How'd your room react when Percy returned the TD in XLVIII?


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May 1, 2009
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God's cycling country (Miami, FL)
I have a confession to make. I'm an addict, and my addiction is watching the Percy kickoff TD from Super Bowl XLVIII, usually the version in this 7-minute-long fan video starting at about 4:10 in. The Transformers orchestral music playing is just perfect, and it makes me recall the state of my living room every single time. (I also love the ending part starting with Kearse's TD, with Forever Young playing.)

I had seven or eight people over, one of whom was a Rams fan friend. He had made a comment during halftime about how he hoped Denver would wake the frig up and make it a game, which of course nobody could blame him for and let's be honest, most of us were expecting the Broncos to come back and be at least somewhat competitive at that point.

How it unfolded in my living room:

1) As we see the kick come in shallow, realizing they were trying to keep him from returning it, someone swore.
2) It takes a rather favorable Seattle hop which allows Percy go to grab it fairly quickly, and one of us says "Come on!"
3) He breaks past the first three Denver guys while insulting the speed and acceleration capabilities of a Lamborghini. I stand up and start shouting something; I don't even remember what. At least a couple other people shoot out of their seats at the same moment and start cheering.
4) Percy crosses the 40-yard-line, juking Prater. At that point, his acceleration kicks up to a gear that simply nobody else on the field has, and as he's crossing the NFL shield, everybody knows he is gone for the score. It's absolutely beautiful. Everyone is screaming, jumping around, etc.
5) Percy crosses the goal line and the room is just going absolutely insane. High-fiving, hugging, etc. Everybody except my Rams friend is ecstatic.
6) Rams fan yells out "Aw, **** this ****!" and opens the front door and storms out as a joke pretending to leave because all he wanted was a competitive game and it's over 12 seconds into halftime. We all burst out laughing; it was really a funny moment you had to be there for.
7) We all went to my kitchen and did shots of Patron Silver.

This moment is seared into my memory for how it went down where I was at the time, and because it's the moment I knew Seattle was bringing home the Lombardi Trophy. I'm not sure it's the best play of the game, but it is undoubtedly my favorite play of the game.

What's yours?


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Sep 29, 2013
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I was pretty drunk by then. I drank on every Seahawks score and every good play. Awesome night. Completely hammered by the end of the game.


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Jul 27, 2012
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I watched the game with my twin brother as always and my sister watched it with us this time as well. We were upstairs in the mancave.

So we were watching the game on the DVR and paused it about 5 minutes before the 2nd half was going to start and got our Alaskan Ambers and a bud light for my sister.

So we all sit down and are just about to start it and my brother gets a text. While he is fiddling for his phone we hear a HUGE cheer outside from about 3 different houses. My brother somehow didn't hear the cheers because he was distracted but my sister and I did and we exchanged a smiling hopeful glance. So we are staring towards my brother waiting for him to read the text. He reads the text and then looks at us with this look I will never forget. His look said "I shouldn't have read that text and I hope they don't realize I shouldn't have read that text". I didn't say a word to him or break out of my straight face.

So I unpause it and all 3 of us are expecting something big to happen. Percy fields the short kickoff and we were jumping up and down. For me that was it, I knew we were going to be champs and it felt so good. We were so excited.

The text to my brother simply said "PERCY!!!!"


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Dec 10, 2013
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I hosted the SB party but my family were Seahawks fans everyone else where Chargers fans but they were rooting for us cause they hate the Donkeys just as much but I remember slamming my head into my ottoman and laughing hysterically and looking at everyone saying "this is not real life!" "It's Over!" I also thought I would get emotional and cry if we had finally won a SB but it was such murder too early on I was way to Happy


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Oct 12, 2011
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Lecce, Italy
I had some of my Italian friends over. Up to that I was furiously explaining the game of football and how badass the Hawks were. When the kickoff happened, I abandoned all words and just started jumping around with my wife and high-fiving everybody. The Italians realized that a) the game was over and b) I would be too ecstatic for the rest of the night to worry about them. I was reverting back to 100% 'Merica and celebrating with the only other compatriot, my wife. They left shortly thereafter and we kept the neighborhood up screaming and dancing in the living room till 6 in the am.


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Sep 28, 2009
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Omaha, NE
Watched it in my living room with my brothers and our ladies. I stood in front of my TV, watching, waiting. It was all slow motion for me, but right before the kick I said, "come on, Percy, take it to the house and end this bitch."

12 seconds later I was in a pile on the floor in front of the TV, crying, laughing, not a care in the world. It was over, we were destined for it. I just remember my brother jumping on me and rolling around on the ground. Pretty awesome feeling to know your team did it.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Colorado Springs, Colorado
Walked across the street to my neighbors house, a die hard Broncos fan. Rang the door bell and told him our DIRECTV cut out and we didn't get to see the second half kick and asked him what happened.

He cursed.

Left a plate of Skittles on his porch and changed out his Broncos flag for my Seahawks flag later that night.


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Apr 15, 2013
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I went over to my wife's sister's house (they have the biggest TV). I had my 2 year old with me. As soon as I knew Percy was gone I jumped up and hit my hands against their popcorn ceiling causing debris to fall all over me. I was screaming and laughing. My 2 year old started crying. I tried to console him and let him know it was okay, daddy's team was going to become SB champs.


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
4 or 5 of us were saying he was gonna run it back. When he did, I jumped on the ground and did some snow angels. Arms started getting hot, stopped and got up and said "Nail, meet coffin"


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Mar 3, 2007
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Vancouver, WA
I broke out the Crown Royal after the return. I knew for sure it was over at that point cuz they weren't puttin' 30 up on our D. My best bud and my wife and I all did a toast and the 2nd half turned into a long celebration of what my best bud and I had been waiting 38 seasons for.

Sports Hernia

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Apr 30, 2009
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The pit
Lots of screaming yelling and high fives. Was at my brothers with my dad, sis in law, nephew, and a family friend and his wife and kids. "It's over!" Was said by me. 8)


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Mar 1, 2007
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The Tex-ASS
We were all dancing at halftime, so I was sitting down on the front of my chair. When he took off I said...He's gone and I exploded off that chair like I had a bottle rocket up my ass.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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Tacoma, WA
FlyingGreg":amjvtz2e said:
Walked across the street to my neighbors house, a die hard Broncos fan. Rang the door bell and told him our DIRECTV cut out and we didn't get to see the second half kick and asked him what happened.

He cursed.

Left a plate of Skittles on his porch and changed out his Broncos flag for my Seahawks flag later that night.

like a good neighbor... FlyingGreg is there

I called it... I was sitting there finishing a piece of my birthday cake, and as they showed Percival in the end zone, I looked at my pops and said "somethings gonna happen", my smart ass friend who is a colts fan said 'yeah he's probably gonna get hurt', then POW pooch kick, I'm sitting there like "aww you freaking chumps!", and then percy just starts zooming through the opening, i'm yelling 'go go go' in unison with my dad and i just smiled with my arms in the air as Percy goes into the end zone.

MY BOY PERCY! my favorite play of the Super Bowl.


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Mar 6, 2007
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Helotes, TX
We all KNEW Percy was taking it to the house. So it was just like all the other TDs. We really never sat down except for the half time show. I've never experienced a game like that where I knew the Hawks were going to win and were going to win convincingly and it unfolded so magnificently. What is awesome is literally the real Seahawk fans all knew it, the Seattle media knew it and the Seahawk team/coaches knew it. Only Denver and the national media were clueless.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Right outside Richard Sherman's house
We didn't have a party, since most of the people here I know are Broncos fans and none of them are as fanatic about the Broncos as I am about the Seahawks - so I knew that I'd end up obnoxious with them no matter how the game played out.

So it was just me, my wife, and my daughter in our basement. We had just moved into a new house earlier in October and had gotten a new plasma TV. More importantly, we had changed our Comcast service to include some basic cable channels, so we had live football for the first time in about 5 years. The first game we watched with this setup was the NFC Championship game.

Now, this basement has a lower ceiling than the rest of the house does, and there is an even lower segment where an AC vent goes across the room. This is an important detail... the clearance under this lower segment is just under 7 feet.

When I watch live Seahawks games, I tend to pace... there's too much nervous energy for me to sit still for very long. And even with the score 22-0 and the Seahawks getting the ball first in the second half, I was still a bit nervous. I've seen Manning engineer some pretty impressive comebacks in his career, so I wasn't in celebratory mode just yet. So I see Percy back, waiting for the kick, and I start telling my wife about how dangerous a returner Harvin is. The kick goes short and bounces up; my first thought is that I just hope Percy grabs it and holds on. I honestly thought at first glance that by the time he'd be able to grab it and secure it, the Broncos would be on him. But he had room and started his return.

When he made the first guys miss and got a bit of open space, my pacing had taken me directly under the low section of the ceiling. I jumped up in excitement as I saw the potential for a big return and smacked the top of my head hard on the ceiling. I collapsed to the floor, dazed briefly as my wife and daughter were shouting, "Go! Go!" A couple of seconds later, my wife realized what I had done and crouched down to check on me, saying, "It's okay, he scored!" I'm still not sure how the fact of Harvin scoring the TD would have made my potential concussion okay (heh). Luckily, I had only been dazed for a second, and I still had a clear view of the TV while lying on the floor. I got to see the whole thing. I just cackled, still lying on the floor, and spent the rest of the game giggling and every once in a while turning to my wife and saying, "We're gonna win the Super Bowl!"


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Mar 5, 2007
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Right outside Richard Sherman's house
NinjaHawk38":o1ehaibu said:
I also thought I would get emotional and cry if we had finally won a SB but it was such murder too early on I was way to Happy

I can relate to this. I expected to be more emotional, but the beatdown was so severe and it was over so early that the drama just never ratcheted up enough for it. I was a wreck after the NFC Championship game, though.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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Tacoma, WA
volsunghawk":3022hfug said:
NinjaHawk38":3022hfug said:
I also thought I would get emotional and cry if we had finally won a SB but it was such murder too early on I was way to Happy

I can relate to this. I expected to be more emotional, but the beatdown was so severe and it was over so early that the drama just never ratcheted up enough for it. I was a wreck after the NFC Championship game, though.

I left to my room before the end of the game, the realization set n I couldn't cry in front of my friends lol


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Apr 30, 2009
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Lake Tapps, WA
I told the entire room of bandwagon, rairweather family fans that if Denver kicked the ball to Percy that he was taking it to the house.

I was laughing when I saw the pooch kick, my family was looking at me like I was a madman. Then Percy made me look like a genius.


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Jul 10, 2013
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I wasn't in a room, I was standing in a MetLife ;)

Seahawks fans went nuts

Broncos fans all had the look of "game over" on their face, I actually felt really bad for them at that point.