Pete Carroll, does not coach by his motto Always Compete.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2012
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Always enjoy your posts, Popeye. Amusing how everyone has their own personal definitions of both "Always" and "Compete", and then want to project THEIR definitions onto Pete of how HE should behave if he "really meant" Always Complete. So, what the heck, I'll share some of MY definition and interpretation, as I see Pete manifesting it in his choices and actions.

One way Pete *competes* is by creating a team environment and practice atmosphere and camraderie and togetherness that guys love to be in and other players from around the league have shown they want to be a part of. Duane Brown. Clowney. The environment is hella competitive at the same time.

Also, *always compete* IMO, in Pete's mind, isn't always the short-term, specific game, specific play situation. Pete also includes player development, giving guys opportunities, even letting them fail here and there, into his definition of compete. Pete competes by developing players, helping them raise their game and the team's game over the course of a season, targeting peaking towards the end.

Now some of us may disagree with Pete's *definition* and *interpretation* of "compete" and even "always". For example, Pete's definition includes easing players back from injury, to have them fully healthy in the most key games, and not re-aggravate injuries by coming back too soon. Vs putting injured players back out there to "compete" in a lessened form. Tyler Lockett vs. the Eagles. But Pete assessed the risks of Lockett getting worse, and the risks of putting Ursua in in Lockett's place for that game. I'm good with Pete's definition and interpretation on that one, and it's IMO totally consistent with Always Compete.

Pete's definition even infected Tyler Lockett, he competed even from his hospital bed by seeking out that recovery machine from the 49ers medical staff, to accelerate his recovery. Competing from your hospital bed, I'd say that's in line with the "Always" part of it. There are so many ways to compete. Does Pete always think of and do them all? Heck no, he's mortal. But overall, I think Pete is highly consistent, and congruent with, his "Always Compete" mantra. The biggest deviation from it in Pete's career, IMO, was keeping the underperforming Tom Cable as long as he did. I don't really have as much of a problem with Bevell, except when Bevell threw Ricardo Lockette under the bus after SB49 and we never heard one peep of an apology from him, or even a scolding from Pete.

Pete IMO is one of the great coaches in our generation, in any sport. He just needs a couple more SBs to truly cement that legacy.