pot calling kettle black...


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Dec 21, 2011
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Been a Hawk fan since day one (44 YO) and even when I spent 10 years in whiner and raider country (82 - 91) I never experienced the lame ass douchness that I now see from fan bases that I used to respect. Niner fans were the first I experienced this with on line. The Stealers were a close second and by far the worst bandwagon jumping POS excuses for human beings after the debacle that was SB 40. The whiner fans still hold a candle to that POS fan base.

Been spending some time on the Packers and Bears forums lately. Is the typical NFL fan base retarded? They all seem to have bought in to the whiner " they all cheat, Adderall, secondary holds / mugs, Peta the Cheat etc". Search youtube, not a single vid from these lame ass fans showing the hawks D backs performing the crap this idiots are claiming that prove the Hawks cheat. Adderall? What ever. Prove it.

Packers have a dedicated thread with pure hatred for the Hawks, we all know the reason why. Same type of moronic mentality. The game should not have been close if the correct calls were made before Tates TD. tate did SHOVE the D back and it should have been OPI, but after that it was a legit TD. Packers should have been down at least 10 points going in to the final minutes and that play should have NEVER had to have taken place. Suck it Pack fans, that's the truth.

Looking at the Bears forums they hang their hat on Wilson getting lucking two years ago, twice. Their big bad ass receivers were supposed to crush Sherman and co because two years ago they made a hail marry pass that Sherman whiffed on.

Jesus Christ, what happened to knowledgeable NFL fans?


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Apr 30, 2009
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Lewiston, CA (but Seattle native :)
I agree with your post, but you left out the fact that it's STANDARD practice to not call PI penaltys during a Hail Mary play.

Those homeristic Packer fans are so full of it when they say we should've conceded the game, as if THEY would do that if the positions were switched. Talk about sore losers. And to think I used to like and respect their team (and QB) before that debacle.

You're also right about knowledgeable NFL fans. I chalk it up to the vast growth of NFL viewership, as well as fantasy football. It's creating vast numbers of newly minted clueless casual fans.


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
gargantual":3k6cw47q said:
I agree with your post, but you left out the fact that it's STANDARD practice to not call PI penaltys during a Hail Mary play.

Those homeristic Packer fans are so full of it when they say we should've conceded the game, as if THEY would do that if the positions were switched. Talk about sore losers. And to think I used to like and respect their team (and QB) before that debacle.

You're also right about knowledgeable NFL fans. I chalk it up to the vast growth of NFL viewership, as well as fantasy football. It's creating vast numbers of newly minted clueless casual fans.

LOL, given their history, Holmgren never conceded anything, Farve never conceded anything, if they did they would never had the pick in the We want the ball and going to score game. You think Vince Lombardi would concede to anyone about anything?

I think they better look at themselves and realize the high level of BS they are trying to have people buy into.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Lewiston, CA (but Seattle native :)
I agree 110% Z_Man! It's stunning the level of ignorance and close-mindedness in our culture. How could anti-intellectualism have ever become such a thing? Why should anyone ever say, "Well I have enough knowledge, I don't want to learn anymore." They should be embarrassed to ever utter such a ridiculous sentiment, but it's actually lauded in many corners.

Just like you mentioned about the God thing. Fundamentalists as WELL as Atheists are full of crap. There is no definitive way to prove OR disprove the existence of a deity or afterlife.

Whatever happened to spirited debate anyway? The whole conceit that I'm right and you're wrong just boggles my mind. Everyone is human and fallible, so everyone is capable (and possible) to be WRONG.....about anything.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Lewiston, CA (but Seattle native :)
chris98251":1scbff8h said:
gargantual":1scbff8h said:
I agree with your post, but you left out the fact that it's STANDARD practice to not call PI penaltys during a Hail Mary play.

Those homeristic Packer fans are so full of it when they say we should've conceded the game, as if THEY would do that if the positions were switched. Talk about sore losers. And to think I used to like and respect their team (and QB) before that debacle.

You're also right about knowledgeable NFL fans. I chalk it up to the vast growth of NFL viewership, as well as fantasy football. It's creating vast numbers of newly minted clueless casual fans.

LOL, given their history, Holmgren never conceded anything, Farve never conceded anything, if they did they would never had the pick in the We want the ball and going to score game. You think Vince Lombardi would concede to anyone about anything?

I think they better look at themselves and realize the high level of BS they are trying to have people buy into.

Too true.

It's that whole "entitled" routine that they share with Whiner and Stealer fans. Well, the whole rest of the NFL can take a flying leap! The Seahawks are coming....and they're not gonna slow down. No matter WHOSE feelings are hurt. Go back and cry to Mommy beotches!!!


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Dec 21, 2011
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The_Z_Man":n9sq2114 said:
It's not just NFL fans, it's our whole country... our whole world, on almost on every topic.

It's because there is so much static, and so many voices, that everyone is digging in and trying to be heard rather than being reasonable and adjusting their viewpoint to reality.

It's an infection in our sports fan bases, in our political parties, in our churches, in our institutions of higher learning, and most especially in our media.

And it's the same exact disease no matter how opposite the viewpoints. From Packers fans and Seahawks fans watching the same ridiculous game and coming out with biased opinions

To two people who look out at the vastness of the cosmos, watch galaxies colliding, gamma bursts large enough to blot out life on a billion earths, dark matter, super massive black holes eating parts of entire galaxies, and after witnessing all of that:

One person declares with confidence. "I understand the universe, there is no God, and everyone who thinks different than me is a freak." while the other person declares with confidence "I understand the universe, there is no God but MY God, and everyone who thinks different than me is going to hell."

Too much information, too much arrogance, too much fear -- and the problem is, the world has gotten too small for all these small minds to co-exist peacefully.

NFL fanforums are merely a microcosm of the age we live in. It was supposed to be "the Information Age"

and instead it has turned into the "Bullshit Age" -- because 90% of what you hear from people is bullshit.

Agree 100%. Bet money we have the same BMTI rating. Feelings don't = squat, facts, just the facts. It's amazing how many people survive on feelings....Life, results are based on fact, not feelings.


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Dec 21, 2011
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Anyone else remember the Stealers fan base belittling the Hawks after SB 40? They WERE the best fans in the NFL. Go visit a Stealers fan site now. Ghost town. Excuses galore. Only the hardcore fans are left and they don't have the testicles they once did, just the above mentioned excuses. It's easy to attack other fan forums when your teams on top. hawk fans are finding out how enjoyable this is now. For the WINER fans that lurk this site, I'm looking right at YOU. Along with the Stealers fans that are hanging on to SB40 glory. YOU are the POS that fans that we HATE. Doesn't have to do with your success in the past, just your ignorance how fleeting success is and your arrogance in the moment. Roles are reversed and the same fan bases cry and complain about cheating, attack the dominate teams fan base...What a bunch of morons, bitches, what ever you want to call them. I am amazed at the stupidity of NFL fans. Claim were all a bunch of bandwagon fans all you want, just shows how IGNORENT ( lame ass NFL fan) you are. Hawks fans have been die hard since day one. We just had a POS owner in the 90's from California that tried from day 1 to move the team. Funny how the NFL let that dead decade brew in their media blitz..or better yet indifference in media coverage.

If you think the Hawks have no history, your just proving you failed NFL history 101. Yes, I'm looking at you niner fans.


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Dec 21, 2011
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The east coast media is even worse. Look at a map of NFL teams. The east coast teams may as well take a cab to road games. 1-2 hours flight for a " road game\"? Now their bitching about coming out west ( seen this on the bears forums and Packers forums..). Give me a frigging break. These fans have to be retarded. 10:00am start for west coast teams doesn't mean shit, but starting at 7:00pm Pacific now makes a difference for them????

Losing a lot of respect for typical NFL fans the more I see their forums.


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Dec 21, 2011
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Just wasted a couple of minutes on the "webzone" forums. After the 1st and 2nd string dominance of tonight's game all those ass clowns can come up with is a picture comparison of Carroll and some bull dyke. WTF is up with fan stupidity? Niner fans seem to own the crown.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Lewiston, CA (but Seattle native :)
irocdave":27skmsqc said:
The east coast media is even worse. Look at a map of NFL teams. The east coast teams may as well take a cab to road games. 1-2 hours flight for a " road game\"? Now their bitching about coming out west ( seen this on the bears forums and Packers forums..). Give me a frigging break. These fans have to be retarded. 10:00am start for west coast teams doesn't mean shit, but starting at 7:00pm Pacific now makes a difference for them????

Losing a lot of respect for typical NFL fans the more I see their forums.

That's been a pet peeve of mine forever. Remember how the Steelers chose to be the away team because of their stupid storyline about them being the mighty road warriors. The could've damn near walked to that friggin game.

What a joke.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Lewiston, CA (but Seattle native :)
irocdave":226pbmvi said:
Just wasted a couple of minutes on the "webzone" forums. After the 1st and 2nd string dominance of tonight's game all those ass clowns can come up with is a picture comparison of Carroll and some bull dyke. WTF is up with fan stupidity? Niner fans seem to own the crown.

Wonder if they got their asses handed to them again this week? I should go look it up I suppose.


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
irocdave":2j0psczz said:
Just wasted a couple of minutes on the "webzone" forums. After the 1st and 2nd string dominance of tonight's game all those ass clowns can come up with is a picture comparison of Carroll and some bull dyke. WTF is up with fan stupidity? Niner fans seem to own the crown.

Your first mistake was going to make me more stupid zone, the second is what can they say? They are still GPSing where an End Zone is on a football field.

They won't say much about tonights game other then our fans gave us an unfair advantage.

They need a moment of superiority yet this year to actually have smack to throw around.


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May 3, 2009
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What's the quote? "He who speaks the loudest often has the least to say" or something along those lines. It's the Internet, where idiots can sound of without reprocussion. I have a lot of good conversation with opposing fans at stadiums and bars and such.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Lewiston, CA (but Seattle native :)
sturg78":3aaryt9o said:
What's the quote? "He who speaks the loudest often has the least to say" or something along those lines. It's the Internet, where idiots can sound of without reprocussion. I have a lot of good conversation with opposing fans at stadiums and bars and such.


They internet is like an echo chamber, just repeating crap ad naseum into infinity (and beyond!) :)


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Jul 10, 2014
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irocdave":31vddwei said:
Been a Hawk fan since day one (44 YO) and even when I spent 10 years in whiner and raider country (82 - 91) I never experienced the lame ass douchness that I now see from fan bases that I used to respect. Niner fans were the first I experienced this with on line. The Stealers were a close second and by far the worst bandwagon jumping POS excuses for human beings after the debacle that was SB 40. The whiner fans still hold a candle to that POS fan base.

Been spending some time on the Packers and Bears forums lately. Is the typical NFL fan base retarded? They all seem to have bought in to the whiner " they all cheat, Adderall, secondary holds / mugs, Peta the Cheat etc". Search youtube, not a single vid from these lame ass fans showing the hawks D backs performing the crap this idiots are claiming that prove the Hawks cheat. Adderall? What ever. Prove it.

Packers have a dedicated thread with pure hatred for the Hawks, we all know the reason why. Same type of moronic mentality. The game should not have been close if the correct calls were made before Tates TD. tate did SHOVE the D back and it should have been OPI, but after that it was a legit TD. Packers should have been down at least 10 points going in to the final minutes and that play should have NEVER had to have taken place. Suck it Pack fans, that's the truth.

Looking at the Bears forums they hang their hat on Wilson getting lucking two years ago, twice. Their big bad ass receivers were supposed to crush Sherman and co because two years ago they made a hail marry pass that Sherman whiffed on.

Jesus Christ, what happened to knowledgeable NFL fans?

I totally agree with your statement what happened to knowledgeable fans? I mean some people just can't see the truth even when it's right in front of them. Seriously, all sarcasm aside most fans outside of Seattle did not view this favorably. In fact, most of them viewed the call negatively. NFL announcers, fans, and players didn't like it. Why do you think the real refs were brought back the 2 days later? Let me offer a suggestion...People outside of the town that benefitted from it thought the call was terrible. If it had happened to Seattle you would have whined as well. Note: I am not posting this to whine. I am just posting this because I have seen some utterly crazy opinions about this on here, and about Packers fans. Most Packers fans don't hate you guys. We respect you, we know you're a great team with great fans and a Superbowl victory. Also, I watched the game. I never came to the conclusion you should have been up by ten in the final minute. If it's the truth prove it to me with evidence.

Seahawk Sailor

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Mar 3, 2007
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California via Negros Occidental, Philippines
PackerBacker19":qkj0arhm said:
I totally agree with your statement what happened to knowledgeable fans? I mean some people just can't see the truth even when it's right in front of them. Seriously, all sarcasm aside most fans outside of Seattle did not view this favorably. In fact, most of them viewed the call negatively. NFL announcers, fans, and players didn't like it. Why do you think the real refs were brought back the 2 days later? Let me offer a suggestion...People outside of the town that benefitted from it thought the call was terrible. If it had happened to Seattle you would have whined as well. Note: I am not posting this to whine. I am just posting this because I have seen some utterly crazy opinions about this on here, and about Packers fans. Most Packers fans don't hate you guys. We respect you, we know you're a great team with great fans and a Superbowl victory. Also, I watched the game. I never came to the conclusion you should have been up by ten in the final minute. If it's the truth prove it to me with evidence.

Does the fact that the NFL came out and verified that it was the correct call even register?


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Jul 10, 2014
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Seahawk Sailor":cmy2rl9s said:
PackerBacker19":cmy2rl9s said:
I totally agree with your statement what happened to knowledgeable fans? I mean some people just can't see the truth even when it's right in front of them. Seriously, all sarcasm aside most fans outside of Seattle did not view this favorably. In fact, most of them viewed the call negatively. NFL announcers, fans, and players didn't like it. Why do you think the real refs were brought back the 2 days later? Let me offer a suggestion...People outside of the town that benefitted from it thought the call was terrible. If it had happened to Seattle you would have whined as well. Note: I am not posting this to whine. I am just posting this because I have seen some utterly crazy opinions about this on here, and about Packers fans. Most Packers fans don't hate you guys. We respect you, we know you're a great team with great fans and a Superbowl victory. Also, I watched the game. I never came to the conclusion you should have been up by ten in the final minute. If it's the truth prove it to me with evidence.

Does the fact that the NFL came out and verified that it was the correct call even register?

It's the job of the NFL to protect themselves. They do it all the time. It's obvious unless your a Seahawks fan.

It wasn't simultaneous because Tate didn't have the ball. Jennings had the ball and Tate had an arm on Jennings, and maybe one hand touching the ball. That's simultaneous possession? Read this please http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1347 ... g-travesty

Many NFL players came out, and said it was a terrible call as well.


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Jul 10, 2014
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The_Z_Man":3hi89bdj said:
PackerBacker19":3hi89bdj said:
I totally agree with your statement what happened to knowledgeable fans? I mean some people just can't see the truth even when it's right in front of them. Seriously, all sarcasm aside most fans outside of Seattle did not view this favorably. In fact, most of them viewed the call negatively. NFL announcers, fans, and players didn't like it. Why do you think the real refs were brought back the 2 days later? Let me offer a suggestion...People outside of the town that benefitted from it thought the call was terrible. If it had happened to Seattle you would have whined as well. Note: I am not posting this to whine. I am just posting this because I have seen some utterly crazy opinions about this on here, and about Packers fans. Most Packers fans don't hate you guys. We respect you, we know you're a great team with great fans and a Superbowl victory. Also, I watched the game. I never came to the conclusion you should have been up by ten in the final minute. If it's the truth prove it to me with evidence.

Here's what cracks me up:

The call didn't matter... it had zero impact on the outcome of that season, as neither the Packers or Seahawks went to the Superbowl... so the whole thing is moot.

Yet Packer fans whine about that garbage like it was the Immaculate Reception, or the Tuck Rule -- do you see Seahawk fans ripping on the Jets all the time for the Testaverde fake touchdown that cost us a playoff spot in 98? Do you? And that actually cost us a playoff spot!

That call in 2012, which was by far not the worst call in NFL history, especially considering how bad the replacement refs had called the entire game before that point, meant NOTHING, zilch, nada, kaput! It had no affect on the outcome of the season.

Yet on and on and on and on and on the cheesheads go about how "Seattle cheated!". Just last year the Patriots got royally screwed sideways on a call that cost them home-field advantage in the playoffs. Are they whining about it this year? NO!

Seriously, the Packers have been on the lucky side of so many close calls in the history of that franchise, that they have no business whining about that one The Seahawks, meanwhile, have been on the ass end of far too many NFL debacles. PS -- Golden Tate is a Lion now, and you have regularly gotten the benefit of flags in your favor against the Lions over the years, in fact, I know a Lion fan who is so shellshocked by the shit calls vs the Packers over the years, that his tinfoil cap is welded to his damn head!!!

Packer fans really need to shut up about officiating.

Actually, it did affect the Packers. We missed a first round bye because of it, and had to go to San Fran for the 581 game. I don't believe Seattle cheated, and I don't think most Packers fans do. We just think the refs were not good enough to deal with the situation at hand. The Lions........the Lions haven't won in Green Bay in around 22 games. That's more than the refs.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Tijuana/San Diego
The_Z_Man":3acearpj said:
Yet Packer fans whine about that garbage like it was the Immaculate Reception, or the Tuck Rule -- do you see Seahawk fans ripping on the Jets all the time for the Testaverde fake touchdown that cost us a playoff spot in 98? Do you? And that actually cost us a playoff spot!

Not to hinder this beautifully worded rant, but the truth is that even had we not been screwed on this
Helmet ball

Sorry, I see this repeated so many times over the years, it gets to me. The Patriots and Bills both finished with 10 wins. We would have finished with 9 wins. Even if we defeated the Broncos in the final week of the season, the Patriots and Bills would have had the tie breaker and we still do not make the playoffs.


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May 6, 2009
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The_Z_Man":9b6wfy5o said:
It's not just NFL fans, it's our whole country... our whole world, on almost on every topic.

It's because there is so much static, and so many voices, that everyone is digging in and trying to be heard rather than being reasonable and adjusting their viewpoint to reality.

It's an infection in our sports fan bases, in our political parties, in our churches, in our institutions of higher learning, and most especially in our media.

And it's the same exact disease no matter how opposite the viewpoints. From Packers fans and Seahawks fans watching the same ridiculous game and coming out with biased opinions

To two people who look out at the vastness of the cosmos, watch galaxies colliding, gamma bursts large enough to blot out life on a billion earths, dark matter, super massive black holes eating parts of entire galaxies, and after witnessing all of that:

One person declares with confidence. "I understand the universe, there is no God, and everyone who thinks different than me is a freak." while the other person declares with confidence "I understand the universe, there is no God but MY God, and everyone who thinks different than me is going to hell."

Too much information, too much arrogance, too much fear -- and the problem is, the world has gotten too small for all these small minds to co-exist peacefully.

NFL fanforums are merely a microcosm of the age we live in. It was supposed to be "the Information Age"

and instead it has turned into the "Bullshit Age" -- because 90% of what you hear from people is bullshit.

Wow- just beautifully done. I couldn't agree more.