This place is toxic


Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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I have no ill will towards you because you want change. What bothers me is the blattent disrespect people show towards Pete. Pete is a good man who looks out for his players like no other coach does. He turns boys into men and truthfully I think that's what motivates him to coach. That's doing it for the right reasons. Not to say that he doesn't want to win SB's because that is the ultimate goal but Pete doesn't deserve the hate he gets IMO.


Fans look at coaches and players as characters instead of real people for the most part. I'm sure Pete Carroll as a person is the salt of the earth, but as a coach, he is the villain right now for some of us. He just doesn't appear to be getting the job done anymore and it's a business. Nothing personal towards him as a person.


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Apr 11, 2010
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You honestly think Geno can take an NFL team to a Super Bowl? Have you watched the guy play?

Yeah, we're never going to see eye to eye.
Jeezuz Krist Pitt!!, NOWHERE DID I SAY that >Geno ON HIS OWN< is 'The Guy'...NAME SOME NAMES> who the bloody hell ELSE YA GOT, that would IMMEDIATLY be able to come in >MID RETOOLING< and NOT miss a beat.
You AND Fade want to TEAR IT ALL DOWN, get rid of Pete Carroll & his Coaching staff, & probably the F'n Waterboy too....Here's a tip for y'all, BEFORE jumping out of the plane, make sure you have a parachute and a safe place to land.
You are right, with your head in the dark gray clouds, "We're Never Going to See Eye to Eye".


Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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Jeezuz Krist Pitt!!, NOWHERE DID I SAY that >Geno ON HIS OWN< is 'The Guy'...NAME SOME NAMES> who the bloody hell ELSE YA GOT, that would IMMEDIATLY be able to come in >MID RETOOLING< and NOT miss a beat.
You AND Fade want to TEAR IT ALL DOWN, get rid of Pete Carroll & his Coaching staff, & probably the F'n Waterboy too....Here's a tip for y'all, BEFORE jumping out of the plane, make sure you have a parachute and a safe place to land.
You are right, with your head in the dark gray clouds, "We're Never Going to See Eye to Eye".

How many times can somebody walk to that open door of that airplane before they finally jump? Sure, there's a chance the parachute might not open, but if they don't do it at all, they'll never know. If they don't jump, nothing changes. If they do, it could turn out bad or it could be the experience of a lifetime. I would take the chance to see how it ends up rather than settle for the usual complacency.

Don't be afraid of change. Change can be good.


Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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Fine to get rid of Pete but you have to have a plan that doesn't make you worse in the process. Are brilliant young coaches falling from the sky somewhere?

There's never any guarantees, but you never know until you give somebody a chance. And yes, it's ok if it ends up worse in the process. At least they tried and they can try again after that if need be.


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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Hey, Pitt is our own personal Schleprock, for comedy relief. Some bowls of Cheerios are simply not meant to be eaten.
Y'know the really distressing part?? When Pitt turns out to have been right on certain things, over time!!

For me, I've decided to go ahead and read Pitt's posts and look for the parts that might be true, or become true, and counterbalance my natural over-optimism on all things Seahawks. Of course, I know something about Pitt others may not know---He's a dad of a college women's soccer player! How is that relevant, you ask?

Well, in the game of soccer, you just assume things will go bad, and try not to get too low about any bad thing that happens on the field, e.g, your daughter gets red-carded (ejected) out of the game for cleating the opposing goalkeeper in the face during a corner kick. Nor do you allow yourself to get too high about anything good that randomly happens, like your daughter heads in the winning goal on a corner kick in overtime to send the team into the playoffs. No, instead of crowing about your daughter's brilliant play, you credit all the other players, to their parents, the teammate who served up the magnificent corner kick, credit the teammate who's on-field farting distracted the goalkeeper at precisely the right moment, and especially credit the coaches who taught her to strike the ball with her head instead of cleating the goalkeeper in the face, and so forth.

So it's really just a defense mechanism all dads of college soccer players learn, and it helps soothe the crushing, bitter disappointment from when things go unbelievably bad at the worst possible time. Like "The Pick" in SB49 that handed the Lombardi to the Patriots. Which was especially cruel because it followed the remarkable victory-from-the-jaws-of-defeat euphoria of the NFCCG win over the Packers. Pessimism is simply a necessity for some people. Not bad, or good, it simply IS.

Now, when (if) Pitt (ever) starts talking up the Seahawks, especially the coaching, pay attention! Something amazing is probably about to happen!
LOL Is it not true that eventually everyone "turns out to be right on certain things, over time"?
We all are hoping for changes, not just Change for changes sake, but Positive Changes.
A little perspective; I think it's fantastic that Pitt's Daughter has his undivided love & attention, I mean that sincerely, But here's the thing, I had a Daughter (Mother of four) who had Melanoma, and still decided to go back and get her HS. diploma to set an example for her children and their friends, I saw that as POSITIVE devotion...She then passed away 2 years later at the age of 40.
Now, wouldn't you think that after losing one of your special people like that, that I'd be the one who'd be a little Negative, cynical or apprehensive? The answer is NO, It was her act of selflessness that gave me 'Feel Good' about the legacy she left behind.
We ALL have a CHOICE, we can look for the Positives, or sweep the good things that HAVE BEEN to the side, and immerse ourselves in that "Glass Half Full"


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2009
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brilliant young coaches falling from the sky somewhere?
It won't matter because it's not really about Pete. It's about the Seattle fan base being spoiled. This team has made the playoffs ever year but what 2 or 3 in the last 13-14 years? Get rid of Pete and this fan base will have to endure years of losing in which Then Pete will become an icon. I can just hear it now, " remember how good things were when Pete was around?" this is exactly whats going to happen.

This is not about Pete. This is about aspects of the fan base and an expectation that is UNREALISTIC, the inability to rationalize the loss of an emotional football game due to unrealistic expectations of winning a SB or going deep into the playoffs every year in which nobody has been able to meet those expectations. Its a social disease.



Well-known member
Apr 17, 2012
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I have no ill will towards you because you want change. What bothers me is the blattent disrespect people show towards Pete. Pete is a good man who looks out for his players like no other coach does. He turns boys into men and truthfully I think that's what motivates him to coach. That's doing it for the right reasons. Not to say that he doesn't want to win SB's because that is the ultimate goal but Pete doesn't deserve the hate he gets IMO.

We probably agree that one of Pete's biggest failings is misplaced loyalty to underperforming players or coaches. Along with Pete's fixation with shiny new toys he simply MUST have, and then overpays for.
Dissly's contract, for example, a headscratcher. Love me some Uncle Will, but his on-field impact, snap count, and free agent market value doesn't seem to justify his contract.
Shiny new toys => Percy Harvin, Jamal Adams, Sheldon Richardson. I'll give a pass on Clowney because at least he was a huge factor in a win over the Niners.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
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I don't agree that thus place is toxic. This is a place to voice and share our frustrations. In a way, I find it to be therapeutic.


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2009
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I don't agree that thus place is toxic. This is a place to voice and share our frustrations. In a way, I find it to be therapeutic.
Lmao!!! OK least you admit to needing a theripist.... That's a step in the right direction.

Is that what this place is, A therapeutic avenue for people who are disinfrachinced with the Seattle Seahawks?


Well-known member
May 10, 2009
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Holmgren should still be head coach.

Remember what a disaster the Mora hire was? He kept the Seahawks in purgatory for years, and there was no way to move on and find a better coach when he failed.

If we could have just fired Mora we may have found a better coach and won a Super Bowl 5 years after Holmgren left.

But that was impossible, so we continued to suck forever.

At least in the parallel universe many here seem to be living in.


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2016
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I have no ill will towards you because you want change. What bothers me is the blattent disrespect people show towards Pete. Pete is a good man who looks out for his players like no other coach does. He turns boys into men and truthfully I think that's what motivates him to coach. That's doing it for the right reasons. Not to say that he doesn't want to win SB's because that is the ultimate goal but Pete doesn't deserve the hate he gets IMO.

If a business has a CEO that is killing the company but is a good husband and father he is STILL a BAD CEO.


Well-known member
May 2, 2009
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Spokane, Wa
There's never any guarantees, but you never know until you give somebody a chance. And yes, it's ok if it ends up worse in the process. At least they tried and they can try again after that if need be.
Honest question...

Are you ok with getting another head coach as long as it means Pete Carroll is gone? To be honest I'm about there myself yet as after living through many jag coaches , it kinda scares me.

I keep thinking " this is the year" but looking at all the holes on both sides of the ball and the 10 years it took to get here . I'm pissed off. Very bad personell decisions, free agency and an unwillingness to adjust philosophy has me to a point of apathy .

Damn right we're toxic.


Well-known member
May 2, 2009
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Spokane, Wa
Lmao!!! OK least you admit to needing a theripist.... That's a step in the right direction.

Is that what this place is, A therapeutic avenue for people who are disinfrachinced with the Seattle Seahawks?
We're not disenfranchised fans . Were disappointed. Of course not everyone feels that way but some do. Having an slightly above average team that gets bounced in the first round every other season seems to be failure . I want a team that has a legitimate chance to get to the championship. This team is NOT that. I know the argument regarding all the other teams fans that would love to be in our position but IDGAF.

I want to "Win forever" 😂


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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We're not disenfranchised fans . Were disappointed. Of course not everyone feels that way but some do. Having an slightly above average team that gets bounced in the first round every other season seems to be failure . I want a team that has a legitimate chance to get to the championship. This team is NOT that. I know the argument regarding all the other teams fans that would love to be in our position but IDGAF.

I want to "Win forever" 😂
Do you have any idea of how many scrub team owners that would give their left nut to have the W/L record that Seattle has enjoyed for the last 13 years or so?????
I know some of y'all don't G.A.F.
See, this is what pisses me off about the "Entitled Hawk Fans", it doesn't matter that the Seahawks are going through some sweeping changes in this Reload phase, they want their BINKY'S AND THEY WANT THEM NOW!!
Reloads aren't like opening a box of Instant Potato's.
I saw the REAL "Hard Times" back in the 70's, 80's & 90's where getting into the playoffs was a Pipe Dream.


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2014
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I agree there is an element of toxicity in here.

Toxic positivity is why the franchise is stuck in Pete's Purgatory, on the road to no where.

Instead of being honest about the issues, folks choose to drink the kool-aid.

The Seahawks have no problem cruising, and taking your money, if you let 'em, Mariners style.

We're not there yet, but it's getting close. This is a very pivotal moment for the franchise. And the fans can have an impact by voicing their displeasure.
Toxic positivity 🤣
I'm using that phrase at work tomorrow


Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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LOL Is it not true that eventually everyone "turns out to be right on certain things, over time"?
We all are hoping for changes, not just Change for changes sake, but Positive Changes.
A little perspective; I think it's fantastic that Pitt's Daughter has his undivided love & attention, I mean that sincerely, But here's the thing, I had a Daughter (Mother of four) who had Melanoma, and still decided to go back and get her HS. diploma to set an example for her children and their friends, I saw that as POSITIVE devotion...She then passed away 2 years later at the age of 40.
Now, wouldn't you think that after losing one of your special people like that, that I'd be the one who'd be a little Negative, cynical or apprehensive? The answer is NO, It was her act of selflessness that gave me 'Feel Good' about the legacy she left behind.
We ALL have a CHOICE, we can look for the Positives, or sweep the good things that HAVE BEEN to the side, and immerse ourselves in that "Glass Half Full"

Scutter, I am so sorry for your loss. That's so much bigger than silly football. I have no words. Peace to you my friend.


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2011
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I agree there is an element of toxicity in here.

Toxic positivity is why the franchise is stuck in Pete's Purgatory, on the road to no where.

Instead of being honest about the issues, folks choose to drink the kool-aid.

The Seahawks have no problem cruising, and taking your money, if you let 'em, Mariners style.

We're not there yet, but it's getting close. This is a very pivotal moment for the franchise. And the fans can have an impact by voicing their displeasure.
Fade definitely would've fired Holmgren in 2004