Ten things I am watching for in preseason game #2


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#1: Benson Mayowa, does he start?

Mayowa dominated against 3rd stringers, and you don't need to be a scout to see his obvious natural talent. The question becomes whether or not he can handle tougher competition. Seattle needs to answer this question as best they can before they can be certain he's worth a precious roster spot, and the only way to do that is to test him against 1st unit offenses. We already know that Mayowa is unblockable against scrubs, so if he has another 1-2 sack night it won't mean that much, unless he can do it against starters.

Unfortunately, Ryan Clady will not be playing tonight and Peyton Manning might be the best QB in NFL history at unloading the football quickly, so tonight won't be an ideal test. Still, I'd love to see the team give him first unit reps over Schofield at least a couple times this preseason to see what he can do.

#2: Jesse Williams, does he improve?

Jesse Williams looked like a poor man's Colin Cole in preseason week 1. And Colin Cole wasn't very good, as you might recall. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that Cole dragged down our defense in 2009 and 2010- something the NFL noticed as he hasn't played in a non-preseason NFL game ever since. Williams was regularly destroyed by double teams and even got moved by single blocks. Seattle's run defense was night and day (in a bad way) when Williams was out there.

But the thing is, Williams was a superb run defender with an outstanding anchor and ability to shed and close for the tackle at Alabama. It looks like he got by on raw athleticism at that level and he's got some learning to do, but just the same, there is no way I'm giving up on a talent like him after just one preseason disappointment. Pete repeatedly singled out Williams for praise during the week and while I am 100% sure that is just positive vibes psychology stuff, it does seem to indicate that Pete badly wants Jesse Williams to succeed, (more than most).

Williams had some tactical/technique issues in the first game which might be immediately coachable. I'm not setting high expectations, but I do expect that Williams will look better tonight. If he doesn't, that's probably on the coaching.

This is a pretty big deal as Seattle seems intent on showing mostly 3-4 type looks this season. The starting 3-4ish line of Bryant-Williams-Mebane would be ideal, and we don't really have another "big" 3-tech on the team that can fill for Williams in that lineup, unless you consider Tony McDaniel to be one (who graded higher as a pass rusher than run defender by PFF). The new and improved Jaye Howard, maybe?

#3: Do Alvin Bailey, Michael Bowie, and Rishaw Johnson continue to show signs?

I think it's safe to say that barring a disaster, Alvin Bailey has already earned a roster spot. Will he force the Seahawks to consider him for a starting job ala JR Sweezy last year?

Michael Bowie is looking like a guy that could probably start in the season opener if we needed him to. He can lock down a roster spot by continuing to flash dominance.

Rishaw Johnson might have a chance to steal a backup job from John Moffitt, but to do so he'll need to improve his consistency in pass protection.

#4: Do Jaye Howard, Jordan Hill, and Michael Brooks continue to show signs?

Barring injury, Michael Bennett is going to have a huge season this year. His dominance in the first preseason game was not overly surprising. Jaye Howard was a totally new guy though, Jordan Hill played above expectations, and Michael Brooks came out of nowhere to generate a ton of late game pressures.

I'd like to see Howard step up his effort level, but otherwise, I think he's a lock for the roster, and he might end up playing himself into a major role for the defense.

Hill was a pleasant surprise on my DVR study. "Effort" players tend to do better in the preseason so that tempers my enthusiasm a bit, but Hill was pushing the pocket and was consistently making a difference. I think he has the least to prove of our DTs because he's always been Mr. Consistent at Penn State, the Senior Bowl, etc, but it would be nice to see him keep things up.

It's gone largely unnoticed, but Michael Brooks was creating a lot of late game pressure vs. San Diego. He definitely looks the part size/athleticism/talent wise. Still, I'd love to see him do it again this week and prove that it wasn't a fluke. It's so weird that the Seahawks have a logjam at DT right now, given where the position was at last season.

#5: Phil Bates is playing fullback.

'nuff said.

#6: Robert Turbin vs. Christine Michael vs. Spencer Ware

Against San Diego, Christine Michael was efficient and smart in a game where my expectation level was that he'd look unstoppable. I don't think I've ever felt disappointed from a better performance. I feel as confident in Michael's future now as I did in Alexander's circa 2001, but it would be nice if he dominated a preseason game the way he's dominated some of the practices. If only for a degree of reassurance. I'm not sure if he plays tonight, he was having back spasms five days ago and Pete likes to be ultra cautious with injuries this time of year.

Robert Turbin was a 4th round bargain before he was a quality NFL backup. I don't think his upside is as high as Michael's, but I do think that with a great preseason, he could remain the #2 RB, so he's got a ton to play for. I think Turbin can do anything we ask him to, even if that means giving him 300 carries in a season, but personally, I think he's perfect for a backup RB role. I love his effort as a blocker and he's a better receiver than he showed at times last year.

The fact that Derrick Coleman dominated reps at fullback in training camp seemed to indicate that Seattle viewed Ware as a RB. Now the team is moving Phil Bates to fullback, and I think that pretty much makes things official. Ware has an extremely slim chance to make the roster now, but he can make his case with huge preseason performances and excellent special teams play. I think it's pretty likely that Ware is auditioning for another NFL team right now, unless he's just so amazing that Seattle feels he is worth sacrificing a roster spot to protect. It's kind of a sucky situation in a way- because Ware had a few very nice plays in game one and had excellent game tape from LSU. If we lose him and he becomes a 1000 rusher elsewhere, that's going to suck.

#7: Has Jermaine Kearse truly put the drop problems behind him?

Not counting the deep out where he mistimed his jump, Kearse showed good hands in the first preseason game. Multiple sources have been reporting that Kearse is catching everything thrown at him in practices. He had the Lasik eye surgery and appears to have worked hard on his craft this offseason. I see real hope for him, but he has to continue to prove it's not a fluke. Then again, he's probably a lock for the WR group even with a drop or two. He'll be returning kicks tonight, too.

#8: Is Stephen Williams just another Braylon Edwards / Ricardo Lockette, or is he more?

Stephen Williams had two highly impressive, huge catches. But so did Ricardo Lockette a couple years ago. Braylon Edwards had a deep TD reception in his first preseason game.

I think it's very likely that Stephen Williams is another 1-dimensional player in the same mold as those guys, which isn't terrible and serves a purpose. But it would be really nice to find out he's more than that, and his first game was a nice start.

#9: The LB battle (Lotulelei vs. Bradford vs. Morgan vs. Smith vs. Farwell vs. Wilkins)

I don't think I've ever seen a deeper linebacker group. This is probably the best and most controversial positional battle the Seahawks have this preseason. I've been the "tap the breaks" guy on Lotulelei, but I'll be the first to say that Lotulelei has the most potential to show improvement from week to week. Bradford has looked damn good in two preseason games (including Oakland last year). Morgan and Smith are good backups and known commodities. Farwell is a great special teams player, leader, quality backup, and quietly had a terrific 1st preseason game. Craig Wilkins is a good prospect, but is so buried that he should have a chance to escape the attention of GMs and make our practice squad, should he earn it in practices.

#10: Maxwell vs. Thurmond

Only Jaye Howard made bigger strides this offseason than Maxwell, who was getting rave reviews from Hawkblogger's practice notes before he nearly had a two interception game in the opener. Thurmond didn't look anywhere near midseason form. I think we are actually pretty settled at CB right now (with Simon probably going on PUP or IR, I'd guess), so this isn't a life or death battle between these guys, but rather a chance to earn the right to be a future starter in the event that Browner moves on next offseason.


Nov 4, 2011
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I'm really going to be looking at Jesse Williams as well. I didn't think he had that awful of a performance and really liked his hustle. I think his technique is really the thing that needs work. But the guy's dimensions intrigue me. Never seen anyone stand next to Big Red and not look small in comparison. I also want to see how Mike Morgan responds to a pretty bad first game. Between the penalty and lack of pass rush, he's really got a make a case for himself over the next couple of games to make this roster. Basically I'm looking at the guys who need "bounce back" games and see how they handle it.

Seahawk Sailor

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California via Negros Occidental, Philippines
Good list. I'll be looking for those too, but to add/modify it:

Benson Mayowa, does he look as good as he did the first game?

First string offense, does it start to look as dominant as we've heard it should be?

First string defense, does it shut down opposing first stringers like it should?


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the_12th_man":3a4jb9s1 said:
I'm really going to be looking at Jesse Williams as well. I didn't think he had that awful of a performance and really liked his hustle. I think his technique is really the thing that needs work. But the guy's dimensions intrigue me. Never seen anyone stand next to Big Red and not look small in comparison. I also want to see how Mike Morgan responds to a pretty bad first game. Between the penalty and lack of pass rush, he's really got a make a case for himself over the next couple of games to make this roster. Basically I'm looking at the guys who need "bounce back" games and see how they handle it.

I think Morgan looked okay considering that he should never play LEO in the first place. He has a tiny bit of pass rush talent, but lacks the size to be an rusher off the end. To his credit, it wasn't very often that a tackle held Morgan off for more than four seconds. He was contributing, but only just barely, and that was against pre-season competition. By comparison, Mayowa blew Morgan out of the water. As soon as Avril/Irvin make it back, I hope Morgan starts getting reps at LB again. Morgan looked pretty good as a backup LB last season.


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May 1, 2009
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Down Under
I'd like to see S. Williams run some routes other than the deep stuff.
LB is definitely a battle to watch as well as OL.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Los Angeles
Ditto on Williams. The talent level in the NFL is so high that even athletic freaks aren't guaranteed anything. How many times have we seen prospects with all the physical tangibles get nowhere? I was very doubtful with Williams from the start but I am rooting for him to turn the corner.


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Apr 11, 2010
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Hendo66":332pddfm said:
I'd like to see S. Williams run some routes other than the deep stuff.
LB is definitely a battle to watch as well as OL.
I thought Williams did fairly well running the "Deep Stuff", but yes, I think it would increase his value to the Seahawks if he could haul in a few within the short and intermediates too, but it sure is nice having WR's that stretch the Defensive Secondary a little, because it does help to clear out for others to get open underneath.
Defense needs to take some binders, and stop the damned runs, especially if they aren't able to get some pressure on the Quarterbacks.
I do want to see a bunch of sacks this Season (in the 50 range), because the Seahawks 'D' has to if they really want to be considered top 5 Defensively, and pre-Season is the perfect time to iron out the wrinkles from last Season.


I'm going to be watching to see how effective Michael will be catching the ball downfield. I think all the tangibles (and intangibles) are there, but the true test is making the catches that we saw Turbin miss last year as to whether he earns that coveted #2 spot.

Catching the ball on swing passes and dump-offs are a given, for the successful NFL RB, IMHO. It's making catches 25+ yards downfield (like a WR) that separates the great RB's from the good ones.


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Mar 6, 2007
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Hmmm, apparently Jordan Hill is getting the start tonight over Jesse Williams. Makes sense. It gives the team a better evaluation tool for Hill and takes some of the pressure off of Williams- who can build up some confidence by beating 2nd teamers.


Sep 11, 2011
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For the minimal time he'll be in I'm looking at the production out of RW. I want to see him find his receiver (faster).

* I'm sorry, I know we all love the guy but for some reason I have concerns (this year). Just cautionary concern is all.
** No, this is NOT a "put TJ in!!" reply.


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Sep 4, 2010
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A good list. I am going to watching Howard a lot. I am not sold on Big Jessie having a huge role yet. Howard has been playing 5 Tech off and on and done pretty well. I would like to see if he is solid at it

The other area I am going to watch is ST. We have new returners and I think some position battles will be decided by ST play.

I am interested to see if they try Winfield at safety at all. During 2012 with Min there was quite a bit of discussion on doing it. Better depth behind ET3 would be nice


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Sep 10, 2012
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Again thanks to Kearly for this write up! Keep em coming!

I have been giddy to see Mayowa, Michael and Bailey in action again all week. Nothing has changed there. I will be surprised if we see the 1's in for more 2 or 3 series tonight so no real expectations there, just don't turn the ball over! Bates at fullback is perplexing to me,but hey Pete is full of surprises.


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As a fan I take the regular season far more serious than pre season. I feel that the weaker players will weed themselves out between practice and their performance in these warm up games. It is hard to do real evaluations based on pre season as players rarely go all out, even when their jobs may be on the line. It is hard for them to overcome the lingering fear that an injury could prove to do more harm, than the extra bit of effort will do good. There are a few exceptions, but if you listen to ex players closely and watch how they grade pre season games you will see this to be the case.

I look for one thing first and foremost, no injuries.


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I know this sounds nutty if not blasphemous, but since last year, preseason games are my favorite. For two reasons:

#1: They are stress free. All upside, near zero downside. And, since last year, we've looked unbeatable in them thanks to our insane roster depth. It's also the first taste of football after enduring a long offseason.

#2: These games are an evaluator's wet dream. You basically get to break down three times as many "starting" players, and those performances can, in some cases, shape the future of your franchise much more than a typical regular season game. For example, I thought the preseason game against KC last year was one of the most monumental games in our history because it set the stage for Russell Wilson's NFL career. If that preseason had gone a little differently, we might not see Wilson starting for years, potentially. It's exciting to experience those moments, though they are rare. That said, with PC/JS there are several great preseason storylines every single year. They spoil us. Even our preseason games are great television.

The Radish

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Feb 27, 2007
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Spokane, Wa.
I need to say that I love Kip's reviews because it lets me just watch the game and not have to worry so much about any particular player or play.

Because I know He's got my back and will evaluate way better than I could anyway.

Thanks much Kearly



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kearly":1lufgwd9 said:
Hmmm, apparently Jordan Hill is getting the start tonight over Jesse Williams. Makes sense. It gives the team a better evaluation tool for Hill and takes some of the pressure off of Williams- who can build up some confidence by beating 2nd teamers.

As I understand it, they've wanted McDaniels at that starting 3 tech spot, but he's been hurt all preseason so they don't really know what he will bring to the table. Starting Hill is probably Pete trying to see what they have in Hill against 1's. This actually looks worse on McDaniels than Williams.

I'm also curious if Maxwell can repeat last game's performance. I've been hearing about how awesome Thurmond looked all of TC, but I honestly didn't see it in the last game; he was more like Kelly Jennings was: always in the right place, rarely making a play on the ball. I'm curious about who steps up between Maxwell, Lane and Thurmond.

I want to see Bradford again, and see if he can do as well as he did last game.

I'm going to watch Bennett more closely than I did last game.


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The Radish":2ooy6yt5 said:
I need to say that I love Kip's reviews because it lets me just watch the game and not have to worry so much about any particular player or play.

Because I know He's got my back and will evaluate way better than I could anyway.

Thanks much Kearly


Agreed. I may not agree with all of the evaluations, but it gets me thinking. I have a hard time taking it too seriously the first time I watch as I know some players don't give their all in preseason. Our starters look almost boring half the time in pre season and it is painfully clear they are just going through the motions.


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kearly":1n6n2qw7 said:
I know this sounds nutty if not blasphemous, but since last year, preseason games are my favorite. For two reasons:

#1: They are stress free. All upside, near zero downside. And, since last year, we've looked unbeatable in them thanks to our insane roster depth. It's also the first taste of football after enduring a long offseason.

#2: These games are an evaluator's wet dream. You basically get to break down three times as many "starting" players, and those performances can, in some cases, shape the future of your franchise much more than a typical regular season game. For example, I thought the preseason game against KC last year was one of the most monumental games in our history because it set the stage for Russell Wilson's NFL career. If that preseason had gone a little differently, we might not see Wilson starting for years, potentially. It's exciting to experience those moments, though they are rare. That said, with PC/JS there are several great preseason storylines every single year. They spoil us. Even our preseason games are great television.

I hear that! Been there for many years now. In fact, I probably invest too much time each week during training camp, preseason games, as well as the first couple regular season games. That's when the makeup of the team unfolds and interesting stories for the year make themselves known. As the end of September approaches, weekly time spent on maintaining an understanding of the Seahawk season drops falls off in a big way. I'm drawn to the team building process.