEN a team might go after it.

The seahawks did not do anything that the other 31 teams don't do.

The Seahawks are not a magical unicorn. A lot of things they do are done by the other 31 teams. This is one of those things.

Sorry to burst your bubble


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Aug 19, 2012
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Orlando, FL
bjornanderson21":8d1k698f said:
TeamoftheCentury":8d1k698f said:
Popeyejones":8d1k698f said:
^^^ This is totally standard when players retire due to injury, age, etc..

The only recent exception I can think of is that Chris Borland gave his bonus money back to the 9ers after retiring after one season, but overall that was a really atypical situation. (I'm guessing the 9ers would have rather had the third round pick back than the 400K of bonus money :lol: )

Sure can't be because of how John Schneider and the Seahawks treat their players, huh? They're no better than the standard, is what Popeye is saying. Nothing special about the treatment the Hawks are giving Marshawn?

Does everyone here agree with that? Just curious.

It IS standard in the NFL. Unless a team gave a big signing bonus for a long contract and the player calls it quits early on. It is different if a player has off-field legal issues and has worn out his welcome. THEN a team might go after it.

The seahawks did not do anything that the other 31 teams don't do.

The Seahawks are not a magical unicorn. A lot of things they do are done by the other 31 teams. This is one of those things.

Sorry to burst your bubble
No bubble to burst. I don't believe in unicorns, smart guy.


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2012
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Orlando, FL
Popeyejones":2f1b2m8d said:
TeamoftheCentury":2f1b2m8d said:
Popeyejones":2f1b2m8d said:
^^^ This is totally standard when players retire due to injury, age, etc..

The only recent exception I can think of is that Chris Borland gave his bonus money back to the 9ers after retiring after one season, but overall that was a really atypical situation. (I'm guessing the 9ers would have rather had the third round pick back than the 400K of bonus money :lol: )

Sure can't be because of how John Schneider and the Seahawks treat their players, huh? They're no better than the standard, is what Popeye is saying. Nothing special about the treatment the Hawks are giving Marshawn?

Does everyone here agree with that? Just curious.

Uh, I compliment John Schneider on this board all the time, dude. A couple weeks ago I was even arguing with Seahawks fans about how he deserves more credit than he gets. :lol:

If you want sit around and compliment John Scneider let's do it, but we don't need to pretend that something that's really normal is actually exceptional in order to do it.
Gotcha. No problem. I just asked expecting the answers we got. I don't buy rah-rah stuff.

I do tend to agree with whoever said it that this was probably an understood agreement from the get-go. So, in that regard, they did him a solid. It might be "standard stuff", but the Hawks nor any other team is obligated to do so.

It's good to ask what everyone thinks when genuinely curious. Get the general idea from the players that there is something special about how players in Seattle are treated. Not in every case, perhaps. But, not in this regard.


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Kent, WA
TeamoftheCentury":hskm0507 said:
Popeyejones":hskm0507 said:
TeamoftheCentury":hskm0507 said:
Popeyejones":hskm0507 said:
^^^ This is totally standard when players retire due to injury, age, etc..

The only recent exception I can think of is that Chris Borland gave his bonus money back to the 9ers after retiring after one season, but overall that was a really atypical situation. (I'm guessing the 9ers would have rather had the third round pick back than the 400K of bonus money :lol: )

Sure can't be because of how John Schneider and the Seahawks treat their players, huh? They're no better than the standard, is what Popeye is saying. Nothing special about the treatment the Hawks are giving Marshawn?

Does everyone here agree with that? Just curious.

Uh, I compliment John Schneider on this board all the time, dude. A couple weeks ago I was even arguing with Seahawks fans about how he deserves more credit than he gets. :lol:

If you want sit around and compliment John Scneider let's do it, but we don't need to pretend that something that's really normal is actually exceptional in order to do it.
Gotcha. No problem. I just asked expecting the answers we got. I don't buy rah-rah stuff.

I do tend to agree with whoever said it that this was probably an understood agreement from the get-go. So, in that regard, they did him a solid. It might be "standard stuff", but the Hawks nor any other team is obligated to do so.

It's good to ask what everyone thinks when genuinely curious. Get the general idea from the players that there is something special about how players in Seattle are treated. Not in every case, perhaps. But, not in this regard.
Well, and the contract was just written and signed last year, or at least the latest version of it. I'm pretty sure this was forseen and covered. Thus the low residual, and the two year split of that.