Lynch talks to Michael Silver post Chiefs game


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May 1, 2009
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Hilarious. Silver keeps breaking away from the Lynch quotes to site "sources" and Rappaport, while in the meantime Lynch is saying absolutely nothing except the right things.

I'm more and more convinced that there's absolutely nothing going on here.


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Kent, Washington
CharlesinCharge25":2ehqsie8 said:
As an outsider, what's up with all the locker room talk? Why is Lynch gone after this year? He's the energizer bunny for yall in my opinion.

Locker room talk is debate-able, since no one can prove/disprove it without naming names. Lynch signed a big contract a few years ago and is due for it to end after next season. With 2 yrs remaining, and coming off a superbowl, he wanted to have his contract renewed. Plus he started hearing things like the Seahawks thinking about a RBBC rotation.

There is a feeling among some fans and media that the FO has tired of his act (not going to the White House, not talking to the media, playfully giving the finger to his OC last year, holding out to get his contract redid , etc) and may be accelerating his release after this season.

The FO has tried to do what it should as far as letting a player go 1 year too early rather than 1 year too late. The RBs brought in to give him competition just don't have the juice, so Lynch had the power this season. From the rumor-mill, sounds like the FO is adamant that they will move on. Part of the reason could be to pay Wilson, but there could be several reasons. The fact that Lynch says he doesn't talk to Pete and friends say he blames Pete for this summer's contract holdout, if true, most likely will force the team and player to move on .


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Jul 1, 2012
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The Rain Forest
If Lynch ain't a Seahawk next year I'm gonna sneak in the VMAC and take a dookie on a pair of office desks.
Shawn did a good interview. Go Beast.

Zeb's outta time, BTW. He's Zen.


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Mar 4, 2007
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Florence, Oregon
After reading this article, I've come to the conclusion that Silver and Rappaport are full of crap and trying to create smoke where there isn't any... A couple of media drama queens. Repetitively taking actions and people's words out of context to support an argument they tried making months ago kind of indicates that.

"Sometimes, however, actions speak louder than words, and Lynch, one of the sports world's most eccentric stars, seemed to make a statement about the disconnect between him and his bosses midway through Sunday's game. While the rest of the Seahawks filed through the tunnel and into the visitors' locker room at the conclusion of the second quarter, Lynch remained on the field for the entirety of the 12-minute halftime."
- Ummm... Lynch stayed out because his back was tightening up and he didn't want to try re-acclimating to the cold after he got warmed up because he was afraid his back would lock up if he did that. He did not stay out because he was too fatigued to walk back to the locker room. Thank you for pointing out that you're a drama queen who likes taking things out of context to support ridiculous gossip columns you previously published as newsworthy reports.

"Lynch had ample reason to be upset on Sunday, as the Seahawks were stopped on fourth down three times in the fourth quarter. Midway through the period, on third-and-goal from the Kansas City 4-yard line, Lynch bulled forward for two yards before being gang-tackled. Trailing 24-20, Carroll elected to go for it, but Russell Wilson's pass to Doug Baldwin fell incomplete."
- Carroll elected to go for it, but let's not try making it sound like Carroll was the one that decided to go away from Lynch and have Wilson throw the ball. That was Bevell's decision, as Carroll has very little to do with calling the plays on offense. Everybody in Seattle knows that, but once again... Thanks for pointing out that you're a drama queen taking things out of context and trying to stir up crap where there isn't any.

When a reporter gets basic facts about situations wrong and takes things out of context to support a gossip column he tried pushing on the fanbase months ago; I'm inclined to believe the reporter is full of crap and trying to create smoke where there isn't any.


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Aug 12, 2012
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Could it be that Silver & Rap are actually each others sources on this?


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Jul 10, 2009
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xgeoff":281qadqv said:
Is it really that hard for for Schneider or Carroll to take 5 mins of Lynch's time to have a conversation to say "Hey, I don't know where these rumors are coming from. We love having you as part of the team and have no plans to let you go."

I mean, I'm not the most communicative person in the world, but that does not seem too difficult.

If the rumors had no substance and they weren't actually considering it they would do that. Them not doing it, an letting Lynch believe he is gone is as good as them confirming that they are moving on. Without Lynch next year I am not even sure if we'll be better then a .500 team unless the defense improves in the off season. It will be a very stupid move.


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Sep 23, 2011
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firebee":29bgf2vd said:
If we let go of Lynch before we let go of Bevell, the entire FO needs to be drug tested.

I nominate this for post of the week


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Apr 11, 2010
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Chukarhawk":1ex6aesb said:
firebee":1ex6aesb said:
If we let go of Lynch before we let go of Bevell, the entire FO needs to be drug tested.

I nominate this for post of the week
And I second your nomination.