"I have no place in my brain for this outcome" - PC


Well-known member
May 10, 2009
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Pete's post game presser (credit to cha at SDB)

"I have no place in my brain for this outcome. Defense really effective today. Two turnovers, really hard to overcome it. Extraordinary year, really proud of guys for being so strict and regimented through this. Learned a lot and grown a lot. Football season was supposed to keep going for us. Unfortunately not able to get it done today. Congrats to the rams. Frustrating to be done. Suddenness nothing like it. But that’s what you’ve got to. really disappointed."

No place in your brain? Sounds like you went into the game expecting an easy win and never even thought you could lose. Did you transfer that feeling to the team. Is that why the Offense didn't seem to have any fire and seemed to not take the game seriously?

I'm happy that PC thinks he has "learned a lot and grown a lot." Seems to me with all this learning and growing we wouldn't be seeing the same exact reasons for our playoff failures for the last 5 trips in a row. Generally, when people see something isn't working they try something different. That's what learning and growing really means.

The "suddenness" of it all? Is that why you had such a glazed, foggy look on the sidelines? Just couldn't wrap your mind around what was going on and think about how to counter what you were seeing? For those watching it was 3 slow hours of excruciating ineptitude.

What happened on 4th down delay call? “Talking it over, discussing plays, got late, screwed it up. Wasn’t clear enough. Really like to have made that. Didn’t function cleanly like we needed to.

To those who say PC lets his OC call plays - BS! He should make the decision go/nogo - not give his "input" on which play to call and add another layer of thought to the decision-making process. He was involved in the SB XLIX playcall. He was involved in this playcall. How many playcalls does he insert his opinion into? Is the OC really running the Offense. Is this why the Seahawks, in the entirety of PC's time her, have always had issues getting the play in on time? Is this why it's impossible for RW to establish tempo and rhythm?

They had several minutes and still couldn't get a play call in on time? Wow.

Rams coached better today? “Defensed played well. Hard to find time, ran the ball some. That didn’t change, they’ve been like that all year long. They did a really good job.”

I notice you never answered the question. Do you even understand just how badly you were outcoached today? Probably not.

Comments on the way RW played? “Really hard. I thought it was really hard. They make a fantastic INT for a TD. Big play loomed for 7 points. No mistake by Russ, great play by him. Sacked 5 times, it’s tough. No surprise, this is how they’ve played vs others. Wanted to play like we did last time. Really hard on Russ. Couldn’t function clean enough. Penalties backed us up. Up against it all day.”

Wanted to play like we did last time? Did you even refresh the game plan at all? Didn't think the Rams would adjust based on what they saw in the game they lost? Maybe not, since you don't seem to.

Why no Timeout on 4th? “Thought we’d get it off. I could see it going, but I didn’t mind we had to kick the football.”

Didn't mind kicking? You were down 2 scores with 9:32 left in the game and an offense that hadn't been scoring. Kicking is OK in that situation? Unreal.

Rams run game better than Week 16? “Akers did a nice job. Really consistent, they found out where they wanted to go, we didn’t stop it. They kept pecking away. They were in control of game score wise, after that TD, they stayed real close to the vest and kept hammering away. Difference probably two 44 yard plays, fortunate plays by them. Two really big plays, 80-90 yards of offense changed the field position.”

Still fixated on TOXIC Differential. Here's a clue Pete: TD is the outcome when you a playing well, it's a side-effect. Trying to make it your goal is putting the cart before the horse.

Answers looking for in pass game? “Somethings don’t want to speak to. But couldn’t find chunk opps. Seemed like during season, after halfway point, hit so much early, people found a way to stay back. Maybe we were going for it more than we needed to, didn’t switch gears. As I look back, I got a lot to figure out. Second part of year, good D’s we played, kept us out of that mode. Wish we would’ve adapted better under those circumstances.”

"Maybe we were going for it more than we needed to, didn’t switch gears." Maybe? When the 3rd down slow-developing pass plays have hardly worked all season, what made you think they'd work against a fired up #1 defense?

"As I look back, I got a lot to figure out." No shit. Maybe during the game you could have looked forward instead. Maybe instead of dialing up yet another 3rd down gor-for-broke play you could have, I don't know, maybe thought about trying to get a frigging first down!?!?! 1 for 12 on first downs when it matters is maybe the first clue you're doing it wrong.

Sacks and Turnovers vs Rams? “Stars up from with their rush, nice job scheme wise, 5 man rush difficult. That’s how you stop the passing game, rush the passer. Can’t find ways to stop it, bad things happen, turnovers, sacks. Did it last game.”

I can't even. OMG

Message to team heading into offseason? “Find a better place to put it tomorrow. No answers today, frustrated. Didn’t plan on getting knocked out. Weren’t able to, they had their game. Eventually get back to mentality of next go round. Guys will have to adapt once they get out of here – very controlled setting. World’s going crazy about COVID, I’m concerned for our guys.”

Clueless. COVID, really? COVID?

Original OL – difficult to protect and penalties? “Surprised, yes. Wish we’d have found a way to run more to slow them down. Attempting. Donald went out, we wanted to try and throw the ball, weren’t able to get enough out of it.”

Surprised? Really. You've seen this monster Dline for how many years? Surprised? Obviously, as you seemed to, once again, have no clue or gameplan on how to counter it.

Troublesome year after year, slow starts, clock mgmt, things like that? “Uh, that’s a way you can look at it Joe. So many clock opps you don’t mention because they work out fine. We want to do all of them perfectly. Has been part of our makeup has been sacks, not being able to keep russ clean. Causes issues for us. Causes issues for opponents too, getting out and around. Do get sacked a lot and reoccurred.”

translation: "Yeah, we suck at it. We've always sucked at it. But other teams have problems with it sometimes, too."

They are familiar with you, how come not the other way around? “There’s one factor playing these guys – #99. Hasn’t just torn us up, tore everybody up. Significant factor, tilts it. When he got banged up, hoped take adv. That’s the factor. Wish we could find a way to stop him. When you pay as much attn to him as you have to, other guys factor in. Fantastic pass rushes. Huge part of being a good FB team. Good nucleus, coaches done a great job, factor hasn’t gone away.”

translation: "They have a really good player and I have no clue how to counter. When he got knocked out of the game I hoped we would do better but I really didn't understand how to take advantage. The other coach is really good and I just can't seem to figure it out."

even though accomplished much this year, loss Leave a sour taste? “Today it does. Watching other teams going on, sick to your stomach. Very difficult. Not the day to talk about what we accomplished. Feel like crap today. Have to live with it. There’ll be time. Hard to get to 12. Hard to get a playoff game at home. Tough to give away.”

"There'll be time." You just got 5 more years to try and figure it out. Fans got 5 more years to watch the same exact thing over and over and over.

Rashaad Penny injury? “Stumbled in practice Thursday, hit ground hard rocked his knee a bit. The OTHER knee. Couldn’t get back. Alex ready to go.”

Good thing Alex was ready to go. Maybe he could have gotten a carry or two? Nah. Run game wasn't effective enough. Let's stick with a passing game that is not effective at all. If we keep trying, it will work eventually. Rah Rah. Go Hawks!

From .com:

"This season has been such an extraordinary year in so many ways and so much around us, and just all that has to do with life. I'm really proud of these guys for hanging tough throughout the whole process of it, being so strict and regimented. To make it through this time as healthy as we did. We've learned a lot, and they've grown a lot in all that we had to come to understand. This football season, it was supposed to just keep going for us and that's the way we were planning. Unfortunately, we weren't able to get it done today. So, a nice job by the Rams, really good by their defense, and they found enough in their running game to keep it going for their offense. It's really frustrating to be done. The suddenness of this, there's nothing like it. You just have to deal with it, so that's what we're going to do. We have meetings tomorrow, and we'll come back and try to figure it out a little bit more and put it in perspective, but really disappointed in this outcome."

"The two turnovers were really costly, that's how it goes," Carroll said. "You can look at our whole season and when we take care of the football and we don't give it up, we win. Today, being down two, it's really hard to overcome it. You can do it, we just haven't."

PC thinks the turnovers were the primary reason the Seahawks lost. We've talked on this forum about this issue before - he and RW seem hyper fixated on turnovers whether they win or lose. How about coming up with a decent gameplan first, and worrying about turnovers after that.

I've been supportive of PC since he got here. I have been foolishly optimistic throughout, even headed into this game. My eyes are finally open. I was wrong and the "Debbie Downer" posters were right. The game has passed PC by, he has no intention of adapting and growing, and even if he tried I don't think he has the ability to be successful anymore.

I'll watch the games because I'm a fan. But I have no expectations of post-season success as long as PC is here. There's a big Seahawks Fan door in front of me. The sign says "Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here".

I'm in.


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
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If I hear our football season was not supposed to end for us one more time !!!! Go to last year‘s press conference it’s the same and the year before and the year before and the year before. I love Pete but his positivity and not being able to look at the negatives and adjust to them this his one downfall. Sometimes you have to embrace the negatives to grow and we refuse to embrace the negatives or even acknowledge them.


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Feb 1, 2015
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hawkfannj":3mmkvfcc said:
If I hear our football season was not supposed to end for us one more time !!!! Go to last year‘s press conference it’s the same and the year before and the year before and the year before. I love Pete but his positivity and not being able to look at the negatives and adjust to them this his one downfall. Sometimes you have to embrace the negatives to grow and we refuse to embrace the negatives or even acknowledge them.

Incidentally, I was just reading about the Stockale paradox yesterday, wherein being an optimist leads to a lower success rate because you become disillusioned by and unable to handle failure.


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Jan 1, 2018
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renofox":6jx797tm said:

Pete's post game presser (credit to cha at SDB)

"I have no place in my brain for this outcome. Defense really effective today. Two turnovers, really hard to overcome it. Extraordinary year, really proud of guys for being so strict and regimented through this. Learned a lot and grown a lot. Football season was supposed to keep going for us. Unfortunately not able to get it done today. Congrats to the rams. Frustrating to be done. Suddenness nothing like it. But that’s what you’ve got to. really disappointed."

No place in your brain? Sounds like you went into the game expecting an easy win and never even thought you could lose. Did you transfer that feeling to the team. Is that why the Offense didn't seem to have any fire and seemed to not take the game seriously?

I'm happy that PC thinks he has "learned a lot and grown a lot." Seems to me with all this learning and growing we wouldn't be seeing the same exact reasons for our playoff failures for the last 5 trips in a row. Generally, when people see something isn't working they try something different. That's what learning and growing really means.

The "suddenness" of it all? Is that why you had such a glazed, foggy look on the sidelines? Just couldn't wrap your mind around what was going on and think about how to counter what you were seeing? For those watching it was 3 slow hours of excruciating ineptitude.

What happened on 4th down delay call? “Talking it over, discussing plays, got late, screwed it up. Wasn’t clear enough. Really like to have made that. Didn’t function cleanly like we needed to.

To those who say PC lets his OC call plays - BS! He should make the decision go/nogo - not give his "input" on which play to call and add another layer of thought to the decision-making process. He was involved in the SB XLIX playcall. He was involved in this playcall. How many playcalls does he insert his opinion into? Is the OC really running the Offense. Is this why the Seahawks, in the entirety of PC's time her, have always had issues getting the play in on time? Is this why it's impossible for RW to establish tempo and rhythm?

They had several minutes and still couldn't get a play call in on time? Wow.

Rams coached better today? “Defensed played well. Hard to find time, ran the ball some. That didn’t change, they’ve been like that all year long. They did a really good job.”

I notice you never answered the question. Do you even understand just how badly you were outcoached today? Probably not.

Comments on the way RW played? “Really hard. I thought it was really hard. They make a fantastic INT for a TD. Big play loomed for 7 points. No mistake by Russ, great play by him. Sacked 5 times, it’s tough. No surprise, this is how they’ve played vs others. Wanted to play like we did last time. Really hard on Russ. Couldn’t function clean enough. Penalties backed us up. Up against it all day.”

Wanted to play like we did last time? Did you even refresh the game plan at all? Didn't think the Rams would adjust based on what they saw in the game they lost? Maybe not, since you don't seem to.

Why no Timeout on 4th? “Thought we’d get it off. I could see it going, but I didn’t mind we had to kick the football.”

Didn't mind kicking? You were down 2 scores with 9:32 left in the game and an offense that hadn't been scoring. Kicking is OK in that situation? Unreal.

Rams run game better than Week 16? “Akers did a nice job. Really consistent, they found out where they wanted to go, we didn’t stop it. They kept pecking away. They were in control of game score wise, after that TD, they stayed real close to the vest and kept hammering away. Difference probably two 44 yard plays, fortunate plays by them. Two really big plays, 80-90 yards of offense changed the field position.”

Still fixated on TOXIC Differential. Here's a clue Pete: TD is the outcome when you a playing well, it's a side-effect. Trying to make it your goal is putting the cart before the horse.

Answers looking for in pass game? “Somethings don’t want to speak to. But couldn’t find chunk opps. Seemed like during season, after halfway point, hit so much early, people found a way to stay back. Maybe we were going for it more than we needed to, didn’t switch gears. As I look back, I got a lot to figure out. Second part of year, good D’s we played, kept us out of that mode. Wish we would’ve adapted better under those circumstances.”

"Maybe we were going for it more than we needed to, didn’t switch gears." Maybe? When the 3rd down slow-developing pass plays have hardly worked all season, what made you think they'd work against a fired up #1 defense?

"As I look back, I got a lot to figure out." No $h!t. Maybe during the game you could have looked forward instead. Maybe instead of dialing up yet another 3rd down gor-for-broke play you could have, I don't know, maybe thought about trying to get a frigging first down!?!?! 1 for 12 on first downs when it matters is maybe the first clue you're doing it wrong.

Sacks and Turnovers vs Rams? “Stars up from with their rush, nice job scheme wise, 5 man rush difficult. That’s how you stop the passing game, rush the passer. Can’t find ways to stop it, bad things happen, turnovers, sacks. Did it last game.”

I can't even. OMG

Message to team heading into offseason? “Find a better place to put it tomorrow. No answers today, frustrated. Didn’t plan on getting knocked out. Weren’t able to, they had their game. Eventually get back to mentality of next go round. Guys will have to adapt once they get out of here – very controlled setting. World’s going crazy about COVID, I’m concerned for our guys.”

Clueless. COVID, really? COVID?

Original OL – difficult to protect and penalties? “Surprised, yes. Wish we’d have found a way to run more to slow them down. Attempting. Donald went out, we wanted to try and throw the ball, weren’t able to get enough out of it.”

Surprised? Really. You've seen this monster Dline for how many years? Surprised? Obviously, as you seemed to, once again, have no clue or gameplan on how to counter it.

Troublesome year after year, slow starts, clock mgmt, things like that? “Uh, that’s a way you can look at it Joe. So many clock opps you don’t mention because they work out fine. We want to do all of them perfectly. Has been part of our makeup has been sacks, not being able to keep russ clean. Causes issues for us. Causes issues for opponents too, getting out and around. Do get sacked a lot and reoccurred.”

translation: "Yeah, we suck at it. We've always sucked at it. But other teams have problems with it sometimes, too."

They are familiar with you, how come not the other way around? “There’s one factor playing these guys – #99. Hasn’t just torn us up, tore everybody up. Significant factor, tilts it. When he got banged up, hoped take adv. That’s the factor. Wish we could find a way to stop him. When you pay as much attn to him as you have to, other guys factor in. Fantastic pass rushes. Huge part of being a good FB team. Good nucleus, coaches done a great job, factor hasn’t gone away.”

translation: "They have a really good player and I have no clue how to counter. When he got knocked out of the game I hoped we would do better but I really didn't understand how to take advantage. The other coach is really good and I just can't seem to figure it out."

even though accomplished much this year, loss Leave a sour taste? “Today it does. Watching other teams going on, sick to your stomach. Very difficult. Not the day to talk about what we accomplished. Feel like crap today. Have to live with it. There’ll be time. Hard to get to 12. Hard to get a playoff game at home. Tough to give away.”

"There'll be time." You just got 5 more years to try and figure it out. Fans got 5 more years to watch the same exact thing over and over and over.

Rashaad Penny injury? “Stumbled in practice Thursday, hit ground hard rocked his knee a bit. The OTHER knee. Couldn’t get back. Alex ready to go.”

Good thing Alex was ready to go. Maybe he could have gotten a carry or two? Nah. Run game wasn't effective enough. Let's stick with a passing game that is not effective at all. If we keep trying, it will work eventually. Rah Rah. Go Hawks!

From .com:

"This season has been such an extraordinary year in so many ways and so much around us, and just all that has to do with life. I'm really proud of these guys for hanging tough throughout the whole process of it, being so strict and regimented. To make it through this time as healthy as we did. We've learned a lot, and they've grown a lot in all that we had to come to understand. This football season, it was supposed to just keep going for us and that's the way we were planning. Unfortunately, we weren't able to get it done today. So, a nice job by the Rams, really good by their defense, and they found enough in their running game to keep it going for their offense. It's really frustrating to be done. The suddenness of this, there's nothing like it. You just have to deal with it, so that's what we're going to do. We have meetings tomorrow, and we'll come back and try to figure it out a little bit more and put it in perspective, but really disappointed in this outcome."

"The two turnovers were really costly, that's how it goes," Carroll said. "You can look at our whole season and when we take care of the football and we don't give it up, we win. Today, being down two, it's really hard to overcome it. You can do it, we just haven't."

PC thinks the turnovers were the primary reason the Seahawks lost. We've talked on this forum about this issue before - he and RW seem hyper fixated on turnovers whether they win or lose. How about coming up with a decent gameplan first, and worrying about turnovers after that.

I've been supportive of PC since he got here. I have been foolishly optimistic throughout, even headed into this game. My eyes are finally open. I was wrong and the "Debbie Downer" posters were right. The game has passed PC by, he has no intention of adapting and growing, and even if he tried I don't think he has the ability to be successful anymore.

I'll watch the games because I'm a fan. But I have no expectations of post-season success as long as PC is here. There's a big Seahawks Fan door in front of me. The sign says "Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here".

I'm in.

Excellent. Thanks for summing this up. I wholeheartedly agree with your synopsis and it put my thoughts on paper.

I still think he's a great coach but I do believe his time has come. At times, teams build players and staff around division opponents. Recall Buffalo and Miami from back in the day? It's clear that McVay has Pete's number. Hell, our whole division sans the Hawks have dynamic coaches and staff.

It's bleak. Lots of FAs that were sure to overpay a few. Rams returning players to include that nasty...nasty defense. Healthy Niners? Say what you want about JG but, healthy Niners scare me. Let's not forget about Murray and Klingsburys development in AZ. With a healthy Jones back.

I hate to think it but. I can see us at the bottom of the barrel in our division next season unless we do one major, almighty thing. Give Pete his walking papers. It hurts to say....we'll have great memories but when it's time, it's time.


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Jul 29, 2020
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ducks41468":1xziyktf said:
hawkfannj":1xziyktf said:
If I hear our football season was not supposed to end for us one more time !!!! Go to last year‘s press conference it’s the same and the year before and the year before and the year before. I love Pete but his positivity and not being able to look at the negatives and adjust to them this his one downfall. Sometimes you have to embrace the negatives to grow and we refuse to embrace the negatives or even acknowledge them.

Incidentally, I was just reading about the Stockale paradox yesterday, wherein being an optimist leads to a lower success rate because you become disillusioned by and unable to handle failure.
I’ve been saying this for months, I started a thread titled “Pete is now delusional” in fact it was based on his post game press conference after the Bills A$$ whooping. His presser was almost exactly the same, saying there was no place in his brain for this....


Nov 20, 2020
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What’s great is the next team the rams face is gonna showcase to Pete what he should have done. And the only person who’s not going to pay any attention to it whatsoever is: Pete.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2010
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We’re at the point now that Pete refuses to adapt to the current game/his rosters strength and instead thinks forcing his philosophy is all that matters. Quite the responses after an ass kicking at home against a rival. He admitted to clamping down Russ and the let Russ cook style to completely avoid turnovers after a slight derailing while the defense was still giving up 500 yards a game. Won’t hold my breath any coaching staff changes happen and we will be back here again next year.

The league is too data driven to “win your way” now. The old school coaches are slowly fazing out and young, innovative offensive minded coaches drive the NFL. I’ve never been in the fire Pete camp because he is probably the best program builder in the league. I still don’t necessarily want him gone but he HAS to remove himself from the offense. Has to. He also must hire a whole new staff on that side and let a new YOUNG OC run the show with some serious involvement from Russ. New route trees, new scheme, college philosophies blending in spacing to get guys like DK open without having to only throw deep sideline passes. It’s laughable how hard it is every single pass to move the ball, there’s no reason an NFL offense should be so easy to shut down.


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Mar 13, 2014
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Truth Ray
mistaowen":9mo4j35c said:
We’re at the point now that Pete refuses to adapt to the current game/his rosters strength and instead thinks forcing his philosophy is all that matters. Quite the responses after an ass kicking at home against a rival. He admitted to clamping down Russ and the let Russ cook style to completely avoid turnovers after a slight derailing while the defense was still giving up 500 yards a game. Won’t hold my breath any coaching staff changes happen and we will be back here again next year.

The league is too data driven to “win your way” now. The old school coaches are slowly fazing out and young, innovative offensive minded coaches drive the NFL. I’ve never been in the fire Pete camp because he is probably the best program builder in the league. I still don’t necessarily want him gone but he HAS to remove himself from the offense. Has to. He also must hire a whole new staff on that side and let a new YOUNG OC run the show with some serious involvement from Russ. New route trees, new scheme, college philosophies blending in spacing to get guys like DK open without having to only throw deep sideline passes. It’s laughable how hard it is every single pass to move the ball, there’s no reason an NFL offense should be so easy to shut down.

Pete will not hire a dynamic OC. Because he would get NFL job offers, and the Seahawks would dump the old man to keep the young offensive mind.

Pete would be essentially firing himself with a move like that.

We will continue to be in Mike McCarthy hell, unfortunately...

Pete's longterm extension was the death knell.


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Jan 1, 2018
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I like the idea of keeping him but, delegating the playcalling to others. The players DO like him for the most part and but into his energy. He's obviously a great leader. Just read Dunlap's post on the Players Tribune. But, his mindset on the throwing game is off-tilt and he simply won't adjust.

I was never on the fire Pete train until this season. People talk about Russ declining and yes, he played like crap in the last game (well, most of the second half of the season) but he WAS a prime MVP candidate earlier on. What happened? That's a rhetorical question. We know what happend and it simply does not work.

With ths receiver corps...whether you consider size and strength (DK) or one of the best slot guys ever (Lockett), you cant be so damn scared of turnovers and throwing up the middle.

If DK is 1 v 1, I'm taking a shot here and there. Even against the best CB (Ramsey) in the league.

Damn...at least I have Ohio States game tomorrow.

Sports Hernia

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Apr 30, 2009
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The pit
renofox":9unw60kd said:

Pete's post game presser (credit to cha at SDB)

"I have no place in my brain for this outcome. Defense really effective today. Two turnovers, really hard to overcome it. Extraordinary year, really proud of guys for being so strict and regimented through this. Learned a lot and grown a lot. Football season was supposed to keep going for us. Unfortunately not able to get it done today. Congrats to the rams. Frustrating to be done. Suddenness nothing like it. But that’s what you’ve got to. really disappointed."

No place in your brain? Sounds like you went into the game expecting an easy win and never even thought you could lose. Did you transfer that feeling to the team. Is that why the Offense didn't seem to have any fire and seemed to not take the game seriously?

I'm happy that PC thinks he has "learned a lot and grown a lot." Seems to me with all this learning and growing we wouldn't be seeing the same exact reasons for our playoff failures for the last 5 trips in a row. Generally, when people see something isn't working they try something different. That's what learning and growing really means.

The "suddenness" of it all? Is that why you had such a glazed, foggy look on the sidelines? Just couldn't wrap your mind around what was going on and think about how to counter what you were seeing? For those watching it was 3 slow hours of excruciating ineptitude.

What happened on 4th down delay call? “Talking it over, discussing plays, got late, screwed it up. Wasn’t clear enough. Really like to have made that. Didn’t function cleanly like we needed to.

To those who say PC lets his OC call plays - BS! He should make the decision go/nogo - not give his "input" on which play to call and add another layer of thought to the decision-making process. He was involved in the SB XLIX playcall. He was involved in this playcall. How many playcalls does he insert his opinion into? Is the OC really running the Offense. Is this why the Seahawks, in the entirety of PC's time her, have always had issues getting the play in on time? Is this why it's impossible for RW to establish tempo and rhythm?

They had several minutes and still couldn't get a play call in on time? Wow.

Rams coached better today? “Defensed played well. Hard to find time, ran the ball some. That didn’t change, they’ve been like that all year long. They did a really good job.”

I notice you never answered the question. Do you even understand just how badly you were outcoached today? Probably not.

Comments on the way RW played? “Really hard. I thought it was really hard. They make a fantastic INT for a TD. Big play loomed for 7 points. No mistake by Russ, great play by him. Sacked 5 times, it’s tough. No surprise, this is how they’ve played vs others. Wanted to play like we did last time. Really hard on Russ. Couldn’t function clean enough. Penalties backed us up. Up against it all day.”

Wanted to play like we did last time? Did you even refresh the game plan at all? Didn't think the Rams would adjust based on what they saw in the game they lost? Maybe not, since you don't seem to.

Why no Timeout on 4th? “Thought we’d get it off. I could see it going, but I didn’t mind we had to kick the football.”

Didn't mind kicking? You were down 2 scores with 9:32 left in the game and an offense that hadn't been scoring. Kicking is OK in that situation? Unreal.

Rams run game better than Week 16? “Akers did a nice job. Really consistent, they found out where they wanted to go, we didn’t stop it. They kept pecking away. They were in control of game score wise, after that TD, they stayed real close to the vest and kept hammering away. Difference probably two 44 yard plays, fortunate plays by them. Two really big plays, 80-90 yards of offense changed the field position.”

Still fixated on TOXIC Differential. Here's a clue Pete: TD is the outcome when you a playing well, it's a side-effect. Trying to make it your goal is putting the cart before the horse.

Answers looking for in pass game? “Somethings don’t want to speak to. But couldn’t find chunk opps. Seemed like during season, after halfway point, hit so much early, people found a way to stay back. Maybe we were going for it more than we needed to, didn’t switch gears. As I look back, I got a lot to figure out. Second part of year, good D’s we played, kept us out of that mode. Wish we would’ve adapted better under those circumstances.”

"Maybe we were going for it more than we needed to, didn’t switch gears." Maybe? When the 3rd down slow-developing pass plays have hardly worked all season, what made you think they'd work against a fired up #1 defense?

"As I look back, I got a lot to figure out." No shit. Maybe during the game you could have looked forward instead. Maybe instead of dialing up yet another 3rd down gor-for-broke play you could have, I don't know, maybe thought about trying to get a frigging first down!?!?! 1 for 12 on first downs when it matters is maybe the first clue you're doing it wrong.

Sacks and Turnovers vs Rams? “Stars up from with their rush, nice job scheme wise, 5 man rush difficult. That’s how you stop the passing game, rush the passer. Can’t find ways to stop it, bad things happen, turnovers, sacks. Did it last game.”

I can't even. OMG

Message to team heading into offseason? “Find a better place to put it tomorrow. No answers today, frustrated. Didn’t plan on getting knocked out. Weren’t able to, they had their game. Eventually get back to mentality of next go round. Guys will have to adapt once they get out of here – very controlled setting. World’s going crazy about COVID, I’m concerned for our guys.”

Clueless. COVID, really? COVID?

Original OL – difficult to protect and penalties? “Surprised, yes. Wish we’d have found a way to run more to slow them down. Attempting. Donald went out, we wanted to try and throw the ball, weren’t able to get enough out of it.”

Surprised? Really. You've seen this monster Dline for how many years? Surprised? Obviously, as you seemed to, once again, have no clue or gameplan on how to counter it.

Troublesome year after year, slow starts, clock mgmt, things like that? “Uh, that’s a way you can look at it Joe. So many clock opps you don’t mention because they work out fine. We want to do all of them perfectly. Has been part of our makeup has been sacks, not being able to keep russ clean. Causes issues for us. Causes issues for opponents too, getting out and around. Do get sacked a lot and reoccurred.”

translation: "Yeah, we suck at it. We've always sucked at it. But other teams have problems with it sometimes, too."

They are familiar with you, how come not the other way around? “There’s one factor playing these guys – #99. Hasn’t just torn us up, tore everybody up. Significant factor, tilts it. When he got banged up, hoped take adv. That’s the factor. Wish we could find a way to stop him. When you pay as much attn to him as you have to, other guys factor in. Fantastic pass rushes. Huge part of being a good FB team. Good nucleus, coaches done a great job, factor hasn’t gone away.”

translation: "They have a really good player and I have no clue how to counter. When he got knocked out of the game I hoped we would do better but I really didn't understand how to take advantage. The other coach is really good and I just can't seem to figure it out."

even though accomplished much this year, loss Leave a sour taste? “Today it does. Watching other teams going on, sick to your stomach. Very difficult. Not the day to talk about what we accomplished. Feel like crap today. Have to live with it. There’ll be time. Hard to get to 12. Hard to get a playoff game at home. Tough to give away.”

"There'll be time." You just got 5 more years to try and figure it out. Fans got 5 more years to watch the same exact thing over and over and over.

Rashaad Penny injury? “Stumbled in practice Thursday, hit ground hard rocked his knee a bit. The OTHER knee. Couldn’t get back. Alex ready to go.”

Good thing Alex was ready to go. Maybe he could have gotten a carry or two? Nah. Run game wasn't effective enough. Let's stick with a passing game that is not effective at all. If we keep trying, it will work eventually. Rah Rah. Go Hawks!

From .com:

"This season has been such an extraordinary year in so many ways and so much around us, and just all that has to do with life. I'm really proud of these guys for hanging tough throughout the whole process of it, being so strict and regimented. To make it through this time as healthy as we did. We've learned a lot, and they've grown a lot in all that we had to come to understand. This football season, it was supposed to just keep going for us and that's the way we were planning. Unfortunately, we weren't able to get it done today. So, a nice job by the Rams, really good by their defense, and they found enough in their running game to keep it going for their offense. It's really frustrating to be done. The suddenness of this, there's nothing like it. You just have to deal with it, so that's what we're going to do. We have meetings tomorrow, and we'll come back and try to figure it out a little bit more and put it in perspective, but really disappointed in this outcome."

"The two turnovers were really costly, that's how it goes," Carroll said. "You can look at our whole season and when we take care of the football and we don't give it up, we win. Today, being down two, it's really hard to overcome it. You can do it, we just haven't."

PC thinks the turnovers were the primary reason the Seahawks lost. We've talked on this forum about this issue before - he and RW seem hyper fixated on turnovers whether they win or lose. How about coming up with a decent gameplan first, and worrying about turnovers after that.

I've been supportive of PC since he got here. I have been foolishly optimistic throughout, even headed into this game. My eyes are finally open. I was wrong and the "Debbie Downer" posters were right. The game has passed PC by, he has no intention of adapting and growing, and even if he tried I don't think he has the ability to be successful anymore.

I'll watch the games because I'm a fan. But I have no expectations of post-season success as long as PC is here. There's a big Seahawks Fan door in front of me. The sign says "Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here".

I'm in.
I’m glad I didn’t watch or hear that presser, or I’d be out buying a new TV today after throwing my remote through it.
He flat out doesn’t get it.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2023
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Port Angeles Washington in the mountains
There’s a lot of talk about the decade of great football we watched with Pete, but look at the eagles, they won a Super Bowl and then shortly fired Doug Pederson. He did not get to rest on his laurels. And that was not a decade ago. They have already found a new coach new qb and new success. It takes the shrewdness to do what must be done even if it hurts or is scary to be the best


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2011
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It's probably due to the "similar threads" feature, which doesn't pay much attention to post date.


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2010
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There’s a lot of talk about the decade of great football we watched with Pete, but look at the eagles, they won a Super Bowl and then shortly fired Doug Pederson. He did not get to rest on his laurels. And that was not a decade ago. They have already found a new coach new qb and new success. It takes the shrewdness to do what must be done even if it hurts or is scary to be the best
There's a vast difference between Pederson, who had one great season in five years, and Pete, who has one losing season in 12 years. Also, the Eagles fired Pederson because he didn't get along with Lurie and Roseman. He wanted more control of his staff, and they weren't willing to give it to him.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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North Pole, Alaska
Schottys play calling improved when he moved to the booth.

Pete INTERFERES too much! He needs to back off and let his coordinators do their fing job!

Oh! And RUN the fing ball!! We are 27th in the NFL!!
All defenses have to do is play the pass, because we'll go away from the run on our own.

We led most of the game, but rarely ran the ball/clock! WTH?

Drew Lock comes in cold and it's pass, pass, pass, INT... *Facepalm*

We passed 40 times, ran Zach 15 times...
Rams passed 31 times, Ran 27 times. 3.0 ypc, but kept running it.
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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2011
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The Eagles have made that model work with some phenomenal hires, but we should really acknowledge just how rare it is to nail down 3 coaches consecutively that are good enough to get a team to the top. Unprecedented, really. Nobody can expect to follow that model with similar results. It'd be like teams in the 2010s trying to replicate our draft success. Those runs are just lightning in a bottle.