17 Points: My Take and Grades for the 2017 Draft


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Mar 3, 2007
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Great stuff, Montana.

One theme I see with this draft class is players who are at their best moving forward. By and large, everyone drafted on defense is someone who is either strong at or moving toward the line of scrimmage. It's clear to me that John and Pete saw attacking the line of scrimmage with aggressive players that are willing to run and hit was a priority; and a continued motive of last year's theme of regaining the rep. as the neighborhood bully.

Still lukewarm on Pocic. Sometimes I think they value versatility too much, I'd have rather gotten a guy like Asiata or Siragusa, straight forward interior lineman that can blow people off of the ball. But, at the same time, I get it. He looks like a ZBS fit.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Grand Rapids, MI
Mick063":3r4zfkcw said:
With regard to feeling enlightened about the players drafted, I'll wait until I see a few of them cover a kick off. In other words, I don't believe a word he wrote. Great report though. Lots of effort.

Pro Tip? How much do you get paid for your writing expertise? Regardless, can't really craft a rebuttal until I ....see them play.

I must be missing the part where Montana said his grades were final and will never change.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Mick063":34jimqni said:
The draft is a fire hydrant and we are all dogs. As we sniff the draft results, if the resulting commentary does not smell of our own making, we must dutifully lift a leg and make sure that it does. What is important is if you can mask another scent while imposing your own.

It is all about marking territory.

I'll not be lifting my leg until I actually watch these players in a Seahawk uniform. Perhaps I will bookmark this thread so that I can use this particular hydrant when the time comes.

That is as filthy of an analogy as I have ever read ..... anywhere. Know this ..... We are not you.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Rat":cg70kw3i said:
Mick063":cg70kw3i said:
With regard to feeling enlightened about the players drafted, I'll wait until I see a few of them cover a kick off. In other words, I don't believe a word he wrote. Great report though. Lots of effort.

Pro Tip? How much do you get paid for your writing expertise? Regardless, can't really craft a rebuttal until I ....see them play.

I must be missing the part where Montana said his grades were final and will never change.
He didn't and that is why it was rude of someone to be snarky about it. Do I agree with everything he posted? No, but I appreciate the analysis and we really won't know about this draft class for some time. I am just very excited to see how it turns out and I would never make a rude remark on somebody's well thought out opinion. I swear, this board sometimes is just frustrating to read. It seems like some just what to argue and whine. :34853_doh:


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Jan 14, 2017
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Seahwkgal":sxi4cxmz said:
Rat":sxi4cxmz said:
Mick063":sxi4cxmz said:
With regard to feeling enlightened about the players drafted, I'll wait until I see a few of them cover a kick off. In other words, I don't believe a word he wrote. Great report though. Lots of effort.

Pro Tip? How much do you get paid for your writing expertise? Regardless, can't really craft a rebuttal until I ....see them play.

I must be missing the part where Montana said his grades were final and will never change.
He didn't and that is why it was rude of someone to be snarky about it. Do I agree with everything he posted? No, but I appreciate the analysis and we really won't know about this draft class for some time. I am just very excited to see how it turns out and I would never make a rude remark on somebody's well thought out opinion. I swear, this board sometimes is just frustrating to read. It seems like some just what to argue and whine. :34853_doh:
Agreed on all points. At least we know the reason for every pick and plan moving forward. Expect some fan favorites on defense to be gone in 2018-19. This year is the last shot at a Superbowl run with this group of older core players especially in the secondary.


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Mar 2, 2013
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Nice write up Montana. This draft class has the potential to be outstanding and an equal chance to be a huge disappointment. It all starts with the teams ability to draw the most out of McDowell's freak physical ability. Time will tell. :D


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Apr 18, 2009
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Thanks for the time and effort on your write up. No flaming from me bro.

I didn't take the time this year to bone up on players pre-draft this year, so our picks took me off-guard. Once reading up on them, and watching some highlights (I know, they are HIGHLIGHTS for a reason, but still....), I am much more optimistic about the pics today. From what I've garnered on them makes me hopeful for McDowell, Pocic, HIll, Jones, Darboh, and especially, despite being our final pick, Carson loved his highlights-great vision and hits hard).

Frankly, I've stopped worrying over winning the DRAFT on draft day. Those are usually 'won' by 2-14 or 6-10 teams that pick in the top 10 for a reason. What I care about is seeing a plan, and watching the players pan out when they play.

A few of the guys, after watching tape and reading about their back stories, leave me thinking about the 'IT' factor we used to describe looking for our starting QB a few years back. Seems to me Darboh fits that bill...statistically not a guy that screams draft me, but looking at what he did makes me think makes the team, maybe escorting Kearse off the team.

Anyway, thanks again...Go Hawks!


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May 1, 2009
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JTB":2yd5rrvu said:
Note, however, that Thompson is slated to play FS per Carroll, which is what he did in college.

Thanks for that info, I must have missed that.


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Jan 14, 2017
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MontanaHawk05":4mad8uyz said:
JTB":4mad8uyz said:
Note, however, that Thompson is slated to play FS per Carroll, which is what he did in college.

Thanks for that info, I must have missed that.
From what I have read he's .002 seconds slower in the 40 yard dash. But he's a baller and serious tackler like EVERY other defensive pick this year. We're trying to get aggressive like 2011-13 and get our swagger back on BOTH sides of the ball and people with far more knowledge then myself say the Seahawks nailed it. I'm all good with this draft. It's very Seahawk like and similar to 2011 in my opinion.


Nov 29, 2013
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Kudos MH for the time and effort expended on your post and a big "thumbs-up" for your ultra-positivity.

In that (almost all) the board agrees that contrary opinions are, if not welcomed, permissible, here goes --

McDowell -- terrific potential for an interior DL pass rush, BUT less than 100% effort has been noted in the past;

Pocic -- a versatile O lineman for a prestigious football program, BUT he got smoked by very good college D lineman who would be considered average D linemen in the pros;

Thompson -- potential CB2, Seahawky, BUT at least one serious concussion.

End of my positivity -- in my view, the rest of the picks are "just guys" whose limited positive features are far outweighed by the negatives.

However, ultimately it comes down to -- GO HAWKS!!


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Jan 14, 2017
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chet380":3e5jdaie said:
Kudos MH for the time and effort expended on your post and a big "thumbs-up" for your ultra-positivity.

In that (almost all) the board agrees that contrary opinions are, if not welcomed, permissible, here goes --

McDowell -- terrific potential for an interior DL pass rush, BUT less than 100% effort has been noted in the past;

Pocic -- a versatile O lineman for a prestigious football program, BUT he got smoked by very good college D lineman who would be considered average D linemen in the pros;

Thompson -- potential CB2, Seahawky, BUT a history of four concussions.

End of my positivity -- in my view, the rest of the picks are "just guys" whose limited positive features are far outweighed by the negatives.

However, ultimately it comes down to -- GO HAWKS!!
Please stop with the 4 concussion thing and learn how to read. It's easy to Google the actual information for God sakes. 1 concussion because of poor tackling technique since fixed. Missed FOUR games a year or two ago because of it. Hell I'm sure it was in 2014 but I can't be arsed to look it up for you. On the other hand glad to see you come to your senses and stopping the ridiculous troll thing.


Nov 29, 2013
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Josea16":3hrrbinl said:
Please stop with the 4 concussion thing and learn how to read. 1 concussion because of poor tackling technique.
Thx for the info -- correction made.


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Dec 21, 2012
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Graham, WA
chet380":9zwt53kc said:
Pocic -- a versatile O lineman for a prestigious football program, BUT he got smoked by very good college D lineman who would be considered average D linemen in the pros;

Kinda like when McDowell abused Ramczyk ?

I realize you didn't mention Ramczyk, but many were lamenting the pass on him. My main point is...it happens. Finding quality Olinemen via the draft is a league-wide problem. Guess all we can do now is wait and see what they can do with Pocic.

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Sep 6, 2011
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Grahamhawker":11apk1oh said:
chet380":11apk1oh said:
Pocic -- a versatile O lineman for a prestigious football program, BUT he got smoked by very good college D lineman who would be considered average D linemen in the pros;

Kinda like when McDowell abused Ramczyk ?

I realize you didn't mention Ramczyk, but many were lamenting the pass on him. My main point is...it happens. Finding quality Olinemen via the draft is a league-wide problem. Guess all we can do now is wait and see what they can do with Pocic.

But... but.. that means that McDowell is a better player at his position than Ram is at his, possibly?

So then it makes sense to take McDowell over Ram at the same draft spot because he's better value, and still at a position of need.

I love how much sense the Hawk's draft actually and truly makes when we think and don't just react.



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Dec 12, 2009
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Issaquah, WA
Seahwkgal":1gx5msfh said:
Mick063":1gx5msfh said:
One person's take based upon a compilation of internet searches.

I'll watch some preseason games and then get my own first impressions at that time.
Crap, what a rude response.
Can we ban Mick063? Type of poster that pushed away some great contributers.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
chet380":2e3g8036 said:
Kudos MH for the time and effort expended on your post and a big "thumbs-up" for your ultra-positivity.

In that (almost all) the board agrees that contrary opinions are, if not welcomed, permissible, here goes --

McDowell -- terrific potential for an interior DL pass rush, BUT less than 100% effort has been noted in the past;

Pocic -- a versatile O lineman for a prestigious football program, BUT he got smoked by very good college D lineman who would be considered average D linemen in the pros;

Thompson -- potential CB2, Seahawky, BUT a history of four concussions.

End of my positivity -- in my view, the rest of the picks are "just guys" whose limited positive features are far outweighed by the negatives.

However, ultimately it comes down to -- GO HAWKS!!

McDowell -- terrific potential for an interior DL pass rush, BUT less than 100% effort has been noted in the past;

Effort being a question when your double and triple teamed and basically carrying the defense ? Also played a lot and I imagine you get tired sometimes. Being surrounded by top tier players this won't happen in the NFL, he will get rotated he will not face triple teams, and if he dead that QB is getting sacked.

Pocic -- a versatile O lineman for a prestigious football program, BUT he got smoked by very good college D lineman who would be considered average D linemen in the pros;

If it was one guy that owned him then I think he did pretty damn good, sometimes a guy just matches up with a player and has his number, kind of like the Rams with us under Fisher, they sucked record wise but when we played them our team looked a lot different. I guess after we played the Rams we should have just cut everyone since they would be considered average by your logic.

Thompson -- potential CB2, Seahawky, BUT a history of four concussions.

This is inaccurate, he had one Concussion that cost him 4 games.

Chris Carson is going to make people pay attention, he was in a mostly passing offense that when he got the ball hurt people trying to tackle him by his highlights, Pete says he is a lot like Rawls but with a bigger body.

Jones is a immovable object drafted to clog the middle and stop the run, a guy that stats won't show how well he does because they will run away from him.

Shaquill Griffin is like reading Sherman's pre draft reviews, he may challenge for the RCB but I really think he is Sherman's heir apparent, almost a clone with more speed.

Hill projects to be Chancellors back up and eventual replacement, again the write up virtually mirrors Kam, he isn't as big but could add some size in off season and be more in the 220 to 225 range.

Amara Darboh, David Moore, and the rest of our big receivers, special teams and to push or replace one of the oldest players on the roster in Kearse who has just 6 years experience.

Tedric Thompson is insurance for Earl, we have not had a guy that can play the deep areas of the field and support like Earl, this guy is savvy and is good at sniffing out plays, we have been looking for a guy for a while to do this. I also think he can play nickel and remember someone saying that as well, Lane I think has a form of PSTD after his traumatic injuries during the Super Bowl, he was not wrapping and hitting the same and it showed last year.

Michael Tyson is going to be given the chance to play the Brandon Browner roll on the RCB, he is going to maul guys and play press coverage.

Justin Senior is going to have to work to get his weight down and then a NFL body, Pete said he played heavy his senior year but the real player showed his Junior year, excels in pass blocking. We will see but most the write ups were based on his senior year play.

All in all, some may not make the team, but we drafted guys to back up and eventually replace starters and or fill needs that were hurting our ability to dictate the game flow.

Sure some are going to drop out, we have a lot of guys that we have brought in as FA's and redshirts and IR's coming back. But it's a good problem to have if we can get everyone healthy, also I expect some of these guys to have mysterious injuries and get redshirted as well while they work on getting a year of conditioning and experience watching

Algernon Brown, FB, Brigham Young is a UDFA that may open some eyes as well, we need that FB to make things work, Robinson and then Reece showed what a difference a good FB can make, Reece may be back, I think it's a numbers game and they may wait till they can sign him for a more baseline contract versus his service year type contract.


Jan 3, 2013
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Montana great post, thanks for sharing!

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Sep 6, 2011
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Under #5, the McDowell section, why do you suppose sources have defended the "motor issues" that have scarred his resume? I've heard: injury; good player surrounded by bad teammates; season was already a loss; etc.

Granted, there's no reason to defend what isn't there, and I'm not trying to whitewash it. I'm just curious what the bigger story is all about. JS said in the interview that he (McDowell) would admit to wanting a couple games back, and it was in the context of hustle, I believe.


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Nov 21, 2016
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I think Darreus Rogers will surprise a lot of people. His game grew tremendously over 4 years at USC. He is not super fast but he is smart, aggressive, has good hands, and is a terrific downfield blocker. I think he has a shot at overtaking Tanner McEvoy, maybe not this year but in 2018.