How Zen Are You?


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
Because I think you will need to be this year. Seriously. And yet, many of you already are.

I don't read every thread and every post but I try to cover the general spectrum and what I have been hearing is that many of you are already there. In fact, I can't recall in all my time here on .NET whether it was being owner, admin, mod or the decrepit "Godfather" pushed back into the dark corner of a deliciously seedy pub (of my choosing) that I ever remember so many fans being "chill" with a rebuild.

Oh yes, there are plenty still ready to send fists to fury over decisions made, poor performances, tackle technique resembling middle schoolers...Trust me, I get it. However the vast majority seems oddly cerebral this season. Rising above the usual noisy negativists which again, with all my years here, is wonderfully impressive.

So many years in the past fans battled each other over what kind of team we had. This year? It seems fairly obvious, as though we are cheating on some kind of test. I don't know who coined the term but one of us said that Geno was a "Bridge Quarterback". Wow, not only an astute term but a marketable one. And a true one.

Already there are rumblings to Unlock Lock. (Okay dammit, I admit that was my clumsy attempt to counter the Russ Cook mantra).

Word on the street it could come as soon as the second half of the game this Sunday against the Falcons. Who knows?

No matter what transpires this Sunday and the 14 game days beyond that, continue that Zen Mentality. What shall be shall be. Rookies are being thrown into the fire. Let them feel it. Grow from it. Find the way out of the cauldron to no longer be burned. Let DK throw his tantrums, and he will. Where's he going? He just signed a huge contract.

I have always felt deep in my heart that PC and JS have always had a plan, no matter how this season looks when it is all said and done. No matter the soundbytes, no matter the disingenuous pressers to the contrary.

They want their franchise quarterback. This season is nothing more than a preseason of 17 games to prepare their squad for better days in 2023.




Mar 13, 2013
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Personally, I am 10/10 zen about going through the rebuild itself. I can handle the losses, the beatdowns, as long as I have the prospect of younger players growing in experience and developing a good base for a future team.

However, I am a 0/10 zen with the coach ownership has entrusted this rebuild to. Pete has accomplished a lot for this franchise, but it is was time to move the moment the Adams trade was done. It's especially time to move on trying to build a young new team.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2016
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It's a nice break from the normal anxiety inducing NFL season isn't it? I've been ready for a couple years to have a season off so to speak and it couldn't happen until all the players from the old guard were gone.
Now we get to follow the young guys and their progress to see who will solidify their spot on the future team when it comes of age. I never understood the bickering over who was gonna be the QB. It never really mattered all that much unless all of the young players came out of the box ready.
All that matters this year is that the individual players mature along with the coordinators on both sides of the ball throughout the year. Those who don't, will be replaced. Any wins will be a bonus along the way


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2021
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I unfortunately (or fortunately?) ended up working and unable to watch what looked like a flaming dumpster fire of a game so that kind of helps in a way.

I was concerned about a let-down game on a short week on the road against a division opponent and so the loss isn't shocking and by not having seen it, I am less able to stress over which facets of the game went so wrong.

So, still pretty zen. We'll see after next week.


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2015
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I haven't participated much in .net previously because it was a negative and angry place to be. I undersand because of the high expectations many of us had, but it was difficult because the team discord and disfunction were magnified (to me) by reading other's opinions.

I like the overall positive vibes and that we can have fun being fans again.


Active member
Oct 21, 2020
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Portland, OR
I spent most of the last 20 years as a Texans fan first; Seattle fan second. The rebuilding pains the Seahawks are going through after 10+ years of playoffs is nothing compared to the Wildfire that is in Houston. I completely quit watching them for a multitude of reasons and especially so with the Watson situation.

The Seahawks front office has their stuff together. There is no infighting or backstabbing going on. They have a plan. We may not like the first few stages of that plan, but you can see what the plan is right now. Bridge from past to future. Pete and JS are only signed through 2024. I bet Jody and Vulcan have their eyes set on their next headcoach.

This year, I'm just enjoying watching football without my blood pressure going up.

Ohm mani padme hum!


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2011
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No real reason to panic. Just along for the ride right now.

Excited that Pete talked about it being time to ditch the conservative training wheels and open up the offense for Geno. Hopefully manifests in less screens/checkdowns and a few more intermediate shots. Perhaps a few 50/50 balls for DK.

I wish they'd just put Curhan at RG. Gabe's screwing the whole line. Run game instantly improves if they throw him in.


Well-known member
Sep 23, 2011
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Because I think you will need to be this year. Seriously. And yet, many of you already are.

I don't read every thread and every post but I try to cover the general spectrum and what I have been hearing is that many of you are already there. In fact, I can't recall in all my time here on .NET whether it was being owner, admin, mod or the decrepit "Godfather" pushed back into the dark corner of a deliciously seedy pub (of my choosing) that I ever remember so many fans being "chill" with a rebuild.

Oh yes, there are plenty still ready to send fists to fury over decisions made, poor performances, tackle technique resembling middle schoolers...Trust me, I get it. However the vast majority seems oddly cerebral this season. Rising above the usual noisy negativists which again, with all my years here, is wonderfully impressive.

So many years in the past fans battled each other over what kind of team we had. This year? It seems fairly obvious, as though we are cheating on some kind of test. I don't know who coined the term but one of us said that Geno was a "Bridge Quarterback". Wow, not only an astute term but a marketable one. And a true one.

Already there are rumblings to Unlock Lock. (Okay dammit, I admit that was my clumsy attempt to counter the Russ Cook mantra).

Word on the street it could come as soon as the second half of the game this Sunday against the Falcons. Who knows?

No matter what transpires this Sunday and the 14 game days beyond that, continue that Zen Mentality. What shall be shall be. Rookies are being thrown into the fire. Let them feel it. Grow from it. Find the way out of the cauldron to no longer be burned. Let DK throw his tantrums, and he will. Where's he going? He just signed a huge contract.

I have always felt deep in my heart that PC and JS have always had a plan, no matter how this season looks when it is all said and done. No matter the soundbytes, no matter the disingenuous pressers to the contrary.

They want their franchise quarterback. This season is nothing more than a preseason of 17 games to prepare their squad for better days in 2023.


View attachment 54600
first time in a long time where I can remember not being pissed off and anxious during a game. Were rebuilding. Period. Geno isn't a savior, Geno isn't going to win us 9 games. this season is going to suck if you are looking for wins. Im trying to enjoy watching the new guys improve.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2022
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I'm golden.

Seattle has holes, they're not getting fixed this season. May as well enjoy watching the core players develop as players and as people.


Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Sultan, WA
Now DURING the games, no zen

Oh don't get me wrong. DURING the game I am still very much default setting diehard. What's different these days is after even an upsetting loss, I no longer want to kick my dog.


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2012
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Oh don't get me wrong. DURING the game I am still very much default setting diehard. What's different these days is after even an upsetting loss, I no longer want to kick my dog.
Hey now, be nice to dogs!!!


Well-known member
Jun 7, 2009
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Anchorage, AK
My dog used to leave the room during games. Rumor has it I get a little loud and angry...........

I still get amped up during the games themselves, but I've set my season expectations low this year, so even though I'm pumped for every down of the games, it seems to allow me to just brush it off when the clock counts down to zero. I don't know if it's just the new, lower expectations, the fact I'm getting old(er) or having two kids under 8 running around the house, but this season is just kind of a roll with the punches type of year for me.


Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Sultan, WA
Yeah I think most of us are cut from the same cloth. As diehards, it's our duty, in our DNA in fact, to still be over the top emotional during the game, but this year we all seem to know that this is a rebuild year so a loss just doesn't seem to carry the sting it would have when we were one of the top teams in the NFL.

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