Is it plausible that perhaps w/ Seattle's new hires


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Feb 17, 2018
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An aspect no one is going to want to bring up is how we fired Carroll and the way the young guys in the league may have viewed it. A few of the qbs last season were very impressed meeting Carroll and several of them called him a legend. Us dropping him (justifiablly as it was) after a winning season where our line was a MASH unit all season long and our defense was putrid could seem very unreasonable from outside the organization and fanbase. Also, he was one of the most popular players coaches in the league. It is possible that the players are not enthusiastic about coming to a place that would treat one of their champions (Carroll was all about taking care of the players league wide, not just our guys) as we did.
Sorry but Pete had his hands all over the defense which had been underwhelming for the last 7 years. Plus hiring and keeping guys like Norton & Hurtt. Pete had ran his course in seattle.


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2018
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Is it possible that the Seahawks are not attracting a lot of talent currently with Seahawks new hires? Not saying that is the case, but it's been in the back of my mind lately. There are a lot of unknowns with many of these coaches coming up from the college level and/or having little to no NFL experience. Might that factor in with many of the players in the NFL looking to sign elsewhere? Thoughts?
I think players from other teams don't want to take the chance of maybe having to wear those action green uniforms ; and of course the drizzle , fog and rust doesn't help either . ;)


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Sep 16, 2022
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John Schneider has been the GM for 14 years, and all the agents know him. They're not avoiding the Seahawks just because Pete is gone. I can see how there could be a player who chooses going to a contender over a bad franchise, but in most cases, he'll be going to the highest bidder.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Seattle plays in one of the five NFL states that don't levy state tax. A signing bonus doesn't incur additional state tax, nor does at least 8 home games. Except for a few vets who have their loot and want a ring before they hit the broadcast booth, it's money that talks.

State tax is anywhere from 5 to 13.3%. That's a ton of money considering the age of these players combined with compound interest.


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
If Queen was a Target for Mike John would have went and got him, they have a plan and a expensive FA for a transitional team may not be in the Cards, then y9ou have the coast to coast move, the division we are in meaning we have challenges to win in it as a reboot team, new staff that has not worked together, and a GM that isn't desperate to spend for the now. Remember Pete got a 5 year window for his plan.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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Tijuana/San Diego
Sorry but Pete had his hands all over the defense which had been underwhelming for the last 7 years. Plus hiring and keeping guys like Norton & Hurtt. Pete had ran his course in seattle.
Agreed. Never said any different, but if you read the post, our perspective may not be shared by the people I stated in the post you quoted.


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2011
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Is it possible that the Seahawks are not attracting a lot of talent currently with Seahawks new hires? Not saying that is the case, but it's been in the back of my mind lately. There are a lot of unknowns with many of these coaches coming up from the college level and/or having little to no NFL experience. Might that factor in with many of the players in the NFL looking to sign elsewhere? Thoughts?
I see alot of over rated talent right now. Plus why should this new coaching staff jump on any players without understanding what we really have currently. We also have the draft coming up. I think it would be smart to establish a culture this year without bringing in any big name free agents. In my opinion, having a bad record with atleast a promising young team and identity would be better than a few extra wins. I think next year would be much better to jump on FAs if they did decide to do it.


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2011
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An aspect no one is going to want to bring up is how we fired Carroll and the way the young guys in the league may have viewed it. A few of the qbs last season were very impressed meeting Carroll and several of them called him a legend. Us dropping him (justifiablly as it was) after a winning season where our line was a MASH unit all season long and our defense was putrid could seem very unreasonable from outside the organization and fanbase. Also, he was one of the most popular players coaches in the league. It is possible that the players are not enthusiastic about coming to a place that would treat one of their champions (Carroll was all about taking care of the players league wide, not just our guys) as we did.
Carroll was great but at some point he lost his way. I dont care how great a player played for other teams. They sucked once they came here. What player wouldnt want to play for Carroll? He was so soft, players walked all over him. Players became so undisciplined and were absolved of any accountability while being paid alot of money. Carroll had atleast 7 years to fix the garbage he continuosly put on the field and never did. Had he won atleast 1 more divisional, hed probably still be here.


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Nov 6, 2020
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Taboão da Serra, SP, Brazil
Not one single person or player followed him here, not one. I could be over thinking this, IDK. If I had an awesome coach, I would surely follow them if they left.

What would you do if you were still under contract with the same team and that team didn't want to let you out of your contract to go follow the coach you thought was so awesome, and the GM at your former beloved coach's new team had no interest at all in giving up what it would take for your current team to trade you? Would you still "surely" follow him?

Even if you were a free agent, what would you do if a team other than your beloved former coach's new team were offering you more than $13M per year for three years, and your former coach's new team weren't willing to offer you a contract at all, much less get into a bidding war for you? Would you still "surely" follow your coach in that situation?

What would you do if your beloved former coach's new team's GM didn't care how much you loved your former coach and were uninterested in signing you?

What would you do if that coach you found so awesome were to go to a situation where the team had a few really bad contracts for which no team would want to trade and whose structure would keep the team from cutting the players in question for two or three seasons, and even then would wreck the team's cap space for two seasons, virtually guaranteeing that the team wouldn't be even a playoff contender, much less a title contender, during the lifetime of any contract you might get from that team? Would you still follow the coach there?

You might want to rethink whether you would "surely" follow an awesome coach.

"Not one single person followed him here." How many had the opportunity to do so? How many of those did the Seahawks actually want?
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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2022
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Seahawks probably aren't contending this year. That expectation has more of an impact than new coaches. With that in mind, a more interesting question (to me) is about the '25 off-season. Will the team's performance this season and the the sophomore coaching staff be a motivator to come to Seattle or stay away? In my opinion, the thread's original question is much more important 12 months from now because it could really make a difference in a SB run at that point.
Agreed. I think folks have to lower their expectations a bit.

I know what JS said. What else is he supposed to say? But…this team is not a contender and no, it’s not close.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see a big trade or two on draft day.

This is a rebuild. It’s not a retooling…Veteran players want to go to a contender. I’m fine with that. Why overpay now when you’re still a few years out?

Build it out right!


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2011
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Is it possible that the Seahawks are not attracting a lot of talent currently with Seahawks new hires? Not saying that is the case, but it's been in the back of my mind lately. There are a lot of unknowns with many of these coaches coming up from the college level and/or having little to no NFL experience. Might that factor in with many of the players in the NFL looking to sign elsewhere? Thoughts?
Well, you had Pete Carroll as a draw before. He was the epitome of a players coach and he was a draw.

The new staff may turn out great, but they don't have that kind of cache yet. So we have lost a draw.

However, it takes the right fit (or the right money) to get guys on the open market to Seattle anyway. Most guys would rather stay in the sunshine and closer to the rest of the league.

I think most of this can be chalked up to John following the same model he's always followed over the years, and that's letting most of the inflated first wave guys go without a fight. It's just not how you build a consistent winner.


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2018
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Agreed. Never said any different, but if you read the post, our perspective may not be shared by the people I stated in the post you quoted.
Honest question for you, and before I ask it, I really like Pete. In their NFL career what are Pete & Belichick without Russell & Brady? I ask because like your saying people don't share our thoughts. Pete/Wilson won a lot of games and covered up A LOT of Pete's blunders from poor coordinators, poor drafting, and even worse acquisitions. Since the SB run it has been a slow downward spiral. You send Wilson packing while our Defense is bottom of the league. I'm just being real, What did a 72 year old Pete have to offer?


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
Foles and or Cousins may have been able to do more in Pete's system, It wasn't coordinators, the common denominator for our offense not being able to sustain drives was Russell I can't see the Middle of the field Wilson, Yes some of the heroics may have been missing but those two QB's are more traditional, Pete won a few games at USC with more traditional QB's, I don't think our line would have looked as bad if they knew where the QB was, we still would have had our defense, Just a thought, blaming the Coach and others for his limitations. Yes John maybe gets some for not seeing them when scouting, we all thought he had it as well, he covered them pretty good I must say.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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Tijuana/San Diego
Honest question for you, and before I ask it, I really like Pete. In their NFL career what are Pete & Belichick without Russell & Brady? I ask because like your saying people don't share our thoughts. Pete/Wilson won a lot of games and covered up A LOT of Pete's blunders from poor coordinators, poor drafting, and even worse acquisitions. Since the SB run it has been a slow downward spiral. You send Wilson packing while our Defense is bottom of the league. I'm just being real, What did a 72 year old Pete have to offer?
I am so glad you asked. Outside looking in, without Wilson, Carroll resurrected Geno Smith's career (I already know you hate him and we will not see eye to eye regarding him) and had him make the pro bowl in back to back seasons.

He pulled off a nine win season and made the playoffs with a pathetic defense when everyone including our fanbase predicted we would be lucky to win three games.

Last season, again with a pathetic defense he had the team have a winning record against one of the hardest schedules in the league with an offensive line that was never healthy. We were one missed field goal away from winning ten games.

That is outside looking in. I loved Carroll up until Hurrt was promoted. He sunk himself with that hire as some of us predicted.


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2015
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It seems to me this Seahawks administration is somewhat content with making a large majority of their decisions and acquiring players via draft.

Usually teams that make a bunch free agent splashes have cap issues, or will eventually.

Seattle didn’t release several players only to turn around and give more big money to free agent veterans.

Seattle is building correctly as they should.

Draft talent.

Stockpiling draft picks, I think will get this team back on track.

I for one am glad Seattle isn’t going for a bunch of free agents and signing them to ridiculous deals, that’s exactly how this fiasco and mess was created…

Trust Schneider and Mac, I think they got it under control….