Top 11 Edge Players


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Mar 3, 2007
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North Pole, Alaska
op 11 Edge Players

Jermaine Johnson II

Stat to Know: Sports Info Solutions defines Quick Pressure Rate as “the percentage of pass rushes that resulted in the player generating the first pressure on the quarterback and doing so in 2.5 seconds or less.” No edge defender in the NCAA had a higher Quick Pressure Rate in 2021 than Bonitto’s 12%.

Boye Mafe, Minnesota

NFL Comparison: Michael Bennett. An undrafted free agent out of Texas A&M in 2009, Bennett played pretty well with the Buccaneers for a few seasons, and then blew up to a thermonuclear level with the Seahawks when his new team realized how he could disrupt from multiple gaps. I think that Mafe has a ton of untapped potential in this regard, and I hope his NFL team sees him the way the Seahawks saw Bennett.

Nik Bonnito

Stat to Know: Sports Info Solutions defines Quick Pressure Rate as “the percentage of pass rushes that resulted in the player generating the first pressure on the quarterback and doing so in 2.5 seconds or less.” No edge defender in the NCAA had a higher Quick Pressure Rate in 2021 than Bonitto’s 12%.

Strengths: Remember what we said about how long it takes to get around the protection arc against quick-game passing offenses? If you’re going to disrupt that way, you had better be able to cut the corner with a severe quickness Bonitto can do this as quickly as any edge defender in this class. He’s very agile in short areas, an attribute you must have when you’re his size.


Stat to Know: In 2021, Ebiketie had a Quick Pressure Rate of 7%, among the highest of the edge defenders in this draft class. Sports Info Solutions defines Quick Pressure Rate as “the percentage of pass rushes that resulted in the player generating the first pressure on the quarterback and doing so in 2.5 seconds or less.”

Strengths: Ebiketie’s arm length is an attribute, and he knows how to use it. When he’s in a two-point stance, his hands rest below his knees, and he’s very good at getting his hands up and using that length to press tackles to the pocket.
