Geno Smith real deal? ...or just a flash?


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Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
Ya starting with that Tampa game, he had no run support at all. Just look at the rush yards in those games:

View attachment 60001

Can he carry the team with no run game? Not many QBs can.
This x 100000. All the talk about him being 'figured out' over the course of the 2nd half of the season... the collapse of our backfield had much to do with that. And that collapse also happened to coincide with a mirrored collapse of our run D.

Geno will be fine.


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Apr 11, 2010
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I can.

Geno's gonna ROCK. He's got the attitude right. He's got the skills. You can plainly see him staring you down from my avatar. "You got a problem with me dude?!".

And, for the 4,000th time: We DON'T HAVE TO DO MUNICH THIS SEASON.

His 'slide' was post munich and post pete f'ing with waldron and the playcalling. First half and second half of the season were polar opposites, well at least on O. We're not gonna have that this year. And the defense won't suck! TOP is gonna be awesome.

Plus, he's confident. He's gonna push back a bit if Pete becomes to, well, Pete-ey. At least I hope.
A LOT of that "Munich/Post Munich" was the Seahawks Defense not stopping the Run Attacks, and thus the Opponents running up the score and folks expecting Geno to overcome with a time deficit, and couldn't figure out why Geno couldn't come up with the "Killer Instincts" to overcome the oppositions' run amok scorings.
It's said that "Defense Wins Championships", well, doesn't it stand to reason that a BAD Defense can Lose Championships, and a bunch of games leading up to them also?
Many of those Crap Game Losses were NOT of Genos' doing.


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Sep 9, 2012
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Geno proved last year he can be a consistently good to very good QB throughout the entire season.

I only observed one small flaw in his play last year: There were more than a couple times when he threw a pass directly into the hands of a defender. I want to say some of them were fortunately dropped for an incompletion instead of an interception. Not sure if they were all his fault, trying to do too much and forcing the ball, or just misfiring, or if the receiver ran a wrong route, but this would be the one aspect of his game I hope he improves upon this year. Just throw the damn ball away or make sure you launch it high enough to where the receiver can make a play and either catch it or knock it away from the defender.


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Mar 17, 2016
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A LOT of that "Munich/Post Munich" was the Seahawks Defense not stopping the Run Attacks, and thus the Opponents running up the score and folks expecting Geno to overcome with a time deficit, and couldn't figure out why Geno couldn't come up with the "Killer Instincts" to overcome the oppositions' run amok scorings.
It's said that "Defense Wins Championships", well, doesn't it stand to reason that a BAD Defense can Lose Championships, and a bunch of games leading up to them also?
Many of those Crap Game Losses were NOT of Genos' doing.
Oh I agree - but I also agree that Geno got happy feet after Munich and started throwing too many 'turnover friendly' balls.

Dre'mont's your huckleberry on the run stopping this year!

Defense folded like a lawn chair. Made Geno's job harder. And Pete made Waldron's job harder.

I've got faith in Geno. He's got a glint of gangster under the surface - I've seen it a few times. BUT just the right amount. And he's stepping into the role. This is HIS team this year, not "hey.... do i get to start next week".

And like it or not - DK let himself and Geno down after Munich. Top billin did a whole segment on lazy route running and lack of getting open - so Geno was down a weapon or two, and with some questionable play calling and shitty defense.



Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Geno proved last year he can be a consistently good to very good QB throughout the entire season.

I only observed one small flaw in his play last year: There were more than a couple times when he threw a pass directly into the hands of a defender. I want to say some of them were fortunately dropped for an incompletion instead of an interception. Not sure if they were all his fault, trying to do too much and forcing the ball, or just misfiring, or if the receiver ran a wrong route, but this would be the one aspect of his game I hope he improves upon this year. Just throw the damn ball away or make sure you launch it high enough to where the receiver can make a play and either catch it or knock it away from the defender.
SO many passes that were easy picks that were dropped. But if you bring it up, people lose their minds. Win as a team, lose as a team. And yes, Geno DID have plenty of chances to take a game over at the end and didn't. Sorry to burst any bubbles, but part of being a QB is that you WILL get your share of concern and/or criticism. Geno would echo it if he was here talking about his seasons. He has to be better at the end of the game. And I think he will be.



Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Look at how many QB's have cashed in after one good season. Shoot, some after just a few good games (cough cough.....Matt Flynn)
And NO, I am NOT saying Geno is going to do that. I would be shocked if he wasn't as good as last year, at the minimum.


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2012
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Kansas City, MO
Geno is still a question mark in my book. I need a bigger sample size before going all in. He proved a lot of my thoughts about him wrong last season and also verified some of them too. He definitely has a much better arm and accuracy than I remembered. He also was a much better leader than I thought he would be. I still believe he is a system QB that falters when he is asked or needs to do more though. Again, I need to see more to form a solid opinion in terms of his ability to be clutch or not.

If there is a regression, I dont feel it will be enough to even mention. Same goes for improvement also. I feel he'll be hard pressed to improve on last years numbers, but those were pretty damn good. I guess I need to see him win more games and do something in the post season before I can classify him as anything more than a decent to sometimes good QB and yes, I realize its a team game and its not all about the QB.
This is pretty much where I'm at.


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2012
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Kansas City, MO
And it's a warranted opinion. The guy is good. Great? A lot to be determined.
If he can give me 17 games of good instead of 8 or so I'm in because the big thing he has over Russell Wilson is that plays within the offense and actually heard of a short pass or a 10 yard pass that moves the chains.


Well-known member
May 2, 2009
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Spokane, Wa
Geno is still a question mark in my book. I need a bigger sample size before going all in. He proved a lot of my thoughts about him wrong last season and also verified some of them too. He definitely has a much better arm and accuracy than I remembered. He also was a much better leader than I thought he would be. I still believe he is a system QB that falters when he is asked or needs to do more though. Again, I need to see more to form a solid opinion in terms of his ability to be clutch or not.

If there is a regression, I dont feel it will be enough to even mention. Same goes for improvement also. I feel he'll be hard pressed to improve on last years numbers, but those were pretty damn good. I guess I need to see him win more games and do something in the post season before I can classify him as anything more than a decent to sometimes good QB and yes, I realize its a team game and its not all about the QB.
I usually disagree with Pittpanthers but I think this is a pretty good take. No, we haven't seen #7 enough and him being the one to say , go 80 yards in 2 minutes to win a game.

I also like all the things he does do well and what he isn't (#3) . I think he will be better in his second season .


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2023
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Geno is still a question mark in my book. I need a bigger sample size before going all in. He proved a lot of my thoughts about him wrong last season and also verified some of them too. He definitely has a much better arm and accuracy than I remembered. He also was a much better leader than I thought he would be. I still believe he is a system QB that falters when he is asked or needs to do more though. Again, I need to see more to form a solid opinion in terms of his ability to be clutch or not.

If there is a regression, I dont feel it will be enough to even mention. Same goes for improvement also. I feel he'll be hard pressed to improve on last years numbers, but those were pretty damn good. I guess I need to see him win more games and do something in the post season before I can classify him as anything more than a decent to sometimes good QB and yes, I realize its a team game and its not all about the QB.
Very sound reasoning. If by system you mean he plays well within the wide spread offense similar to his days at West Virginia then I agree...Waldron's offense seems tailored to Geno's strengths.

We addressed some defensive needs in the draft...but the offensive selections allows Shane to design a full range of plays to make Geno's life easier...whether long sustained drives to hold leads through the 2nd/3rd quarters or the quick strike variety to acquire leads and expand scores.

Would Geno thrive outside of our team? I think his willingness to take a team friendly deal with performance incentives built in reflects Geno loves our system here.

He may lack the creative flair of Mahomes/Rogers but he has the arm and mobility to fully utilize the many play makers our GM has provided. Like you noted it's a TEAM game and Geno represents our "voice".


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2023
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If he can give me 17 games of good instead of 8 or so I'm in because the big thing he has over Russell Wilson is that plays within the offense and actually heard of a short pass or a 10 yard pass that moves the chains.
You hit on the key...long sustained drives gives us the advantage of time of possession...definitely something we've been lacking.


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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Very sound reasoning. If by system you mean he plays well within the wide spread offense similar to his days at West Virginia then I agree...Waldron's offense seems tailored to Geno's strengths.

We addressed some defensive needs in the draft...but the offensive selections allows Shane to design a full range of plays to make Geno's life easier...whether long sustained drives to hold leads through the 2nd/3rd quarters or the quick strike variety to acquire leads and expand scores.

Would Geno thrive outside of our team? I think his willingness to take a team friendly deal with performance incentives built in reflects Geno loves our system here.

He may lack the creative flair of Mahomes/Rogers but he has the arm and mobility to fully utilize the many play makers our GM has provided. Like you noted it's a TEAM game and Geno represents our "voice".
G Also needs his Defense to become more 'Ball-hawkish', take the advantages away from the opponents, and get the ball back in his hands.
Pete & John know that the Defense has been the hold-up to the teams' success, & lack of TOP.
If Geno has more opportunity, I think he will be able to shine even brighter.
This is just my POSITIVE Opinion.


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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I just looked up a couple of last year's stats... We were #10 in scoring, while also #31(!) in time of possession. Think about that. Sounds like 'doing the most with the least' to me.
One of the VERY WORSE in time to 'get-R-done' and still ranking in the top third?? WOW!!
Sounds like IF we can give him a fair shake, with a lot better T.O.P., healthier Run Support, and Geno can/will be one of the top 7 Quarterbacks in the League.
It's like tryin' to run a three legged race, and yer partner has his prosthetic in the gunnysack. LOLOLOL


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
That's your opinion. I don't see him as a top 7 QB. If you don't like it, you'll just have to get over it. People have opinions, deal with it.