Lifelong Seahawks fan has that old feeling again


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Vancouver, WA
Well now, here it is 2013 and I find myself in what feels like familiar territory this evening/today. I'm having serious flashbacks to January of 1984 watching Dave Kreig throw a horrible pick six to Lester Hayes early in the AFC Championship game, the beginning of a 30-14 (IIRC) drubbing by a team my Hawks had beaten twice in the regular season. I'm also flashing back to 1986 as I watch the Seahawks absolutely demolish the Denver Broncos in the last regular season game of the year after earlier beating the NY Giants only to inevitably watch those two teams battle it out for the championship in the Super Bowl while the Hawks sat at home despite being unquestionably the best team in all of football by the end of that year due to a mid-season swoon they were unable to recover from. And of course I see Jeremmy Stevens and horrid officiating wreak havoc on my team in Super Bowl XL as they lose 21-10mdespite being the obviously better team.

There are of course other games, other frustrations over the years, but these represent a kind of microcosm of SOME of the bitter disappointments we lifelong Hawk fans have suffered in my mind.

But this year was going to be different, this was the year that all of that was finally going to be put to rest. "We" had a defense akin to those mid-80s Easley led juggernauts while having an offense well beyond anything from that era led by the 'chosen one', the QB us long suffering as well as newer fans have been waiting for since well, day one. Yet here I sit feeling that old Seahawks feeling all over again as I've watched this year's "different" team lose 2 of their last 3 games and now sit on the verge of letting what I had hoped was finally a championship season slip through their grasp.

There are plenty of reasons for what has happened the last 3 games, and most of you are good enough and smart enough football fans to see this with your own eyes....the endless untimely penalties, the poor o-line play, the mediocre to poor play of Russell Wilson since the NO game, the kickoff return "situation", the defense playing lights out until they're seemingly out of gas and give up the last drive when they are most needed for just one more stop, the lack of WR separation, the continued absence of Percy Harvin when he might be the guy that does get that separation, etc., etc., etc.

Sadly, I sit here and now accept what I as a lifelong Seahawks fan have come to expect, the apparently inevitable meltdown of a season once filled with such promise just 3 short weeks ago after the Saints game. I sit here ready to watch fate seemingly unfold yet again this year and feel like it will start with the loss of HFA next week followed by a playoff loss in either the Wildcard round or the Divisional round. But it's OK, I've worked through the anger from today and from the game vs. the 49ers two weeks ago and like I said, have now accepted that this year yet again won't be that one year I and many lifelong Hawks fans have always dreamed of, just that one stinking year we all crave so much because for yet another season it feels like there will be no championship. That's 38 and counting. But hey, I suppose this way I can get more of those 'honey do' projects done around the house so I am ready when motorcycling season arrives!

Unfortunately, working through the anger doesn't make the hurt any easier to deal with. I won't be able to bear turning ESPN or NFLN on this week and I dread talking to my two friends at work that are 49er fans (really they're good guys except for that one flaw). It's just a game, just entertainment and doesn't define who I am and I know all of that on an intellectual level. But on the level of the heart, where the true fan lives, man does it hurt.

I'll likely get blasted by some folks for this post, for being a "we'll never make it" Debbie Downer but really, I don't give a flying you know what. I had to get this off my chest in an attempt to work through such bitter, bitter disappointment on a sports fan level of life. And who knows, maybe by the grace of the football Gods, this team will be different, will overcome this and will finally get it done. It's just really, really tough to have that hope today.


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Lecce, Italy
These last few weeks have hugely conditioned my expectations for the season. I went from thinking that Seattle was a lock for the Superbowl and the statistical favorite in it, to wondering of they even have the stuff to win their division and make noise in the playoffs.

This city finally had hope and I feel like it is crashing down


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Nov 10, 2013
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Kirkland, WA
hawksfansinceday1":2u08x6yr said:
Sadly, I sit here and now accept what I as a lifelong Seahawks fan have come to expect, the apparently inevitable meltdown of a season once filled with such promise ...

The feelings in this statement are precisely the reason for my username. I grew up watching the Seahawks (since their inception) and became a fan as a child in the early 80's. After a number of seasons of watching, cheering and then throwing sh*t at the screen - I lost all heart for the Seahawks. :lol: The resentments were deep and I would even yell "DON'T DROP THE BALL" across the lanes at Dave Kreig every time we'd see him up at Totem Bowl with his buddies. :roll: ... I never did like the bald guy who said: "WE WANT THE BALL, AND WE'RE GUNNA SCORE". Yay!!! pffft. :roll: I didn't even watch.

Even though I liked our new team - this same cynical feeling caused me to turn off the TV last year when the Patriots had the ball, the lead and possession with a little under 3 minutes left in the game. ( I thought: ... "same team different faces" - CLICK!) Only to find out later - they had actually won the game!?!? I have to say - that definitely got my attention, and for the first time since I can remember I actually liked my team again. They finished out their season last year and I didn't miss a game game. And for the first time the Seahawks actually had an offense that I enjoyed watching. Where-O-Where did that offense go? :?

Whatever the case may be (with however the Seahawks end their 2013-14 season) I will look back and feel, at least I got my money's worth. (Thank you defense!) And, yes, that might be the only feeling I end up having at the end of this year. Because, just like yourself - I have that knowing that: the Seahawks will be knocked out in the first round of the playoffs, regardless. I just hope our offense can surprise me again (like they did last year) 'cause this time - I'll be watching. :roll:


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Kent, Washington
Hang in the HFSD1. My first thought after the loss today was somehow these guys were going to do the whole "Denver wins the division late" thing. The year the Seahawks put together one of their best seasons only to lose the division late to the Broncos and have to go the WC route.

The NFC is one tough hombre and even getting into the playoffs again is no guarantee. I know folks are mostly just wanting to dream big, so they dare to think big. The fanbase has been in a frenzy for the past 2 years but as you know, we cannot talk our way into a championship. This team has the potential and the talent. It is now a matter of will.

Twice the team had a chance to show they were up to the challenge and they fought hard, just not enough. Just like Atlanta. It is all within their grasp but no one is going to hand it to them. The offense needs to make a stand and do what needs to be done.

The allusion of invincibility has been shattered in the mind of the fans. And the media and now the team. That could be a good thing or they can shrink from the moment. I don't know yet which one they will do. They have bloodied noses and now have had theirs bloodied as well. They have bullied and now they have been bullied. Boldin called our players fake tough guys. Let's hope he wasn't right.

Would be nice to rip off a 15-1 or 14-2 season once in awhile but seems the team hasn't gotten to that point yet.

Wish I could offer some counter-points that could remove some of the funk. Who knows what the eventual champion will look like on Feb 2nd? Could be some dark horse out of the AFC or some WC team out of the NFC? Could be a high-powered offensive club or some old-fashioned smash-mouth team.

The Seahawks have a ticket to the party, so that's a start.


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Aug 28, 2010
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Yup, time to break out that old Christmas classic, "It's beginning to smell a lot like Seahawks." We want the ball and we're gonna score.


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falcongoggles":smzi4e6e said:
These last few weeks have hugely conditioned my expectations for the season. I went from thinking that Seattle was a lock for the Superbowl and the statistical favorite in it, to wondering of they even have the stuff to win their division and make noise in the playoffs.

This city finally had hope and I feel like it is crashing down

When did you start thinking they were a lock?

People didn't think this team was very good in week 1 for "only" winning in Jacksonville in 12-7.

People were super excited after the SF and Jacksonville games.

Then a lot of people got really upset that a game that "shouldn't have been won" occurred in Houston.

The Indy through Tampa Bay stretch was brutal for many. I remember hearing a lot about how they weren't playing like a "championship caliber team".

There was a strong stretch for three (four if you count the bye) weeks from Atlanta through New Orleans. This is probably when you started to think Super Bowl lock. The team hasn't consistently looked dominant, but it has in stretches. The only team I can remember looking dominant through the whole season was the 2007 Patriots, and they didn't win the Super Bowl. The 2012 Ravens who lost four of their last five games and barely clinched their division? They won the Super Bowl.

It only crashes down when they lose a playoff game.

Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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As a lifelong fan, I think we can all point to the numerous gut punch games and let downs that have befallen this team in its history.

I just dont feel that way about this team.

I know its easy for some to take one bad performance and run with it. (seems some use it as a method of therapy)

Its too easy to go back and look at how this team is different. We point to a "poor offensive performance" in a 23-0 shutout on the road. Thats "same old seahawks?"... since when?

We are 2-3 plays from beating the next best team in the conference at their house... thats same old seahawks? I dont remember those days I guess. I remember getting rolled in games like that.

Our sophomore quarterback (the first time we've had a QB as the face of the franchise) is running through a tough spell. Brady, Brees, Kaep and Manning have all had similar stretches this year as well. This shouldnt be new.

I feel like we are conditioned so much to losing that when something goes wrong we crawl into a shell, thumb in mouth and start crying ourselves to sleep with nightmares of at the Raiders, at the Jets, at the Ravens, home to the Rams, the Steelers, f--ing Tony Gonzales... i get it. We are so accostomed to being let down that we cant accept a simple loss (every team in NFL history sans one has lost a game or 3-4)The season's not over. We are still the 1 seed. We are still a dominant team at home. (its one loss... and credit to the Cardinals for their goal line stand... we are celebrating a division title if they dont)

We got problems, and potentially big ones. So does every other team. Champs make adjustments. Ive got all the faith that this team can do it. They've done it already this season (honestly, this isnt the first time we questioned our offense)

We want it easy. We "need" it easy because we cant deal with it when its not. Championship teams battle through adversity. I bet we do.

Thats my belief. It just feels different this year.


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Sep 26, 2009
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I hate this line of thinking and I've seen it posted a lot over .Net in the 8+ years ive been posting.

Saying the "same ol Seahawks" or complaining about something that happened seasons ago to our Seahawks is no different than the 49ers homers who bring up their "5 rings" crap. Stop! You can't have it both ways. This team is different, hell, every year each team is different. Get over it.


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Apr 30, 2009
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We just need to win a Super Bowl and nothing will ever be the same around here again. The anguish will never be so great. The doubt never so gnawing. The disappointment will stop mounting. Just. Win. Us. A. Super. Bowl.


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Sep 18, 2011
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Don't freak out until you have to freak out. We lose next week, then it's time to freak out.


I know the feeling all too well, and yup I have it again for sure. In '05 I had more confidence that we could win it all than I do right now. This NFC playoff field scares the piss out of me, a lot of very good tems from the NFC this year. If we can make it the Super Bowl I think we win it regardless of who we's just getting there that has me worried.


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Nov 24, 2009
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Long Island, NY
Everything happens for a reason. Maybe they needed this loss at home to wake up a little. I also think they are not calling the plays they plan on using in the playoffs. I think the NO game was their warmup to what they will be calling in the playoffs. I haven't seen them call a game like that since. Actually it seems vanilla.


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Too angry to get too much into it today. But that was pathetic yesterday. Flat outplayed, outcoached, and had zero fire. The D kept them in it. But, zero adjustments on offense (7 three and outs), and they had everything to play for. I got caught up in assuming they couldn't be beat at home, what a crock. If they blow this (and I do think they'll pull out a close game), they're looking at losing 3 of 4, the last 2 being at home. AND, letting the Niners and their p.o.s. fans get the joy of watching the Hawks blow the divison, and the #1 seed.

Sunday is a playoff game, plain and simple. Get your head out of your butts and get this done! No way in hell this team makes the superbowl as a #5 seed. I'm sick of making excuses for this team, they flat out sucked yesterday, with everything on the line. Zero excuse for that crap.


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Apr 30, 2009
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I am so glad I was born much later and only really could start to follow the Seahawks in the early 2000s.

From my perspective, we have done well during that time - only losing a super bowl in the biggest rig job I can remember.

Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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SoulfishHawk":2f52wchy said:
Too angry to get too much into it today. But that was pathetic yesterday. Flat outplayed, outcoached, and had zero fire. The D kept them in it. But, zero adjustments on offense (7 three and outs), and they had everything to play for. I got caught up in assuming they couldn't be beat at home, what a crock. If they blow this (and I do think they'll pull out a close game), they're looking at losing 3 of 4, the last 2 being at home. AND, letting the Niners and their p.o.s. fans get the joy of watching the Hawks blow the divison, and the #1 seed.

Sunday is a playoff game, plain and simple. Get your head out of your butts and get this done! No way in hell this team makes the superbowl as a #5 seed. I'm sick of making excuses for this team, they flat out sucked yesterday, with everything on the line. Zero excuse for that crap.

yeah you cant really assume anything in sports...

i guess I dont understand the whole "no excuses" line (nor the "anger"...if I'm a Dolphins, Bears, Lions fan I'm pretty pissed right now. But we are 12-3. Frustrated and disappointed would make more sense). its sports, professional sports. Imperfection is the norm. Players and coaches are paid to overcome them.

we will see Sunday


What, did we actually believe we were going to just coast into this whole deal without any of our traditional Seahawks nail-biting moments occurring?

Just means next-week's game will have that increased level of criticality we have all come to know and despise.


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The Tex-ASS
A good defense came in and did what they had been doing for quite a few weeks. I don't understand why it is the end of the world.


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Oct 2, 2012
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Largent80":1ml15zvu said:
A good defense came in and did what they had been doing for quite a few weeks. I don't understand why it is the end of the world.

Thats how .net rolls.


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Sep 21, 2013
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South Seattle
The NFC west is no joke. It was a tough divisional game at home.

I think this loss is a blessing in disguise. Time to re-foucs, make adjustments, and smash the Rams.


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Aug 8, 2010
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Spartanburg, SC
To see the loss of faith in my brothers' and sisters' eyes is heartbreaking. There are no excuses for yesterday. Bottom line. Sometimes you play a hot team with EVERYTHING on the line and come up short. Arizona faced elimination, that was a playoff game for them. This team is the team we have always dreamed of and they will prove that. I think of it like Secretariat's loss in the Wood Memorial right before the start of the Triple Crown, or the 1980's USA hockey team getting thrashed by the Russians in a warm up game going into the Olympics. It will refocus this entire team. They know they have to show up to win at home now. This team will come out next week with a chip the size of Harbaugh's douchery and take care of the Rams. I, for one, will be the biggest Falcons fan in the world tonight, and I expect the same from everyone here. This team is down, but certainly not out. I know they have the character to over come this. Just wait boys and girls, we about to see something we ain't ever seen before!! Go Hawks!!!