Why are you guys so obsessed with the 49ers?


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Aug 20, 2013
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bigtrain21":2e4y93xs said:
This is undeniable proof. The Rams are apparently their biggest rival and all they can think about after beating their biggest rival is the Seahawks.


Also worth checking out the "What do you make of the 49ers' 35-11 win at St. Louis on Thursday night?" poll on ESPN. The options are "49ers are back" and "Rams are Bad."

So far 300 people from Missouri have been motivated to vote compared to 1,100 from Washington (with roughly the same population in both states). The only states with more votes are California (3x more votes but 6x more people in the state) and Texas (1.5X the votes but 4X the number of people in the state). Missouri is the only state of 50 that has a lower % of people saying that the 9ers are good.

Thinking this might not be a one way thing. ;)

http://espn.go.com/sportsnation/post/_/ ... isco-49ers


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Aug 20, 2013
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Throwdown":2m33gw3t said:
Me and Popeye are gonna fight, my favorite sports franchise wasn't "bad" the Sonics were a pretty successful franchise up until the last days when Howard Schultz completely ruined the and then sold 'em to a guy who's motives were already known.


"Bad" was just referring to the very end. What a load of sh!t that move was, and I hope you guys get your Sonics back. :)


Oct 3, 2010
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On a spreadsheet
Popeyejones":3mzbgkow said:
bigtrain21":3mzbgkow said:
This is undeniable proof. The Rams are apparently their biggest rival and all they can think about after beating their biggest rival is the Seahawks.


Also worth checking out the "What do you make of the 49ers' 35-11 win at St. Louis on Thursday night?" poll on ESPN. The options are "49ers are back" and "Rams are Bad."

So far 300 people from Missouri have been motivated to vote compared to 1,100 from Washington (with roughly the same population in both states). The only states with more votes are California (3x more votes but 6x more people in the state) and Texas (1.5X the votes but 4X the number of people in the state). Missouri is the only state of 50 that has a lower % of people saying that the 9ers are good.

Thinking this might not be a one way thing. ;)

http://espn.go.com/sportsnation/post/_/ ... isco-49ers

I don't think those statistics are valid. Probably something like 65% of Rams fans haven't figured out how to use the interweb yet. Another 30% are probably inebriated after trying to drink the memory of tonight's game out away. The remaining 5% are the 300 who voted.


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Mar 7, 2012
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Can we please get a moderator to start cleaning up the Niner trash?

I'm seriously sick of these Niner fans. They've been hanging around all offseason, then we stomp them and they disappear for a few weeks, only to show up again and start trolling the place every time they beat some second-rate college scrub team. I thought this was a Seahawks forum. What's with all the rampant Niner fans??


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May 25, 2011
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Popeyejones":6mu9hhzo said:
Stumbling over landmines here, so I'll start with some disclaimers:

1) There's obviously a real rivalry, and 9ers fans who claim otherwise (particularly while posting on this board, and even more particularly while making threads claiming otherwise on this board :lol: ) are completely full of it.
2) This is also a rivalry that the Hawks are quite clearly currently winning.
3) Silly stuff happens on every forum, and posters should ideally be judged by the quality of their posting, not by the lowest hanging fruit of their respective fanbases.
4) As a general rule "everyone over there" statements are wrong.
5) Despite my fandom, on balance I greatly prefer this place to the Webzone, which is a hot @ss mess IMO, whereas this place generally isn't.

Okay, with all of that out of the way, here it is:

It's really strange how good of a source this forum is for 49ers news. That's not because 9ers fans are posting 9ers news here. Of all the fan forums I've been to (and I've been to a lot) I've never seen a forum generates as many inane and pointless threads about a rival team. Overall I think the quality of posting here is really high, but the archaeological excavating of any and all things that could possibly be negatively spun about the 9ers or people affiliated with them is really atypical. Sorry, but from what I've seen across many forums I believe this to be true.

I've alluded to this before, but I weakly suspect it's two things (which are not intended to offend):

1) The Hawks are an exceptionally good team, and most likely the best team in the NFL, but they haven't won anything yet. The fanbase is as excited about the team as it has ever been, and deservedly so, but until they win it all with this team (which I expect them to do soon, and which wouldn't surprise a single NFL fan) there's going to be kind of a manic edge to some of that very deserved excitement. This kind of manic-edged excitement is compounded by #2.

2) The Seattle-Sports-Victim-Complex isn't universal, but it's a real thing. A proportion of the fanbase feels overlooked and ignored up there in the corner, and has also grown pretty fatalistic and just assumes that things always go wrong in the end. The Mariners were great through the mid to late 1990s but never won a championship. The Hawks were very good in the 80s and 2000s but never won a championship. The only team from Seattle that ever won a championship was bad, still totally beloved, and completely stolen from you guys only to start almost instantly competing on the national stage in the NBA for reasons completely unrelated to the change of scenery.

These two things are a wild cocktail to mix up. You have near manic excitement mixed in with a victim complex and some degree of fatalism. For some folks, no matter what they do, they just know they've been done worse (the worst of all of course, is having been ignored). Basically I think there's some crazy exhaling going on here, and a lot of the inane and celebratory angry 9ers threads (and the smilie, and the sigs) are just kind of some weird form of "payback" for something that most outsiders never even knew existed in the first place.

In the long run I think the team is friggin awesome though, I think they'll payoff on their awesomeness, and I think this weird sorta quirk of a really good collection of posters and fans will fade away into a more typical level of dislike for one's rival.

Sorry for the long post, and again, not intended to offend.

Not a bad post Popeye but I think it is reaching a little. It's kind of like saying once we win a super bowl the 12th man will quiet down at the Clink. It's not going to change.

I do believe we are a little paranoid and for good reason. If you have been a Seattle sports fan you have seen to many things that put you into the mind set of thinking the only way we can win is to over come officiating. Not just SBXL, that was more confirmation but horrid calls have been here as long as I have been a fan and I'm not talking about ticky tacky calls. I'm referring to things like Testeverdes helmet. I am definitely guilty of feeling that even if we are good enough that might not be good enough.

To me I even see the schedule this year as designed specifically to help the Niners. There is no reason to move them out of so many 10am games. Your game against the Titans isn't even a nationally televised game and should be a 10am start but for whatever reason the NFL thought they should move it to a 1pm start and that is after letting the Seahawks play a round two playoff game at 10am last year. It could just be paranoia but it sure has all the ingredients of a fix. Especially when you see them do it two years in a row. Consider the only team you could beat last year at 10am was the jets before you try and dismiss the logic.


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HansGruber":31r6gqkr said:
Can we please get a moderator to start cleaning up the Niner trash?

I'm seriously sick of these Niner fans. They've been hanging around all offseason, then we stomp them and they disappear for a few weeks, only to show up again and start trolling the place every time they beat some second-rate college scrub team. I thought this was a Seahawks forum. What's with all the rampant Niner fans??

Why? Is there anything in particular that posters like Marvin and Popeye do that bothers you, other than disagreeing with you? We're in the NFL portion of the forum discussing another team in the NFL. That's well within the bounds of this forum. Personally, I enjoy the abovenamed posters' contributions, and even most of the 'trolls' aren't particularly belligerent. Stop talking about the Niners with them if it bothers you so much.


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HansGruber":1qsnuxgx said:
Can we please get a moderator to start cleaning up the Niner trash?

I'm seriously sick of these Niner fans. They've been hanging around all offseason, then we stomp them and they disappear for a few weeks, only to show up again and start trolling the place every time they beat some second-rate college scrub team. I thought this was a Seahawks forum. What's with all the rampant Niner fans??

If you wouldn't constantly indulge them, they wouldn't bother you. Nearly 3 full pages in and the OP hasn't even responded, it's just a big circle jerk. Everyone keeps taking the bait.


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Feb 23, 2007
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From now on I'm going to Doyla Hargrove any thread like this.


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Mar 12, 2012
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As you pointed out, this is the "NFL Nation" forum where we talk about teams other than the Seahawks. Is it really that surprising that the team we are most interested in besides our own is the team most likely to challenge us for home field advantage in the playoffs and our chief division rival? Obviously we are going to talk about what happens with the 49ers. You acting like there is something wrong with that is ridiculous


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Sep 25, 2013
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Missing_Clink":2xd1s5e8 said:
As you pointed out, this is the "NFL Nation" forum where we talk about teams other than the Seahawks. Is it really that surprising that the team we are most interested in besides our own is the team most likely to challenge us for home field advantage in the playoffs and our chief division rival? Obviously we are going to talk about what happens with the 49ers. You acting like there is something wrong with that is ridiculous

This is how it is everywhere not just here. Seahawks niners and rams fans are all at each others throats all over the internet. I don't think anyone should be upset that there is a lot of attention being paid to it. It just means there is a lot on the line for everyone.


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Aug 20, 2013
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RichNhansom":9juvqk7x said:
Not a bad post Popeye but I think it is reaching a little. It's kind of like saying once we win a super bowl the 12th man will quiet down at the Clink. It's not going to change.

Ah, no, sorry, wasn't trying to imply that at all. The thing at the CLink is pretty special and I think the Hawks would have to really suck for multiple seasons in a row for that atmosphere to die down. The atmosphere there is really its own animal, IMO.

RichNhansom":9juvqk7x said:
To me I even see the schedule this year as designed specifically to help the Niners. There is no reason to move them out of so many 10am games. Your game against the Titans isn't even a nationally televised game and should be a 10am start but for whatever reason the NFL thought they should move it to a 1pm start and that is after letting the Seahawks play a round two playoff game at 10am last year. It could just be paranoia but it sure has all the ingredients of a fix. Especially when you see them do it two years in a row. Consider the only team you could beat last year at 10am was the jets before you try and dismiss the logic.

Just for frame of reference, when the schedule came out and 9ers fans saw that in their first five games they got scheduled against four playoff teams and the Rams at home on a short week some of them insisted that the fix was in and the NFL was trying to get the 9ers off to a slow start and just give the division away to the media darling Seahawks. Sounds kinda silly? I agree.

As I said to 9ers fans who made this claim, why would the league give a sh!t who wins the NFC West? If it's about money, remember, this is the same league that has been making money hand over fist and hasn't been able to get a team into the second biggest market in the United States (L.A.) for going on 15 years now. I don't think they're the criminal masterminds you're implying they might be. :)


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May 19, 2012
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Rivalries are an interesting thing.

The NFC west traditionally has not been a very hardcore rivalry outside SF/LA (and even early year St. Louis). The Falcons/Saints was a bit of a rivalry both NFC West and now NFC South.

I'll acknowledge the Seahawks as a 49er rival for sure, although I wouldn't put them as most hated 49er opponent. I definitely have not enjoyed losing to them the last two games, but to their credit I've seen a lot worse losing to other teams and fanbases.

List of hatred:

1) N.Y.F.G
2) Ravens
3) Saints
4) Packers

Cowboys & Steelers used to be high on the list but fell off for obvious reasons.

What these teams have in common are multiple playoff knockouts over the years (except Saints who just happened to be obnoxious in pre-game and defeat), with the fans pouring salt on the wounds.

I can say that a good # of fans on this forum deserve a healthy dose of respect just for their willingness to welcome opposing non-troll fans on this board. You will not see much of that elsewhere. And the hatred is knee deep for 49ers in Giant land....you'd think they lost the '90 and '11 NFC Championship games. I would root for Seattle over NYG this season if it weren't for the division race.

Ravens are an obnoxious team, although a bit better now that some a***holes have left. Losing the super bowl to them really sucked.....we could have finally given Cincinnati or Houston a Lombardi and could have been at peace with the world, but instead it sucks.

In a weird way a Niner fan has to respect and somewhat like Seattle simply for reminding us of how we were viewed just two years ago in the national media. They play the right kind of football and have a lot of unsung heroes.

Seeya in December.


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May 25, 2011
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I understand what your saying Popeye but the league doesn't dictate who or even where we play only when and what time. As a Niner fan considering Cowboy and Gore's age and how tired your defense was at the end of last season I would think you would want your toughest games early.

The Niners are currently one of the leagues most profitable and marketable franchises so there is a financial benefit of seeing them maintain success. I don't think you need to be a criminal mastermind to tweak a schedule but you night be naive if you believe it is not done. They could easily go lotto style if the finances didn't matter but they don't because they want to maximize profit. Why do you think the games with the highest viewing are nationally televised or flexed?

You become a billion dollar corp by maximizing profit.

You can minimize it if you like but you cannot ignore it. It is to odd that it is happening in back to back years when we are a serious threat to dethrone the cash cow.


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Sep 25, 2013
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I can't speak for the other Seahawk fans, but I recall the disrespect that Larry Grant displayed towards our team and fans during their LAST victory over the Seahawks way back in 2011. AKA the skittles incident and the lame youtube video.
Sea for yourself (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Xn1IFPdKN8) and enjoy, because it ain't gonna happen again for a long time. Maybe that's why I dislike your team so much.....right now. I'll get over it though, after the Seahawks beat the the forty-whiners AGAIN later this year.


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Kent, Washington
JetcityHawk":33f9a13i said:
I can't speak for the other Seahawk fans, but I recall the disrespect that Larry Grant displayed towards our team and fans during their LAST victory over the Seahawks way back in 2011. AKA the skittles incident and the lame youtube video.
Sea for yourself (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Xn1IFPdKN8) and enjoy, because it ain't gonna happen again for a long time. Maybe that's why I dislike your team so much.....right now. I'll get over it though, after the Seahawks beat the the forty-whiners AGAIN later this year.

That video put me on an acid trip. What the heck was the point of it I wonder? I did chuckle at his credits "12th man - as in nowhere to be found". To the victor goes the spoils.


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The 5-0
It's the cool factor.

Aside from their unwavering charisma, both your QB and coach remind me of the cool kids that use to skip school and smoke cigarettes behind the pole vault mat. They're cool like that.