Seahawks asking for a 1st from the Cowboys for Earl


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Jan 7, 2014
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If wouldn't surprise me if Hawks got hustled again and gave up Earl for a late 2nd. I can't think of a team who has been worse then Seattle on trades. If they get anything less then a 1st I'm done with this FO.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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RCATES":39uc5wca said:
If wouldn't surprise me if Hawks got hustled again and gave up Earl for a late 2nd. I can't think of a team who has been worse then Seattle on trades. If they get anything less then a 1st I'm done with this FO.

I think at worst it'd be a late 2nd and a 4th or 5th.

This is the problem when a player is being difficult and only wants to go to one, maybe two teams. It gives those teams the leverage to not give up as much as they would if there was more competition.


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Nov 16, 2015
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RCATES":1ppv9zwh said:
If wouldn't surprise me if Hawks got hustled again and gave up Earl for a late 2nd. I can't think of a team who has been worse then Seattle on trades. If they get anything less then a 1st I'm done with this FO.

Then you are done, because nobody is giving us a first IMO and Earl is still here.

Just because we give up too much on big trades doesn't mean other teams will do the same for us.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Orting WA, Great Northwet
Sgt. Largent":2bdx84nx said:
RCATES":2bdx84nx said:
If wouldn't surprise me if Hawks got hustled again and gave up Earl for a late 2nd. I can't think of a team who has been worse then Seattle on trades. If they get anything less then a 1st I'm done with this FO.

I think at worst it'd be a late 2nd and a 4th or 5th.

This is the problem when a player is being difficult and only wants to go to one, maybe two teams. It gives those teams the leverage to not give up as much as they would if there was more competition.

If hardball gets played, Earl Thomas has basically no leverage. If he holds out his contract just gets extended. If he shows up for the minimum games to count as a year, he can get franchised. If he doesn't sign the franchise tag, he can't play anywhere. Then he'll never make enough to make up for the pay he's lost by holding out. That's if JS learned anything after getting basically screwed over by Beastmode's fake retirement, and us being nice and not going after the lost signing bonus.


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
No doubt. If Cleveland offers more, too bad. Hawks need to take the best offer that comes their way. At least one that isn't within the division. Don't care if he wants Dallas to "come get" him. If Cleveland offers more, take it.


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2010
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I'm in the camp that if the trade were going to happen, it would already be done.

I'll be shocked if it does.

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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GeekHawk":1tvhmbi3 said:
Sgt. Largent":1tvhmbi3 said:
RCATES":1tvhmbi3 said:
If wouldn't surprise me if Hawks got hustled again and gave up Earl for a late 2nd. I can't think of a team who has been worse then Seattle on trades. If they get anything less then a 1st I'm done with this FO.

I think at worst it'd be a late 2nd and a 4th or 5th.

This is the problem when a player is being difficult and only wants to go to one, maybe two teams. It gives those teams the leverage to not give up as much as they would if there was more competition.

If hardball gets played, Earl Thomas has basically no leverage. If he holds out his contract just gets extended. If he shows up for the minimum games to count as a year, he can get franchised. If he doesn't sign the franchise tag, he can't play anywhere. Then he'll never make enough to make up for the pay he's lost by holding out. That's if JS learned anything after getting basically screwed over by Beastmode's fake retirement, and us being nice and not going after the lost signing bonus.

Earl doesn't have leverage, but the Cowboys do if that's the only team he's willing to sign an extension with right now.

There's a difference.

Sure we can just tell Earl, "go ahead, hold out, come back in October, and then we'll franchise you for the next two years. But that doesn't help trying to trade him if he and his agent have said it's Cowboys or bust. That just gives the Cowboys all the leverage this year.

Sports Hernia

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Apr 30, 2009
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The pit
Sgt. Largent":rqga3kbj said:
GeekHawk":rqga3kbj said:
Sgt. Largent":rqga3kbj said:
RCATES":rqga3kbj said:
If wouldn't surprise me if Hawks got hustled again and gave up Earl for a late 2nd. I can't think of a team who has been worse then Seattle on trades. If they get anything less then a 1st I'm done with this FO.

I think at worst it'd be a late 2nd and a 4th or 5th.

This is the problem when a player is being difficult and only wants to go to one, maybe two teams. It gives those teams the leverage to not give up as much as they would if there was more competition.

If hardball gets played, Earl Thomas has basically no leverage. If he holds out his contract just gets extended. If he shows up for the minimum games to count as a year, he can get franchised. If he doesn't sign the franchise tag, he can't play anywhere. Then he'll never make enough to make up for the pay he's lost by holding out. That's if JS learned anything after getting basically screwed over by Beastmode's fake retirement, and us being nice and not going after the lost signing bonus.

Earl doesn't have leverage, but the Cowboys do if that's the only team he's willing to sign an extension with right now.

There's a difference.

Sure we can just tell Earl, "go ahead, hold out, come back in October, and then we'll franchise you for the next two years. But that doesn't help trying to trade him if he and his agent have said it's Cowboys or bust. That just gives the Cowboys all the leverage this year.
If youre the Cowboys you risk not getting him by not trading for him now. Greater odds are the Hawks extend him, or let him play out this season and franchise, franchise. IMHO, the “Cowboys leverage” is a lot less than you think it is.


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Apr 11, 2018
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The C' Pies need to come up with draft capital, which they really don't have so Earl will be a Hawk.


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Jan 7, 2014
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The chances of replacing Earl with a starting immediate impact player in the late 2nd round is very slim. If no one offers a first I'd keep him and extend him. Surround him with young talent and let him finish his career here.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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Sports Hernia":2fnghvjw said:
If youre the Cowboys you risk not getting him by not trading for him now. Greater odds are the Hawks extend him, or let him play out this season and franchise, franchise. IMHO, the “Cowboys leverage” is a lot less than you think it is.

Leverage is about need and sense of urgency.

Right now we desperately need the cap space and picks trading Earl far more than the Cowboys need Earl. They have their own cap situation, even after cutting Dez, so I'm sure they'd love to have Earl, he's a great player and would make their defense better.

But this is not a move they HAVE To make, and it is a move we have to make if we're going to have the draft we need to get back to contention.

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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GeekHawk":m7zd9imo said:
I don't see it that way. By getting rid of cabevel we're already back in contention.

I was no Cable fan, but I also am not high on the Shottenheimer/Solari combo either. So we'll see if either/both of those new hires makes any significant different with our offense.

Still need players, and we have a LOT of needs right now.............and those needs can't all be addressed in this year's draft with only one first rounder and no 2nd or 3rd. Trading Earl would greatly help us get more than just 1-2 impact players.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
Earl is a brilliant free safety buy a dumb ass business person. He will make millions less by his numb ass act of running into cowboy rocker pimping.

That act gave cowboys all the leverage in negotiations. That act made him undesirable to other teams. That act gave Pete and John reason not to made that extra effort to pay him more. All translate into Earl will and desirably so make millions less before he retire.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Feb 7, 2015
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Florence, Oregon
Earl outed himself with his blatant abandonment of the 12 and his Seahawks teammates, when he ran down the tunnel to try and seal a deal for himself with the Cowboys, knowing full well at that moment that he was going to pull the same lame holdout game that Kam did before him, and knew that John Schneider doesn’t give in and negotiate new contracts with players while they are still working on a current one.

Earl will cry that he out performed the terms of his contract, and needs to be reminded that so did the home office when they honored the terms of their deal with him, while he sat on the sidelines most of 2016 with a busted leg, and whose absence was attributed as the central cause of our failure to make a 3rd consecutive Super Bowl appearance.

What Earl said to me and the rest of the NFL community following the end of the Dallas game, was that he was all about Earl, and nothing else, he knew Schneider wasn’t going to play his looney tunes hold out game, John won’t drink that Kool-aid again and as much as relayed that to Earl and his manager in his Combine interview when the topic of Earl and his jockeying for a new contract before his last one had been honored or fulfilled yet.

No matter how this plays out, it’s obvious, now more than ever before, that Earl’s heart isn’t in Seattle or with the fans and team that made his career possible. I would hope the Cowboys are sharp enough to see where Earl’s real loyalties lie, and see the absolute void of character, commitment and integrity that he’s evidenced in his relationship with the 12 and the Seahawks as a whole, and how they should expect nothing less, if they were to enter into a relationship with him.

Earl appears only capable of being committed to a relationship with himself. I hope someone does take his bait and gives us a 1st and whatever else we can get out of him, and pack his bags for him, good bye and good riddance. If he hangs around Seattle and tries putting us over a barrel with his new contract demands, I hope John stands his ground and tells Earl that not only will he not get a new contract this season, that he also won’t get paid this year, and we will concentrate on losing his ass to another team, anywhere but Dallas, some iceberg like Green Bay, or Minnesota where he can finish out whatever career he has left, with no further discussions of a new contract in 2019. Two can play at this hostage taking terrorist style game Earl’s trying to pull on us.

After all this crap he is dealing the Seahawks I’d be surprised if the rest of the NFL doesn’t tag him as pure poison, and send him to an early retirement he wasn’t counting on. Maybe if he recognizes sooner than later that owners, don’t appreciate or respect players who are void of commitment or loyalty, to the entities, who have made their success even possible, and are so quick to put a monitary knife to the throats of that entity instead, demanding selfishly what they have not earned and are not yet entitled to, with no regard as to how much damage and pain they will inflict on that entity as a result.

Maybe Earl needs to have a sit down with Kam. He did damn near the same thing not too long ago, and finally concluded that it hurt to much to whatch his team struggle and lose, when he knew that his presence would have made the difference. He finally decided to trust John’s promise that he would give him the contract he wanted if he would honor his present one first, and he did, in fact giving him a better contract than he was asking for at that time.

It’s not to late for Earl to save himself, but if we trade him off to loose his cost to our cap and a couple of decent picks in the upcoming draft, it won’t be anything I can’t get over by the next day at this point, and I think we’d be a better team for it.

This isn’t the veteran leadership we’d hoped to get from Earl if we kept him, it’s veteran poisoning of our young guns minds, thinking all they need to do is play well, and then dishonor their contract, which is their word and their bond, and demand something they might very well deserve, but not until they have earned it, and honoring their current contract is part of earning it. I have been a huge fan of Earl’s since he joined the team, I can’t believe how absolutely disappointed I am, having been exposed to this selfish, self centered side of him, that I would have never believed a part of him, had I not witnessed this all unfold since the end of the Dallas game.

I can’t help but think that Earl is dumb as a fox, I initially wrote the Dallas episode off as Earl being a little Home sick having just played at home in Texas in front of family and friends, and having a nostalgic moment. Now I can’t help but believe the whole thing was being orchestrated from that very moment, play it forward to today, holding out for a new contract and trying to bully the Seahawks into taking his bait and tossing him to Dallas for a song and a dance.

By no fault of his own, with a broken leg, Earl was unable to live up to the terms of his contract with us, where the hell does he get off demanding anything from anyone at this point in time? Grow up Earl, be a man, fulfill your promises to us first, before you start demanding anything more from us. Damn I feel like I’m trying to discipline one of my kids or grandkids, on the matter of honoring and keeping your word, verbal or written, a man or woman that won’t honor their word isn’t someone that people will trust or respect easily again.

Earl spouts off about becoming the highest paid and richest Free Safety in the NFL. If he doesn’t get his chit together and muipronto, he’s going to find himself paying us every week of this season he sits on the bench. I don’t know the exact figures but it seems he still has about $10,000,000.00 on the table in 2018-2019 season, I come up with about $555,555.55 a week? That’s insane, I can’t be right lol, but it’s going to leave him a long ways away from being the highest paid players, that’s for sure.

Alright I know another rant, I feel better having gotten my thoughts and feelings on the matter out there, I don’t expect it will make a hill of beans difference in the end though.

Go Seahawks! Let’s take it to the Super Bowl without Earl, so he will be exposed for not still being all that!


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
pacific101":305xyuhr said:
Earl outed himself with his blatant abandonment of the 12 and his Seahawks teammates, when he ran down the tunnel to try and seal a deal for himself with the Cowboys, knowing full well at that moment that he was going to pull the same lame holdout game that Kam did before him, and knew that John Schneider doesn’t give in and negotiate new contracts with players while they are still working on a current one.

Earl will cry that he out performed the terms of his contract, and needs to be reminded that so did the home office when they honored the terms of their deal with him, while he sat on the sidelines most of 2016 with a busted leg, and whose absence was attributed as the central cause of our failure to make a 3rd consecutive Super Bowl appearance.

What Earl said to me and the rest of the NFL community following the end of the Dallas game, was that he was all about Earl, and nothing else, he knew Schneider wasn’t going to play his looney tunes hold out game, John won’t drink that Kool-aid again and as much as relayed that to Earl and his manager in his Combine interview when the topic of Earl and his jockeying for a new contract before his last one had been honored or fulfilled yet.

No matter how this plays out, it’s obvious, now more than ever before, that Earl’s heart isn’t in Seattle or with the fans and team that made his career possible. I would hope the Cowboys are sharp enough to see where Earl’s real loyalties lie, and see the absolute void of character, commitment and integrity that he’s evidenced in his relationship with the 12 and the Seahawks as a whole, and how they should expect nothing less, if they were to enter into a relationship with him.

Earl appears only capable of being committed to a relationship with himself. I hope someone does take his bait and gives us a 1st and whatever else we can get out of him, and pack his bags for him, good bye and good riddance. If he hangs around Seattle and tries putting us over a barrel with his new contract demands, I hope John stands his ground and tells Earl that not only will he not get a new contract this season, that he also won’t get paid this year, and we will concentrate on losing his ass to another team, anywhere but Dallas, some iceberg like Green Bay, or Minnesota where he can finish out whatever career he has left, with no further discussions of a new contract in 2019. Two can play at this hostage taking terrorist style game Earl’s trying to pull on us.

After all this crap he is dealing the Seahawks I’d be surprised if the rest of the NFL doesn’t tag him as pure poison, and send him to an early retirement he wasn’t counting on. Maybe if he recognizes sooner than later that owners, don’t appreciate or respect players who are void of commitment or loyalty, to the entities, who have made their success even possible, and are so quick to put a monitary knife to the throats of that entity instead, demanding selfishly what they have not earned and are not yet entitled to, with no regard as to how much damage and pain they will inflict on that entity as a result.

Maybe Earl needs to have a sit down with Kam. He did damn near the same thing not too long ago, and finally concluded that it hurt to much to whatch his team struggle and lose, when he knew that his presence would have made the difference. He finally decided to trust John’s promise that he would give him the contract he wanted if he would honor his present one first, and he did, in fact giving him a better contract than he was asking for at that time.

It’s not to late for Earl to save himself, but if we trade him off to loose his cost to our cap and a couple of decent picks in the upcoming draft, it won’t be anything I can’t get over by the next day at this point, and I think we’d be a better team for it.

This isn’t the veteran leadership we’d hoped to get from Earl if we kept him, it’s veteran poisoning of our young guns minds, thinking all they need to do is play well, and then dishonor their contract, which is their word and their bond, and demand something they might very well deserve, but not until they have earned it, and honoring their current contract is part of earning it. I have been a huge fan of Earl’s since he joined the team, I can’t believe how absolutely disappointed I am, having been exposed to this selfish, self centered side of him, that I would have never believed a part of him, had I not witnessed this all unfold since the end of the Dallas game.

I can’t help but think that Earl is dumb as a fox, I initially wrote the Dallas episode off as Earl being a little Home sick having just played at home in Texas in front of family and friends, and having a nostalgic moment. Now I can’t help but believe the whole thing was being orchestrated from that very moment, play it forward to today, holding out for a new contract and trying to bully the Seahawks into taking his bait and tossing him to Dallas for a song and a dance.

By no fault of his own, with a broken leg, Earl was unable to live up to the terms of his contract with us, where the hell does he get off demanding anything from anyone at this point in time? Grow up Earl, be a man, fulfill your promises to us first, before you start demanding anything more from us. Damn I feel like I’m trying to discipline one of my kids or grandkids, on the matter of honoring and keeping your word, verbal or written, a man or woman that won’t honor their word isn’t someone that people will trust or respect easily again.

Earl spouts off about becoming the highest paid and richest Free Safety in the NFL. If he doesn’t get his chit together and muipronto, he’s going to find himself paying us every week of this season he sits on the bench. I don’t know the exact figures but it seems he still has about $10,000,000.00 on the table in 2018-2019 season, I come up with about $555,555.55 a week? That’s insane, I can’t be right lol, but it’s going to leave him a long ways away from being the highest paid players, that’s for sure.

Alright I know another rant, I feel better having gotten my thoughts and feelings on the matter out there, I don’t expect it will make a hill of beans difference in the end though.

Go Seahawks! Let’s take it to the Super Bowl without Earl, so he will be exposed for not still being all that!

Earl expereinced one thing your career can be over in a second, he is trying to get his bankroll before it is actually over, don't blame him for it, it's how he is going about it that is the issue, using the media and a moment that could have been done out of camera range to illustrate his desires.

If you were injured at work there is a good chance that after 90 days on short term disability and whatever the LTD plan you have is that if you could not perform your job to the same level they would say find another in the company you can actually do. at that positions salary, if there is an opening and you are qualified or sorry thanks but your expendable and of no use to us broken.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
pacific101":sh8vgkeq said:
Earl outed himself with his blatant abandonment of the 12 and his Seahawks teammates, when he ran down the tunnel to try and seal a deal for himself with the Cowboys, knowing full well at that moment that he was going to pull the same lame holdout game that Kam did before him, and knew that John Schneider doesn’t give in and negotiate new contracts with players while they are still working on a current one.

Earl will cry that he out performed the terms of his contract, and needs to be reminded that so did the home office when they honored the terms of their deal with him, while he sat on the sidelines most of 2016 with a busted leg, and whose absence was attributed as the central cause of our failure to make a 3rd consecutive Super Bowl appearance.

What Earl said to me and the rest of the NFL community following the end of the Dallas game, was that he was all about Earl, and nothing else, he knew Schneider wasn’t going to play his looney tunes hold out game, John won’t drink that Kool-aid again and as much as relayed that to Earl and his manager in his Combine interview when the topic of Earl and his jockeying for a new contract before his last one had been honored or fulfilled yet.

No matter how this plays out, it’s obvious, now more than ever before, that Earl’s heart isn’t in Seattle or with the fans and team that made his career possible. I would hope the Cowboys are sharp enough to see where Earl’s real loyalties lie, and see the absolute void of character, commitment and integrity that he’s evidenced in his relationship with the 12 and the Seahawks as a whole, and how they should expect nothing less, if they were to enter into a relationship with him.

Earl appears only capable of being committed to a relationship with himself. I hope someone does take his bait and gives us a 1st and whatever else we can get out of him, and pack his bags for him, good bye and good riddance. If he hangs around Seattle and tries putting us over a barrel with his new contract demands, I hope John stands his ground and tells Earl that not only will he not get a new contract this season, that he also won’t get paid this year, and we will concentrate on losing his ass to another team, anywhere but Dallas, some iceberg like Green Bay, or Minnesota where he can finish out whatever career he has left, with no further discussions of a new contract in 2019. Two can play at this hostage taking terrorist style game Earl’s trying to pull on us.

After all this crap he is dealing the Seahawks I’d be surprised if the rest of the NFL doesn’t tag him as pure poison, and send him to an early retirement he wasn’t counting on. Maybe if he recognizes sooner than later that owners, don’t appreciate or respect players who are void of commitment or loyalty, to the entities, who have made their success even possible, and are so quick to put a monitary knife to the throats of that entity instead, demanding selfishly what they have not earned and are not yet entitled to, with no regard as to how much damage and pain they will inflict on that entity as a result.

Maybe Earl needs to have a sit down with Kam. He did damn near the same thing not too long ago, and finally concluded that it hurt to much to whatch his team struggle and lose, when he knew that his presence would have made the difference. He finally decided to trust John’s promise that he would give him the contract he wanted if he would honor his present one first, and he did, in fact giving him a better contract than he was asking for at that time.

It’s not to late for Earl to save himself, but if we trade him off to loose his cost to our cap and a couple of decent picks in the upcoming draft, it won’t be anything I can’t get over by the next day at this point, and I think we’d be a better team for it.

This isn’t the veteran leadership we’d hoped to get from Earl if we kept him, it’s veteran poisoning of our young guns minds, thinking all they need to do is play well, and then dishonor their contract, which is their word and their bond, and demand something they might very well deserve, but not until they have earned it, and honoring their current contract is part of earning it. I have been a huge fan of Earl’s since he joined the team, I can’t believe how absolutely disappointed I am, having been exposed to this selfish, self centered side of him, that I would have never believed a part of him, had I not witnessed this all unfold since the end of the Dallas game.

I can’t help but think that Earl is dumb as a fox, I initially wrote the Dallas episode off as Earl being a little Home sick having just played at home in Texas in front of family and friends, and having a nostalgic moment. Now I can’t help but believe the whole thing was being orchestrated from that very moment, play it forward to today, holding out for a new contract and trying to bully the Seahawks into taking his bait and tossing him to Dallas for a song and a dance.

By no fault of his own, with a broken leg, Earl was unable to live up to the terms of his contract with us, where the hell does he get off demanding anything from anyone at this point in time? Grow up Earl, be a man, fulfill your promises to us first, before you start demanding anything more from us. Damn I feel like I’m trying to discipline one of my kids or grandkids, on the matter of honoring and keeping your word, verbal or written, a man or woman that won’t honor their word isn’t someone that people will trust or respect easily again.

Earl spouts off about becoming the highest paid and richest Free Safety in the NFL. If he doesn’t get his chit together and muipronto, he’s going to find himself paying us every week of this season he sits on the bench. I don’t know the exact figures but it seems he still has about $10,000,000.00 on the table in 2018-2019 season, I come up with about $555,555.55 a week? That’s insane, I can’t be right lol, but it’s going to leave him a long ways away from being the highest paid players, that’s for sure.

Alright I know another rant, I feel better having gotten my thoughts and feelings on the matter out there, I don’t expect it will make a hill of beans difference in the end though.

Go Seahawks! Let’s take it to the Super Bowl without Earl, so he will be exposed for not still being all that!


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Sports Hernia

Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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The pit
pacific101":37fbbhxy said:
Earl outed himself with his blatant abandonment of the 12 and his Seahawks teammates, when he ran down the tunnel to try and seal a deal for himself with the Cowboys, knowing full well at that moment that he was going to pull the same lame holdout game that Kam did before him, and knew that John Schneider doesn’t give in and negotiate new contracts with players while they are still working on a current one.

Earl will cry that he out performed the terms of his contract, and needs to be reminded that so did the home office when they honored the terms of their deal with him, while he sat on the sidelines most of 2016 with a busted leg, and whose absence was attributed as the central cause of our failure to make a 3rd consecutive Super Bowl appearance.

What Earl said to me and the rest of the NFL community following the end of the Dallas game, was that he was all about Earl, and nothing else, he knew Schneider wasn’t going to play his looney tunes hold out game, John won’t drink that Kool-aid again and as much as relayed that to Earl and his manager in his Combine interview when the topic of Earl and his jockeying for a new contract before his last one had been honored or fulfilled yet.

No matter how this plays out, it’s obvious, now more than ever before, that Earl’s heart isn’t in Seattle or with the fans and team that made his career possible. I would hope the Cowboys are sharp enough to see where Earl’s real loyalties lie, and see the absolute void of character, commitment and integrity that he’s evidenced in his relationship with the 12 and the Seahawks as a whole, and how they should expect nothing less, if they were to enter into a relationship with him.

Earl appears only capable of being committed to a relationship with himself. I hope someone does take his bait and gives us a 1st and whatever else we can get out of him, and pack his bags for him, good bye and good riddance. If he hangs around Seattle and tries putting us over a barrel with his new contract demands, I hope John stands his ground and tells Earl that not only will he not get a new contract this season, that he also won’t get paid this year, and we will concentrate on losing his ass to another team, anywhere but Dallas, some iceberg like Green Bay, or Minnesota where he can finish out whatever career he has left, with no further discussions of a new contract in 2019. Two can play at this hostage taking terrorist style game Earl’s trying to pull on us.

After all this crap he is dealing the Seahawks I’d be surprised if the rest of the NFL doesn’t tag him as pure poison, and send him to an early retirement he wasn’t counting on. Maybe if he recognizes sooner than later that owners, don’t appreciate or respect players who are void of commitment or loyalty, to the entities, who have made their success even possible, and are so quick to put a monitary knife to the throats of that entity instead, demanding selfishly what they have not earned and are not yet entitled to, with no regard as to how much damage and pain they will inflict on that entity as a result.

Maybe Earl needs to have a sit down with Kam. He did damn near the same thing not too long ago, and finally concluded that it hurt to much to whatch his team struggle and lose, when he knew that his presence would have made the difference. He finally decided to trust John’s promise that he would give him the contract he wanted if he would honor his present one first, and he did, in fact giving him a better contract than he was asking for at that time.

It’s not to late for Earl to save himself, but if we trade him off to loose his cost to our cap and a couple of decent picks in the upcoming draft, it won’t be anything I can’t get over by the next day at this point, and I think we’d be a better team for it.

This isn’t the veteran leadership we’d hoped to get from Earl if we kept him, it’s veteran poisoning of our young guns minds, thinking all they need to do is play well, and then dishonor their contract, which is their word and their bond, and demand something they might very well deserve, but not until they have earned it, and honoring their current contract is part of earning it. I have been a huge fan of Earl’s since he joined the team, I can’t believe how absolutely disappointed I am, having been exposed to this selfish, self centered side of him, that I would have never believed a part of him, had I not witnessed this all unfold since the end of the Dallas game.

I can’t help but think that Earl is dumb as a fox, I initially wrote the Dallas episode off as Earl being a little Home sick having just played at home in Texas in front of family and friends, and having a nostalgic moment. Now I can’t help but believe the whole thing was being orchestrated from that very moment, play it forward to today, holding out for a new contract and trying to bully the Seahawks into taking his bait and tossing him to Dallas for a song and a dance.

By no fault of his own, with a broken leg, Earl was unable to live up to the terms of his contract with us, where the hell does he get off demanding anything from anyone at this point in time? Grow up Earl, be a man, fulfill your promises to us first, before you start demanding anything more from us. Damn I feel like I’m trying to discipline one of my kids or grandkids, on the matter of honoring and keeping your word, verbal or written, a man or woman that won’t honor their word isn’t someone that people will trust or respect easily again.

Earl spouts off about becoming the highest paid and richest Free Safety in the NFL. If he doesn’t get his chit together and muipronto, he’s going to find himself paying us every week of this season he sits on the bench. I don’t know the exact figures but it seems he still has about $10,000,000.00 on the table in 2018-2019 season, I come up with about $555,555.55 a week? That’s insane, I can’t be right lol, but it’s going to leave him a long ways away from being the highest paid players, that’s for sure.

Alright I know another rant, I feel better having gotten my thoughts and feelings on the matter out there, I don’t expect it will make a hill of beans difference in the end though.

Go Seahawks! Let’s take it to the Super Bowl without Earl, so he will be exposed for not still being all that!

TLDR much. The little bit I did, makes me glad I skipped the rest of the drama.