True Grit, Sound of the Seahawks Episode 5


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md

If you havent seen this, its a really well made segment on Carroll's philosophy on team building. Given all of the talk lately about how maligned the team was from a culture perspective over the last several years, i think its particularly relevant.

I'll say this. from a guy who's spent time developing competitive, high learning, team centered culture in the context of the business environment, success in the NFL is certainly measured in W's and Championships won. But there's something more than that that underlines winning and that's the ability to elevate an individuals potential, and then in the context of a team, maximizing the potential of 53 men working together and playing for eachother. Ive said this before, but the Seahawks under this FO have been a championship franchise in a way that transcends sport. the way this team is built IS NOT centered entirely around Xs and Os, but Jimmy's and Joes. Its about human heart, spirit and potential and i hope folks can find a way to appreciate that because its the HARDEST thing to do in life. To navigate the peaks and valleys of the human condition and bring people together around a common cause, not just to participate, but to win.

I'm extremely thankful for what this FO has done with the team and specifically what PC has built here. The triumphs we've had would not have been nearly as sweet if we'd won just on the merit of a superior strategy or superior talent. From defying the odds in our first SB, to almost prevailing in our second. To the FO that chose to bring Lynch in, and the Quake that ensued in one of the most dramatic wins in NFL history. To a too short QB settting the record books ablaze and willing a team to one impossoble comeback after another... to an ALL TIME GREAT defense, redefining how the game was played... to the players that come back over and over again to praise the leadership here for building them as men as much as they did players. None of that happens the way that it did, with the passion and emotion that it happened with without the culture that was established here.

I want another Lombardi as much as the next guy, but these Seahawks are champions, regardless. When victory is fueled by grit, passion and unity, the result is sooo much sweeter, as this past Monday night showed. What a great period in our history to have experienced.

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