Good man brand- Is the QB starting to get above his station?


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Oct 2, 2012
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There is a trend ITT when looking at the people who get it versus those who don't but pointing it out leads to trouble. Im out of this thread before I get a vacation.


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Mar 3, 2007
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North Pole, Alaska
Look at everything Russell does in totality, then judge him. How many here, or how many do you even know that spend Tuesday's at the Children's Hospital?

I don't have a problem with what Russell is doing. If he were hiding how much is going to charity then claiming he was doing all that, then that would bother me, but only a little.

I think Russell is using his popularity to build his nest egg in order to fulfill his dream of owning a sports franchise. I have zero problem with that.


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Jun 23, 2014
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I won't buy it anyways, every money that comes out of my paycheck goes to my kids first, me and my wife probably buy two pairs of clothes and a pair of shoes in a single year, while our kids get two - three pairs of clothes in a month.

I can understand the argument on both sides. I have no problem with Russ is doing. He didn't have to put the charity label on it but in there will still be backlash on the pricing on his clothing line. So either way there would be some resentment towards it if he never said it would go to charity. Yes 3% is low, but I'm hoping that if the sale fail, then he would change the prices of the outfits, and if it does very well, I hope he raises the percentage of charity.

Here's something else that people is forgetting

How many other charities have he been involved with and dedicated his time.

Remember the diabetic charity he's been working with
The charity he teamed up with the Nascar driver, Kasey
Russell Wilson and the Russell Investment group for every touchdown goes to charity
Teamed up with Joel Mchale for Pull the Plane charity
Not to mention he also helps out with his teammate's charity with his time as well
Teamed up with Uber to raise charity for underprivileged youth to attend his football camp
Strong against Cancer
Donating his time to Children's hospital
and the list goes on and on and on

So he wants to make money after helping charities get theirs, so is it wrong for him to finally get some money out of it?


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Aug 20, 2013
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ivotuk":22z1m5ye said:
I think Russell is using his popularity to build his nest egg in order to fulfill his dream of owning a sports franchise. I have zero problem with that.

Fair enough, but it's a pretty hollow statement, because not a single person in this thread has expressed having a problem with that either.

Sterling Archer

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Apr 11, 2010
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This is no different than the NFL teaming up with Susan B. Komen every October and claiming the proceeds go to charity, when the percentage is also in the single digits. That's one of the NFLs most popular marketing ploys. This is business in America.

If this was all Wilson was doing, without actually being the outrageously charitable person he's proven to be, then I probably would have an issue with it. The time he dedicates to the children's hospital every week is priceless and has a direct impact on saving lives, especially considering the money he raises which goes directly to his strong against cancer campaign. His other charity works have already been detailed.


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Tri-Cities, WA
ivotuk":1amo73vo said:
Look at everything Russell does in totality, then judge him. How many here, or how many do you even know that spend Tuesday's at the Children's Hospital?

I don't have a problem with what Russell is doing. If he were hiding how much is going to charity then claiming he was doing all that, then that would bother me, but only a little.

I think Russell is using his popularity to build his nest egg in order to fulfill his dream of owning a sports franchise. I have zero problem with that.

I have zero problem with that either. Most don't. Its the wierdness of marketing an ethical brand that gives so little back that puts us off, in part because it doesn't seem very Russell-like.

I will also say that I don't know where his clothes are manufactured, but if they are truly USA made and employ people at a livable wage, then the do-good theme is amplified further behind the scenes. I hope that is the case. I really do.


Jan 3, 2013
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McGruff":g99n9lyw said:
ivotuk":g99n9lyw said:
Look at everything Russell does in totality, then judge him. How many here, or how many do you even know that spend Tuesday's at the Children's Hospital?

I don't have a problem with what Russell is doing. If he were hiding how much is going to charity then claiming he was doing all that, then that would bother me, but only a little.

I think Russell is using his popularity to build his nest egg in order to fulfill his dream of owning a sports franchise. I have zero problem with that.

I have zero problem with that either. Most don't. Its the wierdness of marketing an ethical brand that gives so little back that puts us off, in part because it doesn't seem very Russell-like.

I will also say that I don't know where his clothes are manufactured, but if they are truly USA made and employ people at a livable wage, then the do-good theme is amplified further behind the scenes. I hope that is the case. I really do.

Couple of good posts. It seemed a little weird to me but I'm also not going to come into a football forum and tell people he's the biggest douche in the world either. I won't be buying any of it but the fact that he is selling high end stuff for people that want to buy it and some of it will go to charity is fine with me. He does A TON more for charity as well so whole picture RW does Quite a bit of good work for the community and charities in general.


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Mar 2, 2007
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Tri-Cities, WA
austinslater25":3hfh0d1p said:
McGruff":3hfh0d1p said:
ivotuk":3hfh0d1p said:
Look at everything Russell does in totality, then judge him. How many here, or how many do you even know that spend Tuesday's at the Children's Hospital?

I don't have a problem with what Russell is doing. If he were hiding how much is going to charity then claiming he was doing all that, then that would bother me, but only a little.

I think Russell is using his popularity to build his nest egg in order to fulfill his dream of owning a sports franchise. I have zero problem with that.

I have zero problem with that either. Most don't. Its the wierdness of marketing an ethical brand that gives so little back that puts us off, in part because it doesn't seem very Russell-like.

I will also say that I don't know where his clothes are manufactured, but if they are truly USA made and employ people at a livable wage, then the do-good theme is amplified further behind the scenes. I hope that is the case. I really do.

Couple of good posts. It seemed a little weird to me but I'm also not going to come into a football forum and tell people he's the biggest douche in the world either. I won't be buying any of it but the fact that he is selling high end stuff for people that want to buy it and some of it will go to charity is fine with me. He does A TON more for charity as well so whole picture RW does Quite a bit of good work for the community and charities in general.

I think my issue (and it isn't a big issue, more like a curiosity) with this brand is this.

Russell is a good man. He does a ton of good things. Some of those are public. Many of them are private. I do believe he is a genuinely good man.

But his marketing strategy here is trying to insinuate that other men can be good also, if they buy his clothes. His clothes will not only make them look good, they will make them BE good. Why? Because $3 guys to a foundation? Is that what makes a man good?

I think the ethical end is hokey, but the marketing end is just downright weird. And somehow in the branding those two things are connected.

Do everyone a favor, Russ. Market yourself. Start business. Make loads of money so you can buy the Seahawks when Paul Allen decides to sell them. And keep doing the good things you are doing. Keep giving. Keep volunteering. Keep raising awareness. And keep doing it big, because maybe your public benevolence might inspire other successful men (and women!) to take the time to give a little back themselves. Because at the end of the day, that's what makes a man good. When he uses his time, talents and resources to benefit others. Not wearing expensive clothes that make you look good or feel good. Good men do good things.

Again, I love Russell and all he does and the message he represents. This just struck me as in-congruent.


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Apr 30, 2009
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We all love Russell.

But it's pretty clear he has his head wedged up his own arse.


Jan 3, 2013
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Not much to argue with anything Mcgruff or Rob said. :)


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Mar 6, 2007
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This is one of those issues where you learn something about a person by seeing how they react to it. The nanobubbles thing was similar.

Last I checked, 1% is still greater than 0%. Even if it is only 1%, that's still money going to charity that wasn't going charity before he started the company.

It's a bad look sure, but it's not bad on substance when you consider the full context. But most people are wired to react based on how something looks. Had it been 0%, it would have been a better look. Which isn't really logical, but it's how we are wired.

Russell still has much to learn in the art of being a politician. Saying God wanted him to win after the NFCCG, talking about his anecdotal experiences with nanobubble water, and this. At no point did he ever ask how this might look or sound to an outside party or skeptic.

I don't hate Russell for any of those things, but I think he would be well served by developing his self-awareness.


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May 2, 2009
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After reading these commentaries I've com to the conclusion that we just should cut him. :sarcasm_off: cmon people, this guy is dissected and damned no matter what he does. Any one of you would do whatever you could do to improve your family life. And as most of you well know, we don't always have control of the situations we get involved with. It's very easy to throw rocks, but I choose to take him at his word. We've seen enough of him to know his character and intent. Look in the mirror. Can we all show the same? I have great respect for RW, and yet realize he is as imperfect as we all are. This guy is an impressive young man and I wish him great success. I would be honored to have him as my son.


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Sep 13, 2009
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Can't even lie, this thread has made me crack up multiple times.

Russell "Good Man" Wilson.

W.e. he's good at football. :lol:


May 15, 2012
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If you care about any of this I think you should either buy or boycott!

I will keep it right next to ignore filed in the ridiculous section.

Buying any athletes brand seems pretty lame.


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Mar 3, 2007
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kearly":3irpojls said:
This is one of those issues where you learn something about a person by seeing how they react to it. The nanobubbles thing was similar.

Last I checked, 1% is still greater than 0%. Even if it is only 1%, that's still money going to charity that wasn't going charity before he started the company.

It's a bad look sure, but it's not bad on substance when you consider the full context. But most people are wired to react based on how something looks. Had it been 0%, it would have been a better look. Which isn't really logical, but it's how we are wired.

Russell still has much to learn in the art of being a politician. Saying God wanted him to win after the NFCCG, talking about his anecdotal experiences with nanobubble water, and this. At no point did he ever ask how this might look or sound to an outside party or skeptic.

I don't hate Russell for any of those things, but I think he would be well served by developing his self-awareness.

Giving nothing would be a bad look for someone who draws attention to himself for his selfless deeds and his beliefs. But only giving two measly bucks on a $200 shirt is worse IMO.

$2 is not a gift, it's an insult.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Marshawn Lynch also pledges a portion of his clothing sales to charity, but gets little blowback.

Why? I can't say why some of you are bagging on Wilson more than Lynch, but I can tell you why I have bought from Lynch's company and won't buy from Wilson's, and it isn't price. And it isn't Wilson's religious zeal, though to me there is a disengenuous vibe to to it when matched to this type of "good man" merchandising. As much as Wilson pimps the book, he seems to not pay much attention to it's principle of the right hand not knowing what the left is doing. I don't blame anyone who gets pukey in the mouth over that one little bit.

Wilson so carefully crafts his public image. Love him on the field, but off, I find him...simply boring. A bit fake. A baby kissing political type. It isn't all bad being that way, at least he isn't a pouty wanker like Newton, the guy can take his lumps after a devastating loss, but overall Wilson cares too much about his image.

Lynch, on the other hand, seemed embarrassed by the attention he got for returning a guy's wallet. That some proceeds go to his foundation is something you have to search for on his clothing site. The prices aren't stupid. I like some of the clothes.

So yeah, if you don't like it, don't buy. I won't. However, while casting a few stones at Wilson for this crap, take a moment to examine what part of you is a fake ass wanker too, and be a bit better. My positive thought for the day.


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Trenchbroom":3ulpz68y said:
kearly":3ulpz68y said:
This is one of those issues where you learn something about a person by seeing how they react to it. The nanobubbles thing was similar.

Last I checked, 1% is still greater than 0%. Even if it is only 1%, that's still money going to charity that wasn't going charity before he started the company.

It's a bad look sure, but it's not bad on substance when you consider the full context. But most people are wired to react based on how something looks. Had it been 0%, it would have been a better look. Which isn't really logical, but it's how we are wired.

Russell still has much to learn in the art of being a politician. Saying God wanted him to win after the NFCCG, talking about his anecdotal experiences with nanobubble water, and this. At no point did he ever ask how this might look or sound to an outside party or skeptic.

I don't hate Russell for any of those things, but I think he would be well served by developing his self-awareness.

Giving nothing would be a bad look for someone who draws attention to himself for his selfless deeds and his beliefs. But only giving two measly bucks on a $200 shirt is worse IMO.

$2 is not a gift, it's an insult.

Ok, Ms. DeMornay.


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Feb 18, 2012
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kearly":2jv3fgad said:
This is one of those issues where you learn something about a person by seeing how they react to it. The nanobubbles thing was similar.

Last I checked, 1% is still greater than 0%. Even if it is only 1%, that's still money going to charity that wasn't going charity before he started the company.

It's a bad look sure, but it's not bad on substance when you consider the full context. But most people are wired to react based on how something looks. Had it been 0%, it would have been a better look. Which isn't really logical, but it's how we are wired.

Russell still has much to learn in the art of being a politician. Saying God wanted him to win after the NFCCG, talking about his anecdotal experiences with nanobubble water, and this. At no point did he ever ask how this might look or sound to an outside party or skeptic.

I don't hate Russell for any of those things, but I think he would be well served by developing his self-awareness.

Kearly, the reason why 0% looks better than 1% is 1% allows you to say "Charity brand". It's the bare minimum required to be able to appear something that you're not. Which I think is the deeper root issue here. People aren't really sure who Russ is, and he always seems to want to appear something he's not. Just ask Doug Baldwin....

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