Holmgren to Schneider - "Hire an offensive coach!"


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Mar 17, 2016
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The players will love any form of culture if the team is contending (winning Divisional games or better).

The 'culture' argument is extremely overused and overstated.
I tend to agree with you - particulary when the season starts wrapping up in garbage time at the end, and all the players are simply there for their incentive goals in the contract - nothing else. Anyone who didn't have an incentive to hit was just jogging around marking time it seemed.

In my opinion - you're right - and from that standpoint, with Pete' last years, and being gone now - the whole concept of 'culture' seems to have morphed into 'coddling'. Saw it with almost every single player disciplinary need that was ignored.

I gotta say - I'd like to see a coach build a culture of 'win or get the **** out'. You can hate Belichick all you want - but I'd like to see a more mercenary mentality along his lines. Hold people accountable. Trade people for value a year or two ahead of where others would, while you can still get some value for then. Try, execute, win or we're gonna cut you. I don't care as a coach if you like me - are you playing for the common team goal - winning.

Not that this has ANYTHING to do with the OP point - it was about culture. And I want a WINNING one. Just saying. I've had ENOUGH teddy bear shit. I wanna punch some teams right in the face next year. And the year after. And guys with hush puppies and Fred Rogers sweaters just ain't gonna cut it for me. Bring me a Dan Campbell any day of the week. And twice on Sundays.

Rant off.....


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2016
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I know they can sell in a year but do they have to? Is it possible Jody can stay the owner for a while?
But honestly - from what we've seen - do we want her still on as owner...... just a question....


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2016
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I find Clint Hurtt an offensive coach . . . Oh you mean “offensive“ coach. Gotcha.

btw I usually ignore the “Jody selling the team” discussions because honestly nobody knows crap and maybe even Jody doesn’t know what she is going to do yet or when so it is a black hole of speculation.


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2012
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Ben Johnson or Mike MacDonald would be perfect if they both have learned the other aspects of what it takes to be a HC from their current HCs. Either way, you will be late to put together your staff. I feel the argument of getting an Offensive guru is valid only until it doesn’t work. If you can’t hire and keep talent on your staff and allow them the opportunity to apply their mind is valuable. Making a difficult decision and course correcting early and making decisions that are often right is the experience that a coach needs. Inspiring your organization to win and ensuring talent is translating to the game is what an ideal HC should be. If Tom Brady wants to coach, I would give him the keys and support everything he doesn’t know with John.


Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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Meh - I hear what you're saying - but as much as I loved holmey's reign, I gotta say, I'm a little pissed that we're not manning up a little in the whole process lately.

If you want teddy bears and rainbows, he's your guy - but he's been creeping around in the background all year, from the Draft to now.

I think I'm just as pissed that we're not looking for a Dan Campbell type of chew nails for breakfast kina guy - rather than the whole - "Let's preserve what has turned into a soft ass ******* 'culture' with the mantra of 'always compete' that for the last 8 years hasn't done much of anything except play .500 ball". I don't want another holmey. And I don't want 'opinions' from that era to soften the HC selection process that we have now.

THAT's what I'm pissed about if I really think about it - and all the dudes from 10 years ago should just shut their holes for a while in my opinion, and KJ, and Sherm to an extent. But, that's just my take. Had enough reminiscing at the 10 year Owl festival this season.

Just time to move on and grow some stones, in my opinion, and coddling some of the ancient (now) players/coaches/opinions - well, is just starting to piss me off.

Anyhow. Rant off I suppose. Yea, I get it, opinions are like assholes, everyone's got one. I'm just honestly gonna be real pissed if what we end up with is PC 2.0 here. That era has gotta be over. And to be honest, I really want a defensive coach. Even if that's against the grain, or against the trend in the league to make the D useless/neutered. So, maybe I just gotta get with the times or something.

I get it too and totally agree the team is soft. I'm on your side.


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Oct 21, 2020
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Portland, OR
I'm excited to see how the Bobby Slowik interview goes. Kyle Shannahan told Bobby, if you want to be a good OC, get some defensive training under your belt. He did that for several years. This young man knows how to get his players involved.

The Ravens are unbelievable at this point. If we could get MacDonald, I'd be happy about that too. As I watched the 1st half of the Texans @ Ravens yesterday, I kept thinking, damn our defense looked slow & geriatric.

But who knows what JS will do.


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May 15, 2023
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I dont get what everyone's hard on is for an Offensive minded coach, while Dan Campbell & Demeco Ryan are the type of coach I would be looking for. Younger coaches with grit, that relate well with overpaid young men, that seem to have their teams bought in, and willing to run through a wall for them. I hope we look hard @ Mike MacDonald & Mike Vrabel. Harbaugh don't mesh well with J/S imo. If looking O minded I hope it's Ben Johnson.
Defensive coaches haven't been too successful stopping the high-flying offenses, and at this point if a team is going with a defensive-minded coach then it better already have its starting QB, which we don't.
If nothing else we could use an offensive coach to help us get our QBOTF and if we don't have enough success with him then we can fire him and go with a defensive coach knowing that we won't be relying on a defensive coach to solve the biggest offensive problem.

Spin Doctor

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Sep 8, 2009
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While I tend to Agree, the Superbowl winner this year will have a top 5 defense. Running and defense wins championships.
Not necessarily. Well rounded teams win championships. You can’t just distill it to defense and running game.

The Ravens for example are 6th in offense with only a hair separating them from the 5th position. They’re both one of the best offensive and defensive teams in the NFL right now.

Much of the Ravens running game also comes from their unique QB.


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
Just my opinion. Carroll was a good personnel guy but terrible in-game coach. Holgrem was a great in-game coach and knew how to get the most out of his players week in week out.

It’s Holmgren.


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2011
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I like Holgrum a lot. Hulmgron was a great practitioner of the west coast offense. Holgrims fingerprints are all over the offensive DNA of the modern NFL.

Holmgom not being in the Hall is kind of messed up. Give Holmgin his flowers!

Spin Doctor

Well-known member
Sep 8, 2009
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I like Holgrum a lot. Hulmgron was a great practitioner of the west coast offense. Holgrims fingerprints are all over the offensive DNA of the modern NFL.

Holmgom not being in the Hall is kind of messed up. Give Holmgin his flowers!
3rd and 8? Holmgrun starts getting itchy on the sideline. Holmgrin starts running red and looking at his QB, Hasselhoff with disappointment.

Ultimately Homegren decides that a handoff to Max Strung on third and 8 is the way to go. Seahawks.net goes crazy, curses are flying in the game chat, everyone is calling for Hasselhoff and homegrunds head. All is balanced in.net.