Are the Seahawks meeting expectations


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2009
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I think it's interesting reading comments about the Hawks this year. Most people thought that the Hawks would be a wild card team and maybe get to the second round. They are on track to do that and possibly exceed that expectation.

But the comments on this board make me feel like the expectation is secretly higher. They have a top 10 D and they have a top 10 Offense so far but there is very little enthusiasm.

It's like because the Hawks are not exceeding the expectation and playing like a SB contender right NOW that the season is garbage. But let me remind you what your expectation was! Why has that expectation changed?

For me, I didn't exactly know what to expect coming off two really kick ass draft years. Yes, the team has a lot of young players and so I believed they would start of slow and build as the season progressed. I think the Hawks are meeting my expectations so far.

I keep being reminded of what Holmgren used to say. He used to say all you have to do is get into the playoffs then it's 0-0, a completely new season anything can happen. Why that is so important to me is because, typically, in my opinion Carroll has the ability to get the most out of his young players and so I don't put a limitation on what can happen in a season. That doesn't make me right it's just how I typically view the season. It feels like that's playing out. We will see.

I like it when you guys get excited and I think the Hawks best football is yet to come. If they don't make the NFC title game or the SB remembervwhat your expectations were at the beginning of the season.

Anybody have some thoughts on this?



Well-known member
Dec 26, 2012
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Top this and top that don't matter to me. Especially at this point in the season where those numbers are still fluctuating wildly.

I want to see consistency in execution and improvements in playcalling. Especially on third down and in the red zone. They have the talent to compete at a high level, they just need it all to come together correctly then consistently execute that.


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2009
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Top this and top that don't matter to me. Especially at this point in the season where those numbers are still fluctuating wildly.

I want to see consistency in execution and improvements in playcalling. Especially on third down and in the red zone. They have the talent to compete at a high level, they just need it all to come together correctly then consistently execute that.
What were your expectations at the beginning of the season, how have those expectations changed, and why?


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2012
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What were your expectations at the beginning of the season, how have those expectations changed, and why?
Competitive playoff team. No they have not changed.


Well-known member
May 10, 2009
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I think it's interesting reading comments about the Hawks this year. Most people thought that the Hawks would be a wild card team and maybe get to the second round. They are on track to do that and possibly exceed that expectation.

But the comments on this board make me feel like the expectation is secretly higher. They have a top 10 D and they have a top 10 Offense so far but there is very little enthusiasm.

It's like because the Hawks are not exceeding the expectation and playing like a SB contender right NOW that the season is garbage. But let me remind you what your expectation was! Why has that expectation changed?

For me, I didn't exactly know what to expect coming off two really kick ass draft years. Yes, the team has a lot of young players and so I believed they would start of slow and build as the season progressed. I think the Hawks are meeting my expectations so far.

I keep being reminded of what Holmgren used to say. He used to say all you have to do is get into the playoffs then it's 0-0, a completely new season anything can happen. Why that is so important to me is because, typically, in my opinion Carroll has the ability to get the most out of his young players and so I don't put a limitation on what can happen in a season. That doesn't make me right it's just how I typically view the season. It feels like that's playing out. We will see.

I like it when you guys get excited and I think the Hawks best football is yet to come. If they don't make the NFC title game or the SB remembervwhat your expectations were at the beginning of the season.

Anybody have some thoughts on this?

For many of us, the frustration is not about this season but about the direction of the franchise.

I am frustrated because PCJS have failed to address the QB situation adequately for 5+ years even though we all know that it has been a must do.

Where it shows this season is our fanatical hopes that Geno would turn out to be the guy that half the board insisted he would be being dashed by the reality that Geno cannot pull his head out of his ass for more than 1/4 to 1/2 of almost every game..

So it has little to do with this season's expectations and everything to do with seeing this same exact show for appx a decade with no end in sight.

Geno isn't the guy, and PCJS are making no efforts to find the guy. Logically, we're looking at one and done seasons with NO HOPE of it changing.


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2023
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I think it's interesting reading comments about the Hawks this year. Most people thought that the Hawks would be a wild card team and maybe get to the second round. They are on track to do that and possibly exceed that expectation.

But the comments on this board make me feel like the expectation is secretly higher. They have a top 10 D and they have a top 10 Offense so far but there is very little enthusiasm.

It's like because the Hawks are not exceeding the expectation and playing like a SB contender right NOW that the season is garbage. But let me remind you what your expectation was! Why has that expectation changed?

For me, I didn't exactly know what to expect coming off two really kick ass draft years. Yes, the team has a lot of young players and so I believed they would start of slow and build as the season progressed. I think the Hawks are meeting my expectations so far.

I keep being reminded of what Holmgren used to say. He used to say all you have to do is get into the playoffs then it's 0-0, a completely new season anything can happen. Why that is so important to me is because, typically, in my opinion Carroll has the ability to get the most out of his young players and so I don't put a limitation on what can happen in a season. That doesn't make me right it's just how I typically view the season. It feels like that's playing out. We will see.

I like it when you guys get excited and I think the Hawks best football is yet to come. If they don't make the NFC title game or the SB remembervwhat your expectations were at the beginning of the season.

Anybody have some thoughts on this?

Our expectations across the board are simple; win or lose, we all want to see mistake free football, I think we can all agree on that. I believe this starts in practice, where continuity is developed.


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2010
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If you want to talk forum expectations vs. reality, look at the Seahawk's rankings on offense vs. defense and compare them to the volume of negative posts related to each. The offense is ranked 10th in most significant categories, while the defense hovers around 20th. Yet I'm willing to bet if you polled most people on this forum, the offense would be their number one concern and the primary area failing to meet expectations.


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
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At 6-3 I'm pretty happy!

However the team continues it's woes on 3rd downs on both sides of the ball. That has me thinking why can't they seem to get that right? It just seems the mistakes are killing drives pn O and the the team seems vulnerable to the short pass on 3rd downs when on D. For sure if they could fix both issues I'd be very happy but if it were only one of two I'd want the 3rd down D to be able to tighten things up a good deal.


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2023
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If you want to talk forum expectations vs. reality, look at the Seahawk's rankings on offense vs. defense and compare them to the volume of negative posts related to each. The offense is ranked 10th in most significant categories, while the defense hovers around 20th. Yet I'm willing to bet if you polled most people on this forum, the offense would be their number one concern and the primary area failing to meet expectations.
We rank in the top 10 because we’re able to move the ball well, we just can’t get a TD in the red zone to save our lives. Seahawks are 25th in the red zone.


Well-known member
May 2, 2009
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Spokane, Wa
I'm happy they're 6-3. Full stop.

They don't appear to be a team that is ready for the next level of competition.
Penalties, sloppy uneven play , lack of focus etc .

They look good in spots but could get beat by a team that has no business beating them. That's frustrating.


Jan 3, 2013
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We rank in the top 10 because we’re able to move the ball well, we just can’t get a TD in the red zone to save our lives. Seahawks are 25th in the red zone.
Good point, our red zone failures have been terrible and total yards is a meaningless stat.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
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Spokane, WA
I think those who are being negative are just wishing the team could perform better more consistently and the issues that have plagued the team in the past (ie pass pro, preventing explosive plays, putting players in right position to make plays) continues to be an ongoing issue.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
I'm happy they're 6-3. Full stop.

They don't appear to be a team that is ready for the next level of competition.
Penalties, sloppy uneven play , lack of focus etc .

They look good in spots but could get beat by a team that has no business beating them. That's frustrating.
or one could say that they have plenty of room for improvements as they achieved 6-3 despite of those problems that you have listed.


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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I think it's interesting reading comments about the Hawks this year. Most people thought that the Hawks would be a wild card team and maybe get to the second round. They are on track to do that and possibly exceed that expectation.

But the comments on this board make me feel like the expectation is secretly higher. They have a top 10 D and they have a top 10 Offense so far but there is very little enthusiasm.

It's like because the Hawks are not exceeding the expectation and playing like a SB contender right NOW that the season is garbage. But let me remind you what your expectation was! Why has that expectation changed?

For me, I didn't exactly know what to expect coming off two really kick ass draft years. Yes, the team has a lot of young players and so I believed they would start of slow and build as the season progressed. I think the Hawks are meeting my expectations so far.

I keep being reminded of what Holmgren used to say. He used to say all you have to do is get into the playoffs then it's 0-0, a completely new season anything can happen. Why that is so important to me is because, typically, in my opinion Carroll has the ability to get the most out of his young players and so I don't put a limitation on what can happen in a season. That doesn't make me right it's just how I typically view the season. It feels like that's playing out. We will see.

I like it when you guys get excited and I think the Hawks best football is yet to come. If they don't make the NFC title game or the SB remembervwhat your expectations were at the beginning of the season.

Anybody have some thoughts on this?

Busted up Offensive Line in the very first game ESPECIALLY the Left & Right Tackles = Derailment.
Those Injuries were NOT Insignificant folks.
I'm not pushing any panic buttons or being obtuse here, but those injuries set off a chain reaction of negatives for NOT JUST GENO, but the entire Offensive strategics.
Plans for the Run game had to be reconfigured/Altered which forced Waldron to have to change up his Offensive schemes (not something that I BELIEVE that he was ready for doing on the fly) AND in turn, Geno had to assume a bigger role than had been in the works/plans for in the Pre-Season preparations.
I do get that ALL TEAMS across the League have to deal with INJURIES, B-U-T seriously? Coming right out of the chute in G-A-M-E O-N-E and you have to ALTER your entire offensive strategies?
Under those circumstances (almost said circumcises LOL) SIX & THREE is a pretty big accomplishment, eh?


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2009
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For many of us, the frustration is not about this season but about the direction of the franchise.

I am frustrated because PCJS have failed to address the QB situation adequately for 5+ years even though we all know that it has been a must do.

Where it shows this season is our fanatical hopes that Geno would turn out to be the guy that half the board insisted he would be being dashed by the reality that Geno cannot pull his head out of his ass for more than 1/4 to 1/2 of almost every game..

So it has little to do with this season's expectations and everything to do with seeing this same exact show for appx a decade with no end in sight.

Geno isn't the guy, and PCJS are making no efforts to find the guy. Logically, we're looking at one and done seasons with NO HOPE of it changing.
Interesting...from my perspective, the Hawks signed Geno to a contract they could get out of if maybe Richardson would have fallen. But he didn't. I'm not sure how they could have played it better. Not sure their was A QB in this draft they could have drafted that would have met the expectations your referring to. JS would draft a QB if someone was available. How would you have done it differently in hindsight?


Well-known member
May 10, 2009
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Interesting...from my perspective, the Hawks signed Geno to a contract they could get out of if maybe Richardson would have fallen. But he didn't. I'm not sure how they could have played it better. Not sure their was A QB in this draft they could have drafted that would have met the expectations your referring to. JS would draft a QB if someone was available. How would you have done it differently in hindsight?
My expectations are actually quite low.

Use draft capital to take a shot at the QBOTF. The prospects were there and they had the capital.

Will they get him on the 1st try? Probably not. So, then what? TRY AGAIN until you find him. Not taking a shot for 5+ years is ridiculous.

This topic has been run into the ground on this board from every angle. I'm just responding to your question about expectations. I expect a competent (not necessarily successful) effort to find a QB. If Geno (against all odds) had played semi-consistently they would have achieved competence and met expectations. He hasn't, so they didn't.


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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Our expectations across the board are simple; win or lose, we all want to see mistake free football, I think we can all agree on that. I believe this starts in practice, where continuity is developed.
Injuries right from the get-go SCREWED the Seahawks Offensive "Continuity", and Geno is being held to blame for not being able to put the limping & injured O-Line on his back, and perform> UNREALISTIC MIRACLES, and he's being chastised UNREALISTACALLY for his inability to fix this major 'F-UP' on his own.
Can anyone HONESTLY say that Waldron/O-Line/ O-Line Coaching & such, are helping Geno to maximize?
There's LITTLE to NO DOUBT that Geno is PRESSING too damned hard, I get that, but should he be chastised by some of his so called "Fans" for trying to be their champion???
Some ^%$%$#g Booing in the game at 'LUMEN FRIGGIN FIELD' Last Sunday, S-E-R-I-O-U-S-L-Y?????????
Yeah, I can already hear it, Scutter is a Geno 'Excuser' Freak....LOOK!!, the guy has made plays that has totally PISSED ME OFF TOO!, but COMMON SENSE tells me that there is USUALLY a damned good reason for why he goes so off script at times....And then Reality >>>SIX & three.


Nov 27, 2019
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Ranch in Flint Hills of Kansas, formerly NW Montan
Except for one game we have exceeded my pre-season expectations. Our 6-3 record really should be 7-2, as there is no excuse to lose a game in which you had four chances at goal to go possessions and only come away from that with 3 points.
The lopsided loss to Baltimore was inexplicable, especially considering Baltimore followed that up by losing to a team we just beat.
My expectations were that we would be competitive this year but struggle with the fact that so many of our guys are so young they haven't had enough time to adjust and learn everything they need to know in order to compete at a top tier level. However, I think that our latest draft class will come out next year and bloom. Our roster will be ready to be the best it can be. I continue to have questions regarding Geno's ceiling holding us back, but other than that I see next year as our re-assent into prominence.

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