Kapernick is "immortal"


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Sep 18, 2015
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https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/ ... 313612002/

The tl;dr is that Kaep's not playing because Goodell isn't doing enough arm-twisting behind the scenes to get him on a 53 somewhere.

But you can't expect Goodell to intervene, when doing that has only opened him up to more arm-twisting allegations as seen here: https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/281 ... g-work-out

Goodell isn't going to punish a team that signs Kaep. In the right circumstance, they could all win here. And honestly, if this stops more editorializing like the above, it is best for all.

That fit isn't the Cards. It's more likely Detroit. The FO from Martha on down need a public relations spark. Their franchise QB is hurt, and now so is their backup. The fans know the season is lost but want a reason to watch anyway. If you go to prideofdetroit.com, you'll see lots of fans clamoring for this guy for that reason.

A $1.2M annual offer for 2019 would be more than fair. Everyone gets to look like heroes without angering the now desperate and desolate fans. They'd be on board as much as anyone.


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May 19, 2012
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Seahawks and Ravens.

The two teams that destroyed Kap's career.

The Seahawks for being his kryptonite, and the Ravens for beating him in the SB which ensured he could have a "mortal" career had he not gotten back.

And interestingly enough, those were the two closest teams we've heard about possibly signing him post 2016. And yet didn't happen most likely because of him, himself (I do chuckle at the idea floated of a QB controversy with Wilson, but even I couldn't be that lucky, LOL).

I find the .NET hatred of Kap dating back to 2012 to be one of those "broken clock is right twice a day", and I'm not talking about his football skills. I'm talking how hated he was a human being back then. Any competitive bravado Kap showed was seen as him being a true POS, which was comical but incredibly coincidental foreshadowing of who he would eventually become.

To me I saw a guy who was actually a nice guy (look up those early start win post conferences....Bears, Saints....wow what a nice guy, soft spoken, laughed, dressed up normally). Over time, he transitioned to take on the ahole personality of The Khakis. Khakis failed to properly develop/build a team around him (his older brother always a step ahead, a la Lamar right now)…..then after Khakis bailed, young Colin was left to fend on his own.

What I think happened was he was not a strong personality, easily rattled, easily influenced. Got caught up with some bad fortune on the football field (losing SB, losing to Seattle, then losing Khakis) that it was only a matter of time that he would self destruct. But even this was hard to predict.

I recall during that Kelly offseason a return to the old, old, nice Kap. Smiling and laughing in interviews.....not pissed off with the world and optimistic. A few months later, his entire world changed forever.

I think Hawk fans should like Kap…...he only really replaced Smith because it was thought Smith couldn't beat good teams. The crazy thing was that Smith couldn't beat NYG, who literally faded as a relevant NFL franchise around the time Kap took over. Smith was good against Seattle all time, including against Carroll. Some very boring box scores, but 4-1 then 1-0 with KC.

Maybe Smith never goes to a Bowl like Kap did, but from Seattle's perspective, Smith was a tougher QB to face.


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Sep 18, 2015
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Kaep did do this to himself. But like the author said, he's become almost immortal with his social-justice image.

I dismissed this article as maybe a guest-oped coming in from a triggered academic. Comparing Kaep to Muhammad Ali. Bringing up Jackie Robinson. Insisting that Garrett and Rudolph weren't equally punished just based on RACE. No recognition moreover that any arm-twisting by Goodell could easily continue backfiring.

But no, he's an actual sports columnist for a major metro daily. Here's his bio: https://www.azcentral.com/staff/gmoore/greg-moore/

A Mitch Albom this guy is not, but he's far from the only sports journo (let alone the actual non-sports writers) who won't let this go, not until Kaep is called on his BS. Detroit more than anyone can do that with minimal risk versus large PR/community goodwill just by signing him for this year.


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
If Kaep had won a Super Bowl and was a torch bearer in the league prior to this he would still be playing, guys like Ali, Jim Brown, Kareem Abdul Jabbar got away with standing on their beliefs and saying what they thought because they were so damn good the leagues and sports accepted it. Kaep doesn't have that skill set and notoriety in the game to stand up like this outside his playing nor the consistency of being a leader of sorts in social justice or religious beliefs.

Take Bennett, he is outspoken and was taking a knee also but was so damn good he was able to continue playing and making his game day statement he also wasn't trying to take on the league. Kaep also took it a step farther with trying to take on the league from a position of I am butt hurt then one of strength also, he was given a chance to play but his agent and self thought his value was higher then the league. Once again perception different then reality.

Reid is the closest thing to what Kaep did but even he stepped back a bit while still supporting their cause and Kaep. He complained about the league and how it did stuff but didn't go after it.


Sep 21, 2013
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There is so much publicity for this guy who wants to be a martyr and an advertiser for businesses. He doesn't care about football anymore. I'm tired of hearing about him. They just promote him because he fits the SJW narrative which big media loves and adores so much. As for football he is mostly done. A one read QB who would take off with speed and he is older now so he lost some of that speed. Plus he has been out of football for years so he has to be very rusty. It would take a long time to come back from that off time and get it back again. Meanwhile he aging and slowing down. The best aspect of his game is diminishing. His speed was his best asset. To me he seems more like a head case with a social justice agenda than a guy interested in football. He also loves to play martyr. He absolutely loves that role. I'm very tired of his act.

If you want to do your social agenda stuff do it. It's a free country. If you want to play martyr it's annoying and uncalled for but it's a free country so you can do it. But quit pretending like you even want to play football again or are even interested in it or anywhere near good enough at the present moment to actually do it if given the opportunity.


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Sep 18, 2015
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chris98251":es5v7eb2 said:
If Kaep had won a Super Bowl and was a torch bearer in the league prior to this he would still be playing, guys like Ali, Jim Brown, Kareem Abdul Jabbar got away with standing on their beliefs and saying what they thought because they were so damn good the leagues and sports accepted it. Kaep doesn't have that skill set and notoriety in the game to stand up like this outside his playing nor the consistency of being a leader of sorts in social justice or religious beliefs.

Take Bennett, he is outspoken and was taking a knee also but was so damn good he was able to continue playing and making his game day statement he also wasn't trying to take on the league. Kaep also took it a step farther with trying to take on the league from a position of I am butt hurt then one of strength also, he was given a chance to play but his agent and self thought his value was higher then the league. Once again perception different then reality.

Reid is the closest thing to what Kaep did but even he stepped back a bit while still supporting their cause and Kaep. He complained about the league and how it did stuff but didn't go after it.

Reid's been quite outspoken. His Twitter photo is actually him and Kaep sporting those "I know your rights" shirts. He showed up to Kaep's workout the day before a game. He's been really blunt with the media about his view. But I can't foresee protests when he gets hurt/ages out and is traded/waived like everyone else.

A team could do similar here--not just to gift Kaep, but to try him out/rent him for their 2019 needs--of which Detroit's is the most severe.


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Aug 19, 2018
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He committed suicide ; as far as his career in pro-sports ; by being so far left ; that even desperate teams shun him . What happened to him is on him . He's available ...NFL approved to go ; but most owners want no part of his baggage.


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Sep 18, 2015
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NINEster":1awbp7t0 said:
To me I saw a guy who was actually a nice guy (look up those early start win post conferences....Bears, Saints....wow what a nice guy, soft spoken, laughed, dressed up normally). Over time, he transitioned to take on the ahole personality of The Khakis. Khakis failed to properly develop/build a team around him (his older brother always a step ahead, a la Lamar right now)…..then after Khakis bailed, young Colin was left to fend on his own.

What I think happened was he was not a strong personality, easily rattled, easily influenced. Got caught up with some bad fortune on the football field (losing SB, losing to Seattle, then losing Khakis) that it was only a matter of time that he would self destruct. But even this was hard to predict.

I recall during that Kelly offseason a return to the old, old, nice Kap. Smiling and laughing in interviews.....not pissed off with the world and optimistic. A few months later, his entire world changed forever.

Excellent points.But he contributed to that mightily, not in merely kneeling but in making a cottage industry of it. His dress, his do, even his accent is newly manufactured. His agent, his lawyer and his GF speak for him now--he is inaccessible to all media and everyone else, Hue Jackson said he, Hue, asked to speak to him before the workout but all conversations ran through his agent Nalley.

To me, this shows Kaep is a chameleon. After being allowed to be himself, he took on the Harbs khaki attitude of simulating one-word pressers. He got famous and did that dre ad "I'm the man" making fun of Hawks. When he was on the decline starting 2014, more silence, nose to the grindstone kind of stuff working with people who demanded he be more a dropback QB, never his strength. He panicked and threw it away, sometimes wildly. Got hurt in there. And when faced with the prospect of being a non-starter in 2016, that's when he chose to sit. Now he has something else to make him famous.

The Nalley/Geragos BS, it appears, is literally scaring off Detroit--which (nice job @Sailor, beat me to it), is starting someone who has never taken an NFL snap because the guy who was three spots down from Kaep on the depth chart in 2016 is too hurt to play now. A team whose local owner is heavily invested both financially and psychologically in revitalization narratives. A team that has MORE to lose by not making this move in the eyes of many fans. And by scaring away even teams this desperate, he gets to keep his martyrdom, his Nike contract and sycophants like Arizona Republic dude and Jemele Hill crying racism through 2025 for him--even though during that time Reid, Malcolm Jenkins, Michael Bennett and others who stood by him will all get released or retire because of injuries and age. And the woke crowd will say nothing about it.

Overall, I don't see this helping racial relations one bit.


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Aug 26, 2011
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xray":2bbfyum9 said:
most owners want no part of his baggage.

As we know, it's not just a player's skills and on-the-field play.

Teams are a brand. They have a base of supporters.

Yes, the baggage is what they don't want.

Kaep is so.....yesterday.



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Sep 18, 2015
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Oh brother. Now he's going on about Thanksgiving being racist: https://www.foxnews.com/sports/colin-ka ... giving.amp

I mean...this guy basically presented as white for most of his career at SF when he perceived an advantage. This is a subject most ethnic communities and woke people don't like to acknowledge, but historically, more advantage has been conveyed to those who can.

Now he's using his "non-white privilege" to speak for non-black populations to sell shoes. And let's get real. Santa Clara is not surrendering Levi's b/c allegedly an Indian burial ground was found there, and neither will those of any color with deeds to properties that were once in Indian possession, which could well include his parents in Turlock and his own dwelling.

He's just an id-pol troll.


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Nov 21, 2011
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If Kap was protesting in the 60s he would probably be mentioned in the same breath as Brown,Ali,Smith and Carlos.
It was a different time when millions of people would support people standing up for the the social injustice of the times. Even the greatest of them payed the price for being the face of a movement even though it was the people who took to the streets and died for a cause that really made a difference.

Today we have plenty of reasons to take to the street. The environment , health care, gun violence the corporate take over of our government and inequality between wages and corporate wealth. I dont blame todays stars for not taking a stance. They get labeled treehuggers, trouble makers,socialist or god forbid leftist liberal for wanting a change. Nobody is going to follow their lead and take to the streets to make a difference. Why stand on a soap box when people will just try to knock you off even though your message is real and will make your childrens future better.. We want our "heros" to buy a few turkeys for people and shut up. We dont want to be reminded of the world we allowed to happen and the future we left our children.

Kap is standing up for his belief and good for him. He isnt hurting any of us and maybe helping in a small way. Its not about left or right. It should be about right or wrong.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Vancouver, WA
justafan":bl998lu1 said:
If Kap was protesting in the 60s he would probably be mentioned in the same breath as Brown,Ali,Smith and Carlos.
It was a different time when millions of people would support people standing up for the the social injustice of the times. Even the greatest of them payed the price for being the face of a movement even though it was the people who took to the streets and died for a cause that really made a difference.

Today we have plenty of reasons to take to the street. The environment , health care, gun violence the corporate take over of our government and inequality between wages and corporate wealth. I dont blame todays stars for not taking a stance. They get labeled treehuggers, trouble makers,socialist or god forbid leftist liberal for wanting a change. Nobody is going to follow their lead and take to the streets to make a difference. Why stand on a soap box when people will just try to knock you off even though your message is real and will make your childrens future better.. We want our "heros" to buy a few turkeys for people and shut up. We dont want to be reminded of the world we allowed to happen and the future we left our children.

Kap is standing up for his belief and good for him. He isnt hurting any of us and maybe helping in a small way. Its not about left or right. It should be about right or wrong.
Post of the month.

A reminder: Muhammad Ali went to PRISON for his beliefs.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2015
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I'm not against him or stars protesting per se. Not even over the anthem issue. The anthem was shown during the DET-CHI game, and the DET sideline locked arms--a demo we first did.

I am, however, against id-poling for the sake of making money off trying to be cool. The vast majority of people celebrating Thanksgiving are not against Native Americans but just meeting their obligation to meet with their families, and castigating them on behalf of Native Americans is empty symbolism. My SO's cousin helped their church set up a free clinic in Snoqualmie. She wanted just to help and no attention. In fact, we didn't hear about it until at her funeral.

That's the kind of activism that helps people long-term. And if it's just focused on individual acts, I'd argue that what both Sherm and Bwags did was more impactful--Sherm with stocking the Maple Valley emergency pantries, B-wags for prepping food for the homeless (which I assume he paid for), then picking up everyone's tab in a large Safeway, then trying to slink away after it hit SM but before the cameras came.

Kaep OTOH is all about the cameras. The attention. The ad contracts. The money he'll get as a result.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Orting WA, Great Northwet
hawksfansinceday1":2tgsl9ui said:
A reminder: Muhammad Ali went to PRISON for his beliefs.

Actually, it was for not reporting when drafted. Just like anyone else who did the same thing would have. For whatever reason they chose to not report.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Vancouver, WA
GeekHawk":2jb7jk9t said:
hawksfansinceday1":2jb7jk9t said:
A reminder: Muhammad Ali went to PRISON for his beliefs.

Actually, it was for not reporting when drafted. Just like anyone else who did the same thing would have. For whatever reason they chose to not report.
Sure but he didn't cuz of his beliefs and no doubt knew the consequences of sticking to them.


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Nov 21, 2011
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SantaClaraHawk":2jc1gb7m said:
I'm not against him or stars protesting per se. Not even over the anthem issue. The anthem was shown during the DET-CHI game, and the DET sideline locked arms--a demo we first did.

I am, however, against id-poling for the sake of making money off trying to be cool. The vast majority of people celebrating Thanksgiving are not against Native Americans but just meeting their obligation to meet with their families, and castigating them on behalf of Native Americans is empty symbolism. My SO's cousin helped their church set up a free clinic in Snoqualmie. She wanted just to help and no attention. In fact, we didn't hear about it until at her funeral.

That's the kind of activism that helps people long-term. And if it's just focused on individual acts, I'd argue that what both Sherm and Bwags did was more impactful--Sherm with stocking the Maple Valley emergency pantries, B-wags for prepping food for the homeless (which I assume he paid for), then picking up everyone's tab in a large Safeway, then trying to slink away after it hit SM but before the cameras came.

Kaep OTOH is all about the cameras. The attention. The ad contracts. The money he'll get as a result.

The term IDPOL sounds like just another slam against somebody doing something for a cause you dont agree with. I dont think he went to the Sunrise Festival to make a profit. He lost lot more than he has gained. Someones name on a cause can make a difference. If you dont believe in the cause dont. No need to crap on someone who does try.

Hats off to your cousin. That is making a difference. Possibly even for generations to come.

What Sherm and Wags did was generous. I think its great. But it isnt impactful for the real problems that face our country and the world,but I understand them not taking a stand for social change because the fans would turn on them in a heartbeat for IDPOL.


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
SantaClaraHawk":2j7algnd said:
I'm not against him or stars protesting per se. Not even over the anthem issue. The anthem was shown during the DET-CHI game, and the DET sideline locked arms--a demo we first did.

I am, however, against id-poling for the sake of making money off trying to be cool. The vast majority of people celebrating Thanksgiving are not against Native Americans but just meeting their obligation to meet with their families, and castigating them on behalf of Native Americans is empty symbolism. My SO's cousin helped their church set up a free clinic in Snoqualmie. She wanted just to help and no attention. In fact, we didn't hear about it until at her funeral.

That's the kind of activism that helps people long-term. And if it's just focused on individual acts, I'd argue that what both Sherm and Bwags did was more impactful--Sherm with stocking the Maple Valley emergency pantries, B-wags for prepping food for the homeless (which I assume he paid for), then picking up everyone's tab in a large Safeway, then trying to slink away after it hit SM but before the cameras came.

Kaep OTOH is all about the cameras. The attention. The ad contracts. The money he'll get as a result.

I really don't think that is what he is doing, it cost him a shit ton more money to do it or he would be playing in the league, it's a national issues and you if in Snoqualmie should know it with all the changes that have happened in the SPD with the training they now go through.

It's a National issue he is doing his thing on a National Stage. All the other contributors to causes are not any less diminished and are as important. Those local situations impact people feeling just as in need and desperate and thankful for their help given their circumstances.


Well-known member
May 19, 2012
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I'm disappointed in all of you Hawk fans here.

You're supposed to be burying the c**** hard like you did in 2013.

He's a fake, and won't shut up about it. There's nothing to defend now if there wasn't before.

Props, you called him out way back when. Just don't change now to support a political cause -- worthy or not, he's not the guy to champion it.