Adams to come off pup list


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Apr 30, 2009
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Tijuana/San Diego
Here's Adams problem in a nutshell: Seahawks fans are spoiled when it comes to safety play. The ones who complain the loudest about him are all about their memories of safeties that haven't played in almost a decade. If he had gone to almost any other team, there would not be complaints of him not being Thomas, not being Chancellor, not being Robinson, not being Easley. His skills are fine for a safety, but emo Seahawks fans want him to be exactly like one of their all world and borderline hall of fame safeties (he was never going to be Easley, who was the best safety ever and finally made the hall of fame). They whine about him not be as good as Earl in coverage, even though he dropped several interceptions himself. They whine about him not being as big a hitter as Chancellor, who let's be honest was the best hitting safety of all time. It's really kind of sad that they can't let it go.

The trade was stupid. Let it go.

The injuries were not Adams fault. Let it go.

The contract was a mistake. Let it go.

As far as worst trade in franchise history, Fred F'n Vinson. One season played. Two interceptions. Two. Four passes defensed. Four. We traded a borderline hall of famer to acquire him. His AV was two. Two. Borderline hall of famer. We also gave up a fifth round pick. The Packers spent a fifth round pick on Kabeer Gbaja-Biamila. He's in the Packers Hall Of Fame. The only saving grace is it was not the pick we gave them, but maybe they don't take a flier on him, if we didn't give them our fifth for Fred (never played a down for the Seahawks) Vinson.

Adams trade doesn't even compare. Let it go.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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I just don't see the sense in having to qualify the trade in any way. If anything, I'd give it an incomplete. Why? Because if you ask any offensive coordinator to identify THE guy their team has to account for on our D and I guarantee you Adams is either 1 or 1a in that conversation. He's just that good. So if you have a player of that caliber on your team, it can't be a bad thing.

That's the ONLY thing that matters with trades. What did you give up, and was what you got in return successful.

No one can say with a straight face that the Adams trade worked out, it was a failure on every level. Yes, so far. If by some miracle he comes back and lights it up for 14-15 games and leads us to a deep playoff run?

Then we can revisit this conversation. But as of now? On September 1st of the Lord's year 2023? Worst trade in Hawk's history. Two 1st rounders and a contract that has hamstrung this defense from improving itself with other free agents because they're paying their safety almost 20M a year to not play.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Nice spin. You can put lipstick on a pig, and it's still a pig.

Sure, every team fails on a trade. But you have to admit that on this one, very few teams have spent more and fared worse. Denver trading for Russell and the Niners trading up for Trey Lance are the only two in recent memory that I can think of that would equal/exceed this one. Plus, you have to factor in the contract we gave him, which at the time was the biggest in the history of the league for a safety, something that the Niners didn't do with Lance.
Well, I've said several times the trade didn't work out.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
This is what you said that provoked my comment about your spin and putting lipstick on a pig:

Every front office in the league fails on a trade. All of them.

Defending Pete/JS by saying "every front office fails on a trade" is like defending a person who does 70 mph in a 25 by saying that everybody breaks the speed limit.

Sure, every team fails on a trade, but not many teams have failed on a trade involving 2-#1 picks, 1-#3 pick, and compounded it by signing the player to the most expensive contract for his position in the history of the league. Assuming that things don't get better, Denver and San Francisco are the only two in recent years that have exceeded the boner that Pete/John pulled.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Well, I stick by it. Yes, this trade has been a disaster. But, they have hit on a hell of a lot too. To me, it just seems like people want him to fail so they can be "right" about him. And yes, I'm exaggerating, I just don't get the Adams hate. Not trying to argue.
It's the dwelling on the same sh** 24/7 365 that gets old, that's all. He didn't stop being a hell of a football player because of his injuries.
Give the dude a chance.

At some point, you need to get over it River, let the sh** go and let's rock in 2023.
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