Cowboys to sign Greg Hardy (Seahawks out)


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Uncle Si":3hfcb5q4 said:
NorthDallas40oz":3hfcb5q4 said:
Hawk-Lock":3hfcb5q4 said:

Watch that link and tell me if you still want him. This guy is 100x worst than Ray Rice/Adrian Peterson/Aldon Smith/etc.
I've watched it, and yes I still want him. His "girlfriend" is a shameless and notorious groupie who made a number of baseless claims against Hardy. If Hardy had done the all the things that she alleged, and she legitimately thought that he was going to "kill (her)," she surely would have prosecuted him to the fullest extent of the law (as her attorney also alluded to in that clip). Instead, when Hardy requested a jury trial, she chose not to pursue it and gladly took a nice fat check instead. Hardy has already paid a huge price, both legally and in the court of public opinion, now it's time to move on and get back to football. Bringing him in on a short term deal where he's motivated to rehab both his football value and public image makes a ton of sense, and if he screws up again, you just cut him.

I think this is what that Panther fan was getting at.

But you know... ESPN and whatnot.

Don't know about ESPN but just look around here. itIs innocent until proven guilty, except on the internet.

I don't know what happened, but it sounds like all of the initial accusations would've been enough to put Hardy away if true. Having bruises head to toe would've been physical evidence and that would've been it.

If Hardy hasn't had any other issues, and he's stayed clean since, I'd take him. He's a hell of a player.


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This is a little bit like signing Aldon Smith on the cheap. Hardy doesn't really fit Seattle's mold at DE, but he is so talented and accomplished that you would think Seattle would have to be interested once his price hits a certain point.

I love what he brings on Sundays, but I kind of worry about Carolina's total disinterest in keeping him. It makes you wonder if the domestic incident (since dropped) was not his first strike.


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Covington, WA
The problem I have with the ESPN piece is that they claim evidence of injuries from head to toe yet the trial testimony says she suffered a broken toe nail (while on coke BTW). It's hard to reconcile the two versions.


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Largent80":20ww18f7 said:
And, his price should be pretty low considering the allegations and possible suspension.

His case was dismissed, and the NFL already held him out a full year unofficially. But yeah, I understand the worries.

I think the trepidation by teams is less about what he allegedly did to his girlfriend and more about what Roger Goodell might do to break his own rules with players like Hardy.


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JTB":3rtstp2n said:
The law in Carolina is odd. A judge can issue a ruling and on appeal you can proceed to a jury trial. Hardy did appeal and the case was dismissed by the DA at that point because the alleged victim did not show up and was unable to be contacted. On one hand, you can see filtering out unnecessary cases but what if you get a judge with poor decision making skills or a perceived bias?

It's called a "bench trial". You have a full trial before a judge, the only real difference is that the judge decides the verdict and not a jury. There are many pre-trial hearings and motions if you feel you have been assigned a biased or poor judge which will grant you a different judge. Bench trials are more common than you think.

What is unique in North Carolina is that you can appeal the ruling directly rather than through a court of appeals. The guilty verdict is set aside and you are granted a new trial before a normal jury. So if you feel you have a poor judge you can move for their recusal before the bench trial, or appeal after the trial.

Hardy's accuser testified at the bench trial, but declined to testify at the jury trial. In essence, they didn't have any of her testimony, making it extremely difficult to convince a jury beyond a reasonable doubt that you committed the crime of DV.


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Covington, WA
Basis4day":1zjftvl1 said:
JTB":1zjftvl1 said:
The law in Carolina is odd. A judge can issue a ruling and on appeal you can proceed to a jury trial. Hardy did appeal and the case was dismissed by the DA at that point because the alleged victim did not show up and was unable to be contacted. On one hand, you can see filtering out unnecessary cases but what if you get a judge with poor decision making skills or a perceived bias?

It's called a "bench trial". You have a full trial before a judge, the only real difference is that the judge decides the verdict and not a jury. There are many pre-trial hearings and motions if you feel you have been assigned a biased or poor judge which will grant you a different judge. Bench trials are more common than you think.

What is unique in North Carolina is that you can appeal the ruling directly rather than through a court of appeals. The guilty verdict is set aside and you are granted a new trial before a normal jury. So if you feel you have a poor judge you can move for their recusal before the bench trial, or appeal after the trial.

Hardy's accuser testified at the bench trial, but declined to testify at the jury trial. In essence, they didn't have any of her testimony, making it extremely difficult to convince a jury beyond a reasonable doubt that you committed the crime of DV.

Thanks for the explanation. And given their legal process, Hardy was not convicted as the jury trial ended with dismissed charges.


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Feb 18, 2012
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Hawk-Lock":mlil5i0f said:

Watch that link and tell me if you still want him. This guy is 100x worst than Ray Rice/Adrian Peterson/Aldon Smith/etc.

After watching that, I would say that I don't want him.

However, I would put Ray Rice in the same class..knocking your wife out cold sort of fits in this category.


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Covington, WA
Just curious what the stance was with Perrish Cox when he was here? He was acquitted in a jury trial but the testimony/allegations were that he drugged her and then raped and impregnated her. Demarious Thomas testified against Cox.


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Mar 16, 2012
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What Ray Rice did isn't even in the same category as Hardy. That woman is lucky to be alive. Hardy is as crazy and a bad of dude as there is in this league. I don't think he deserves to be on any team, let alone walking the streets. Guys as bad as him need to be locked up or put in a body bag. Having been around domestic violence before, I will go as far as to say if the Seahawks sign him, the Jacksonville Jaguars will be my new team.


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Mar 13, 2013
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If she was on Cocaine, we will never know what really happened.


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Enumclaw, WA
Hawk-Lock":1p3euq47 said:
Like I said, watch this video, and tell you if you want this criminal or not. I don't care if the charges got dropped, I don't want this cat on our team.

I don't see anything in that video that refutes everything I've seen to convince me that the allegations against Hardy were overblown.

He even called the cops on her and said she was hitting him and he needed help.

The lady who called 911 said he was "beating her ass" yet she didn't have a scratch on her except a broken toe nail. Sounds to me like at worst she got thrown into a bed full of guns and threatened.

Not saying he's completely innocent, but the claims that she's lucky to be alive after this monster beat her ass sound like bull to me.


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Mar 13, 2013
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Tical21":2sy7hkdb said:
What Ray Rice did isn't even in the same category as Hardy. That woman is lucky to be alive. Hardy is as crazy and a bad of dude as there is in this league. I don't think he deserves to be on any team, let alone walking the streets. Guys as bad as him need to be locked up or put in a body bag. Having been around domestic violence before, I will go as far as to say if the Seahawks sign him, the Jacksonville Jaguars will be my new team.

Have you seen pictures of what happened to her?

Because what ive read is that she had no bruises and only a broken toenail.

Its down to her word vs his.


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Sep 7, 2010
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How much do you think he'd cost? If you can get him for 4-8 million a year... He's a steal.


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Jan 20, 2014
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Charges were dropped. Crazy how accusations can derail a career. Having been in a relationship with an extremely jealous and accusatory woman I can speak first hand to the extent they will go to ruin your life. I got out, so did Hardy. He may or may not have crossed a line but he was in fact acquitted.


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Jan 12, 2014
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XxXdragonXxX":2mqzpmgo said:
Hawk-Lock":2mqzpmgo said:
Like I said, watch this video, and tell you if you want this criminal or not. I don't care if the charges got dropped, I don't want this cat on our team.

I don't see anything in that video that refutes everything I've seen to convince me that the allegations against Hardy were overblown.

He even called the cops on her and said she was hitting him and he needed help.

The lady who called 911 said he was "beating her ass" yet she didn't have a scratch on her except a broken toe nail. Sounds to me like at worst she got thrown into a bed full of guns and threatened.

Not saying he's completely innocent, but the claims that she's lucky to be alive after this monster beat her ass sound like bull to me.

The fact that he dragged her from the bathroom into the living room by her hair and then threw her on a couch of loaded assault rifles is beyond scary.

I think the scariest part is when he was allegdly choking her and asking her if "she is ready to die." If that is true, I don't want this sociopath on our team.

But like everyone has said, it is hard to decipher what is true. But what was alleged, is very scary. Ray Rice made a mistake in a split second. This sounds like he knew what he was doing. And what kind of cowardly man calls the cops saying that his girlfriend is kickign and scratching him, c'mon dude, your an NFL player.


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Feb 13, 2014
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He's going to play for someone...

I decided a long time ago that it is just not worth my time to concern myself over athlete's personal lives. Every team has scumbags.


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MVP53":2bhi3xfw said:
He's going to play for someone...

I decided a long time ago that it is just not worth my time to concern myself over athlete's personal lives. Every team has scumbags.

That is how I feel. And I've also learned that many of the guys who are perceived as 'great' guys are actually pieces of trash. You don't usually know.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Hummm, from reading (and watching the ESPN piece) he seems like a bad guy. But then reading further it seems like it turned into a he said, she said argument, that turned physical by both people. Then the final outcome was the woman not showing up to court and taking some amount money from him (which I ask WHY?!?! If he is a horrible guy, which is sounds like, then why would you be ok with his money, but not putting him behind bars as well?) Domestic violence is not ok wether it be a man or woman dishing it out and if someone is (REALLY!!) being abused in a relationship the abuser needs to be taken out of society. Having your life taken away is the only way to learn a leason.

Anyway, he seems to have some issues (or so it sounds) and I would guess the team will not bring in a huge distraction again after all the issues they had with Harvin the last two years. I would guess like most free agents the Seahawks front office will look and talk to him and his agent (he is talented on the field), but in the end I would guess Seattle will only really look at him if the money is right for the team and they can't fill some holes in the draft.