From a Packers Fan


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Sep 5, 2014
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I would just like to say congratulations to the Seattle Seahawks on completely destroying my Green Bay Packers. You guys have a great all time defense and a bright future in Russel Wilson. Lynch is just a beast of a running back and a play maker in Percy Harvin. Also, you guys have a great fanbase and do not pay attention to those who say you guys are all bandwagon fans.

My Packers on the other hand played like utter garbage. Our defense needs to learn to actually tackle and cover guys. Capers needs to be fired because his schemes are very dated and predictable. Our conditioning staff is just a joke who should all be gone. Aaron Rodgers not even challenging Sherman at all was just disgraceful and to me showed disrespect. That is the kind of thing that was for not to lose instead of wanting to win at all costs. The blame also goes to the coaching staff as well. I have a lot more to rant on about my Packers but that would be a big wall of text.

Finally, about the thread on the Packers forums titled "We're not 20 points worse than Seattle", I would like to say that WE ARE WORSE THAN 20 POINTS TO THE SEAHAWKS BECAUSE WE LOST BY 20 POINTS!!!!!!!! I am starting to think this might be a long and dreadful season for my Packers.


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Dec 26, 2012
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Superbowl Glory
I don't think the Packers played that bad. Peyton Manning had the most prolific offensive season in NFL history and got torched.

You guys went up against the number one defense in the league at home on opening day. I think the Packers will be just fine this season. Aaron Rogers is going to have many below average games in a season.


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
I see the Packers as a team that were afraid to challenge our secondary, the staff conceded Shermans side of the field and didn't use their best weapon in space with the ball in Cobbs with any slants and quick hitch across the middle I think out of respect for how physical Kam is. Thats two aspects of the game that were given to us, we played off to take away the deep routes so that made three which left the Running game. We gave the dink routes and limited the YAC so that made you have to work for every catch, any drop or incomplete pass made things much more difficult. This team prides itself on how we tackle, we missed several early, I think until you start hitting a man the size of Lacy you really don't know what you're getting into, much like Earl Campbell. They adjusted and started to hit and stop him after the first couple of carries.

Lacy is a big man but doesn't punish tacklers other than his sheer size, if a back like him or Campbell would inflict punishment at the end of his runs much like Walter Payton did and Lynch does he would be near impossible to tackle regularly all game.

I really think the Packers staff out thought themselves, they watched the Super Bowl to many times rather then try to play to your strengths.

Kudos for coming over though, I think the Packers will right the ship and play and do what they do best going forward. We may have been the worst opponent to face for you, Broncos and Packers are very dynamic passing teams typically, the length of time to prepare as I said may have been over thought versus normal preparation for a game. I think not wanting to make the same mistakes the Broncos did created a whole new set of problems for what you do best, in not attempting to execute what you do best.


Apr 26, 2014
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I think you definitely have a point about the conditioning staff.

You are still a top 5 NFC team in my opinion


Well-known member
Aug 25, 2012
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I dont think you should be too worried. The Seahawks just are that good right now. It is completely another thing who is good when it's playoff time.

Btw. The Packers ownership structure is the coolest one in professional sports.


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Feb 17, 2014
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Packers and Seahawks are the two most passionate fan bases. It's too bad there was so much silliness over the "Fail Mary."

On the plus side: Eddie Lacy is a beast, your rookie center actually played pretty well, you have in my estimation an excellent receiving corps and the best QB in the game today, and your secondary actually played much better than they have over the last couple seasons. There is some reason for optimism.


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Sep 5, 2014
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After the game, I was just really offended as a fan of the Packers. It was like they didn't prepare at all in my opinion. Additionally, it was just a bunch of bullcrap from Coach McCarthy saying they didn't avoid Richard Sherman on purpose. THAT IS A STRAIGHT UP LIE!!!


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May 2, 2009
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rubyweapon7":wjbspyri said:
I would just like to say congratulations to the Seattle Seahawks on completely destroying my Green Bay Packers. You guys have a great all time defense and a bright future in Russel Wilson. Lynch is just a beast of a running back and a play maker in Percy Harvin. Also, you guys have a great fanbase and do not pay attention to those who say you guys are all bandwagon fans.

My Packers on the other hand played like utter garbage. Our defense needs to learn to actually tackle and cover guys. Capers needs to be fired because his schemes are very dated and predictable. Our conditioning staff is just a joke who should all be gone. Aaron Rodgers not even challenging Sherman at all was just disgraceful and to me showed disrespect. That is the kind of thing that was for not to lose instead of wanting to win at all costs. The blame also goes to the coaching staff as well. I have a lot more to rant on about my Packers but that would be a big wall of text.

Finally, about the thread on the Packers forums titled "We're not 20 points worse than Seattle", I would like to say that WE ARE WORSE THAN 20 POINTS TO THE SEAHAWKS BECAUSE WE LOST BY 20 POINTS!!!!!!!! I am starting to think this might be a long and dreadful season for my Packers.

I approve of the remarks in your 1st paragraph, I think you're being a little to tough on your team. go hawks! :thirishdrinkers:


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Apr 4, 2010
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Over There
Welcome. In an effort to allay your fears or at least ease the pain, you are not alone. We got a fair share of distressed thoughts akin to yours after various games last season. These Seahawks make people question prior assumptions about the teams they beat. These Seahawks really are as advertised and they have made a habit of beating great QBs. Over the past 2 years, 6-0 vs Rodgers, Manning, Brady & Brees.

The defense especially has been playing at an historically elite level for a while now. It's shocking for Packers' fans when it happens to your great offense – but it's also rare. The cure for your worries is facing a normal defense. Especially at home. Aaron will fling four TDs, run for another, and you guys will stomp the Jets or the Vikings and you'll feel better and by midseason you'll be calculating and speculating and scrutinizing about the playoff situation.

And you'll hope it doesn't include going back to Seattle.


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Sep 5, 2014
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You guys really think I am being too tough on my team? You have to at least agree with me on the conditioning staff. We always have too many injuries.


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Aug 24, 2012
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Anchorage, AK
OP I agree with you. You had one recent season where at the end you became hot but looking at the your champion season leading up to it - no elite team. Sure you accomplished what matters that year but when you look at it from a "can we keep being a contender" the answer is no.

Since then you have been about the 10th to 8th team in the league. Injuries have kept piling up year after year which is not a coincidence and either schemes, drafting conditioning or exercises isn't panning out.

From the Oakland raider perspective you will have a great season. From the "win a Super Bowl perspective" - yes it will be along season and you need fundamental overhaul. I argued this last year with someone here that thought you were poised for more and I just disagree.

OP - good post


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May 2, 2009
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rubyweapon7":11s0w9kv said:
You guys really think I am being too tough on my team? You have to at least agree with me on the conditioning staff. We always have too many injuries.

it may be that or just bad luck. looking at the injury to your lineman, I can't see any real contact on his knee, but sometimes things just happen. I do think you have a good team.


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Jan 2, 2013
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I'll go ahead and state the obvious.

outside of nelson and Cobb, there are no receiving threats that scare me.

Eddie Lacy is a beast but id wager run defense is the largest weakness of our d, but he was a non factor.

I don't know if its luck or conditioning, but you guys have already used up all your major injuries for the year by week .

I'd be a little concerned as a packer fan. You have a good coach and great QB, but I can't say I see them on a great trajectory unless some other weapons can emerge and guys get and stay healthy.

the packers looked like the karate kid beat up at the end of the movie the other night. Unfortunately every other team has no issues sweeping the leg. And the average or better ones aren't going to just stand there and take the crane kick to the chin that the packers will need to win the tough games.


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Feb 17, 2011
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Bremerton, WA
rubyweapon7":20rt4j0n said:
You guys really think I am being too tough on my team? You have to at least agree with me on the conditioning staff. We always have too many injuries.

Be as hard as you want on your own team. I can't disagree with anything you said.

If it weren't for a turnover on special teams and a long PI penalty against us, you'd have been looking at a much worse defeat, IMO.

Conditioning coaches can't prevent injuries. They CAN increase strength and stamina. But nothing's gonna help someone's knee when a 350 pounder rolls up on the lower leg from the wrong angle.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Bay Area, CA
Your Packers drew the short straw for "worst opening game opponent possible" when they had to go into Seattle to play the defending champs with a crowd celebrating their Super Bowl banner. That's just a brutal assignment and I dodn't think any team in the NFL would have beat the Seahawks Thursday.

You still have a good team. Your Defense is still not great, but they weren't last year and you guys were still a very good team. Your Offense is amazing and you guys will win a lot of games, and most likely your division. Keep your head up!

People just seem to be underestimating how good Seattle is. No team in the NFL can beat them when they are on top of their game. Especially in Seattle. Your Packers are not as bad as they looked.


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Aug 27, 2012
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Down by two scores at the clink is a bad place to be. Heck, being up by two scores at the clink isn't safe either.

Green Bay is better than they showed.

I think the Green Bay secondary is quite good. I really like Sam Shields. If I had to take one player from the Packers not named Rogers or Mathews to put on Seattle's roster, it would be Shields. We could use him at nickel right now.


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Jan 20, 2014
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The game winning touchdown reception Tate came down with is dead now because of this game. That should pretty much put that to rest. They werent better that day and the gap has only widened. Welcome to the board Packer fan.


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May 1, 2009
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Portland, OR
I agree that Capers should be put out to pasture, but I thought that was evident two years ago. Sucks you have to go through it again.

Other than that, I think not throwing at Sherman was a sign of too much respect - bordering on fear. I think that's the Packers ultimate issue. They need to visualize their success, not worry about what can go wrong.


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Apr 30, 2009
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rubyweapon7":1qjq6da3 said:
You guys really think I am being too tough on my team? You have to at least agree with me on the conditioning staff. We always have too many injuries.

First off, welcome. Many of us like to talk intelligent football with reasonable fans (which preclude some of us :D ) and I, for one, like opinions from different fan bases. In other words, don't be a stranger here, even if we're not playing the Packers.

Secondly, most fans are either too hard on their team, or delusional and feel they're all time greats. There is a happy medium, but it's hard to find as a passionate fan(atic).

I will agree with your strength and conditioning staff. We seemed to be a lot more injury prone until Carroll replaced our old staff when he took over, and put his guys in place. USC seemed very healthy when he was there, and that has carried over to here. The only area we seem to have consistent issues is the OL, and those guys tend to be the lest conditioned and overweight football players on the field.

Don't be too hard on the Pack. Our team is very different from 2 years ago when you guys played us Our defense is more sound, technically better, and much more physical. They are more comfortable in their roles so the play faster and harder than our teams met 2 years ago. NFL analysts like Willie McGinnest (one of my favorites) say that you can't prepare for the kind of physicality that we bring. You can watch it on tape, you can study it, and try to simulate it, but when our guys hit you on the field, and it keeps coming, it tends to demoralize teams. They play to survive, not win.

The only teams really used to that are our divisional rivals. The Broncos showed the same exact thing. They came in full of the confidence of being the favorites in the Superbowl, and we see how they wilted.

I watched that game, and told one of the Packers fans at the bar "look, you're going to lose this game, but I still think you're going to win your division after watching you guys play" and I believe it. Detroit isn't a physical team, neither is Chicago. Minnesota prides themselves on being a physical run team with AP, but their defense isn't smashmouth.

Your team will be fine.


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Sep 3, 2012
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The 5-0
This will sound harsher than I mean for it to, but c'mon Packer fan, you guys have enjoyed (arguably) the best franchise in NFL history. I can count the number of poor (or even average) QBs you've had on one hand...and that going back to my childhood growing up in Milwaukee. You can be "down" on your team or you can suck it up and understand how cyclical these things are. Again, I mean no disrespect to you but it's not like you're Jacksonville and you also know you're day will come around again. Don't fret over things like Aaron Rodgers isn't getting any younger. Neither was Brett Favre. Without looking, I am certain and without understanding team, including the Niners, have spit out QBs like GB and you know it all starts there.

The Hawks have been a miserable franchise with a few good years sprinkled on top. I was converted from the Pack to the Hawks by my Gramps, after my parents moved us back to Seattle. You wanna' talk about "down" on your team? But I stayed dedicated to the difficult as that was at times.

As a Packer fan, I grew up like us Dawg fans did in the 80s and 90s. I seldom worried about winning this week's game. The only question how much? Imagine going from that to the expansion Seahawks. Watching a clown show where the kicker was arguably the most exciting player on the field (sarcasm). But it's our time now and we have a looong ways to go before we can rival your Packers as a franchise. BTW...visit this or any Hawk forum after a Hawk loss. You will then know what "down" on your team really looks like. An area I really wish our fanbase would improve upon. Listen to Russ, mi bruvahs "Don't get too high, don't get too low". It's all cyclical.