Wyman: NFC West coaching changes will influence 2021 outcome


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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There is not a lot of discussion about coaches and coaching changes on the forum. Linked is an interesting article by someone who played the game on a subject that is often neglected. Key personnel additions and subtractions are also addressed. Food for thought and worth a read.

Something else that is just as important is coaching, and that’s not limited to head coaches. There have been a lot of additions and subtractions to the NFC West teams’ coaching staffs that will have an impact in 2021.

Wyman: NFC West coaching changes will have as much to do with how Seahawks fare as anything >>> [urltargetblank]https://sports.mynorthwest.com/1345679/wyman-seahawks-nfc-west-coaching-changes/[/urltargetblank]