Random Thoughts™ on the Raiders preseason game


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Mar 6, 2007
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-Russell Wilson was barely in there, but he looked pretty good on that first drive, which was the only drive to result in a TD. He finally connected with Stephen Williams on a bomb, too.

-Wilson has had a problem with over-throws. He had it in college, he had it early last season, and he had it early this preseason. But against the Packers he started having some underthrow problems instead, and on his big pass to Williams, he under-threw there as well. Williams had to slow down noticeably and this allowed the safety back into the play. Had Wilson hit Williams in stride, I have little doubt it would have been a TD. Williams had a couple steps on the safety.

The nice thing about Williams is that with his 6'5" body and long arms, he's been catching underthrown passes for huge gains all preseason. As far as Wilson's distance accuracy, it is just proof that he's human after all. Nobody is majestic at everything, and every now and then we'll see this problem return, and as far as flaws go, it's pretty minor. I don't think it's a big deal and I suspect it could be just a rust / early season thing.

-In the first preseason game, the starting offensive line struggled while the backup line went nuclear in the run game. Ever since then, it's been a steady progression in the opposite direction, with the 2nd team line (who played nearly the entire game) having a really tough time tonight.

-The running backs weren't much better, at least in terms of running the football.

-Turbin was pretty meh as a runner, but he did have a killer block to set up a (QB keeper?) for big yardage in the first half. I prefer Michael quite a bit to Turbin, but I think the coaches prefer Turbin (for now) and it's easy to see why, he has a good overall skill set for a 3rd down back.

-Lots of drops in this game.

-Speaking of drops, Helfet had an interesting game. He had a couple of brutal mistakes (drops, etc); the kind that make you instantly think "CUT!" But he also had some brilliant plays: a couple of nice runs after the catch and a brilliant catch that was stolen by the officials and a well placed Raider. Helfet probably isn't making the roster, but there have been times this preseason he's raised eyebrows. It's a shame he's had all those drops. If he was drop free, he's probably our 3rd TE next week. I think he had some time at FB too, I'll have to look into that on the DVR review.

-Back to the Chargers game again. Holy crap our TE group looked awful back then, and the pre-preseason over-hyped Luke Willson was no exception. Since that time, Willson has taken small steps forward every week and, I'll be damned, he ended up the team leader in receptions by preseason's end. For a guy that had drop issues early on, his hands have looked very solid as of late and he's continuing his ability in college of being a pleasant surprise as a run blocker. Excuse me while I state the obvious: run blocking is kind of a big deal around these parts. So that's nothing to scoff at, especially for a joker TE with 4.51 speed. It's good to know that having him on the field won't telegraph intentions.

-Luke Willson gives the best interview on the team, and that's saying a lot. He's got a future in coaching or broadcasting, no doubt aboot it.

-Christine Michael has got some magic in him. He can take a seemingly nothing play and reappear 10 yards downfield only a moment later. He can make very quick adjustments to backfield penetration and turn surefire TFLs into small gains. He had a couple of those moments tonight, but even he couldn't survive the onslaught Raiders defenders staking claim to Seattle's backfield. Our OL was made up of turnstiles most of the night. With that said, Michael had a tough night. I think Turbin probably had the #2 job anyway despite Michael outplaying him as a runner, but tonight makes that decision a little easier. And given how good Turbin is as a 3rd down back, that's not such a bad thing. Hopefully the team has the sense to activate Michael and get him 50-100 carries by season's end.

-Oakland is a horrible team, but they were reputed to be pretty deep at DL before letting a couple of their big name DTs walk last offseason. So maybe this is just a good reserve group we faced tonight. Still, you hate to see that kind of dominance after our reserve lineman looked so promising a few weeks ago.

-Terrell Pryor finished with a passer rating of 9.9 and finished with fewer yards in the game (2 quarters) than Russell Wilson had in one pass. It was the best 9.9 passer rating performance I have ever seen, and will ever see most likely. Barring a huge regular season breakthrough by Quinton Patton, the 49ers WR corps are not far removed from being a disaster zone right now. Yet they don't even have the worst WR corps in the bay area.

-I really hope Fells makes our PS and gets some real reps next preseason. He's no youngin' at 27, but physically he is an Anthony McCoy clone, if McCoy were cloned even bigger. A 281 pound TE that can catch and run. Yes please.

-I think Bruce Irvin will be pretty fortunate to match his 8 sacks from last season in 12 games while playing 4-3 LB. He got a sack tonight though, and his speed looks better than ever as a rangy LB. For a guy that has no instinctive ability to shed a block at the LOS, he has great instincts at attacking runners and tracking them down. I don't know how much he'll see the field even when he gets back though, as Wright / Wagner have been nearly exclusive as our LBs in nickle defense, and Seattle is running nickle defense more than ever. But when he's been out there, he's been a quality regular. I'll take it.

-I think it won't be long before people start drawing comparisons between the Carpenter pick and the Irvin pick. Both were perceived reaches that had to switch positions after their first season, and appear to be etching out solid NFL careers in those new roles. I think Irvin's going to be more of a tackle machine type LB than a Von Miller type, but heck, just having a LB who can run a 4.50 at 255-260 pounds... that shit all by itself made Aaron Curry the most over hyped player in the 2009 draft, and Curry wasn't as good of a LB as Irvin already is. I am looking forward to the continuation of the Bruce Irvin experiment. If he can be a 5+ sacks a year guy while being a lights out tackle machine SAM LB, that makes him worthy of pro-bowl consideration.

-Why is Brock Huard trying to scare Allen Bradford into thinking he might not make the team after the game? Bradford is so making the team.

-Also, Bradford has huge arms. He is a tank, and he is fast.

-Further, apparently he led all Seahawks defenders in tackles this preseason. That's a feather in the cap. It doesn't hurt either that he plays in a body built for being an NFL LB. His physical talent, size, and power are pretty damn awesome. With "the best LB instincts on the team" (Brock's words, not mine - though I agree) thrown in for good measure. The best part? He probably won't play much this season because we are already so loaded at LB.

-I marvel at our defense. Even when down to our Z-string defensive linemen, we are still a pain to score on. Just 957 total yards of offense allowed and 36 total points in 4 preseason games. That's 239 yards of offense and 9 points allowed per game. Holy shit.

-Jaye Howard and Michael Brooks continue to make plays. I think Howard is a lock, but I am worried that Seattle makes the same mistake with Brooks that the previous regime made with Bennett, taking the gamble to see if he can clear waivers for the PS.

-Ware wasn't great tonight, but he might have had the best rushing performance of our RBs. Even still, the decision to cut him in favor of Coleman just got a little easier. Here's hoping he somehow clears waivers.

-This is weird, but when Bowie left the field in the first half I was actually hoping he'd be injured. Not that you'd ever wish injury on someone, but if Seattle can viably IR him, that is a coup. There's almost no way he clears waivers if cut, and if kept they'd probably have to stash him on the inactive portion of the 53 man all season. Roster spots are a premium right now. And as much as I like Bowie, he's not ready for real NFL games just yet. He still needs some time, maybe an offseason.

-Snoop Lion in a Lynch Jersey.

-Other than holding the ball too long at times, T-Jack had yet another good performance. How badly is Buffalo regretting the decision to cut him right now?

-Chris Harper made the (correct) decision to go 5 WRs a lot easier.

-When some unidentified Seahawks WR had a dramatic catch down the sideline area in the second half, my instant thought was "what the heck is Kearse doing out there with the 3rd string scrubs?" I knew it was him before I could see his jersey number. Nobody else on our team quite makes dramatic full extension catches the way that Kearse does. Funny enough, he had a ton of those UW, despite dropping all those 6 yard dink and dunks on 3rd and 5.

-Need to take a closer look, but Winston Guy looked pretty solid in this game.

-Jeron Johnson is a good football player, but fast he is not. Pryor schooled Johnson not once but twice on QB runs.

-Thurmond's interception looked way more difficult than it should have been. It counts all the same, and Thurmond added a nice punt return for good measure. It feels like Seattle has a logjam of good punt returners but seems unsettled at returning kickoffs.

-Jeremy Lane continues to be an awesome special teams player. He kind of seems like the Brendan Ryan of our team. Brendan Ryan hasn't had a bat in years, but has hung around a long time because of stellar fielding at short. Lane is like old man Trufant in coverage, but like Trufant is an awesome tackler and that tackling ability has translated to specials where he's quickly becoming our best non-specialist / non-role special teamer. His special teams alone makes him worth the spot, and that's really saying a lot when you have a roster as jam packed as Seattle's.

-Coleman is still a weak run blocker; he kinda just gets in people's way and usually slides off his targets. The fact that the coaches clearly like him so much is a testament to how much our offense utilizes the FB in the passing game.

-9 straight preseason wins. Another perfect preseason loaded with blowout wins. "23-0". The dream lives on. For another 10 days, anyway.


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
Can't wait for the detailed one, this cutdown is going to be brutal for all of us fans and the players, i know we have done a projected one but even at that we always are surprised.

It would appear as Pete said during his presser that the team unleashed the beast on the opponent that is typically done in practice when they hit more. Everyone was popping.


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
Good stuff as usual...My one question: Why the hell did Oakland's DL dominate so much?? Clearly they were focused on the run, but wow!


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Mar 6, 2007
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Steven Hauschka is the one Seahawk I could bump into the grocery store and never be the wiser. Him and our long snapper.

I hope this preseason game gives Pete the cajones to stop punting from the opponent's 30 yard line.

I am totally drafting Hauschka again in my fantasy draft this weekend. Championship!


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Aug 1, 2011
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Man, I was posting on the reddit gameday thread, and I got downvoted like CRAZY when I said, "Why the hell is Kearse still in right now? Isn't he already a starter?"

THANK YOU for making me feel better about that point.


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Mar 17, 2013
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kearly":7z8g3okg said:
-I really hope Fells makes our PS and gets some real reps next preseason. He's no youngin' at 27, but physically he is an Anthony McCoy clone, if McCoy were cloned even bigger. A 281 pound TE that can catch and run. Yes please.

As far as our final TE group: Zach Miller obviously put his Pro Bowl stamp on Drive #1. (& Wow! What a difference having him in the starting lineup makes!), and I was pleasantly surprised by both Luke Willson's incremental improvement game after game, and Fells showing in tonights 'more targets/expanded playing time' opportunity.

However, I just don't see any additional ceiling to McGrath whatsoever, and am instead intrigued by both Willson's Joker speed, and Fells Post Up in the Red Zone size. {Thus my previous idea of using 'The Sweeze' as #2 pure lead blocking TE(instead of McGrath) in a pinch...}

Is there any even remote possibility of these 3 unique TE talents (Zach Miller, Luke Willson, & Darren Fells) making the final 53 man roster over the obvious combinations of either: Miller/McGrath/Willson or Miller/Willson/Helfet?


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Mar 6, 2007
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I would love it if they kept Fells. Talents like McGrath and Helfet are available at any time with just a phone call. Rolling with Fells as a 3rd TE is a big risk and that's why it won't happen, but you nailed it on the RZ comment. His height, size, athleticism, and basketball background all scream mismatch creator.


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Mar 6, 2007
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The one thing I think people should be talking about more:

Our defense. Peyton F. Manning was the only QB this preseason who looked truly efficient against our starters (Rivers and Rodgers dinked and dunked with low YPAs and didn't reach the endzone). That Denver game, a game which our team allowed just 283 yards and 10 points while forcing four turnovers- that was our team's worst defensive performance of the preseason.

Oh yeah, and that was without Avril and Clemons. Sure, it's preseason, but even the 2nd string defense has looked pretty nasty. Dan Quinn and our new front seven is going to take us to lofty places this year.

The Radish

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Feb 27, 2007
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Spokane, Wa.
I notice so many making a big deal out of winning all pre-season games.

Are we all forgetting that Jim Moron's teams won all their pre-season games enroute to a miserable season?



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Oct 12, 2011
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Lecce, Italy
Think of it the other way around. If we lost all four people would be nervous if not downright pissed. I think it bodes well for the teams mindset and if nothing else demonstrates our depth. Me likey!

The Radish":27at3lq4 said:
I notice so many making a big deal out of winning all pre-season games.

Are we all forgetting that Jim Moron's teams won all their pre-season games enroute to a miserable season?



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May 18, 2012
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The Radish":vxt4uvxw said:
I notice so many making a big deal out of winning all pre-season games.

Are we all forgetting that Jim Moron's teams won all their pre-season games enroute to a miserable season?


I don't think anybody is forgetting that, but there's a difference just watching the difference between Jim Mora's 4-0 preseason team and Pete Carroll's, just as there's a difference between Indianapolis' 11-5 season last year and our 11-5 season.

I'm fairly certain Mora's Seahawks weren't both 1st in preseason points scored and points allowed.
In fact, Seattle's 36 points allowed is insane, San Francisco, Arizona and Washington are the only 2 other teams that allowed less than 60 points (43 and 57 respectively). Considering we played the league's 2nd and 5th best offenses from 2012, that's impressive...


Apr 30, 2009
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as for the d-line crushing us.. I think its fair to say we were testing things out, because when we ran the screen we killed it.
I think oaklands plan was to attach quick through the line, and ours was to run it up the middle.
which didn't work, but when we adjusted it looked good.. we just didn't keep at it.. Probably because we were evaluating talent.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Bay Area, CA
kearly":28hbhjlz said:
The one thing I think people should be talking about more:

Our defense. Peyton F. Manning was the only QB this preseason who looked truly efficient against our starters (Rivers and Rodgers dinked and dunked with low YPAs and didn't reach the endzone). That Denver game, a game which our team allowed just 283 yards and 10 points while forcing four turnovers- that was our team's worst defensive performance of the preseason.

Oh yeah, and that was without Avril and Clemons. Sure, it's preseason, but even the 2nd string defense has looked pretty nasty. Dan Quinn and our new front seven is going to take us to lofty places this year.

Irvin wasn't playing that game either, was he? I wonder if his speed would have rushed Manning a couple times when he had forever in the pocket.


May 1, 2009
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No talk of Lemuel JeanPierre who was looked terrible. I think he makes the team just because we have no other center. I don't know if the offensive line is as deep as the rest of the team.

Coleman sure looked bigger fast etc. then Spencer Ware.

I like Jeron Johnson but he does have physical limitations. But I still cannot see Guy Winston beating out Johnson or Maragos.

I agree Bradford is a beast that delivers pain every time he hits someone. He has to make the team.

Not sure Siliga showed enough to beat out Clinton McDonald who I think got the night off.


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Mar 3, 2007
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The Radish":1tuuhgfm said:
I notice so many making a big deal out of winning all pre-season games.

Are we all forgetting that Jim Moron's teams won all their pre-season games enroute to a miserable season?


:lol: Are you forgetting we won all of last year's preseason games :D Paul senior said it best " what was is was, and what is is is, and this is what is :D


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2007
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Totally agree on Pryor. He played a lot better than what the stats said, IMO.

I have a soft spot for Pryor, dude just got the shaft from the NFL, and it pissed me off and made him a sympathetic figure. Plus, its pretty entertaining to see Flynn pout again, honestly.


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Mar 2, 2007
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Elma, WA
gabel":ke906flm said:
No talk of Lemuel JeanPierre who was looked terrible. I think he makes the team just because we have no other center. I don't know if the offensive line is as deep as the rest of the team.

Coleman sure looked bigger fast etc. then Spencer Ware.

I like Jeron Johnson but he does have physical limitations. But I still cannot see Guy Winston beating out Johnson or Maragos.

I agree Bradford is a beast that delivers pain every time he hits someone. He has to make the team.

Not sure Siliga showed enough to beat out Clinton McDonald who I think got the night off.

IIRC McDonald got the start at DE in the 3-4 with Red at end and Silaga at nose. I thought Silaga looked solid. Playing nose in a 3-4 is never going to get you noticed, but he held the line well, is strong and bullish, and has a unique skill set no one on the team has. I think he makes the squad for now.

Ware played a great game on ST's but as a RB he's lost in the numbers game, and the team obviously prefers Coleman at FB. Coleman is a work in progress as a blocker, but he's on a good to great level as a receiver. He reminds me a lot of Michael Robinson out there.


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May 1, 2012
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Central Florida
One of the things I was particularly happy with after this game is Carpenter playing all four quarters without straining this or pulling that. Hope this continues into the regular season.