The Eagles game will show how much respect Pete has...


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2018
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If the Hawks lose , then that would be 5 in a row : and that's basically a season wrap imo .


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May 10, 2009
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One tidbit of that podcast really stood out to me. KJ said that when there was a problem with a player, PC would go to one of the player/leaders and ask them to address the the player/problem.

Combine this with PC's mantra of allowing the players "to be themselves" and it paints the image of a leader who wants to be a friend/guru, to be liked, and does not do well with confrontation from a position of authority.

The LOB era had plenty of Alphas who were focused on winning and holding each other accountable. The locker room was tight with the exception of RW. Sherman and others have stated that the rift was because PC made it clear that the locker room leadership was NOT to hold RW accountable.


PC created a culture where players were accountable to each other (at his direction) but accountable to coaches only through proxy (other players). This model may work for short periods, but is dysfunctional over the long term. Leaders who avoid confrontation in pursuit of friend/guru status are not effective leaders, and the organizational culture suffers.

Did the players really respect the coaches? When you have multiple players flipping off coaches and getting in screaming matches with the coaches during games? Is that respect?

At least the Alphas were holding the rest of the players accountable with a focus on winning games. It worked. Until the Alphas left.

Who are the Alphas now?

Geno? Adams? Diggs? DK? Lockett? Reed? Nwosu? When have you seen any of these guys holding others accountable? Wagner? I haven't seen it this year - he's probably to exasperated to deal with the overwhelming challenge of doing it all himself.

Compare that to King Kam, backed up by Sherm, Earl, Browner, Bennett, Wagner, KJ, Marshawn, Angry Doug, Zach, and Breno. Especially when just about every other player held themselves accountable. Do you think Big Red, Mebane, Clemons, Irvin, Golden, Sweezy, Unger ever gave less than 100%?

We now have a locker room filled with wanna-be Alphas. Nobody is holding each other accountable. Hell, 90%.of the players aren't even holding themselves accountable. PC sure as hell isn't holding players OR coaches accountable.

Instead, we have a locker room filled with guys collecting paychecks, instead of devoting themselves 100% to becoming the best football TEAM they can be.

If you disagree, please tell me who you think the Alphas, the actual true leaders of men, on this team are.

I don't see any, and it shows on the field. This is not a football team. It's a collection of football players.


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Jan 10, 2010
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Back in Seattle.
One tidbit of that podcast really stood out to me. KJ said that when there was a problem with a player, PC would go to one of the player/leaders and ask them to address the the player/problem.

Combine this with PC's mantra of allowing the players "to be themselves" and it paints the image of a leader who wants to be a friend/guru, to be liked, and does not do well with confrontation from a position of authority.

The LOB era had plenty of Alphas who were focused on winning and holding each other accountable. The locker room was tight with the exception of RW. Sherman and others have stated that the rift was because PC made it clear that the locker room leadership was NOT to hold RW accountable.


PC created a culture where players were accountable to each other (at his direction) but accountable to coaches only through proxy (other players). This model may work for short periods, but is dysfunctional over the long term. Leaders who avoid confrontation in pursuit of friend/guru status are not effective leaders, and the organizational culture suffers.

Did the players really respect the coaches? When you have multiple players flipping off coaches and getting in screaming matches with the coaches during games? Is that respect?

At least the Alphas were holding the rest of the players accountable with a focus on winning games. It worked. Until the Alphas left.

Who are the Alphas now?

Geno? Adams? Diggs? DK? Lockett? Reed? Nwosu? When have you seen any of these guys holding others accountable? Wagner? I haven't seen it this year - he's probably to exasperated to deal with the overwhelming challenge of doing it all himself.

Compare that to King Kam, backed up by Sherm, Earl, Browner, Bennett, Wagner, KJ, Marshawn, Angry Doug, Zach, and Breno. Especially when just about every other player held themselves accountable. Do you think Big Red, Mebane, Clemons, Irvin, Golden, Sweezy, Unger ever gave less than 100%?

We now have a locker room filled with wanna-be Alphas. Nobody is holding each other accountable. Hell, 90%.of the players aren't even holding themselves accountable. PC sure as hell isn't holding players OR coaches accountable.

Instead, we have a locker room filled with guys collecting paychecks, instead of devoting themselves 100% to becoming the best football TEAM they can be.

If you disagree, please tell me who you think the Alphas, the actual true leaders of men, on this team are.

I don't see any, and it shows on the field. This is not a football team. It's a collection of football players.
We could arguably replace each starter on our team with a niner and upgrade at every single spot. Even punter and kicker... Even coaches. Jealous they're so far ahead of everyone, was hoping that would be us. I'd even settle for just one of the many alphas on that squad.


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Sep 25, 2014
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Pete lost the team in 2017. You could see it. Cancers like Bennett and to be honest, some of the LOB, weren't helping. But let's honor Bennett and kiss his ___ at every opportunity to appease the woke crowd. I know, it's getting poltical, take it to another board...


Well-known member
May 10, 2009
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Pete just called out Jamal & Riq on his radio show.

Sounds like Riq is in the doghouse. Mike Jackson could be the starter.
Again, a failure of leadership. Avoiding direct confrontation and talking shit to others (the public).

Praise publicly.
Reprimand privately.

Leadership 101, for f7ck sake.


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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Again, a failure of leadership. Avoiding direct confrontation and talking shit to others (the public).

Praise publicly.
Reprimand privately.

Leadership 101, for f7ck sake.
And you know that he hasn't already done those things? (to no avail)
Nah, I'll go with what KJ has suggested Pete needed to do, either you own up and play 'TEAM BALL' or I just put your ass in P-A-R-K.


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Dec 15, 2011
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I noticed that a procedure penalty was called on the rolling maul, sorry shove play. Have the Eagles been told to take it to Twickenham.


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2010
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Maybe the Eagles are just better. The team might have all the respect in the world for Pete and it might not matter against Philly.

There's no room for logic or reason when people decide to just make some sh1t up and declare it as fact.

Look, I can do it too. If the Seahawks don't beat the Eagles it means the OP eats mayonnaise straight out of the jar with a spoon.


Well-known member
May 10, 2009
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And you know that he hasn't already done those things? (to no avail)
Nah, I'll go with what KJ has suggested Pete needed to do, either you own up and play 'TEAM BALL' or I just put your ass in P-A-R-K.
I know he hasn't benched any of these prima donnas for an opening series.

That's one of many possible step 2s after talking with them privately (step 1).

Possible step 3 is benching for a game.

I have my doubts as to whether PC ever did step 1.

KJ touched on it in his podcast and the many articles and interviews I've consumed all support one character trait of PC. Instead of confronting players directly he has his locker room guys do it for him. PC apparently does not like direct confrontation and having the hard conversations. I've seen it before, and it never ends well.


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2011
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There's no room for logic or reason when people decide to just make some sh1t up and declare it as fact.

Look, I can do it too. If the Seahawks don't beat the Eagles it means the OP eats mayonnaise straight out of the jar with a spoon.

lol mine makes way more sense then the nonsense you posted. Pete is the head coach of the team and leader who has direct influence over them. I am a poster who just observes the team without them having any knowledge i exist. I wish you would use more logic then that.

Also, this team is losing because of dumb mistakes and penalties from both players and coaches not because of talent. If they played up to their potential and match the energy of the niners, we beat them. If they really respect Pete, they will do this against the eagles.
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