Time to GET BEHIND Russell Wilson

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He wasn't great but there was OBVIOUSLY progress.
That and a win were all I wanted


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Apr 30, 2009
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I agree, dunce. His long ball to Tate was his best throw of the year. Nice to see him target Miller, also. HOWEVER.... Carolina isn't a very good defense-and he gave them 7 points. So much improvement needed. Good game, though, overall. There were positive signs.

Zebulon Dak

Mar 4, 2007
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bestfightstory":1uv96735 said:
I agree, dunce. His long ball to Tate was his best throw of the year. Nice to see him target Miller, also. HOWEVER.... Carolina isn't a very good defense-and he gave them 7 points. So much improvement needed. Good game, though, overall. There were positive signs.

Good game, improvement needed. Great throw to Tate, bad throw on the INT. He found Sidney & Zach multiple times, even Doug and Braylon for a change. He's on the right path. I'm BEHIND him.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Eastern Washington
OK, I really don't get this abject refusal to acknowledge that our rookie QB is improving. Isn't it obvious that he is? Jeez, some of you sound like the ninnies who were complaining about the replacement refs, without ever acknowledging that the regular refs regularly screw up too. Many of us had unrealistic expectations of him coming into the regular seasons, and then we saw his imperfections. So OK, he isn't perfect. But it seems that many here aren't going to be happy with him until he is.

I don't get it.


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Apr 30, 2009
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BlueTalon":vsizv5dm said:
OK, I really don't get this abject refusal to acknowledge that our rookie QB is improving. Isn't it obvious that he is? Jeez, some of you sound like the ninnies who were complaining about the replacement refs, without ever acknowledging that the regular refs regularly screw up too. Many of us had unrealistic expectations of him coming into the regular seasons, and then we saw his imperfections. So OK, he isn't perfect. But it seems that many here aren't going to be happy with him until he is.

I don't get it.

Who is displaying abject refusal to acknowledge such things? Get them up against The WaLL!


Sep 11, 2011
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Not refusal, I think it's great when ANY player improves. Cheers, praise, and all that rah-rah stuff! I was in the gameday forum just today saying he's playing better (then again, any worse and we would be seeing another loss there).

No, I just don't think RW should be on the field yet, not until he's improved. The PHX and STL games have already passed. Those were wins, so the only issue is one with PC if you're asking. I have nothing against RW, understand? He may very well be a good QB in the NFL one day, he's just not that right now. Time and experience will tell that tale.

* I really think the only constant and honest praise still goes to our defense and RB's/Oline. How about some of that? They've been sealing our wins and tempering our losses.


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Sep 28, 2012
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I've been behind RW since day one, however I didn't/ don't have high expectations for him this season as I think he will need a full year to rally get going, great if we do something this season but I see next season as our year.


Dec 3, 2009
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One can go through and highlights Russell’s progress toward being a poor,average, good, or elite quarterback and (depending which side of the fence you want to stand on) find plenty of evidence to bolster a claim for any of the above. In reality though, we’re comparing what he does to what we think Matt may do. That’s probably not fair, but being fair isn’t a requirement to post on this or any other board.

The search for a franchise QB is the Holy Grail quest of every team in the NFL. We all want that elusive “guy” that can carry a team when things look the darkest, who can snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, who’s very presents can will a team to win, or insert any other cliché you want. The point is the search goes on every day, on every team, for as long as they plan on being competitive in the NFL.

Some teams get “lucky” in the draft, some mortgage their futures, some trade for backups buried deep in the depth charts of other teams who already have “the one”, some are so bad one falls into their laps, and some are destined search for decades. The strange thing is though; you never know you’ve found your pot of gold before it happens.

Who knew when Miami took the sixth and last QB in the first round of the famous ’83 draft they had a future HoFer, only the most optimistic fan could have believed that. Or San Diego would trade away TWO future MVPs and still end up with their QBOTF? Or when NE traded away their “number one pick in the draft franchise QB”, to start a little known sixth rounder; they would be at the beginning of a dynasty? Or when Green Bay gave up a second round pick for Steve Miller’s backup they would have one of the best QBs to ever play the game?

The point, of my rambling post, is at this stage we don’t know what we have. Wilson could be Joe Montana or Steve Dils, Tom Brady or Todd Husak and Flynn could be Brett Favre or Jeff Lewis, Drew Brees or Scott Mitchell. What we do know is Pete and John haven’t mortgaged the franchise in their search for our own Holy Grail, they haven’t wasted precious first round capital year after year, and they haven’t searched in vain for decades….YET.

So can I get behind Russell Wilson, absolutely, he may end up being a Joe Montana or maybe just a Dave Krieg in the making and I (the fans and most likely this franchise) could live with that and be happy.

And if Matt Flynn is a Kurt Warner waiting in the wings, well I can live with that as well. Can you?


Sep 11, 2011
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FidelisHawk":2hhtkfk4 said:
One can go through and highlights Russell’s progress toward being a poor,average, good, or elite quarterback and (depending which side of the fence you want to stand on) find plenty of evidence to bolster a claim for any of the above. In reality though, we’re comparing what he does to what we think Matt may do. That’s probably not fair, but being fair isn’t a requirement to post on this or any other board.

The search for a franchise QB is the Holy Grail quest of every team in the NFL. We all want that elusive “guy” that can carry a team when things look the darkest, who can snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, who’s very presents can will a team to win, or insert any other cliché you want. The point is the search goes on every day, on every team, for as long as they plan on being competitive in the NFL.

Some teams get “lucky” in the draft, some mortgage their futures, some trade for backups buried deep in the depth charts of other teams who already have “the one”, some are so bad one falls into their laps, and some are destined search for decades. The strange thing is though; you never know you’ve found your pot of gold before it happens.

Who knew when Miami took the sixth and last QB in the first round of the famous ’83 draft they had a future HoFer, only the most optimistic fan could have believed that. Or San Diego would trade away TWO future MVPs and still end up with their QBOTF? Or when NE traded away their “number one pick in the draft franchise QB”, to start a little known sixth rounder; they would be at the beginning of a dynasty? Or when Green Bay gave up a second round pick for Steve Miller’s backup they would have one of the best QBs to ever play the game?

The point, of my rambling post, is at this stage we don’t know what we have. Wilson could be Joe Montana or Steve Dils, Tom Brady or Todd Husak and Flynn could be Brett Favre or Jeff Lewis, Drew Brees or Scott Mitchell. What we do know is Pete and John haven’t mortgaged the franchise in their search for our own Holy Grail, they haven’t wasted precious first round capital year after year, and they haven’t searched in vain for decades….YET.

So can I get behind Russell Wilson, absolutely, he may end up being a Joe Montana or maybe just a Dave Krieg in the making and I (the fans and most likely this franchise) could live with that and be happy.

And if Matt Flynn is a Kurt Warner waiting in the wings, well I can live with that as well. Can you?

Solo, slow, building, '80's, clapping :p



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Apr 30, 2009
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In fairness Peaches you're an Oklahoma State fan. It's not the most objective debate is it?

I saw some of the Giants game on red zone and don't think it warrants a change of tact. He'd be doing better in a superior team than Cleveland, but he was drafted to be good quickly - quicker than most rookies given he's approaching 29. And he isn't. That's always been my point.


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Apr 19, 2012
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Auburn, Wa
I'll get 100% behind Wilson when I see solid evidence he is a better QB then Flynn (this team, this O, this year). Our goal was to improve at the QB position from TJack. Please go look at the numbers, we still haven't done that after 5 games, so our objectives in making changes have not been met.

Nice to get the W and to see some improvement, but that is not enough given the weakness of the opponents D.

Daddy Love

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Aug 12, 2012
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The haters said he wasn't going downfield. This time he completed several pretty downfield passes, perfectly placed.
The haters said he couldn't see over the line. This time he appeared to have no sight line problems.
The haters said he couldn't score in the red zone. This time he completed a 13 yd TD pass in the zone.
The haters said he couldn't convert on 3rd down. This time he was 7 for 14 on third down.

I thought it looked just fine. Sit Breno for the first Qtr against the Pats.


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Feb 22, 2012
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Everett, WA
Daddy Love":1d4ldfba said:
The haters said he wasn't going downfield. This time he completed several pretty downfield passes, perfectly placed.
The haters said he couldn't see over the line. This time he appeared to have no sight line problems.
The haters said he couldn't score in the red zone. This time he completed a 13 yd TD pass in the zone.
The haters said he couldn't convert on 3rd down. This time he was 7 for 14 on third down.

I thought it looked just fine. Sit Breno for the first Qtr against the Pats.


If I came on this site without watching yesterdays game, I swear I would have thought we lost and Wilson threw 3 picks. The pick six was on him, no doubt, but the amount of criticism being put on him right now is bordering on ridiculous. Did ANYONE see the 60 yard bomb he threw right into the hands of Tate? Or his 76% completion percentage? Or his near perfect day throwing on 3rd down?

Once our offense stops shooting themselves in the foot, this team will be SPECIAL. Y'all are a bunch of negative nancies.


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Aug 5, 2011
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Brisbane OZ Down Under Hawk
truehawksfan":2d224uws said:
I guess we all have our opinions, and he can look at thin gs differently. Is RW makng progress? I think so and I hope he continues to improve because he missed a wide open Baldwin in the endzone that cost the team a TD. And he missed a wide open Tate crossing the middle. Sheesh, the announcers said this and the replays showe, but oh well, if you want to ignore that or dismiss it....hey, it's your choice.

I, tho, will not.

Yes and Newton didnt see wide open receivers, and Rogers didnt see a wide open receiver and Brees did not see a wide open receiver and Rivers didnt see wide open recievers in the end zone. Man you make it sould like only RW doesnt see someone. Nobody is ignoring it. But he doesnt do it any more than any other QB in the league.


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Mar 12, 2012
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Sorry but I am just not buying that performance as impressive considering how bad Carolina's D is. Wilson needs to start generating touchdowns instead of field goals in the red zone consistently and he will have my support, but until then, we will keep barely winning games that we should win in blowouts and losing to many of the good teams we play. He simply does not impress me with his play, and I am very confident that the team would look better if Flynn was playing.


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Aug 21, 2011
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Sorry but I am just not buying that performance as impressive considering how bad Carolina's D is.

That's all I'm sayin'


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Apr 30, 2009
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We don't know what we have in Flynn seems to be the only defense for not starting him. Well we DO know this: After 5 games, Wilson is averaging 60 yards per game less passing than TJack. Now we know TJack couldn't have gotten any better. I hated getting him, but I respect what he did here. Still, Wilson is a rookie and we've taken a step BACK with Wilson under center. The upside is that - and while there is no guarantee - I think we ALL agree that Wilson will one day be much better than TJack ever could be.

So we took a step backwards this season, when we have the No 1 defense and a top 10 rushing attack, in order to groom Wilson to be the QBOTF. That decision cost us being 5-0 because with TJack's extra 60 yards passing per game after 5 games last year, we'd have beaten both AZ and the Rams. The GB game wouldn't have been as close either. Nor would the Carolina game.

What else do we KNOW? That Flynn was much better than TJack. That it is quite possible Wilson won the starting job due to Matt Flynn's tendinitis. That TJack was always gone from this team unless either Wilson or Flynn totally flopped, because both QB's have more upside than TJack ever will.

So, since Flynn was much better than Tjack and TJack would have done better than Wilson these first five games due to Wilson being a rookie, it is pretty much nondebatable that we DO KNOW that Flynn would have been better than Wilson these first five games had he started. And if TJacks 60 yards of extra passing a game would have made us 5-0, then it's safe to say had we started Flynn right now we'd be 5-0.

Not that what we think will possibly matter. It's all moot now. It's Wilson's job to lose.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Right outside Richard Sherman's house
SalishHawkFan":1gf35t2u said:
We don't know what we have in Flynn seems to be the only defense for not starting him. Well we DO know this: After 5 games, Wilson is averaging 60 yards per game less passing than TJack. Now we know TJack couldn't have gotten any better. I hated getting him, but I respect what he did here. Still, Wilson is a rookie and we've taken a step BACK with Wilson under center. The upside is that - and while there is no guarantee - I think we ALL agree that Wilson will one day be much better than TJack ever could be.

So we took a step backwards this season, when we have the No 1 defense and a top 10 rushing attack, in order to groom Wilson to be the QBOTF. That decision cost us being 5-0 because with TJack's extra 60 yards passing per game after 5 games last year, we'd have beaten both AZ and the Rams. The GB game wouldn't have been as close either. Nor would the Carolina game.

What else do we KNOW? That Flynn was much better than TJack. That it is quite possible Wilson won the starting job due to Matt Flynn's tendinitis. That TJack was always gone from this team unless either Wilson or Flynn totally flopped, because both QB's have more upside than TJack ever will.

So, since Flynn was much better than Tjack and TJack would have done better than Wilson these first five games due to Wilson being a rookie, it is pretty much nondebatable that we DO KNOW that Flynn would have been better than Wilson these first five games had he started. And if TJacks 60 yards of extra passing a game would have made us 5-0, then it's safe to say had we started Flynn right now we'd be 5-0.

Not that what we think will possibly matter. It's all moot now. It's Wilson's job to lose.

That "transitive property" crap you're peddling is nothing but speculation.

Wilson is passing for fewer yards than Jackson did through 5 games last season, yeah. It helps that Jackson was in charge of a no-huddle offense that went pass happy in Weeks 4 and 5 last season. If you compare the first three games of each season to each other, it's a hell of a lot closer. Plus, Wilson is attempting 10 fewer passes per game than Jackson did at the start of last season. Put Wilson in a no-huddle and give him more attempts per game, and sure, you might see his numbers improve.

But that doesn't seem to be the kind of offensive identity that the team wants to adopt, and last year's performances bear that out. The team didn't start stringing together wins until it abandoned the pass-happy, big yardage offense and switched to a run-heavy offense that limited the passing attempts and yardage. Look at the stretch last season when Seattle won 5 of 6. The most passing yardage in any of those games? 226. And the attempts per game ranged from 16 to 34, with the average being well below the 35 attempts per game in the first 5 games of the season.

This obsession with yards per game is retarded.


Mar 3, 2007
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Vancouver, WA
Did anyone else notice he threw behind his receivers on those interceptions? I think he did but will have to watch again to be sure.
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