Why Are So Many Of You Cocky & Confident..?

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Seattle, WA
I have been very surprised by some of the over confidence shown by many on here as well. Yes, I tend to be more pessimistic around here than most, but it is the playoffs and the Saints are gonna be much tougher this time around than they were last time.


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Tacoma, WA
main":36mjpx01 said:
I just cannot stand the fans that just started rooting for the Seahawks this year and try to talk smack to other team fans like the 49ers, Cardinals, etc. I have nothing against those that just started rooting for them.. just those annoying bandwagon fans that act like they've always been there.

I'm a bandwagon fan that just started rooting for the team this year....


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Apr 11, 2010
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Wenhawk":l9fwsa1a said:
I have a hard time seeing how so many Seahawk fans can be so confident. Not too many franchises have blow it as often as the Seahawks do (Det & Philly are pretty good at it too). A SB win this year will give me that total belief but I still find it hard to be too cocky when it comes to a Franchise that has 0 championships.

If your 'shrink' is "Debbie Downer", you may as well concede that everything around us is coated with shit, and all you have to clean it off with, is ONE piece of paper towel, and a toothbrush.
The way I see it, is you can either CHOOSE to hang on to your bummer emotions, and feel pessimistic about the Seahawks, OR, you can shake off the snivels, and start looking for the GOOD feeling that comes with being POSITIVE instead of being depressed, and trying to drag others down.
"Misery Loves Company" :141847_bnono:


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Jun 30, 2012
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Throwdown":jyyl2w3l said:
main":jyyl2w3l said:
I just cannot stand the fans that just started rooting for the Seahawks this year and try to talk smack to other team fans like the 49ers, Cardinals, etc. I have nothing against those that just started rooting for them.. just those annoying bandwagon fans that act like they've always been there.

I'm a bandwagon fan that just started rooting for the team this year....

15000 posts and a moderator post in a year, your rise has been truly meteoric Throw, I salute you :thirishdrinkers:


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May 7, 2013
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KCHawkGirl":3dc4nezg said:
dopeboy206":3dc4nezg said:
KCHawkGirl":3dc4nezg said:
I can't respond because paragraphs are your best friend. If you edit I'd be glad to answer your concerns.

Edited and paragraphed just for you. Now feel free to respond if you want.
Thank you sir. Give me until tomorrow though I am getting sleepy. I promise I will answer though because you have valid worries.

I said if you want to then feel free to post. No one is making you. I was generous enough to edit it for you because you sounded serious but I see you edited your comment to make it sound like you were sarcastic.. It is what it is. I'm not worried, I was just being considerate. Now you can carry on..


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Jan 14, 2013
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Aside from you trying to occupy higher ground by painting yourself as a real fan whereas others are bandwagon fans who don't understand what is happening, the biggest problem that I have with your post is how comfortable you are with generalization and assumption. Leads me to make assumptions of my own, sorry...

And Blitzer...
Blitzer88":3tgok926 said:
I have been very surprised by some of the over confidence shown by many on here as well. Yes, I tend to be more pessimistic around here than most, but it is the playoffs and the Saints are gonna be much tougher this time around than they were last time.

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Zebulon Dak

Mar 4, 2007
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dopeboy206":2j7fepl5 said:
Zebulon Dak":2j7fepl5 said:
I didn't even read it because anybody who thinks "our fanbase" is anything worse or different than any other fan base based on what a few "friends" quote]

Anyone who didn't care to read and assumed the OP said our fanbase is worse than others without any knowledge of him saying that and posted on a thread just to throw cheap shots at the OP (me) .

You say "our fanbase" but what you really mean is a vocal minority. Just be clear instead of baiting.


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Jan 13, 2013
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+1 to the op, the overconfidence in the fanbase gets a point of ridiculousness. And when everyone goes crazy at an analyst who picks against us or points out flaws is also ridiculous


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E.C. Laloosh":ss12g6f8 said:
Aside from you trying to occupy higher ground by painting yourself as a real fan whereas others are bandwagon fans who don't understand what is happening, the biggest problem that I have with your post is how comfortable you are with generalization and assumption. Leads me to make assumptions of my own, sorry...

Feel free to. Speak your mind...You're right I made some generalization and assumption from personal experience and also on the internet, forums, espn comments, ect.. Same thing can be said about other teams. All I am saying is this...You can judge me for this assumption also...but if you been watching the NFL for years and seen the tough times of the 90s and even witness some disappointments shouldn't you be a little more humbled and not cocky...It's okay to be cocky but some cockiness I seen online is over the top...To each its own I guess.

-The Glove-

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Jan 20, 2011
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Throwdown":aslzf9zz said:
main":aslzf9zz said:
I just cannot stand the fans that just started rooting for the Seahawks this year and try to talk smack to other team fans like the 49ers, Cardinals, etc. I have nothing against those that just started rooting for them.. just those annoying bandwagon fans that act like they've always been there.

I'm a bandwagon fan that just started rooting for the team this year....

Same here...its not my fault... I had no faith in the Seahawks before we got Christine Michael. Now I think they're the best team in the league. I'm sorry for being late to the party but at least I'm here with my wallet.


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
I'm a huge believer in thought creates reality. You know who else is? Russell Wilson. Ask him.

Don't be so quick to judge those who choose to think positively at all - or most - times. Believe It. Dream It. Be It.

Laugh all you want but I will bet my Soul one of the primary building blocks and keys to success is picturing it in your mind's eye and keeping it there.

Mag lpot wilson01jr 576


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Apr 30, 2009
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Tacoma, WA
Blitzer88":fb3lppgx said:
I have been very surprised by some of the over confidence shown by many on here as well. Yes, I tend to be more pessimistic around here than most, but it is the playoffs and the Saints are gonna be much tougher this time around than they were last time.

Article 2432922 18472EF100000578 249 634x346


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May 7, 2013
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Zebulon Dak":b0f1tpgj said:
dopeboy206":b0f1tpgj said:
Zebulon Dak":b0f1tpgj said:
I didn't even read it because anybody who thinks "our fanbase" is anything worse or different than any other fan base based on what a few "friends" have said is an idiot.

Anyone who didn't care to read and assumed the OP said our fanbase is worse than others without any knowledge of him saying that and posted on a thread just to throw cheap shots at the OP (me) is a coward. Now you can shoo back to your cave coward.

You say "our fanbase" but what you really mean is a vocal minority. Just be clear instead of baiting.

I meant to say some like it makes any difference to you so don't act dumb like you thought I meant to say all our fan base. That's like me saying everyone in Seattle likes coffee or Starbucks or grunge music. Wouldn't it be foolish? Common sense.

-The Glove-

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Jan 20, 2011
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You act like fans being confident has any bearing on the outcome of a game. Does being worried make it easier to take a loss for you? A loss is a loss...it sucks. Doesn't matter if I'm puffing my chest or not. That's a part of football. As long as I don't see our players overconfident on social media, I'm good.


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Dec 27, 2012
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I have huge confidence due to the fact WE HAVE THE #1 DEFENSE.. and they won against what? the 29th ranked defense by 2 points... ? I'm sorry our O doesn't always show Up but im confident in the weapons we have, which is a lot more then Foles had.
(Btw I really enjoyed the free timeout they were gifted due to some sneaky o-line tape ripping real quick)

Zebulon Dak

Mar 4, 2007
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dopeboy206":3ka5slgr said:
Zebulon Dak":3ka5slgr said:
dopeboy206":3ka5slgr said:
Zebulon Dak":3ka5slgr said:
I didn't even read it because anybody who thinks "our fanbase" is anything worse or different than any other fan base based on what a few "friends" have quote]

Anyone who didn't care to read and assumed the OP said our fanbase is worse than others without any knowledge of him saying that and posted on a thread just to throw cheap shots at the OP (me) .

You say "our fanbase" but what you really mean is a vocal minority. Just be clear instead of baiting.

I meant to say some like it makes any difference so don't act dumb like you thought I meant to say all our fan base. That's like me saying everyone in Seattle likes coffee or Starbucks.

For the record, I'd like the jury to recognize that I'm a "coward" who is acting "dumb" because the OP wasn't clear. So let's take that into account.

Sports Hernia

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Apr 30, 2009
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The pit
dopeboy206":dr107691 said:
Sports Hernia":dr107691 said:
Zebulon Dak":dr107691 said:
I didn't even read it because anybody who thinks "our fanbase" is anything worse or different than any other fan base based on what a few "friends" have said is an idiot.
THIS! Anyone can be as cocky or not cocky as they want to be. Anyone can also be as confident or unconfident as they want to be. There are no set in stone rules for fandom as far as I've seen.

Seattle is 13-3, best record (tied) in the NFL, with the best HFA in all of pro sports, with the deepest and most balanced team in the NFL.

Am I confident, HELL YES! Am I cocky, probably! Oh well!
Wish the OP, would stop worrying so much about what others think and enjoy the ride! It's about to get REAL GOOD! :) :th2thumbs:

What was so great about that cowardly post of his that you have to post THIS! Smh
What do you have against facts and a positive/confident mindset? If anything I'm trying to get the OP to "Enjoy the ride" instead of worrying about how some fan's cockiness effects the play on the field.

Just my opinion, but I honestly think the Hawks will be hoisting the Lombardi the evening of FEB 2nd. I've never felt that confident that I do about the Hawks now, that my team was going to be champions of their league for any Seattle sports team ever, not the 2001 mariners or 2005 Hawks. Myself and others saying what we believe of feel will not change any outcome of any game.

Our team, the team I've been a fan of since I was 7 (in 1976), is on the cusp of doing something great, I don't know about you or others, and I'm not going to tell people they should feel this way or that way (I hate it when folks do that) but I'm going to enjoy the heck out of every minute of it, and then some.

-The Glove-

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Jan 20, 2011
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dopeboy206":355thc3u said:
E.C. Laloosh":355thc3u said:
Aside from you trying to occupy higher ground by painting yourself as a real fan whereas others are bandwagon fans who don't understand what is happening, the biggest problem that I have with your post is how comfortable you are with generalization and assumption. Leads me to make assumptions of my own, sorry...

Feel free to. Speak your mind...You're right I made some generalization and assumption from personal experience and also on the internet, forums, espn comments, ect.. Same thing can be said about other teams. All I am saying is this...You can judge me for this assumption also...but if you been watching the NFL for years and seen the tough times of the 90s and even witness some disappointments shouldn't you be a little more humbled and not cocky...It's okay to be cocky but some cockiness I seen online is over the top...To each its own I guess.

Sure you can be humble but being negative/worried has done nothing for the Seahawks so far. This is the best and funnest (most fun?) Seahawks team I've seen ever so excuse me if I choose to speak out about my confidence in this squad.


Dec 29, 2012
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dopeboy206":qcd37bz4 said:
I hate how our fan base knock on other Seahawk fans who are less confident. It's like we have to be confident or bias to be a true fan in their eyes and I hate that. I have friends calling other friends fake fans because they are less bias and not to overconfident as others. I see a lot of our fans are sipping on that kool-aid and looking down on the Saints already just because of that regular season win. Some are already crowning us SB champs before the playoffs even started.

Call me a fake fan all you want but this is the playoff folks. Any team can get hot and go on a championship run.. Have these people been watching the playoffs in the previous years? These overconfident and cocky fans are usually the ones that hopped on the bandwagon in 2012 cause they haven't seen an upset and don't have that sour taste in their mouths like us lifelong Seattle fans who are used to being disappointed....

If memory serves me correct who would of thought the Ravens would win the SB last season or how the Giants would win before that or how the Steelers would win the SB in 05 as a wildcard..? My point is this is the playoffs any team is capable of making a run and winning the SB. You can scratch that regular season win against the Saints cause next week is different. The Saints have one game under their belt at the clink and expect a different game plan from Sean Payton and his boys. Would I be surprised if we lost to them? Nope but I sure as hell hope we don't. I am not looking down on any team and act like it's a cake walk. It's harder to beat a team twice in one season, I'm just saying. No need to be cocky.

I would be shocked if we lost to the saints next week. They don't have the makeup of the teams that give us trouble. When RW has time to throw our offense is hard to stop and the saints front just isn't good enough or provides enough pressure like an Arizona or a Carolina front. Oh and we have the #1 defense in the league...and we are at home.
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