49ers are a dirty team.


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Aug 19, 2018
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Like it or not ; SF is a badass football team . Deal with it .


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2013
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Dreymond Greenlaw is just misunderstood.
He’s not trying to hurt anybody, but he’s got to keep it reel too.


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2014
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If they were the Seahawks, this entire forum would call them physical & bullies. We would love and celebrate that style of play because that's how we were during LOB.

I hate Santa Clara, but they just stomped the Seahawks on the road then flew across the country and are kicking the shit out if the NFC Champs.

I’m jealous.
Except the Seahawks and most other teams are not allowed to do this. Seattle used to be more physical, but the league nipped that in the butt. The game is definitely better when teams are allowed to play, but not if only certain teams are allowed to get away with it.
Dec 4, 2023
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Except the Seahawks and most other teams are not allowed to do this. Seattle used to be more physical, but the league nipped that in the butt. The game is definitely better when teams are allowed to play, but not if only certain teams are allowed to get away with it.

Where is the factual evidence and data that says the Niners get away with more than other teams?

Believe it not, if there is actually a way to compare we would all probably see it goes pretty evenly among all the teams. Every team gets away with bad calls, and every team is impacted by bad calls going the other way.

Its just that fans of all teams think their team is full of saints, and that the refs are always out to get them. The great conspiracy against their team, and their team more than any other.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2016
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Except the Seahawks and most other teams are not allowed to do this. Seattle used to be more physical, but the league nipped that in the butt. The game is definitely better when teams are allowed to play, but not if only certain teams are allowed to get away with it.
Like anything, you just have to do it all the time. As bad as the officials are, they won't call every single foul. I think it's worth the 15 yards early in the game to take a shot on a QB or receiver. Doesn't have to be dirty in the head or anything to let them know what it's gonna be like for the next 3 hours. See how bad they want it


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2023
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Port Angeles Washington in the mountains
this 49ers team has a chance to be historically great on offense, but won’t be anything unless they win it all.
anything less at this point is just later round draft picks next year with way more salary cap casualties.
But man I like our chances this year.
when healthy and rolling they are a juggernaut.
Purdy is blowing my mind I don’t even know what to make of it other than it’s a cosmically good fit at the qb/playcalling level supported by literally 4 elite skill positions players who have all been relatively healthy.
can only get so hard….
Their as good as the patriots who almost had a perfect season ;)


Well-known member
May 19, 2012
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They hold and grab like crazy. Their DBs are notorious for this and will continue until the refs start calling it.

There are 30 fanbases I can tolerate this comment from.

But go watch the 2012-2014+ LOB tape and be grateful at what wasn't called.

And while what you say about the Niners DBs could be disputed, I'd rather not and go after what was definitely known to be done.
Dec 4, 2023
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They hold and grab like crazy. Their DBs are notorious for this and will continue until the refs start calling it.

Legion of Boom says hold my beer.

Remember them being coached to mug the receiver every play because the refs won’t call it all the tine.

How do you explain Bosa literally being held on every play by every other team, including the Seahawks.

Also, what factual evidence do you have that proves the Niners are more guilty than any other team including your own?


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2013
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Legion of Boom says hold my beer.

Remember them being coached to mug the receiver every play because the refs won’t call it all the tine.

How do you explain Bosa literally being held on every play by every other team, including the Seahawks.

Also, what factual evidence do you have that proves the Niners are more guilty than any other team including your own?
I have definitely noticed more plays than usual lately where i though a PI flag was coming for sure against a Niners db that didn’t.
Instant replay on those PI call or non calls could fix it, but it would delay the game without a doubt. They could just monetize it and make it the State Farm Replay split screen and we could watch Mahomes for 30s while they sort out the validity of the call or non call.