People really seem to be bothered by Sherman's taunting...


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Scottemojo":1s27zf9m said:
HawkGA":1s27zf9m said:
I think trash talking during the game after specific plays is one thing, but I think going up after the game is over is low class.
Sherm was out there to see Griffen and wish him luck. Trent was still pissed about the in game bullshit and lost his mind for a second. I thought it was pretty clear that Dick Sure was not talking trash, not at first anyway.

Could be. So far I've only seen the ESPN clip. I saw somebody reference Sherman's side of the story in another thread but I haven't seen said side of the story yet. I guess I was assuming he went up to Trent the way he went up to Brady.

Still in the process of reading more about it, but found it important to offer my opinion before having all the info. It's the way of the internet! :179422:


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11-5 with a playoff win. I'm not bothered by anything anyone on the team is doing.

Media proliferation has a lot to do with it anyway. You think this hasnt been happening since the Hawks first ever game? Now we have twitter and a ton of news outlets reporting on every fart a player breaks.


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DJ_CJ":2iv2lkwc said:
it makes a huge difference when he's your @sshole...

Exactly. Sherman's an ass, but he's OUR ass and he's great at what he does. Guy got a pre-law degree from a prestigious university and is a hell of a football player. Let him talk a little trash.


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Lake Coeur d' Alene, Idaho
Sherman is just having fun , it is a game after all and it's encouraged by the media and the NFL . Maybe you noticed during NBC's preview of the game on Saturday the graphic pictured 3 Redskins on one side and 3 Seahawks on the other all were wearing helmets except Sherman . You have to have a villain in any epic !


Apr 30, 2009
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Pretty sure the final confrontation at the end of the game was on the Redskins player saying he was going to take a swing at Sherman, and Sherman telling him to 'go for it'.

So less trash talking, and more 'bring it bro'.


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Right outside Richard Sherman's house
Scottemojo":256a12op said:
What i love is that on the occasions he does get burned he gives props, then starts up again. He is playing a game, not doing brain surgery. Have some fun.

Yes, this. Everything he does seems to be in the spirit of fun and competition. I haven't seen one bit of mean-spiritedness in what he does.


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I'm all for trash talking during the game. If you can get a mental edge on someone, go for it.

Trash talking after the game is over is low class. At that point you have nothing to gain and you are just a punk. I have no idea if Sherman did or did not after the game. I just saw Williams punch/push his face. If that was just for being upset for talking during the game, then that's all on Williams and Sherman did a good thing by backing up and just smiling to him.

That being said, Sherman seems to get into these after-game "conversations" quite a bit.


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HawkGA":1dloa95y said:
Scottemojo":1dloa95y said:
HawkGA":1dloa95y said:
I think trash talking during the game after specific plays is one thing, but I think going up after the game is over is low class.
Sherm was out there to see Griffen and wish him luck. Trent was still pissed about the in game bullshit and lost his mind for a second. I thought it was pretty clear that Dick Sure was not talking trash, not at first anyway.

Could be. So far I've only seen the ESPN clip. I saw somebody reference Sherman's side of the story in another thread but I haven't seen said side of the story yet. I guess I was assuming he went up to Trent the way he went up to Brady.

Still in the process of reading more about it, but found it important to offer my opinion before having all the info. It's the way of the internet! :179422:

1. ESPN is prone to exaggeration and puffery.

2. Tom Brady told Sherman and Thomas to "come see him after the game".

3. ESPN sucks at fair reporting. They just promote the story they wish happened.

4. ESPN just sucks.


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Jul 25, 2011
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I Love It! I finally have a team that can play physical, trash talk, and back it up. I love being hated by Johnny come lately fans also. A lot of older fans I know, who root for other teams, absolutely love this Hawks teams demeanor. I can't wait to see them square up the vaunted Falcons WR core also.


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Portland, OR
Sherman's reputation is both fair, because he has a HUGE mouth, but it's also unfair, because he's also pretty classy when it comes down to it as has been mentioned. But the NFL and ESPN, with their need for storylines, need to play him up like a WWE heel.

And you know what? I bet Sherman relishes it. I don't think he gives a damn that he's being unfairly portrayed. His opponents on the field, with few exceptions, are going to give him respect. It's the mouthy ones that he shuts down that lose their cool. Which isn't a shock. You take on a bully, and he's going to lash back and prove his lack of worth.

The Radish

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Spokane, Wa.
Its been mentioned he's a lot like Seattle's own Gary Payton.

I don't mind trash talkers when they can and will put their money where their mouth is and he does. He says go ahead throw it at me, but I'll make you pay and mostly does. But on the rare occasion he gets beat he admits it and moves on.

Hell one time he applauded a nice catch.

The thing about he and Browner is they are getting the other team to "thinking", we all know once you start thinking about something other than your job you are screwed.

And funny about him I don't notice him using much bad language. Players in his position have a short shelf life and he's making the best of it.

Plus he's got the entire NFL, office, teams, coaches and receivers thinking about playing Seattle being hard. What could be better?


You don't think everyone in the entire league including players/coaches won't remember for the rest of their lifes that he told Tom Brady to keep throwing at him, then intercepted him and boldly went back after the game to refresh his memory? Hell those are life time memorys.

And Brady said later when he first talked to him he merely said what he usually does, "see me after the game". At the time up 13 points. Well he said, Sherman did exactly what I told him to, came to see me after the game. No one will ever forget that happening, a first time the mighty Tom Brady opened his mouth and put his foot in it!


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Mar 12, 2012
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He is the kind of player that you love when he is on your team, and despise when he is your opponent. We would all absolutely detest Sherm if he was a 49er and acted the same way. I completely understand why fans of other teams don't like him.

He may be a punk at times, but he is our punk and we love him (plus he is the best in the league at his position. How many times did Washington even throw at him?)


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Over There
Lest we forget, "trash talking" is just a colloquial term that means "psychological warfare." It's not an aside to the game, it is a tactical weapon in the game. Sherman is NOT a hot-head, like opposing fans and some national mediots want to believe. A hot-head loses his cool, right? Sherman does not lose his cool; he is always in control of himself. He is smart, clever, and calculating. He is a master in the art of psychological warfare and gives this team a huge advantage in the mental, physical, and emotional aspects of the game. I hope he's a 'Hawk for life!


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May 18, 2012
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HawkGA":3i9rcbt1 said:
Scottemojo":3i9rcbt1 said:
HawkGA":3i9rcbt1 said:
I think trash talking during the game after specific plays is one thing, but I think going up after the game is over is low class.
Sherm was out there to see Griffen and wish him luck. Trent was still pissed about the in game bullshit and lost his mind for a second. I thought it was pretty clear that Dick Sure was not talking trash, not at first anyway.

Could be. So far I've only seen the ESPN clip. I saw somebody reference Sherman's side of the story in another thread but I haven't seen said side of the story yet. I guess I was assuming he went up to Trent the way he went up to Brady.

Still in the process of reading more about it, but found it important to offer my opinion before having all the info. It's the way of the internet! :179422:

Of course, we all remember the reason Sherman went up to Brady after the game don't we? It wasn't to do the bad winner thing, it was to throw Brady's arrogant "come see me after the game" comment back in his face after ET said to Brady he nearly had him a couple of times and Brady pointed at the score and said the aforementioned comment.

So Sherman goes up to him and calls him out on his comment.

Sports Hernia

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The pit
Aristotle22":21u6k7jx said:
I like his attitude, he gets in their heads. I didn't like Joey Porter doing it. Definitely like Sherm though
that's a poor comp! Joey "the feline" Porter could never back up his talk. He disappeared during XL* after Walt and Company made him a non factor! Sherm backs up his trash talk!

glasgow seahawks

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Oct 16, 2009
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hedgehawk":32h8diy4 said:
The Hawks have some players on the team you would hate if they weren't Hawks. Sherm is one of them. Love it. So nice having players like that. He backs it up with his play. So funny reading some Redskin posts saying Sherman didn't do shit in this game but talk smack. I guess not giving up a catch is doing nothing. Hahaha.

This in a nutshell...if he is your player you love him, if he is not you hate him


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Dec 29, 2012
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Lake Coeur d' Alene, Idaho
Garson had said he didn't even know who Browner was so after the game Sherman went to remind him ! I have no problem with not allowing this team or its players to be disrespected , not by Williams , Tom Brady or anyone . It's because of this that this team is doing what it is


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Seattle, WA
I'm just happy he got back after Trent hit him as I don't think Sherm would want to take on a 320lb lineman in a fight lol. But yeah I love Sherm and his attitude and this coming from a guy that usually hates trash talking and smack talk. But every team needs at least on guy that can talk the talk and walk the walk.